League of Legends general - /lolg/

Fuck the new yordle! edition
Get him a mount that doesn't look like it has birth defects sub-edition


Other urls found in this thread:


>New champion comes out
>People dont care much
>Buff him slightly
>People immediately want it gutted into the ground for "anti fun cancer that needs to be gutted and should be reworked 3 years from now and deserves to be dumpstered"
>Nerfed forever
>Cycle repeats

pick your girlfriend for the upcoming riot dating sim


I can't think of a single AD champion that has had this happen to.



for pillar

twitchfag he eventually got gud at art

so when are we getting a global rule to forbid raging faggots from spreading their degeneracy and contain them to /lgbt/?

I'm here for videogames not for censored gay smut


Pick one

a little gay but ok.

Big Waifu!

You guys think Kled will be an ADC?

welp he was p bad iirmc

Jhin will have it happen soon

The list goes on.

first for


the new designer looks like a pretty cool guy
no sjw things
he just seems to be a videogame nerd


>be me
>little american boy
>23 years old, 450 pounds
>see sjokz for the first time
>omg.jpg she's a goddess
>love at first sight
>decide to lose a bit of weight to be the perfect man for her
>1 year later
>lost 30 pounds
>took a small loan to go to europe meet her
>bought a nice ring

Did you ever love someone so much you changed your whole life for him/her? I can't wait to meet her and ask her to marry me. Guys, wish me luck.

>that art
Literally do the world a grand favor and immediately kill yourself.

I think Yordles start to look more human as they age or they just start losing their fur.
That would explain Corki and Heimer lacking fur and looking more human

>tfw you'll never be this pathetic

xth for perfect girls have big nose

Heimer has fur it's just curly. Corki isn't really a yordle he is clearly just a dwarf a costume.

fresh oc

more like
>new champion comes out with a mechanic that is inherently broken
>his numbers are laughably shitty
>he gets buffed 4 patches in a row
>everybody learns to abuse his inherently broken mechanic while abusing his retardedly high numbers now
>people cry out for nerfs while some people start yelling:"I always knew it he was broken!"
>champion ascends into buff/nerf-limbo for a year before riot finally finds a way to stabilize his winrate at 49.33%


mark of each you see and when you get all posts you win

The only time this has ever happened was Bard.

Literally only that. Kled will not be that case.

>be mordekaiser one tirck pony
>over 1000 ranked games with him this season
>only silver 4 (because team sucks)
>someone tell me mordekaiser sucks
>tell them to shut up
>enemies insulting me
>proceed to rush triforce and win the game ez pz

Mordekaiser is probably the strongest character in this game. You have tons of damage, a lot of utility with your ult, with stormraider you have mobility. He's the perfect champion


A shame our dates would be limited to the beach and maybe the cove.

He could always just shave it like Corki does.
Nigga flys an open top ROFLCOPTER so having all that fur would suck if you flew through a cloud


>Jhin will have it happen soon

I swear if my best boy main gets gutted because riot cant fucking balance ArPen items/make ADC items usable I will have no incentive to play this game.

you are still silver and you cant discuss balance though

Fiercest and most beautiful girl in Runeterra

Nothing about his character implies he is a video game nerd, if anything what we know is he is this mad border ranger more akin to a hermit. He probably posts on /k/

Reminder that Amumu is NOT a yordle.

we know

corkie and Heim both suffer from Riot's terribly inconsistant design choices with the yordle species in its early time of conception. To try and use their content to base rules on the specie's design is foolish as it is genuinely the most inconsistent time with their design he was made.

If they give him a new model, should they keep the triangle feet?


>brand new champion trailer
>been out ALL day
>only 135k views
League is dead. Irrefutably, unequivocally dead.Time to pack up and leave boys. I'll see you all in /d2g/.

They are probably drinking buddies or dating.

Teeto will always be a little midget with no knees just for the memes.

Fuck you, Teemo is adorable

holy fuck this thread is dead

post mains

Why are all League champions so boring? It's always something cute, cartoony or "Imma save the world, Imma champion!"..

Can't we have like more monsters or demons again?

Is it because Riot is still shooting for that "family friendly" shit? Or have they lost all creativity?

Snowballing is the most unfun cancer you could put in a video game which is why it causes so much stress in the people who play it.

I just played Diablo 3 with some friends recently and we actually laughed and had fun instead of being angry when we were losing. We played overwatch and we had fun. We played Dark Souls and we had fun. It was all because the game wasn't over after we died twice and we had to sit around like cucks waiting for "late game" aka "do nothing for 40 minutes and hope you can cheese a win".

New Yordle gives me Ziggs vibes.

I'm expecting him to be just as insane, but in a different way. Judging from the get-up and Southern accent, my guess is that he was originally from Bilgewater until he was given a hefty offer by Noxus to become one of their foot soldiers. Then he ended up coming to enjoy the work, eventually becoming a patriot to Noxus. Will probably be Poppy's rival in this regard.

