/evog/ - Evolve General

Electro Griffin Cometh Edition

evolve.wikia.com/wiki/Evolve_Wiki (Mostly outdated)

>What is Evolve?
Evolve uses an asymmetrical structure where five players, four playing as hunters and one as the monster, battle against each other in an industrialized alien planet called Shear.
Stage 2 is the transition to Free To Play + a lot of gameplay changes.

>What's new?

>I heard the game was dead?
It was (at least on PC). 100-200 players and little to no updates from the developers. If F2P can bring it back is unknown, but as of right now 18k people are playing it.

>Should I "get" it?
It's free. 18GB. Download and test it out.

>F2P Model?
Every week, four hunters (one of each class) and one monster will be in the free rotation. There are currently 24 Hunters and 7 Monsters in total, though some are variations of others. By playing the character tutorials, you unlock one hunter (Markov) and one monster (The Goliath) to keep forever.

Additional monsters, hunters, perks, and skins are unlocked by earning silver keys. Silver keys are earned by playing the game, leveling up, or getting login bonuses. Currently you can't actually buy silver keys, presumably so they can test the unlock rate, but that's coming later.

There is also a monthly login bonus punch card. You get one punch for each day you log in. Beyond silver keys, this can directly award new Hunters and Skins.

>What if I don't want to grind for characters and perks?
You can buy the game and it to gives your account full founder benefits, which gives you 30k keys and most characters.

None as of yet.

>Steam group:

>Perk info(Including how to unlock them)

>Patch info:

Previous thread :

Other urls found in this thread:


First for if you don't want to fuck wraith youre a homo

1st for Electro Griffin theme


>not this

look at the voluptuous curves user, it'd be a purely heterosexual relationship

Somebody else have to set up everything though, I don't know how to do it, and I don't wanna fix with everything.

Ok ok ok so new numbers are


>Tesla Gun dps reduced to 125|150|250|275 from 150|200|250|275
>Tesla Gun range reduced to 23m from 27.5


>Lightning Gun range increased to 27 from 24.75

Given these new numbers it seems like half the time you are firing you are below regular Markov's lighting damage. I am not exactly sure what his base damage is because the wikis are all out of date.

With the nerf, for pure damage out of the lighting gun who is better?

>Markov or Blitz?

How do you Elder Kraken


>Want to play monster for once since I usually avoid it.
>End up facing a lvl 40 Griffin and Val, Blitz Markov, and Sunny.

This happens way too often then it should now if only I could get that comp when I am playing hunter.

Probably forgot paste.

Somebody else have to set up everything though, I don't know how to do it, and I don't wanna fix with everything.


Frozen 6 (FZ6, F6)
Frozen 0 (FZ, F0)

Now, make a discord, and paste it here, for euros to join.

learn to combo the skills and you'll drop hunters like flies but the skill ceiling is higher than most monsters

>Somebody else have to set up everything though,

set up what?

what a question ultimately it all depends on how good the blitz is and if he's running capacity.

If he's shit or isn't running capacity I'd be surprised if he beat markov.

Well I am running full capacity and it isn't exactly hard to keep a monster on target for the full beam.

Just curious if the numbers have dipped to the point Hyde is better for all around damage and reliability. It is far easier to just point and click the bug zapper for 9 seconds but if tossing poison grenades and jizzing napalm all over is going to be stronger I'll have to adjust my character selection.

>Regular Markov used to be the one with the shorter range despite only doing consistent meh damage compared to Blitz who only had to stage up his gun once to do better damage
TRS = Pros at balance

Anyway I run capacity and I think Blitz's mines are sex so I'll probably stick with him but might play Markov a bit more.

Aoe retards and hope they hug you

A discord channel, and a steamgroup (since you can only join people through steam).

Honestly, a big turn off for me atm is steam.
I don't want to add people to my friends list, but you can't invite people in game unless you have them friended.

Well you already set up Discord didn't you

Setting up steem group is ez

This is like the Beach Boys with less vocalists and more 80s.

Discord is great, free easy voip

No, I haven't set up a discord.

But ye, the steam fuckery is kinda turning me off of the idea.

game has less laggy voice chat

>wants to play with other people
>doesn't want to use steam
holy shit the autism is hurting me.


the 80s was a hell of a drug

>came up with the idea
>hate it immediately


Poll time fuckers!
What is the best map in Evolve: Stage 2?

>beat streamer
>quits before he dies
>go to stream and rub it in

Anything that's not Distillery

>Throwing a temper tantrum every time somebody is criticizing steam
Pretty sure I know "who you are", and I'm pretty sure you managed to kill that "new" steam group with your drama.

>Projecting this much
Look I don't know who the you are or who you think I am.

>Honestly, a big turn off for me atm is steam.
I don't want to add people to my friends list, but you can't invite people in game unless you have them friended.

But this is pure autism.

today I learned r/EvolveGameSmut/ isa thing


>le 5000 in friends list guy

Ty based god

I seem to lose the most as hunter on Orbital Drill.

literally who?

