>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do ?" Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).
Sometimes I imagine being a noble, and then trying to lose my virginity by raping a serf. I spergout in the attempt, and she gives me a pity fuck
Blake Gomez
not a usual /mbg/ poster, I usually stick to /dfg/ and /smtg/ but, I edited some pictures from the M&B blog site to make a PC and phone wallpaper enjoy
PC version
Ryder Roberts
7th for hang yourself
Charles Watson
Phone version
Nicholas Morris
user, you're a fucking noble. How the fuck do you sperg out while raping a qt 16 year olf serf?
Adam Miller
thx pham
Jordan Miller
The other nobles have bigger penises. Since my lands are commonly targeted for raiding, my peasants will likely get raped by a noble with a larger dick
Jackson Walker
So you're a noble cuck? You deserve to have your land conquered 2bh.
William Thomas
>didn't have a saucy wench that worked in the kitchen teach you about the ways of pleasing women when you were young Lower house detected. I bet you didn't even HAVE servants did you?
I am hung. Ask your base mother.
If you can't protect your lands you don't deserve to rape your serfs.
Brandon Reyes
just realized for my phone at least (S6) the "swipe screen to unlock" text obscures the logo
here's a fixed one
Justin Robinson
Knowing that in the past women were much less curvy and voluptuous really ruins my fantasies Better to dream about space and the racks made possible by low g
Parker Gutierrez
Um...I know it is all speculative since it has never happened but I thought lower gravity meant people would be tall and thin with weak bones and muscles?
Brody Rivera
anyone else sort of enjoyed VC? the new mechanics/features are all incredible and i wish they were implemented into native/available as submods but the actual content of VC is severely lacking (bare minimal amount of weapons, horses)
any other good mods? ive been on prophecies of pendor binge which is quite good, but after seizing territory for myself with no right to rule it becomes a cluster fuck of everyone warring you which sucks after a while
my dream is VC mechanics and PoP content
Anthony Murphy
That's species development and such Humans wouldn't become new species from going to space, but in low gravity boobs wouldn't sag or hurt the back
Dylan Lewis
There's a really good 100 years war mod in French
Brody Davis
>and i wish they were implemented into native you could actually add the troop tree thing to native but you'd need source for the scripts but the VC source is out >but the actual content of VC is severely lacking (bare minimal amount of weapons, horses) well look at the period i think there's a fine selection of weapons, but the armor could be better since you're inevitably going to be using scale
Parker Thomas
is L'Aigle good or is it still shit
Jackson Hill
How do I aim in warband?
Leo Cruz
To which extend did they promise mod support for the next MnB? Can I waifu in it?
Adrian Garcia
It's apparently going to be open source. Go nuts.
Gabriel Campbell
you mean I could totally rip the majority of the code from Bannerlord and make my own game?
With out having to pay them royalties or soemshit
*jew intensifies*
Lincoln Murphy
khergit horseman 4 power draw, 3 horse archery hunter horse upgrades into khergit horse archer 3 power draw, 4 horse archery steppe horse
Native """balance"""
Evan Young
CaptainSlut said he misspoke when he said they were going to release the source code of the actual game/engine itself.
Logan Rodriguez
>troops have only base stats >which means ALL of their attributes are randomized every new game >which means your swadian knights could be fucking garbage native """"""balance""""""
Jacob Russell
>tfw you get a 20 CHA swadian knight sexiest knights of all calradia
Aiden King
This is actually the perfect time for me to ask about this. Were women of the past too malnourished to have large breasts/hips/thighs and such?
Also, did everyone pretty much stink back then? How did they stay clean?
William Myers
afaik the rich just sprayed themselves in perfume 24/7
considering that khergit horsemen and khergit horse archers are both level 14, its most likely an oversight that horsemen upgrade into horse archers it was probably intended that skirmishers upgrade into either horsemen or horse archers
Juan Flores
You mean L'aigle? Cause I'm thinking about playing that.
Adrian Myers
>100 years war >l'aigle what
Carson Rodriguez
Before the Black Death everyone in Europe bathed a lot. Public bathing was still the norm in fact, such as it was for the romans and greeks. Celtic and germanic traditions also involve bathing and even the use of soap, contrary to common belief. Hygiene was very important. It's only with the black death that this stops because people suspect water to be a major way of transmitting the disease, and as such it falls out of use.
As for women being too malnourished to have full bodies, this is untrue. Large hips and thighs were certainly a thing and often times so were large breasts, however there is evidence to suggest that women's breast sizes have been dramatically increasing in the past 50 years as a result of hormones. Whatever the reason, women's breasts have been increasing in the past 50 years.
