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Second times the charm!


I believed in you OP!

I claim this thread -- FOR THE HORDE!

I'd go with fags.

top five for legion paladins are a complete mess, all specs being subpar and/or boring, badly designed shit

spriest for fun
mage for high dps

Xth for the glory of the tentacle gods :3

Gul'dan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>faggot hellscreams

give me the most fun and effective dps for legion

hunters Rogues and Mages will top Dps in legion .confirmed

unholy dk


every expansion ever

arcane mage

Is this guy legit? According to him, bs/enchant is the best combo to make gold

But Shadow Priests are the new Arcane Mages.




>mages will top DPS

in other breaking news, the sky is blue and water is wet

Is your Demon Hunter going to be a Night Elf or a Blood Elf?


>2nd day since I resubbed
>shit myself because I'm too busy to go to the bathroom

Anons, I must insist on my request over this.

blood elf

because my guild is horde

although they have no room for more players so idk why I keep making horde characters

I enjoy the alliance races much more

Night elf.
I dislike blood elves and I don't think they look good with horns and wings.

Very cute!

Is new elemental fun?
Could I make a good goblin slutmog for them?

If your character name is longer than 5 characters or has accents, kill yourself.

night elf because I prefer to pretend that horde didn't get a "pretty" race

moms gonna freak

By talking to people, you dingbat. Do you PvP? If you see someone on your realm, talk to them.

Do you raid? Talk to people in Mythics or even LFR.

Do you sit around sucking cock for copper? MoonGuard's Goldshire is the palce for you.

Night Elf, but I really wish I could roll as a Blood Elf.

Rate my first attempt at transmoging.
Started playing 3 weeks ago, so it's nothing amazing.
Tips, advice and recommendations are extremely appreciated.

I always felt using the helmet and shoulders from the same set was cheating, as they are the two most noticable bits.
Not bad however.

Blood Elf, because all my friends play Horde.

Yeah, I'm trying to find different shoulders that look good, and don't glow like a disco (like these ones).

Not terrible for your first time since you're new. That said, it's just a tier set all put together with some twin weapons. Don't NOT use the set if you like it, but don't think it's really imaginative since it's meant to be worn together.

Try and get Demise for the weapons from Naxx 25 to match that outfit.

None of the three, user. I am content with having a group I could do shit with and behave with them like I fucking would with any of my friends, and have a good time for everyone doing so.

And OF COURSE I want to go beyond LFR with people on the yet unspecified guild, but last time I went on LFR all friendly, I came out enraged by what disaster I saw.

Which class got the best rework?
Which was ruined?

Probably warriors due to how boring they are now

If only the models in game looked anything close to that.

pally and warr

best: rogue, druid, dk
worst: paladin, priest


>Probably warriors due to how boring they are now
Negative. Ret paladins got the nerfed into boringness as well as losing all their mobility and range making them the bottom of the barrel. They're literally good at nothing right now.

Prot and Holy both got shit on pretty hard too.


fucking paladin what did you DOOOO blizzard

this user is correct

So you want a group to talk with and do shit with, but you do not want/feel like you're unable to talk to anyone.

I can't help you.

Is that good or bad?

It's almost like WoD elemental but with even less skills, so no, it's not fun. It's even more boring than before.


how do you disable the bar that pops up in the middle of your screen in combat

It's great

Best: Shadow Priest, Rogue, Enhancement Shaman (now it makes more sense, DPS and utility aside)
Worst: Paladin, Hunter

>worst: priest
>hunters not even in worst

People are really not that hard to interact with.

Yeah. I'll wear something I like and change bits that I find that look better.
And yeah, it's not really imaginative. I do want to swap the shoulders ASAP, tho.

Thanks for the advice.

Dark meat

thoughts on this tmog?

There's no exclusive hairstyles for DH right?

Should I free boost my shaman or priest?

Are you trying to look like that?

Survival is pretty great. Paladins were destroyed though.

hmm? i don't understand the question. that's my tmog.

No idea, wasn't in the beta.

