/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #315

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #315
BIG patch edition

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E (embed)

JP SS Translations: pastebin.com/5PAxVQ96 (embed)

Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

/ssg/ Rankings: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DXPfisMr4PO93itW9rDez5BK9PlK3iwbPBHALyLmKco/edit?usp=sharing

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

July 22nd and 23rd: DQ - Haru, Neraizel, Muspel, Malcolm, Baltheon and Choi.

Jul. 29th - Jul. 30th PDT.
Renee, Z001 Veronica, Beatrice, Sammy, Asakura, Shu, Serestia

Aug. 5th - Aug. 6th PDT.

> Jean, Freyja, Miho, Milky Way, Lilith, Bell, Vonchi
Current events:
Hidden cards of the space time continuum, 7/21-8/5
Let's make a Sorbet 7/8-7/22
Swimsuit Sue Boss Match: 7/17 - 7/31
Sena Rival Match 7/17 - 7/31

IMPORTANT BIG PATCH INFO : docs.google.com/document/d/1_24OT6wvNkfyAAxLHq4UdMYo0uWh5TdSFqnVNVEAZWc/preview?pli=1

More info can be found in-game
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haha whoops
last thread

>It wont be a big patch they said

Get fucked

First for pati

I need the ardor legend
I'm ready to suck everyone's dick for it

>hoped for extra unmentioned content since the anime expo comments and the teaser website
>the extra content is more DStone usage, hypermax cap increase, and another server for some reason
well that's just warm poop

No mention of legends needing 6* littre to superb

Shitty cash grab patch

>mfw people made videos of scouting and selling legends because they were already hypermaxed

What I really want to see are updated achievements and an achievement reset.

It's been too long since the last reset- the numbers are getting ridiculous and the rewards less significant. 50000 GP for one 5* player? Fuck that noise.

Could this be the return of OHKO?!

Fuck this patch desu

>Use 6 Littre as Training material on any Player with any Grade for 3 Superb Power-ups.

Loved this little line.

Yeah ignore season 2 in scouts, No more "season 2"

and all the other shit. but okay

>btw im a Nera user

>wahhh wahhh, why does nothing ever change, fuck this stale meta

>major patch, new stones, meta shakeup

>wahhh wahhh, I hate change

Sorry, I didn't think anyone would actually believe that.

Same, overall some nice changes. Just hope meras will be easier to obtain to ST my 6*s

>Choi and Askeladd in dstone shop.
Either save it for one of them, or just get a new legendary now?

>Isillia not having 3 light slots anymore

Oh my god oh my god oh my god

You got me all worried for nuffin

you're just mad you have to work again

Its going to be more than 900. If you wan choi I would save them unless you need one of the current legendary units.

I'm at 2200 dstones and plan to save for Duran.

And I will likely get Asslad because I am a thunderfag


What do you have already?

Metatron is the only thing I would consider getting ahead of Choi in most cases.

and I quit for real this time no more memes.

see you later man

No one cares shitlord.

See you next week pretending

Let's save for Choi together user :3

Nice try.
It was a prediction and you still have your screenshot.

The way they worded it makes it sound like Choi and Asslad will be the same cost as the current legends since they will be moving into the Legendary Classic Stars category. No way to know if they will change the price point though.

see you tuesday

> WW cucks getting nerfed
Based bigballs

>more sources of relative stat deficiency for Sam and Noa

Don't come back to /ssg/ anymore.

>wake up
>developer's notes
>6 6* for ST
>change stone slot attributes
I'm worried

think up something to say at least.
just posting frogs doesn't do a lot nowadays.
do it to test yourself

>mfw my +190 Mute gets a third stone slot and rules with an iron fist

We'll see user.

I'm not. Finally something that shakes the game up. We can see units with different stones compared to cookie cutter shit.

