>1st thread:
>2nd thread:
>3rd thread:
>4th thread:
>Where: Midlands
>When: June 19th
>Time: 10:30-11:00
>shitposting spreadsheet: docs.google.com
>1st thread:
>2nd thread:
>3rd thread:
>4th thread:
>Where: Midlands
>When: June 19th
>Time: 10:30-11:00
>shitposting spreadsheet: docs.google.com
1st for bring pringles
2nd for early morning wake ups
3rd for 6am wank sessions.
>danny is a trap
4th for Monday getting up to pay for the NEETs time.
Best way to wake up desu
Work time, lads
>tfw brit meet has enough interest to be on its 4th thread
The hype has died down but I guess everyone is in that chat thing now, I need to get the app for phone really as I'm never home on the PC anymore.
chat thing?
I was interested, but autism tier Veeky Forums 'inner circle' chats seem a bit off putting.
Someone started a little group chat so everyone can keep in touch, I'm not in it yet though.
Its a decent idea, its an Veeky Forums meet so its going to be a circle jerk but it will be a fun one anyway. I just can't wait to see what kind of arguments people get into.
>my second gear is taller than yours
>half an hour of gear debating and car justifications insue
>yfw only 3 people turn up
It's not as autistic as you'd think. And something like this, which require a large time investment on the day, I think it's handy for everyone to communicate during the build up. Will (B L A C K W I L L) and Danny have already met for example.
>Will (B L A C K W I L L) and Danny have already met for example
we're all hoping they now fuck off and don't come to the main meet.
I've also "met" my stalker on here though I'm not sure what he drives or anything but I think he's attending the meet.
I think its going to be a great time to be fair.
I don't mind Will or Danny.
They met IRL and Will failed to park a real car as he is too used to his Micra
you fags are turning this into a right soap opera, i hope they don't come with their shit boxes to this meet i was going to attend as i thought this was a car meet but just turning more and more into a circle jerk. I can guarantee this will just end up being a couple of people namely these two benders and you. You can all admire eachothers beat up shitboxes.
Haha that's because the Micra parks itself, I just throw it in the direction of a space and no matter what angle you take it fits.
Its fun driving the Micra and coming from a bike, you can filter in it.
There's a decent variety of cars coming, not all shitboxes, there's only like five or so.
Calm down mate.
Mrcbt and I met as well in our top of the line sportcars
Any soap opera pretensions will be quickly dispersed by the fact we can't talk to each other while we're driving the Tick, unless you're one of the very sad people who bought a walkie talkie
>fags acting like meeting up at the pub is the event
Guys, take a look at some pictures of the Midlands Tick. You're welcome.
>tfw been learning every corner and bend to this road
so going to win this race lads
>going for a spirited drive on this midlands tick
>can't go above 60mph in case the shitboxes fall behind
>these two lovers keep walkie talking each other throughout the drive and holding everyone up
>trying to get X amount of cars to overtake a bus, all the sub 1.6's don't have enough power to overtake
This will be a stop every 2 miles event to let everyone catch up, which in turn will turn into a 30min circle jerk at the roadside.
I bet we'll only cover a quarter of the tick
>implying I am waiting for anyone
We'll agree a place to meet post-Tick for anyone that wants to soap it up. Might be tempted desu but I do want the day to be about driving and open roads
Everyone should just do what they want on the tick, no point waiting up for anyone especially me, I'll roll on the first turn.
We still need to agree to a meeting pub at the other end (one of the locals should advise) then everyone can go their own pace.
>then everyone can watch the gpx shoot off into the distance
Oh wait, shit, isn't an actually fast bike coming now?
My other mate intends to come on a VF500 too. I wish I had a full licence because I'd be going on an RGV.
>being this bitter
You must be scottish
There's no "inner circle" all we do is talk shit and organize two man mini meets and stuff
On a separate note what's the general consensus on non Veeky Forums passengers. A friend of mine who uses Veeky Forums just not Veeky Forums wants to ride shotgun
You should join the slack channel mate plenty of banter
bitter isn't the word, i was looking forward to this meet as i thought it would be a decent event with some nice cars and a nice drive.
it's going to be a drama.
do what you want you black cunt it's your car
Morse code with horns.
I'm definitely forgoing the walkie talkies; I can't drive and hold things at the same time. The road sort of vanishes if I'm not concentrating.
Drop him off halfway around the drive. Someone else can pick him up if they feel like it.
> Expecting other than old hatchbacks
It's like you don't even know what it's like owning a car in britain in Veeky Forums's demographic.
I just get the feeling I'll be self-conscious about having the newest car and not having enough power in 5th to do anything below 60.
They don't have to be hatchbacks, there is no excuse. 190Es and E30s are still cheap, albeit rusty, and we have the best used car market that I know of in the UK bro. Get a landbarge with a huge engine that kids don't buy and smash up to beat the insurance game. Under 21s it's acceptable to drive a heap.
I might bring a pillion on the bike. Not a 4clammer but loves tiny old hatchbacks and nocar. Picked up car knowledge from listening to me and others talk over the years, was my team when I drag raced the GS430
Taxes and insurance go by engine capacity, if you don't know.
Either put up with cheap cars, or don't show up. Stop being an elitist prick.
I'm not the guy who's bagging on everyone for their cars, my first car was a '92 1.4 carburettor Ford Escort. But insurance doesn't go by engine capacity and, after a certain year, neither does tax. People do some incredible stuff in this country with small cars due to the limitations placed on them (pressure makes diamonds) but they're not me at all.
Not everyone wants a landbarge, by definition they aren't interesting to drive
They don't. A 2.0L mondeo and S2000 are vastly different in insurance but have the same engine size
Ye I will do when I get the app for the phone I suppose. What are the details on it all again?
