Are we approaching a post-capitalism era? How can they get away with this?

Are we approaching a post-capitalism era? How can they get away with this?

>spend $160 on Pods
>lose Pods
>spend $320 on Pods
>lose Pods
>spend $480 on Pods


>post capitalism

Not yet user, we're reaching peak capitalism right now, it'll be a slow painful fall towards participatory capitalism and eventually a post capitalist world but all will be fixed once we reach the post-scarcity anarchist world.

This is fucking bullshit

No I wouldn't say we are.

What makes you say that?

>How can they get away with this?
With what? Setting a price at whatever they want? Why shouldn't they be able to in a free market?

>invent a product (wireless ear buds)
They can set it at whatever price they want. I won't buy them until this product proves itself a few years down the line. Sounds like an alright idea but you're gonna lose these things

This is the quintessential of capitalism

If anything Apple is the best existing example of capitalism. It literally does all the positive and negative things that capitalism is capable of doing.

They didn't invent wireless earbuds, they just added a bunch of unnecessary, battery-draining shit to them.


wireless ear buds have been a thing since like 2009 or even before. They have never become popular because:

a) they are expensive
b) easy to lose if you use them while moving
c) wired ear buds have better sound quality at the same price point

To add my own question to this

What exactly is wrong with these?

Beats and all those other shitty wireless brands are more expensive than these and I see those everyday at the gym.

I honestly expected an Apple brand product like this to be more expensive. It pretty much falls into the middle price range of wireless earbuds.

So what's the problem

Why can't a company set its prices at whatever it wants

wired buds have the added bonus of not draining your battery in 20 minutes

It's literally an antenna & chip stitched onto their Earpods they sell for $30 and spend under $5 producing.

In the immortal words of The Dude, "You're not wrong, you're just an asshole"

What? What is assholish about setting a price you want? I don't get it

Noone forces you to buy them
And even if they had a monopoly on earbuds then capitalism urges you (yes you!) to set up a company that sells them cheaper

A fool and his money are soon parted
Idiots will always find a way to burn teir cash on useless shit

Nobody is forcing you to buy it lol

Because the new iphone apparently doesn't have an audio jack.

It's literally the same phone from last year with a price increase. It's the consumer's own fault for falling for this.

The nice thing about capitalism is that you have the choice not to purchase it.

Apple products are only purchased by nu-males, females, and homosexuals, and no one in this demographic is known for their intelligent purchasing decisions.

I'm still using my 2014 android phone and it still works perfectly and I don't plan to upgrade it till ~2020.

Only turbo poors need a new phone, which removes features, every year, just to text and use Facebook.

Oh there's absolutely no problem with that at all. In fact although I don't own any Apple products I would be proud if I could ever have a business that can pull off the kind of shit Apple does. It's really admirable from a business point of view.

As a consumer I don't care since like I said, I don't buy Apple products and I don't think I ever will. I do feel sorry for the fools who are so brainwashed that they actually feel like they need an iPhone, a Mac, and an iPad.

> Require an aux port in phone.
> iPhone no longer has aux port.
> Thousands of other smartphones still have an aux port.

Its pretty simple. If lack of an aux port is a deal breaker to you, just buy a different phone. Capitalism gives you that choice.

If the market demands an aux port, Apple will have to cave to market demands and add the aux port back in. They'll just chalk it up as a bad business decision.

If the wireless ear buds turn out to work very well, the market will accept it and people will generally be better off (you'll still have audiophiles wanting an aux port, but they'll most likely get their own niche devices that support aux, because there will be a market.)

The customer is always right, and people will vote with their wallet. Nobody is forcing you to buy Apple products.

Then don't buy it
and/or buy a galaxy s whaterver number they are on

I'll prolly just pair the phone with my beets.

wireless base model is about the same price anyways.

>he has beats

What a fucking faggot

>It's literally the same phone from last year with a price increase

no it isn't lol

stop talking out of your ass


>Apple gets rid of headphone jack
>Yet market for headphone jack still exists
>Producers continue to produce old style jack or perhaps modernized version of one
>People buy in their preferred market
>Producers notice there is a market for both
>Producers (besides Apple) now offer both options
The only people butthurt about this are "muh Mac" fanboy faggots.

Wow, they removed the jack and gave it 1 GB more of ram

Totes a different phone guys

gibe $700 monies

I don't think it's wrong.
I just think it's stupid. You'd have to be a dumbass to pay $160 for shitty headphones.

They aren't just regular earbuds, they have
>infrared sensors to detect when they are in your ear
>accelerometers so you can tap them while they are inside your ear to activate siri
>microphones so you can talk to siri hands-free like a bluetooth dickhead
All of this kills the battery life.

>Are we approaching a post-capitalism era?

>How can they get away with this?
too many retards buying their shit.

They know it won't sell a lot, so they're hoping to make a big profit on little sales. It's going to fail dramatically.

>my beats

holy shit, get out of here you fucking hipster

There's no problem it's just an observation. If a profitable copany sets prices that high for technology that doesn't have a real value (using "real value" loosly here you're going to have to follow along) anywhere near the value that they are pricing the item; and consumers still buy that product en-masse then we're looking at something beyond capitalism.

Whether it is strictly "post-capitalism" or not; i have no idea. Look at the definition of capitlism and look at what at how trends and ad campaigns are inflating the price of technology. Not just on a small scale mind you because that would be normal in capitalism, but a large scale. That is not exactly the model of capitalism if a unit price doesn't reflect it's true cost.

I realize "real price" and "true cost" might sound ambigious but it isn't. It's the price something takes to produce and a markup that is sufficient to continue producing it with a profit margin high enough to keep you going but still keep competitors.

Apple is a strange example because it's just has one of the most succesful ad campaigns in history. I'd put it right up there with coca cola.

most people in this thread fail to grasp what capitalism is lol i love this board you are all so fucking dumb

its called price in-elasticity you economic illiterates

Veblen goods are very much capitalism

hate to break it to you guys, but this is just how much decent wireless pods currently cost.

it's true of any brand that's in the market space at this moment

I thought the product was pretty damned brilliant.

>participatory capitalism

This is so naive. You know there are limitations on entering an industry that are in place both organically as well as artificially. Especially without the advantage of innovation, pure price undercutting is near impossible for a new firm because not only does it need to get the operational funding, but there are often regulations that need to be complied with. That means additional consulting and permits. Otherwise people would be opening multi-million dollar firms every day.


Consumerism. Their market is rich people who'll happily pay that much for iphone-exclusive headphones, and the poor people emulating them.

you mean post scarcity technocratic world?