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They sneered when Clockwork made his demand Till Twilight raised a hand "And what do you offer in return "To keep us from chastising Nirn?" Then Clockwork whispered long and low And what he said, no mortal can know
Jacob Davis
xth for at least we aren't filled with ERP faggots.
Xavier Russell
I actually want that though
Benjamin Bennett
> The Serpent: Mortals. More of you. Your townships embalm the world like a foul crust. When the land was young, it fed on you. Those primordial days will return. And I will end your civilization. You stifle growth, progress. I will see Nirn free. What did he mean by this? Is this yet another person bitching about the Towers? Seeing how Molag Bal wants to destroy them as well.
Juan Ortiz
Sounds like a pretty generic threat that don't mean anything one way or the other.
Andrew Robinson
So, does anyone know if enchanting nodes drop nirncrux in craglorn?
Jackson Anderson
> Crafted 5 pieces light/heavy/medium armour, all TBS > Start getting a feeling I should have made Clever Alchemist instead S-sure TBS is the best all-around and well-balanced set in the game, right?
Isaiah Phillips
Just checked. Only drops from equipment nodes so blacksmith, clothing, and woodworking.
David Moore
I'm still on the fence with this game?
How deep is this game for a single player? Hows the voice acting? Is the combat at least better than Skyrim?
Oliver King
Wyatt Watson
>single player is pretty easy if you're at all an experienced gamer. Though I've heard some people still have trouble with it which I find hard to believe. Quests are average, with occasional moments of brilliance >voice acting is serviceable, nothing stood out to me except Dumbledore and John Cleese. And I liked Sheogorath and Mora as well. >combat is 10x better than Skyrim
It's worth buying on sale for $20. Or wait for the gold edition coming in two months, that comes with all current dlcs (which are pretty fun)
Noah Torres
As I understand it Clever Alchemist is for cheese PvP builds involving proxy det and vicious death, and I don't know any other builds that use it. It does give the greatest 5 piece weapon/spell damage bonus so that might be useful in some future.
I'd still take TBS over it cause it's just so useful and versatile for everything.
Josiah Peterson
> You're gonna have to define what you mean with "deep". > The voice acting is decent, the quality varies. The dialogues are short and emotional. You have more voices than in Skyrim but due to the game being much bigger you will sometimes encounter several Bosmers with the same bloody voice actor. There's some gold nuggets in the sea of mediocrity. > The combat is much better than in Skyrim but that's not saying much. Having the best combat of any Elder Scrolls is like being the tallest dwarf.
Jason Hill
>deep Explain what you mean, user? >Voice-acting Pretty good. Not quite on the same level as some and it is *fully* voice-acted so it reuses actors a LOT so you have to be ready for that. In some cases it's .. pretty obvious too. I didn't hear Steve Blum too much during my run through the Ebonheart Pact's side of things, but in Daggerfall Covenant's questline I had him as >a companion early on >multiple voices for werewolves I was fighting >then as a companion again but this time he was a completely different character
You also get to hear a few returning VA's from Skyrim. Jarl Balgruuf's VA is in this and he doesn't make much of an effort to change his voice from the one he uses for Balgruuf.
>Combat? MILES better. It's probably the best combat of any ES game. There's still problems, of course, but they're the typical ones endemic of any MMO, like balance and devs being dumb.
Dylan Sullivan
There's a shitload of questing and single player action. Quests are repeatably but generally good plot-wise. Voice acting is good. Sometimes it can be annoying as for instance most Altmer sound like posh narcissistic fags so when you're tired and just want to get out of an area, pass an NPC and hear "SOOOOOOOOOOO you're the one to save the queen, EH? Naemon should have the crown. xD" it can be infuriating. But I like the general matching of accents to races, it's very fitting IMO. Elves generally have British, prettier accents which suits them as they're superior. :^)
Combat is complex and very engaging; despite there being hotkeys for abilities it generally feels as if you're using a badass ability instead of just pressing a button. Most people say it's better than Skyrim's.
Colton Green
That's good. As longs as it has more than 4-5 VAs, I'm cool. That's damn good.
I just meant story missions and stuff. Would it be a requirement to play the multiplayer to get the most out of the story? More than Skyrim, thats fine. Dynamite.
Good good goood.
Sounds worth it, but I guess I'll wait for the sale or gold edition.
Just getting done watching the cinematics again, damn they're good.
Xavier Torres
>How deep is this game for a single player? Better than Skyrim. >Hows the voice acting? Better than Skyrim. >Is the combat at least better than Skyrim? Better than Skyrim.
Luis Bailey
How many sets of armor can I get?
