Dueling Network General- /dng/

Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2247 - Child Soldier Edition
Last thread: YGOPro (Windows): drive.google.com/open?id=0B6B7GsCVf45zclhuTktCVWNNdWc
YGOPro (Mac): mega.nz/#!fREAVBwZ!cOQG_5oHFKgjfwz4dVUtAW88w9gqRrvWyeFZ7zI_bVM

● DN was a browser-based, manual simulator.
● YGOPro is an automated simulator.

Useful Links:
(Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15)
yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page (Wiki with a wealth of information for players, new and old)
yugiohprices.com/ (Comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market)
ygodr.blog.jp/ (OCG decklists)
yugiohtopdecks.com/decklists (TCG decklists)
ygorganization.com/ - blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/ (TCG/OCG news sites)
yugioh.party/ (Hypergeometric/Probability calculator)

The Official /dng/ ruling test can be found here:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: 20th Rival Collection (July 21st)
●OCG: Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers (August 6th)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2016 (September 10th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-Volt (September 24th)
●OCG: Raging Tempest (October 8th)

●TCG: Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (July 22nd)
●TCG: The Dark Illusion (August 5th)
●TCG: Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (August 19th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba (August 19th)

BEFORE asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Read the cards please.
● Google your Deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● Remember to playtest and try suggestions before you trash them, even if someone recommends a weird tech choice. You don't know everything.

Other urls found in this thread:




Why is he so perfect?


xth for my buddy Infinity

Does giving your opponent a token have any applications?

>yfw Tewart takes Scarm and Graff off the list, kills Monarchs, emergency bans Gospel and Blue-Eyes, kills Terraforming, Castel, Infinity and Gear Gigant X

It lets you easily trigger effects that rely on battle damage or destroying a monster.

doubled piercing damage if they're in defense
sphere mode

>people now scoop to Darklords
Because he has a feminine penis.

Chaos MAX OTK builds

Something weak to attack over, kills BA monsters, prevents people from SSing things like Photon thrasher, clogs their field if they can't synch or tribute it.


Dante MUST be put on the list.

How can Yuya cardfus even compete?

>tribute this to increase my other AA's attack
>pendulum summon it back

Semi-limited ;)

>already forgetting about them

Just a Virus card being sacky as usual

This guy needs to be retrained with a competent effect for Machines

can't wait for manga Yuya to get more lewd cards

Only if he gets art as good as not!Alt Eisen.

>ultimate baseball kid of machines never

How do we turn abyss actors into a decent rank 4 deck?

solution: machine queen

Maybe this time they'll make it a fusion like in the anime

Should I just bite the bullet and order Alternatives for $20 each?

so how much is blue eyes deck with and without him? im condsidering buying it.

>level 5 instead of 6
>generic Machine type materials
>generic goodstuff effect

and suddenly we have indirect CyDra degeneracy support

How good, you mean? Without him, it's fairly good, but with him it's really good.


Structures are still coming out in October. They fucked up the date at Comic-Con.


oh im sorry. i meant the price.

Why don't you rev up yugiohprices and stop asking retarded questions?

why'd you have to remind me ;_;7


I'm glad. I really don't like ABCs, they're fucking gay.

I am more than okay with this.

I told you fucking idiots literally NO ONE READS THE OP.


>do it for excellen

blue-eyes is 207 euros not counting any trap or spell cards. holleeefuuk

More Darklords when?

That's great.
We get to fool around with Metalfoes and Blue-eyes for a while then get ABC.
>D/D/Ds still cucked until Arc-V ends
What deck has been more cucked than this? It's worse than Nebra Disk at this point

You know, as far as I'm concerned, if my opponent is going to masturbate in front of me so indecently, I'd prefer if it was a least to OTK me cleanly instead of ending up with
>Did you want to play Yu-Gi-Oh today ? ;)

tfw u won because he wasnt running Lightning


I'm glad we don't have Lightning in my country.

wish there was more to this deck than ameshikou turbo

I'm really worried that they are going to do this with Duja too.

