I've read that Gay men on average make a lot more money and are more successful.
Is there any truth to this in Veeky Forums's opinion and should I become gay for the financial gains?
I've read that Gay men on average make a lot more money and are more successful.
Is there any truth to this in Veeky Forums's opinion and should I become gay for the financial gains?
Why are you so triggered?
I just want to discuss the topic, maybe you should go back to /pol/
> Whats DINK?
freakonomics made a great episode about that topic
Depends on where you live
LA, San Diego, New York -> do anything you want
Bible belt or outside of US -> not a good idea
I doubt that statistic.
faggots are oppressed but they don't mind because they live in cheap gentrified neighborhoods and they enjoy cocks up their asses
I don't think that they make a lot more. But I can see where that come from. A lot of faggots that i kno are quite alpha tbqh.
Do they kiss you on the neck when they make love to you tenderly?
Jk fucking another dude is pretty manly. Anyway dude-on-dude will be cheaper because more income, no kids and possible lower expenses
>tfw no bf
y so triggered u faggot
>Wonder who's behind this post?
Women hold you back, its true. Gays just get on grindr when they need some tail but we straight guys have to jump through hoops and go on dates.
Another user said about kids not holding them back which is true.
Lastly, dudes understand that you gotta work even in a committed relationship with a woman they say "we never go out" or "you work too much"
This shit isn't how you get ahead its how you fall behind and fags don't have to deal with it
Okay I may just become gay then
But where do I find a cute boyfriend?
Anal procreation is going to be possible in 2017 anyways.
coffee shops, generally retail stores. I like the ones from auto parts stores.
Plus if you go gay and get a boyfriend your size, you double your wardrobe. That's a huge selling feature.
How do I know if they're gay?
I've never been gay before but I'm willing to try if they're patient with me
prolonged eye contact, submissive body language, initiating contact
In fact the word "gay" should never actually come up. lots of prime twinks out there that might get scared off with that word. at least until they're tied up, anyway
I'm scared of them but at the same time I'm attracted
What if they turn out to be straight all along
sounds like you're the one who should get tied up
I guess we can try that
>I've read that Gay men on average make a lot more money and are more successful.
really? i heard that milk causes cancer.
brb flushing all my milk down the toilet
>Okay I may just become gay then
>I'm totally not gay I just browse pictures of tumblr for men kissing
No really I've heard and read it before, surprised you haven't heard of it before
How do we exploit the gay market, boys?
It's not because they're gay you dingus, it's because they're both driven to actual careers, they're both willing to negotiate higher salary or leave their comfortable job for a 30% pay bump, and neither has to worry about taking off months/years to deliver a child, they just adopt a 1 year old and skip the expenses.
It's not that gay men make more, it's that men do more to make money. One man + one woman < two men. Same rule applies to business partners.
Make a scene called something simple like "gay community" or something, where HIV+ is required to be part of, make them pretend they are cool doing that and sell them sex toys, piercings, tattoos, and HIV treatments
Also organize some silly event, call it "gay parade" where young innocent gays get these bad influences and shoved queerness and 70s to 90s gay fashion down their minds
Go back to /pol/
Stupid cucks detected, these are the classic idiots that go to university study women studies and complain about not getting employment.... IDIOTS, just this user gets it:
It is because men are more profit driven, more competitive and in general chose carreers that pay more (engineering for example) so two of this kind add more than just one....
mfw all these idiots will be serving my coffee soon due to their lack of intelligence. and in top of that would be getting fucked by another man to see if they make more money.
>I've read that Gay men on average make a lot more money and are more successful.
Yes, they do have more cash, because the don't have kids. They don't date either. All they do is ask:"Wanna fuck?"
No costly dates, no drinks, cinema tix or silly flowers. That way you save a lot of money.
>Is there any truth to this in Veeky Forums's opinion and should I become gay for the financial gains?
There is no such thing as " become gay for the financial gains". It's called prostitution. If you are really asking this, go to /b.