Brayden Stewart
>I just meant story missions and stuff. Would it be a requirement to play the multiplayer to get the most out of the story? Not required, you can get through all the story solo. The only thing I can think of that's remotely story-relevant that's pretty heavily multiplayer are stuff like the Imperial City DLC (which is a PvP zone, so you *are* going to see other people.. and they might just kill you) and the dungeons that come with it (one of which is the White-Gold tower itself). Other than that most of the forced-group content like dungeons and trials are optional side-stories
Christian Jones
Landon Garcia
That's not how greentexting works you fucking retards.
Here's a cheap sale from an ZOS authorized reseller for ESO in the OP. It's legit. Apparently they lowered the price, last I checked it was $20 but now it's $17?
Also the gold edition releases Sept 9 for $60. If you're really interested in Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood that's what you should wait to get because it's very cheap to buy them in bulk this way. Though both TG and DB were disappointing to me compared to be other DLCs, I'd rate them in this order: Orsinium > IC > DB > TG.
Ethan Hall
I'm on phone, lazy to copy paste.
Adam Rivera
>60 fucking bucks for 4 DLCs that all combined are barely like a typical expansion for an MMO is considered cheap
Fucking what mate?
Brandon Roberts
Hmm, I appreciate the options.
Aiden Brown
I hate that chorus, but the lines before it are so good.
Dominic Davis
No no, you get the base game and the four DLCs for $60. If the base game is worth $20 and each DLC is worth $10 that's a good price compared to buying them individually.
Jason Flores
>ESO regularly shows up for 10$ on trusted keyseller sites
>Gold Edition is actually more expensive than buying the base game and the DLC individually
Jacob Morgan
Just to clarify the base game can be bought for
Justin Hughes
Aren't the DLCs like 10$? Because then the gold edition is more expensive.
Liam Walker
Share with me your sites senpai. I also want to buy crowns cheaply.
I don't know about buying the base game, I just used that link in the OP. If you want to link a cheaper reputable site that you used it would be good too.
For reference 4 DLCs cost 9500 crowns, and a 5550 crown pack costs $40. I bought crowns on their Black Friday sale for 40% off but I don't know when the next sale will be.
Owen Morgan
>4 DLCs combined cost almost 6 times as much as the base game
What the actual fuck. Is every DLC the size of a full scale expansion or something?
Hudson Lewis
The crafting system is pretty robust. You pick an armor style (motif) to craft your armor in, then pick the tier of materials to use. The armor's appearance is dictated by the style you chose (of which they keep adding more because people like hats), and the stats are determined by the mats.
Lucas King
how do I beat vMA
Alexander Sanchez
stam sorc with vicious ophidian. literally easier than magblade
Ryder Morales
... Doesn't every DLC in gaming follow this pricing model?
Ayden Garcia
Was hard for me. First I took it one round a day, spent a few hours getting beaten around until I got the patterns. I'd watch YouTube videos as well of people doing it to copy their strats. I'd read up on the mechanics of each round so I understood what was going on and what I'd have to do. I stocked up on tri pots because I was on my stamblade. And to make extra sure I got max CP (not actually necessary) and all legendary gear.
Brody Ramirez
The Dark Brotherhood sacraments are fucking impossible if you're not a magblade.
Carson Evans
I'm a stamsorc and have no problems with them.
Adrian Ross
The shitty ones maybe.
Dylan Campbell
> Caring about meme arrow etiquette Are you some sort of autistic Veeky Forums version of a grammar nazi or something?
Isaac Cooper
I have yet to do one without being seen at all, but I think I could pull it off if I were just a bit more careful. I just go through a lot of invis+expedition potions.
I still get max reward though.
Anthony Davis
To be honest Veeky Forums would really benefit from being more elitist nowadays.
Liam Sanchez
Be a vampire Craft/acquire the gear that reduces detection radius by 2m. Get two five piece sets of that Be Bosmer or Cat Invis pots If you're not vamp craft the gear that makes you ignore speed penalty whim stealthing. I'm sure I forgot something else
Or ignore all of the above and be nightblade
Christian Bailey
Depends on what kind of elitism it is desu. If it's the retarded kind you find on /a/ then not really. If it's the kind that used to be on /v/ where you didn't call people cucks as insults but implied they lacked knowledge about videogames, sure.
Samuel Davis
Perhaps if you bought the base game from the official store for $60 and bought the DLCs for $10 each you'd be happier?
Oliver Flores
> Healers not using wards in dungeons Why? They're only making it harder for themselves. And don't you go cantsolo.jpg, because today it's vICP
Leo Parker
Alright I just got the game for $12. What is someone who has never really played a MMO but has played all the Elder scroll games in for? It looks like fun, and from what I hear is actually really engaging.