I guarantee Duja will be a Jump promo or theater promo. They still haven't released the official eng translations of the movie manga and they'll have to do that soon before the movie releases.

I love it because its ameshiko turbo. People panic at an untargetable indestructable 3k burner that turns all their disruption worthless.

Inoshikacho is really good as well, I just wish this deck had an easy archtype attack buff for him.

Abyss Actors are so damn entertaining to play

I'm crossing my fingers for a Jump Promo, because I really don't want to have to wait until next year to play Cubics.

post dicklust

You lose nothing from Duja being delayed since Cubics were never good.
D/D loses everything since they actually had a shot at being meta if they were imported on time.



I just wish they'd get a way to force backrow destruction, similar to how Graydle Combat can change a card effect.

Either that or an Abyss Script/Stage (Prop) to directly search for cards instead of relying solely on your opponent to destroy your Heroine or Wild Hope to get a proper search off.

Kozmo can't be tier 1.
Kozmo is complete garbage, especially when compared with BA and Monarchs.
The power gap is too great.
Kozmo might as well have taken Tier 2 crown from mermail.

Post your pet.dek



hands off my waifu you fuck

Kozmos are tier 1 though.
The issue is that they're so linear that they attract the most dumbest pilots ever.
How the hell does anybody lose with a deck which can recover from anything, floats anytime you want it to, all the bosses have protection and float and the field spell fixes brick hands and floats into itself if it gets popped is beyond me
The best part is that NOTHING in this deck can miss timing unlike other decks out there.
Kozmos are just designed to be perfect.

Well you know what? Fuck D/D/D and fuck that pathetic excuse for a rival who plays them.


RIP Excellen VA ;_:

What rival plays D/D/D?
Kaiba uses Blue eyes
Edo uses Destiny HERO
Jack uses Red Dragon Archfiend
Kaito uses Galaxy/Cipher/Photon
Sawatari uses Abyss Actors

Lemme see that decklist, sweet cheeks

Because the deck is too linear.

Even with a mulligan field its linearity isn't as strong as Monarchs and BA.


>Deck with mostly level 4 Machines
>No Silver/Gold Gadget

You can destroy Wild Hope yourself Rise or Sky Arc and it will trigger. It doesn't rely on your opponent.

And yet they fail, because other than otk they are subpar at everything else they try to do

Not him, but it looks like he's short on room.

Some Jurracs get effects when they destroy by battle and Spinos is supposed to help with that.

it used to be over 400 players at any time


take out the vylon shit

when are they unbanning dragons?

im not playing this game again until i have blaster back.

the deck is just really fragile since generally the number of monsters you can get out is the number of successful normal summons

it's pretty easy to get stunned to death or have someone play around your floating


Nigger, maybe if you weren't such a fucking scrub you wouldn't have lost faggot.

I'm getting my bi-annual itch to get into a card game.

Why do you guys like YGO? What makes it better than any other card game? Pitch it to me.

kill yourself spic

Go play Magic you pretentious little faggot.

Waifus, fast games and many ways to masturbate for minutes doing your combos and shit.

I prefer MTG and only really play YGO online, though.

It's a shit game, you shouldn't waste your money nor time on this garbage.

fuck off

>when are they unbanning dragons?
Did the Wyrm detrains not tip you off already that they wouldn't ever?

Where's that guy's Reddit-tier copypasta?

New Darklords are fun.

Cycling through your entire deck in a flash is pretty damn sexy.

Y-you . . . too ?

It's a nice way of brute forcing through bricks


go away

>need a reason to play

holy shit faggot, speed up your webms and you can fit more shit in them

Here, have a benefit-of-the-doubt honest answer:
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a game with massive variety and a fast pace. There are giant monsters, Power Rangers, edgy demons, food waifus, transformers, ancient aliens, big dumb anime dragons, frogs, trilobites, birds, robo birds, robo dinosaurs, space ships, knights of the round table, ugly guys in speedos, Chinese longs, jewish boats, ancient egyptians, etc.
There is a sizable variety of different play styles as well, and you have the ability to make all these ridiculous and skilly plays that make you feel like an anime character.