Until the first balance patch in Legion we're literally going to see raids advertised as "No Paladins allowed"

I put priest in worst since disc and holy suck now and shadow, while fun, isn't great either

Holy is fine. It's certainly not on the same level of shit Disc.

Maybe for dragonheroes where they wont be infinitely trained and shutdown ;^)

Who thought making a class entirely dependable on peels and healers was a good idea while you just sit dotting everything up >.>

At least the tenacles are fun :3

holy fuck Outlaw rogue is so fun

gat gat gat niggas gettin capped

>people keep bitching about Outlaw rogues sucking
>crushing damage meters
>beating the shit out of people in PVP

This is going to turn into a shitstorm once Outlaw gets buffs. It's underperforming at level 110 right now, so Outlaw will get buffs, then people will figure out how to play it and it'll be OP as fuck and it'll get such harsh nerfs that it'll be worse than it was.

Welcome to game "balancing"

Any yuro's here?
How long are the BG queues?
pls respond

Why is this allowed?

How do I have fun on DK?

I hear Unholy and Frost are both rather ridiculous right now.

Is one more...simple? I like less than 4 main buttons because I'm a pleb.

What is so fun about Outlaw

pls explain

For alliance**

Sorry ;_;

Frost is the noob spec.

Have fun.

Frost has few moves. The best talents choices are a bit more complex, and it has a lot of procs.
Unholy is more difficult.


>Marrowrend if less than 5 bone shields
>else Heartstrike
>use Death Strike to dump runic power

Gunz, long range leaping talent, stylish as fuck, not super complicated.

guys, i fucked up. I put up like 200 draenic dust on the AH individually. so now im either going to recieve 200 mails from the AH with 1.8 gold each, 200 mails from AH with unsold dust (tomorrow) or I can cancel them all and bite the ullet getting 200 mails right now. WHat do I do? ;_;

1. Roll the bones. RNG it might be, but it adds a lot of variety to the gameplay, especially since the buffs are all quite different from each other.

2. It looks and sounds flashy as fuck. When you get the right buffs and shit procs, or just when you pop Adrenaline rush, you start swinging like you're on crack.

3. Pistol Shot and Between the Eyes makes it much harder to kite you in PVP. It's also neat to shoot people in the face.

4. Despite it all, it remains rather simple to play, so it's not a stressful experience at all.

That's pretty much it.

Get postal.
It's an addon that lets you open mail all at once.

It's quite enjoyable how you can see across zones now.

I just feel it would be frustrating in PvE to not get the best buff during a fight, as it's a dps loss.

Thanks I love you

are you a horde slut?


So you need a level 70 character to make a DH right? Will this also apply in launch? Some dude I party'd with said you need a level 100 wtf

unholy is pretty fun

>subversion of the system
>how dare he test to see if Blizzard was telling the truth or not

Jesus titty fucking Christ.

I personally don't get grappling hook, but I totally would if they fixed it so you could use it to scale shit and reduced the cooldown a bit.

Just like it's frustrating to not get crits or multistrike procs for a while. RNG has always been part of the game, Outlaw is just a bit more reliant on it.

They do need to rebalance Roll the Bones though. They already did, but it's still way too much of a variance between the worst and best buff. The issue is that you can get more than one buff, and in fact if you get super lucky you can get all six buffs at once, so they hesitate to buff one without nerfing the others, and they don't want all buffs to be equal so sometimes you get that "Sweet, I got the right buff!" feel.

IMHO, they should just limit the max number of buffs to three and make the weaker buffs stronger to compensate.

I actually really like it, everything works really well together.

Legit retarded

Right now no one can make them, they open in a week or two.
After legion is released, people who didn't pre order can make them so long as they have a level 70 and the expansion.

this dudes like 60 LLMAO

Yea, not scaling things was disappointing but it's still a fun movement skill.

So...what happened to the crater?

all right, survey time
are the blizzard forums worse than or equal to rebbit?

They excused it as being "mages made an illusion of it" because alliance babbys cried about it being gone.
Been like that for a while.

It's still there if you're over level 80(or something around there I don't remember) ya dingus

I know there was a timeless portal thing where you could go see it again, but I didn't think they'd puss out and just put it back.

I'm 100