Colton Ross
>get into group >tank keeps losing aggro >okay, whatever, it's only Fungal normal >get to crab boss >keep end up having boss focus and dying >"Do you not have a taunt?" >Nope :P JUST
Isaiah Long
> A tank without taunt losing aggro Can he really lose something he never had?
Christopher Wilson
Start researching stuff as soon as possible.
Mason Ramirez
No. It's not like I knew he didn't have it on his bar. It's okay though. This tank I'm with now is using a 2h. I feel like Zwei is laughing at me.
Ryan Jenkins
I've watched videos and stuff so far. The download is like 38 GBs and my ass Internet will make it take forever
Cameron Scott
Light, medium and heavy armors look different. There are 36~ styles. So over 108~ different looking armors + some armors that don't belong to any style. Single armor has seven pieces. Each style has different axes, shields, staves etc. You can also use different pieces from different styles and dye them. Is it enough?
Aiden Hernandez
Watch the Alcast video in the OP.
I made a pastebin of my thoughts. The higher the tip the more beginner it is.
I mean the kind of elitism that calls out people who don't even know how to greentext. Mandatory lurking should be a thing again.
Kayden Moore
Kind of. If I bought the base game for 60$ back at release it would be fine I guess.
Isaiah Mitchell
It's better than any Elder Scrolls expect maybe Morrowind.
Nehrim and Enderal are still better though.
Jeremiah Wright
I only played Skyrim and think Skyrims the better game. I'm playing this because it's five more years until ES6.
that it happens to be quite good for the price is another thing
Sebastian Young
Skyrim is legit one of the worst AAA games I have ever played. I'd prefer fucking CoD over that garbage. Kill yourself and leave.
Isaac Ramirez
>only played Skyrim I'm sorry to hear that user.
Jaxson Cooper
Are you comparing TESO to vanilla or modded Skyrim?
Connor Cook
Not him but modded Skyrim is just shit with sprinkles on it. Go Enderal or bust.
Brayden Reyes
I know, just wanted to hear his answer.
Jace Harris
I know it's heresy and I'm a pleb, shit taste etc.
I liked Skyrim. It was pretty good. I did install some mods but mostly gameplay improvements. No graphics stuff because my pc was pretty bad. The story mods I remember were 3DNPC, wyrmstooth, Falskaar, Moonpath to Eleswyr and Forgotten City.
Eli Evans
>I liked Skyrim. It was pretty good.
Angel Hall
And I thought Dragonborn was better than all that.
Jason Price
>2016 >not sprinting while your mount sprints It's like you guys don't even fast
Landon Roberts
You.. Got me there.
Ryan King
The Elder Scrolls games legit got worse with every new game though. I will admit that Morrowind needs a few mods to make combat playable at this point, but is the best overall game by far. The quests are a million times better in Oblivion. The DB questline is fucking iconic and of the best in the series. Shivering Isles is fucking magical. Skyrim has...graphics, I guess? I can name several Oblivion and Morrowind NPCs off the top of my head. I have to struggle for 3 Skyrim ones. Do yourself a favor and pick up the others for cheap user
Connor Martin
What armor sets for Magicka Templar for PvP? I'm currentl running Seducer's and Torug's and I have 1750/1950 magicka regeneration but the enemies like to CC me and I run out of stamina really fast (10k stamina and 700 stamina regen)
Nathan Jenkins
Combat in this game is more complex. Spend a few hours up front to learn to use the combat system properly. Read up on the abilities and how to use them. Learn how to combo CCs, DOTs, attacks and finishers. Learn to block, dodge, interrupt and CC break. You will have a lot more fun if you feel powerful when adventuring.
Dylan Wood
>Stamblade >just put invis on my bar >ez pz lemon squeezy
I can see how it might be hard if you're not a nightblade of some sort but if you're any sort of nightblade there's no excuse. Invisibility is dirt fucking cheap to cast.
>Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion >good The contracts, sure. The storyline of the guild? Fuck. No. You get idiot-balled almost as hard as you do in the Fighter's Guild.
The only reason the Black Hand loses anyone is because the Champion is a deaf-mute who's too lazy and/or stupid to try and stop any of the obvious bullshit happening at the end with Mommy's Boy.
Parker Martinez
>not good Yes, the champion is an idiot and should have seen Bellamont coming a mile away, but I would rather replay the Whodunit quest than Skyrim. No one saw the purification coming, or at least I didn't, I'd consider that a bigger twist than the retard vision goggles at the end. Each of the contracts, like you say, is also good.
Still tried everything to get to Applewatch first and save Lachance. Tried fast travel, tried savescumming, tried riding shadowmere the whole way there with no stops.
