Ticket thread

So Veeky Forums, got a parking ticket today that I consider to be bullshit, here's what happened:

>Be restaurant steward.
>Usually a management task, restaurant is big enough they need a person on a permanent duty.
>My job is to keep restaurant supplied with everything we need.
>Deal with purveyors, farmers markets, etc.
>had to go shop for a few things we were missing today (Produce delivery was rotten shit)
>get back to restaurant, reverse into loading dock.
>unload everything I bought, carrots, strawberries, green beans, fresh ginger, etc.
>have to fill up paperwork cause bean counters get triggered unless everything is written down.
>half an hour at most, punch out, ready to go home, go out.
>fucking ticket for "Parking in a no parking zone"

Got hold of the officer who issued the ticket as I had just left work, brought it down to the station and explained the situation, my boss even offering to speak on my behalf, bitch would have it. her argument being that there's a fire lane outside of our loading dock and a firehose connection inside it. and falling into the old chestnut of "We have told you guys at *insert company name here* that you can't park there"

I'm honestly torn. half of me wants to bring it to court, the other half tells me that it's a fucking parking ticket, it's not like I'm gonna lose points on this, what do you guys think?

Yeah, well, if there's a fire lane where your loading dock is your loading dock has to move not the other way around.

So parking in a fire lane=ticketable offense regardless of where you work or how your work illegally uses the fire lane.

I currently have my very first ticket (75 in a 55) shelved. Almost got another one wednesday night, but I said fuck it and ran this time. License would've been suspended either way if I got caught.

>said fuck it and ran
?? You evaded the police?


My first ticket here. Did I Fuck up pretty bad? Can I do anything?

If you live in the USA, you can take an online traffic school so your insurance won't raise.

there's no point in fighting a ticket that absurd, you're kinda fucked on the fine.

What was the method to determine my speed? How many points will my driver license get as a result?

traffic school will get rid of the points
wtf state are you in?

In my state, the ticket says the piece of equipment used and when it was last calibrated

Cuck fornia
I was going pretty fast but I don't know if I was going that fast on 45 mph highway

>drive like a reckless asshole
>"hurrrr it's my state's fault"
>projecting degenerate sexual fetishes on a nsfw board
you can try driving school; looks like you need it anyway.

>implying california isn't the cuck capitol of the western us
You think it's not plausible to fight it on court to get the speed any lower?
I have a clean slate and have been donating monthly to local police department.
The road was clear and no one was around 1 mile radius except for that cop.
My conscience is telling me I earned the ticket, but if I could bargain it lower I would take it.

>have been donating monthly to local police department.
god i hope this is bait

motorcycle almost definitely.

>What is tax deductible
Either the cops or organized religons boost my tax returns
Might as well get local cops on your side

you earn just slightly over a tax bracket? this is the only reason to make tax deductable donations. to bump you down to a lower bracket. it doesnt net you the money back. just the 20% of it that is taxed retard

I've gotten quite a few parking tickets, but the one I'm most annoyed about one in particular.

>relatively new to driving
>work in a suburb about 2km from the CBD
>drive around for 15 min looking for street parking because everything is always taken
>find an unsigned parallel spot in front of a house, assume it's alright
>double check to see if there's any no stopping or no parking signs
>driving home after work
>reach a stop light
>guy in the van next to me tells me there's a ticket attached to my windshield
I was fucking mad, apparently parts of my city are covered in "official traffic areas" where on certain times on certain days you can only park for 2 hours regardless of whether or not it's signed

> License would've been suspended either way if I got caught.
Uhhh, the consequences for being caught would have been alot more severe than another ticket. How old are you?

Hire a lawyer. Good ones will guarantee a reduction of the ticket or your money back. If you get hit with 30 over you will be fucked raw on the fine.

This is bad advice and you should feel bad for giving it. I got hit with 23 over (53/30mph zone) in New York. That would have been 6 points, an $100 surcharge on my license for three years, and a 58% surcharge on my auto insurance pricing for three years. I got a lawyer and he got it down to failure to stop at a stop sign. 2 points eliminated with driver's ed, no registration surcharge, no change in insurance pricing.

> No parking zone
> You parked in it
> Got a ticket
> Too lazy to park elsewhere
Your fault.

I don't mind parking elsewhere, that's not the issue, and I would admit it if this wasn't the first time it's happened. After been doing it for 5 years. Using the exact same car. At the exact same hours, taking the exact same amount of time (30 minutes, most I took one time was 40-45)

I contest it's bullshit cause the cops know me, there's a pair of officers who always get the area in my restaurant for patrolling, they know I usually stay inside for a few filling up forms for the corporate bastards, plus we've had private vehicles parked there for far longer since forever. Hell my own boss parks there for hours when he's just coming over for half a shift (5 hours at least)

At the end of the day I decided to pay for it, fighting it would be too much of a hassle for something that isn't even reported to the DMV in my state. Just know that I got that ticket not even because of the fire lane, bu because that officer is a bitch. As confirmed by the cops who park next door and whom I always chat for a bit in the mornings before I clock in.

I've never gotten a ticket, but
>super late to work
>speeding, burning through deep yellow lights, etc
>see light turn yellow ahead
>it's the infamous 5 minute light around here
>hear "V1" in my mind (aviation term regarding takeoff)
>gun it
>light turns red full second before I get to it
>fly by just as people are starting to move
>look through my mirrors head on a swivel for cops
>notice a traffic cam on the lights that wasn't there before
I was dreading a massive ticket in the mail for the next two weeks.

Was it a femcop? Woman cops are universally cunts. They think they have to prove something and act hard but in reality they're just shitty insecure people to everyone.

Yep. And not just that, she was hispanic, so extra bitch on top of what you posted.

Goddamn I'm so sorry man. If you think femcops are bad, femguards are twice the cunt with an extra helping of bitch. I used to work in a prison and they were some of the worst people I've ever met.

The male guards were typically chill besides the one hardass shithead, and the prisoners appreciated the relationship so they didn't act out much. With female guards...it was like a Cold War that could turn hot in an instant.

If it's really small it's probably not a traffic cam but an infrared override for emergency vehicles to change the light color.

Nah man, it's a big camera that screams "big brother is watching"