Email [email protected] loads of abuse and cheese pizza and put 'slack channel' in the subject line
I don't think he worded it correctly, but technically he is right; insurance does go by engine size. It's just that it's one of the many criteria they take into condieration when deciding how much money they want to scam out of you.
Any of you lads go to Japfest? Saw a sweet convoy on my way into work. Also spotted these two QT's.
Is the dramatrolling over? Can we be car friends again?
If the elitist prick doesn't come back, sure.
I think 2 of those posts were me. I wasn't intending to shit on anyone's car (Your first car was not as bad as my first car, whatever it was), just battling the disinformation that all you can drive as a young guy in the UK is a small hatchback.
Is making a cut-out-and-keep guide for doing my alignment properly, complete with pictures, a bit patronising to hand to the tech at the shop?
fuck off with your shitbox
If this gets any serious replies, I will lose faith in Brit/o/
i lost faith in brit/o/ as soon as i heard the majority of the cars there will be shitboxes
2/10, got a reply
they are literally shitboxes how am i trolling?
Ever been to a car meet? You have rows of idiots in brand new Fiesta STs beaming happily, but there are still good cars there, too. And the FiST guys enjoy it as much as the guys who bring the real cars.
A fiesta ST isn't a shitbox, im talking about 1.2 micras. even though ford is shit i have nothing against fiesta ST owners.
>he realises, slowly, that car taste is subjective, and is hoist by his own petard
No i think the shitboxes should have their own meet at the nearest scrapyard.
Popular opinion seems to be that you should have your own meet at home with all your friends desu
I'm honestly glad you;re not going to come.
Yeah i'm really gutted i wont be seeing your £300 'hot' hatches.
>implying i'm bringing a hatchback
I hope you enjoy whatever you do on the day. I will be driving one of Briain's best roads
He posts while looking miserably at the Oyster card snuggly resting in his wallet
oi oi lads I'm looking at getting a '09 Clio GT
>owns and drives a 1.2 shitbox
>posts on a board designed for car 'enthusiasts'
Careful, you might anger our resident "all my opinions are facts" busrider.
>no true scotsman
>still bitterly clutching that buspass
>he thinks my 1.2 'hot' hatch is a shitbox
>he must be a bus rider, only real car enthusiasts buy beat up 1.2 £300 bangers
my sides
10/10 for the derailing to be fair
post your bus passes lads
This post is the most bipolar thing I've ever read. Holy shit.
>t. shitbox owner
>I'd rather drive nothing than own a car
>I'm a real enthusiast guise!
How about we have two meets at opposite ends of the route?
One meet for normal cars
The other for shitboxes
We both do the same road starting at each end, then half way through (well as far as the shitboxes make it) the two groups can pass each other and wave.
I have a car, just not a fucking shitbox lol
literally only fucking plebs take the bus
do you have them in case your £3.50 shitboxes blow up?
Do you like Rally2k?
how do we decide what a shitbox is and not?
0-60 times?
don't even own a car 2bh
i use the overground most of the time, followed by the tube and the bus only when i have to
i have one of the faster cars signed up on the sheet but i only use it on the weekends
i decide
is my 1.2 2004 corsa a shitbox?
bread on bonnet or GTFO faget
inb4 "I-I-I don't have to p-prove myself to a bunch of shitbox-drivers!!"
are you the MG fag
I'd say it is.
He got quite shitty when someone attempted bantz with him.
>I have a car
Pic related
>a n I m e s t I c k e r s
We need to come up with a team name and sticker design.
Then the anti-shitbox user can come challenge us.
>people get defensive when their prestigious £2.99 shitboxes get insulted
They do when buspassfags are doing it out of spite.
Ka vs Micra drag races when?
There was a guy last thread who got all depressex when he realised the Amerilards would mock us and our meet because mostly fwd hatchbacks were attending. Probably that guy too.
I'd rather own a £300 shitbox than have to mingle in 60 other people's farts and BO.
ctrl F 'shitbox' on the thread, it is the same guy he has a thing about micras, ka's etc
>(Your first car was not as bad as my first car, whatever it was)
2nd gen 1.1 Fiesta, absolutely fucking coated inside and out with beeswax, inherited from my grandfather because he'd been hoarding money for my grandmother, who went out and bought a new car as soon as she discovered he'd done so.
It lasted about a month before I had to sell it. I couldn't afford to insure it, it turned out to be a cut and shut, and I'd bent my mother's newer Fiesta and had to pay the insurance excess.
Although my 'real' first car that I actually bought and insured and drove and fixed (and fixed and fixed and fixed) was a 1.6 '99 Astra SXi. I loved it, but it hurt to change gear and stop, and every bump had me listening for unusual noises.
I miss it. And the ridiculous acceleration for something so old, big, and heavy.
But he doesn't HAVE any friends!
So, one 'meet' with just you, and the rest of us at the real meet?
This. Prove it's your fucking car, photo with your dick on the bonnet. On the bread.
Is my 1.6 Focus counted as a shitbox? It's nice, but not very quick. I suppose it's only shitty if you want to be somewhere else RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
But it's comfy, handles well, nice stereo, and, most importantly, DOESN'T FUCKING BREAK SOMETHING EXPENSIVE EVERY COUPLE OF THOUSAND FUCKING MILES like my old Astra did.
So he's a "muh Veeky Forums" neckbeard who takes shit here far too seriously and who gives a shit about the opinions of shitposting strangers.
Absolute fucking apex kek.
The Micras (assuming that they're at least 1.3s) should beat the Ka's in a drag race, based on 0-60 at least. Unless someone brings a SportKa or an engine swapped Ka, there's no chance for the Kamrades.