Carter Rivera
Jacob Fisher
>be on a 60 speed mount in Cyrodiil near Chorrol >using Rapid Retreat >sprinting >try to jump one of the fissures in the earth filled with lava >clip the top of the opposite edge >thanks to Heroengine(tm) end up bouncing off the edge and sliding sideways >going so fast that it throws me 500feet to the right and into one of the lava fissures >die
Levi Morales
Is this game too much for console or is it just that poorly optimized?
>inb4 PC mustard race
I want to know the truth behind this horrible performance.
Blake Nguyen
Which Rapid Expedition morph is better? I always kept it unmorphed but now I think the cost is reduced if you morph it so... Which one?
Ryan Torres
What exactly do you mean by 'horrible performance'?
Brayden Foster
It's too much for Xbox judging by complaints. PS4 is ok, if anyone wants to confirm that?
Isaac Long
>Whodunit This is ultimately why I like Oblivion's DB less than Skyrim's. It's been a long time since I played either, but I can remember more of Skyrim's contracts (the poisoning of the false Emperor, pushing a statue onto a lady at her wedding like an asshole, and stabbing the actual Emperor after a pleasant chat all come to mind), but I .. literally recall nothing of DB in Oblivion beyond >Whodunit >??? >purification time >??? >Wow why am I so retarded
Maybe the end just soured the rest for me but I really can't recall anything aside from the spectacular start. It just overshadowed everything and nothing was quite as fun.
James Kelly
Can I trust him or we have a better and underrated ESO channel?
Mason Russell
PS4 player here. There's been noticeably bad frame drops, stuttering and freezing in the last few weeks but it honestly wasn't ever this bad before. I wonder if a new patch fucked something up. It might be a your mileage may vary thing, but at least in my case the horrible is confined to towns, cyrodil, and densely populated or wooded areas. Never in a dungeon.
Mason Hill
Alcast is better. Deltia writes for newbies in mind, and as a result he admits he doesn't follow his own guides. Also I personally think a lot of his builds are bad.
Mason Taylor
Everyone on the forums (including ps4 owners) are complaining about load screens and crashing constantly.
Brandon Cox
I play on Xbox and since Dark Brotherhood was released I've had a few crashes and some loading issues, but other than that there aren't any problems.
Lots of people seem to have similar problems, so it'll hopefully get fixed 'soon'.
Leo Harris
Hi, im starting with two Friends. I Want to play a nightblade, but dont know if stam or mag. Depending in that, ill Choose redguard or Breton. Whats better for Leveling, Dungeons, pvp and Overall the difference gameplay Wise? Thanks in advance.
Angel Lopez
Eh, different strokes for different folks, might even be because you played Skyrim first? It's the exact opposite for me, I can't remember anything about Skyrim's DB besides >no one cares about us >waifu says blatantly disobeying the tenents will fix it, for sure! >Probably shouldn't kill that clown. Seems like he's right.
Meanwhile, I remember the accident with the moose head, I remember hunting down the black hand, I remember the night mother, the lighthouse book, I remember the dead drops, I remember ocheeva, the orc, most of the entire sanctuary. It did start extremely strong though compared to the final quests, save the aforementioned "why am I so retarded" at the end. Honestly the more I think about it, the more sure I am that DB questlines in either game are the better ones. Thieves guild I'd definitely rank Skyrim and Oblivion the same, neither grabbed me.
Both are infinitely better than TESOs, though.
Josiah Brown
Alcast and Fengrush are the only persons worth listening to. Alcast for builds and Fengrush for general information.
Carter Reyes
I'd honestly rank ESOs DB above the one in Skyrim. I fucking hate every single line written in Skyrim, I can't understand how anyone can like that game, TES fan or not.
Parker Mitchell
I made one stam and one mag because both play styles are pretty fun. It's easy to make alts anyway because now everything is champ point based.
Levi Allen
Nothing in Skyrim makes sense and the DB storyline is one of the worst offenders. Skyrim as a whole is so bland and stupidly written, half the time I thought I wasn't even playing a game set in the TES universe.
Ian Thompson
Either one, it doesn't matter. Leveling the morphed version will increase its duration. The unmorphed skill duration is 30s at lvl4 and when morphed at lv4 it's 33s.
William Turner
>breton hero outfits cost 2000 fucking crowns >look nothing like the promo art and is complete shit
What the fuck.
Cameron Myers
>tfw you get this question after you ask if you can kiss her boots
Bentley Wood
>Paying for hats
Jackson Gonzalez
>Alcast >that Roossian semi-broken English
Dominic Edwards
New player here. Does it matter where you start really? Since it's all connected now? And what race is a good beginner race? I'm thinking of Orc because tanking seems like fun, but I still wanna do some damage so I'm more viable than "look at me I have health"