More people are becoming obese, which does lead to larger breasts and thighs and stuff, but it's wrong to say that women used to be sticks.
Sebastian Flores
La guerre des cent ans you dolt.
Adam Cooper
There is another aspect of it by the by. Most of the depictions we have of people before our time are stylised. Not that you can just then say all those depictions are wrong, but there were things like the Greek tendency to sculpt tiny penises because they felt that a small penis was a sign of ones baser instincts being restrained.
Leo Cooper
Kayden Gutierrez
Whats the status with the current Gekonewer? I've played with the old version for a bit but haven't gotten around to the new version.
Luis Johnson
fuck these fucking hands of mine fuck this slow reaction time I want to block your fucking attacks you stupid fucks I feel like everyone else gits gud in like a week and I sit here jerking off behind a shield because I am subhuman
Daniel Lewis
>play a night battle >press backspace >can't see any of the fucking order buttons nice game
Lincoln Morgan
True nobles don't fight, they have their subjects lead their armies for them. I assume you're having trouble playing against other players and not npcs...
Gabriel Morales
how about both
Benjamin Robinson
I don't know what version you are on but there is a change log
Noah Richardson
Uninstall brainy bots and learn to fight the native AI first.
Xavier Brooks
I'm on the same team as you. I changed the settings from automatic block to block with mouse because I knew it would be the only way to get good. It's too frustrating to actually practice with it so I just notice my slight improvement every time my shield breaks and I have to clobber an army of npcs.
Just switch off automatic block and keep using shields. You'll learn gradually.
Connor Butler
and of course if I change everything to white I can't see anything on a snowy map
what color do i change the text to to make it visible in both snow and night?
Brandon Carter
I didn't even know people used that command menu
Aaron Butler
I imagine the reason no one used it is because of how horrible it is to use I'm trying to make it slightly less horrible
in the native version the command blocks are either unreadable or randomly change colors
Easton Scott
at what point do you consider power strike to be overkill? for sake of consistency, we'll assume native I'd imagine there's a nice sweet spot where you ohko basically everyone with 2h or polearms and at least 2hko with 1h, but I haven't had a chance to do the legwork on it just yet is there a common opinion on this, I wonder?
Adrian Fisher
When I started out I turned up every 'difficulty' to stroke my e-peen. Turns out I suck at manual blocking so I became a shieldfag instead. After getting a hang of the game a few weeks later, I found my shield crushed by an overhead axe swing in battle, and also realized there weren't any spare shields in sight, so I was forced to do manual blocking. The sheer rush of adrenaline everytime you get a succesful parry got me into 2-handed gameplay.
If battle continuation is on, if you get knocked out you can use it to order your troops around, to a limited extent.
Mason Morris
yeah, I just recently cranked the combat speed to fastest and getting angry over how much I get my shit kicked in in Floris tournaments or in general. I always misinterpret the windup and dodge wrong, or fuck up my mouse movement and get put down. Hell, I started a new character and got knocked out a couple times by fucking looters in the merchant missions. Hopefully in time I'll get better but I just fucking hate sucking at everything.
Michael Cooper
I don't even bother putting points in PS for Native. But in some mods like VC it's a necessity.
Zachary Wright
I feel like more than 5 points is over kill You want 7 points in power draw though
Hunter Fisher
Parrying is great fun once you start getting the hang of it. As is having the difficulty on normal.
Oh fuck I know, right? I never swear at a game, but changing it over has me cussing and yelling all the goddamned time now. Floris especially since in order to get those better items from tournaments you need to be on a higher difficulty. That said, the algorithm works out such that your prize at the end depends on your difficulty as well as how many times you were alive for the whole round.
I usually set power strike to 4 or 5, by which point the numbers of units in my army make me irrelevant. If I was aiming for more long game stuff I would probably put less, but I like the combat and I like leading from the front for much of game, especially given that for every elite enemy unit I kill there is one of mine left alive. It makes a big difference in VC like says since the enemies strike twice as hard, armour is twice as important and units take much longer to level up.
Jackson Watson
5 is pretty much all I need, since I tend to go INT or Cha type I keep my str at 15 which would cover armor and weapon req, and with 5ps I can use momentum to 1-shot most foes, except for the heavilly armored units or those with hp bloat.
Bentley Cooper
thanks for the input guys I did 10 ps/pd last time and it felt like a waste of points now what if I were to gouge athletics? I'm sure that's even more foolish, but the prospect of dancing out of everyone's range, possibly without foregoing armor sounds appealing, plus controlling momentum could be great for getting the most out of our newly min/maxed ps has anyone actually done something this silly?