So far I like him; will probably end up being one of my favorite yordles, but the fucking mount is so goddamn stupid-looking and it's going to clash with his design in-game. Maybe the release skin will be better.


He is adorable but his classic anatomy was gross.

what the fuck is taking aka6 so fucking long
41days left
someone please tell me what the fuck is going on with the contest

>jhin, a psycho serial killer
>tahm kench, a monster
>azir, undead emperor of sands
>vel'koz, monster
>rengar, monster
>kha'zix, monster
>sion, technically a monster
>illaoi, prophet of a monster god

>no orc berserker
>no dark elves
>no a qt and tomboyish thief

>snowballing is the most unfun cancer
Why are you getting upset that the players who make better plays and decisions get rewarded?

>He was stuck in LAN plat because "his team was holding him back" and moved to NA
>He's stuck in low gold now

Why is this game and general filled with so many autistic children? You guys are worse than the pokemon go thread

>Maybe the release skin will be better
This. His mount is ruining his design, it really looks bad. Like they apparently just can't let a yordle be serious.

riot should use
pic related
for champion design

The majority of those are just terrible designs.

fucking disgusting fatso

Definitely the former since they've gone so far as to edit out depictions of skeletons, drinking and blood and the like.

Though we had a few good characters released within the last 12 months. Jhin, Aurelion and Illaoi were all pretty unique and didn't really fit those roles.

Also the champions we've been getting within the last 2-3 years have been pretty unique overall.

>no orc berserker
>no dark elves
>no a qt and tomboyish thief

>new yordle looks like trash
>no new cute yordles
>riot is ruining the game right before worlds
>next contest is only in august

I guess I'm stuck playing Overwatch or SFV until then


>rumble isn' serious
>poppy isn't serious
>teemo isn't serious outside of "le satan meme xD"
>kennen isn't serious
seriously, fuck you all. this shit is worse than leddit, you complain about the most stupid shit with no good reason at all

Because LoL is pretty generic.

I'm pretty sure (almost) every game and general has many autistic people and all of them are equally bad. Name me a general that isn't autistic then.


>riot should use pic related for champion design
Go play Neptunia or something, faggot.


Will Kled hint at best ship?

did servers go to shit for anyone else?

>The majority of those are just terrible designs.

Go play a different game

put me out of my misery

>Will probably be Poppy's rival in this regard
Yo, that makes a lot of sense, the symbol in his hat is a modified version of Poppy's belt buckle.

are we sure he's noxian? looks like noxians hes killing

anyone else dc? i was playing dynamic queue with some vg cucks but i dc'd, euw btw

Sounds like you haven't been to many generals honestly.

I see you don't play very many video games then.

lol it's true

Does anyone else here play Morg? She shits damage.


>no new cute yordles
New yordle is very cute.

Same here

illaoi's champ design is really good, she's just obnoxious in-game

It has 1.1 MILLION of views on facebook, go back to your containment thread.

I don't see anything wrong in the server here. PH by the way.

soraka and sona can't solo carry
play janna and collect your freelo dude
they lack peel on bruisers
whereas janna has a free knockup and a knockback whereas raka has a shitty silence and sona has a stun for her ulti

but this is coming from a thresh main and janna is a good counter to thresh who is played a shit tonne

He looks evil as fuck, how is he NOT Noxian?

Not to mention that the posters were calling his mount "the Pride of Noxus."

So is Taliyah any good? I've got like three more characters to get is there any reason to get her over swain or aatrox?

Illaoi is honestly a good design. She has a clear and unique thematic. Her kit, animations, quotes, etc all reflect on this very well. The only people who don't like Illaoi's design are the waifufags who complain "she's so le ugly xD!!!! le tumblrina strong womyn xdxd!"

Generic knights can be either.

>LoL it's not generic, it's because y-y-you don't play very many video games

Anyone advice how to untilt? Ive lost 14 of my last 20 games. I rarely lose lane, often going even or better. If im winning, I roam bot often. But i just cant turn my lane advantage into a win, because there is a often a fed top laner stopping me.

Should I just become a Top main to stop this?

/lolg/ euw vs Veeky Forums when?

Because those decisions make the game not fun for the enemy team.

In CS:GO, Overwatch or Battlefield you can get stomped by the enemy team but their guns won't be doing more damage. They're simply outplaying you.

Giving players who make good decisions rewards like higher damage so that the enemy player can't even fight back is stupid. The reward should be that they're dead and you can deal damage to their towers or take an objective just as it is in every other competitive game that doesn't use the broken gold generation system.

stop playing for a while, play some ARAM and then try again

who else wants to fuck kled?

I want to cuddle with Taliyah
I want to show her what rock hard REALLY is