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New thread lolbaboons

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xth for being a good support

1st for Riot being a bunch of fucking retards that kill their own game.

So, basically /lolg/, Riot took the LEAST fun role in the game already (Bot) and put MORE responsibility on them and gave them even MORE PENALTY for fucking up so they can get BLAMED MORE when a shit goes south. It's already getting raped by 4 and 5 man roams. ADC is literally going to turn into the longest wait for role in queue now. No one is going to want it.

And they expect people to keep playing into this bullshit?


Haven't played since february, do people still do 12/18/0 on AD carries?


You are wrong.

>400 gold to enemy team for taking first tower

because the game didn't snowball hard enough

actually you were right even if by mistake
stacks multiplicatively so 25% penetration over the 70% penetration somebody has after getting cleaved -> 47,5% armor ignored


What's the best Varus build? I've been dicking around with this and been doing pretty well.

Youmuus, Lucidity, Muramana, Last Whisper, Deaths Dance and Maw.

It's pretty radical. Being able to Siege like a beast while doing consistent damage against tanky champs with prolonged Q spam.

The champion info page is going to be more comprehensive than the patch notes page.

I really dislike you faggot supports

Playing heal sluts is for beta bitches


18/12 all the way


draven i think

everyone else

Do people really take ARAM seriously or is it just a meme?

Because it's really pathetic

I want Trundle to sit on me after a long day sweating at the gym! I want my face to be covered by his sweaty musky man odor!

Some people do take it seriously, they even sometimes have ARAM only accounts which have only those champs unlocked that are broken in ARAM's

You tell'em

This fucking freak and his dynamic queue buddy camped me top all laning phase and spamming ez in all chat. We win anyway.

What a fucking loser right?

>Do people really take ARAM seriously or is it just a meme?
There is a core group that does, yeah. And it is pathetic.

what do dragon girls eat?

That's not something braum would think user.

>still no option to mirror the map
>blue side STILL has an inherent advantage and higher winrate
I always hate having to play on red side. I don't blame my losses on which side I'm on, but seriously. I can't play my best on red side. It feels awkward and as if I'm using my non-dominant hand. Not to mention the obscured vision thanks to the HUD.

You can take DFT on Varus. If you're playing him Mid.

It's shit to bring it down bot lane but in mid it gives him quite a nice edge.

How does one even camp a singed? Did they just wander around their top jungle waiting for you to show up?

47.5% penetration is the correct number. Black Cleaver applies a debuff, while Apprehend is direct penetration. Black Cleaver reduces their armor before apprehend takes effect

100% armor * 70% = 70% remaining after Cleaver

Remaining 70% armor * 75% remaining after Apprehend penetration = 52.5% armor remaining

100% - 52.5% armor remaining = 47.5% penetrated

ashe still uses fervor, but if youre playing adc graves you would wanna use warlords

yeah dft is good for mid varus, bot lane its better to use fervor since with your passive you can get it charged up pretty quickly if youre smart about it

basically yeah

Really? I've adapted to it. And people don't expect me to play half as strong as I do from that side and I smash their face right in with a shit ton of free poke.


I'd kms.

Why do they get angry at normal people who undertsand that the game is not balanced toward aram and that aram should not be taken seriously?

>tfw doing this game playing Alistar, Braum and Leona
being a cakeboi support isn't about the champ
it's about you as a person
t. alistar healslut main

most competitive ashe players (lcs) use warlords i believe

Because their entire egos are dependent on it.

nope Ashe is warlords for the same reason as Sivir, ER -> zeal -> IE buildpath so she needs to get her lifesteal somewhere

Do people really take normals seriously or is it just a meme?

Because it's really pathetic

It's basically the same effect as ranked players reacting to normals or dota players reacting to league or sports players reacting to video games.

There is not anything that is so small and insignificant that someone wouldn't take it seriously and in turn nothing so hardcore that someone doesn't laugh at them for being casuals resulting in buthurt.

That does not sound fun.

Fags pls leave

I dont believe you, and dont be so down on yourself like that really.





Yes, taking arams and normals seriously is totally pathetic.

kassadin probably imagined things differently
trundle got 3 and 4 manned like 5 times, we got every single dragon because of that

Do people take videogames seriously or is it just a meme?

Because it's really pathetic

>worlds about to happen
>quick think of something that'll throw the gooks and chinks off balance so western teams can take surprise wins
every fucking year

Do people take talking about videogames seriously are is it just a meme?

Because it's really pathetic.

>implying I haven't
Makes no difference to what I'm talking about. The HUD is still a nuisance.

yes pathetic

not pathetic

>He doesn't know you can resize your HUD and move your map around.
And even so, if you unlocked your camera it wouldn't be, though.

Do people take you seriously or is it just a meme?

Because it's really pathetic.

Do people take memes seriously are is it just a meme?

Because it's really pathetic.

Do memes take pathetic seriously or is it just people?

Because it's really (you)

i dont understand how people get their jungler to gank when they are losing lane

when im losing lane my jungler refuses to come anywhere near my lane, i only get ganks when im ahead

they ignore my pings and if i ask for a gank they call me bad

>you can resize your HUD
Oh shit what.

Do memes take memes memes or is meme a meme?

Because it's memes memes.