Christian Campbell
aren't there Sumerian idol carvings that look straight out of a breast/ass expansion /d/ thread, I think there was even an image floating around on Veeky Forums comparing the two
Cooper Bailey
Isn't that just assumed to be because they exaggerated the feminine features of a fertility goddess?
Leo Cook
I've cranked the tournament difficulty to 100% when I heard about that, and I guess I can't complain. A few times I got good consecutive kits for my style (horse + bow or lance) and placed top 3. Got a nice tempered Imperial War Bow with 44 piercing damage which outclassed my old bow. I just get frustrated that it feels like everyone here is like >getting hit >native AI and I'm out here dropping the spaghetti in most battles.
Jack Hall
obviously, but if the women were straight up flat, there's a good chance they'd never get such an idea in their heads, imagine if you never saw any chicks above a small A cup, would you even imagine chicks with tits bigger than their heads
busty chicks have probably been around forever, they're probably just more common now, thus driving up the average breast size
Chase Bailey
Boobs get bigger when nursing though, so it stands to reason they could see the increase in size due to milk production, and then just exaggerate that thinking "the ultimate fertility goddess probably got infinite milk bags"
Hunter Campbell
fair enough
Luke Walker
they're just fronting there's a lot that can go wrong in a tournament and you don't always have control over all of it
Leo Campbell
Late for the question, but people who worked with pigs and in farms they took daily sauna. So most of the country was clean, but cities are always dirty.
Joshua Diaz
Did they turn off the anti-cheat in the most recent PoP? I've been testing it with ctrl+alt+f4 and I can't get the cheater achievement. I would only use it to enter towns, having to fight 5 guards all at the same time at level 1 is fucking stupid
Jonathan Smith
Can anyone change the text colour to orange or can I do it myself? I've had the same problem sometimes.
Josiah Diaz
That's just conjecture though. You've got more evidence to say that women have stayed the same relative shapes throughout history, except that they've grown taller, and it's recent perceptions of women becoming bustier and more hourglass shaped because of something like porn or celebrities who tape their boobs to their dresses to keep them pointing up.
Ayden Jones
git gud cyka
I know the feel
Connor Moore
Well, I don't like cheating just as much as you do. I'm just going to avoid towns for factions that hate me. For some reason 3 factions in pendor have -5 relation with me right off the bat, so I'm only limited to the lower-right side of the map. It's fucking retarded.
Also I did some quick testing more cheating and I can't get a single achievement, not even a cheater achievement.
Jacob Davis
I haven't played it for awhile, but check the changelog or maybe there is a box to be checked.
Chase Morris
I changed the text to white the readability is still okay in snowy scenes
Colton Davis
In my opinion, text colour should change the colour like the crosshair does on different terrains. Then again that's the smallest issue in the game.
Kayden Price
My sides are being sieged
William Cooper
Don't girls enter puberty earlier nowadays though, like full on years earlier? That might have something to do with it.
Wyatt Powell
are there any mods hat do downswing for axes, maces, scimitars and maybe some other swords?
Landon Hughes
Hmm. That's true
Nicholas Clark
If I had 3 books of training +1 in my inventory. Would the books stack and give +3 training?
Levi Bell
I don't think so, but I've never tried it.
Josiah Mitchell
David Evans
i guess flipping the model might be an issue for axes and curved swords
shouldnt be as difficult for maces and straight swords tho
Colton Hall
Honestly, why would you even do that?
Brandon Hall
Lets talk about 1257 ok? what are the best units of each faction and why?
Jacob Myers
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Swadia Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Conquer Them Like Nigga Declare War Haha
Mason Ramirez
to make movesets more interesting and to avoid the guy on the left in this happening
might be useful against horses or something
Nolan Brooks
I integrated the motomataru formations in the new battle presentation surprisingly all the buttons fit on the screen The only thing left to do is add AI tweaks to make horse archers and stuff less shitty
Gavin Richardson
Can you fucking translate what the hell you just said?
Jaxon Ward
He said "How can you be bothered about Swadia as a genuine issue when it's possible to easily conquer them and avoid needing to complain on the internet".
Daniel Torres
Nathan Barnes
Nicholas Bailey
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.
Jordan Walker
I sort of enjoy VC with Upstab's submod, too.
Logan Sanders
how does the linux version of warband manage to be so shitty and glitchy
Brayden Reed
This is actually sound advice tbqh.
Elijah Jones
I think Dickplomacy is almost ready for release, now that formations and shit are added. There are only a few things left to do
Jose Sanchez
How simple an affair would it be to take the bow animations from one mod and apply them to another? Is it just a case of copy pasting a file or two or do I need to do a little more?