Oh my fucking god.
I can't believe somebody like you calls other autistic.

>not this

Thread' off to a good start it seems


I'm gonna say Orbital Drill, but I'm mainly a monster player and I just love fighting in this area so much

Wow it's fucking nothing


>Wanting to play a steam game with other people
>but the biggest hurdle is adding them on steam

That's literally autism. Like I said I don't know why the fuck you guys are referring too.
but if you get anxiety from adding people on steam you have a problem.

Does anyone have links or resources for monster players?
Looking for good routes, where and when buff wildlife spawns, etc

We always get fucked when the monster reaches stage 3 on that map. Weather Control is probably the most balanced for me.

>dead sub for the dead game

who would have thought!

>get in group with mics
>we fight a lv40 goliath
>don't even catch it before stage 2
>we bait it into my blitz mines with cabots amp on
>there goes half its health
>it goes stage 3 and we do it again at relay
>just me alive at the end
>he has 2 bars of health
>no shield left
>get him into my mines
>literally unseeable sliver of health left on him
>he goes for the pounce
>I pull out my assault rifle
>shoot him right as he pounces
>we win and I'm under the map with the pounced animation going

Is it worth it tho

I don't want to add them?
I'll just have to delete them after.

You think I'd die for this game? That I'm aching to play it, every day?

No, it's just something I do when I'm really bored. Having to do something annoying makes me not want to bother with the game.
How difficult is that to understand?

fuck off

Yeah because instead of reusing a group we need 3.

Apparently there is a steamgroup already, so we don't need one.

Just need a discord, then we can use the steamgroup to join game...

But as I said, I've kinda gone back on my suggestion to gather some EUs. Steam is too annoying to deal with.
I'll wait until they add their ingame friends-list instead.

Nobody said we have one dedicated to Evolve?

careful with these jimmies at your age
might end up paralyzed

>Apparently there is a steamgroup already, so we don't need one.
got it

>I'll wait until they add their ingame friends-list instead.
They won't.

>Nobody said we have one dedicated to Evolve?
Literally read the OP.

I'm playing with a streamer right now as Blitz Mark

r8 my shit m8's


That dev twitch streamer said it was something he was pushing for.

he probably meant
>a way to display steam friends playing evolve inside the game
or something like that

>that single guy playing evolve
>check recent game for the most of the players
>literally no one played it in the past few days

Well,that explains it.

>just went f2p and already dead

Nah, he said "I see it as an inconvenience to need to use steam to invite people to your game", or something along those lines.
It's a huge inconvenience.

Not as bad as kf2.
Everybody had been waiting for sharpshooter to come out but then they somehow managed to fuck up so royally the general died within a month.

>cant keep team mates alive
tell him to play real Val

I'm 100% confident they won't be doing so

In upcoming few days game will drop to 1-2k players max

Nobody will bother with in-game friend system for that in a f2p game

Still 12-20k concurrent players.

Kind of aiming to play evolve until Midair comes out, or you can buy earlier beta access again.

>You think I'd die for this game?

This is the power of autism folks, it's not worth playing with other people unless you're willing to die for evolve.
Premade groups on suicide watch.

Look at the stats
The game steadily loses 3-4k players every day (taking the top peak values here) and there is no regain.

What do you think will happen in a week?


>old fags who bought 30 copies of the game shat on the newbies to much

>bought 30 copies of the game

>Part of tribes genre
>Has had a dedicated player base for 2 decades
It won't be DoA, at worst it'll have a small but active player base.
As if you need thousands of players for a game to be alive.

All you need is a few hundred active players, and the "competitive" scene will be very alive.

>still only one team registered

and one copy of the PC monster race edition for themselves.

>not buying 10 copies of wildstar and reaping the benefit


I wouldn't be surprised if he also subscribed and probably donated something extra too to each twitch streamer that played evolved

>they didn't add music in dome combat because IT INTERFERES WITH COMPETITIVE PLAY

these fucking devs

uh, why not just disable the music for competitive matches?

to be fair, having a lot of extra noise is inconvenient to voice chat

>they turn the music off anyway
>so nobody can have it now

You do know volume dipping when voip is active exists, right?

esports was a mistake

>pub games
>voice chat

Sounds reasonable to me
Audio cues are pretty important and you're supposed to be using voice chat constantly, music would get in the way of it.
It should probably be an option though, I usually just have something playing anyway.

just saying my niggers
It doesnt amtter anyway since this game is dying already

>monster leaves
>it's a bot fight
>tell them don't dome him because he goes berserk
>first thing they do is dome him

You have 3 seconds to name the sexiest woman in Evolve. If your answer is wrong you'll get fucked by Lennox with a strap-on.


did the patch happen yet?


Futa Lennox


Can you guys tell me pls what perks should i use for each hunter class?

Id give her my big black donut

>guys pick ups Parnell
>looks like parnell
>shoots like parnell in game
>voice lines from Hydes


switch griffin and maggie and you got it

Where is blitz after his nerf?