I only gank lanes that have carry potential.

i have this theory that in every game there's a maximum of 2 actually decent players per side
chances are pretty high it won't be your jungler


New Bloodlord especially, it's all over LCS and staying with the old mediocre one is just not presentable.

Not to mention the number of people who play Vlad because "he looks good and has cool skins".

How does 13/5/20 not get an S ranking but a 17/8/10 does?

>Not to mention the number of people who play Vlad because "he looks good and has cool skins".

So, no one? Except you degenerate?

I checked the wiki and it still doesn't make any sense. I went in game and it says 40% additional damage per pellet when you crit.

On the wiki it says 40% x (1 + bonus crit damage) bonus damage, which would make it 90% additional damage per pellet.

I doubt graves starts hitting in the 3000's when he has 457 AD with infinity edge.


Yeah, broski. Scroll down to put the minimap on the opposite side, too.

This rank system is more of a joke the more I learn about it. Just like how supports need to kill steal to have a chance of even getting an S.

40 * (1+0,5)
so 60%

Wouldn't Darius' E penetrate their current armor even after cleaver takes place? And I'm sure apprehend takes effect before cleaver
E ignores 25% of current armor then Cleaver debuff is applied.


Holy shit what is this with so many people failing basic math in this thread.

This will definitely throw a wrench in the "play like a bitch and take the first towers" meta but I feel like they're doing more harm than good.

Man, it's almost like Riot is just changing things for the sake of change.

>Each of Graves's basic attacks consumed 1 shell and sprays 4 pellets in a cone. Enemies hit take 70-100% AD physical damage plus ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!********!!!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!!!!!A THIRD OF THAT DAMAGE!!!!!*!*!*!*!*!*!!**********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***** for every pellet that hit them beyond the first

>Critical strikes spray 6 pellets in a wider cone and deal 40% * (1+bonus crit dmg) AD additional physical damage

Therefore it can be logically assumed that critical strikes deal 110-140% AD with the first pellet, and ***********************************************A THIRD OF THAT DAMAGE**************************** for every pellet that hits beyond the first

Shit like this is why I laugh when people say "If riot listened to their players the game would be good"

>Riot literally catering to the "le fuck lane swaps XD" crowd.

Obvious clue that they're desperate for viewers. Goodbye to any champion diversity though lmao

idk other vlad players i've added

>Goodbye to any champion diversity though lmao
But we got a large nosed champion already???

Does Veigar automatically laugh when he gets a kill now?

I just played him for the first time in months and it's been a while since I had on in one of my games and he would laugh after I got a kill, but I wasn't sure if it was because I used ult or not

Wouldn't that mean he can do around 1940~ damage with a full shotgun blast with IE at 457 AD judging from ?

Same with Singed when they fling. Silly.

yea it does

point blank graves crits are probably the most devastating thing in the game, but good luck getting them reliably

>run up next to someone
>right click
So hard.

After years of this shit game, never noticed. Thanks.

Wow thats fucking BROKEN

Think about that from a data perspective. Since cleaver is directly affecting the armor value, and apprehend pen is based on the armor value, for apprehend to apply "before" cleaver there would have to be two armor numbers - your original armor and your current armor. The game doesn't track that. Whatever number is in your armor is your current armor. %penetration is a portion of your current armor.

except you aren't very tanky when building full damage(yeah yeah you get resists but to get 457 AD with high crit chance you will have to be basically 4+ damage items) and the people who are going to let you be in melee range can usually tank those to a degree

Champ diversity in professional play has been long dead.

Sure, you'll see variations in the champion pool depending on the buffs/nerfs handed out that season but it's all the same.

S6 Worlds will be as bland as ever. And first blood will come 20+ minutes in. Calling it now.

what the FUCK is that kassadin build jesus christ my eyes

>professional play
But I literally couldn't care less.

>No one is going to want it.

lmfao nah, adc will always be popular. so many people have a hard on for playing a pew pew i shoot you champ and also the fact its ad "carry"

Dear God, that just makes it worse. ADCs will get MORE toxic and they'll be LESS supports.

Keep in mind most ADCS can do 800-1k crits with 2.0 attack speed from range. Graves has less than half that attack speed and has to be in melee range

>rito literally says that the meta will be so
>put out each champ and tag them tank/fighter/mage/marksman/assassin/support
>expect them to have diversity



pathetic memes


Having defined roles is better than the alternative. Otherwise everyone would just pick the shit that has superior numbers than the others.

DOTA does the the exact same shit to an extreme.

Champ diversity in summer has actually been decent in every lane save for Jungle

>play support because I actually enjoy it
>zone enemy adc
>my adc still manages to miss cs


i miss the cho/urgot/vlad meta...


3rd line in is a hunger games reference.


BUT user

If my ADC is anything less than Diamond I literally could give a shit less if I get CS harassing the enemy ADC. I will also farm and force-push the lane if I reliably know the back timings. I will also CS other lanes if that laner is missing fucking around in the enemy jungle and I do not care if the ping me to stop or not. And this is the single biggest reason I have a 75% win rate in ranked right now.

If you won't LET ME hold your hand I'm going to DRAG you to a win, kicking and screaming.

Pro play champ diversity has been shit, especially top lane. Dynamic Queue is still pretty diverse tho, yeah

Trust me, I'm a shitter.

Should I use attack speed blues on adc runes?