> Star's Tear on my Nute now
> Just finished working on Kevin, EBM soon
> New WW unique for that crit
> These patches will accelerate my suicide date

Does this mean you'll finally stop shilling gbf and pgo

>Modifications to Forward and Long Pass.
>Although the Forward and Long Passes enable users to send the Ball forward without having any of their Players take damage, their uses have been decreasing for some time.
We concluded that this issue is based on the problems related to PvP AI.
We resolved this issue by improving the AI to smartly select a target, with consideration of the positions and game situations, when making Forward and Long Passes in Auto Gameplay mode.
Furthermore, after acknowledging that 100% recovery of action bar by horizontal Active Pass Skills is rather unbalanced, we will buff the recovery of the action bar in overall gameplay.
Forward Passes and Long Passes will now recover the action bar by 30% and 20%, respectively.

so yeah fred stole my idea, but at least it's in the game now

STing to 7* should've just unlocked a fourth stone slot

Changing stone slot elements is just going to absolutely fuck this game up and it's also yet another dstone sink

>tfw #3 saw all this shit coming and quit one day before notes are released

I'm so sorry

So is there a link for the breakdown of the new spirit stones?

>another +30 stats to elizabeth
praise be


>We can see units with different stones compared to cookie cutter shit.
For a couple of months, maybe? I can't imagine any patch apart from equalizing every damn player preventing a solid meta from settling in

This is already a game with an unimaginable number of team combos and stones and being generic is still a thing

>Secondly, we removed the feature of acquiring Unique Stones by evolving Rare Stones

>Secondly, we removed the feature of acquiring Unique Stones by evolving Rare Stones, as there have been some cases when Rare Stones were evolved into Unique Stones with completely different Attributes. (Ex. Prey's Sentence)

I won't ever get one to upgrade now.

>Khirel fontus with 90% CAR with just one stone.
>Not even taking into account the huge attack power boost from it


>4*'s can unlock another stone slot
>the fact that 4*'s are easier to get overall
i'm cumming valkia

If anything, you'll be seeing even more people cut cookies.

But now you can have different uniques on characters you see all the time.

Kei with Star's Tear
Kei with the new Dark Stone
Sharr with the new Light Stone

or whatever

Stars tear is getting super buffed

They are going to add new ways to get unique.

desu this is bad and good.

Many times people have had good rare stones turn into uniques they didn't want.

all healing goalkeeper using star's tears

MUH tears ;_;

>Power-up Transfer Ticket, which is used to move Power-up stats from one Player to another, has been added to Dimension Shop.
Why do they keep adding stuff do dshop, why can't they add stuff to crystal shop instead.

Star's Tear is going from garbage to actually being good.
Because it would be insane to put it in the crystal shop.

So we should be disassembling our legendaries to get an easy +5 transcendent power up?

So fellow Urielbros, when the new WW pen unique stone comes out, the light slot that had WoM should just be replaced with crit rate then right?

>With your amazing support, we're adding our 3rd server, "Galaxy Server"!
1 - Korean
2 - Global
3 - Japanese
3 - Galaxy Server?

The only way that this stupid stone slot change bullshit can possibly be balanced is if it doesn't allow uniques to be equipped in the altered slot.

Did someone say Isillia buffs?

ah, my love

Yeah we're going to be playing with extraterrestrials

>ST jin bullying thunderfags
>ST btort healing on being shot and on pass

That would be balanced so it's not happening.

Yes, it was my first unique

Japanese is its own thing you nerd

Thanks for the giggle la, really appreciated it.

sure, but I'm fairly sure you'll still end up seeing same sets of stones that give the similar total stats because the meta makes certain stats better

eg. when do people use PoME instead of Ermaltion on Kei/BT?

Stars tear on Jin. That is all he has been lacking


Finally. Less cheese in PvP is always good.


>it's actually real

So, how much of what they're implementing is going to be broken when the patch hits?

Half of it? All of it?

That slot can be converted to a different color once you 7 star her, so you have all those options to consider too.

What isn't fair?

>getting to witness the death of ss and /ssg/

>TW Lia can no longer consistently win in reflex against non-TW Metas
>Existing light mids can't compete in reflex anyway so Meta is mostly unaffected
>Probably even more Metas
Every blanket patch is a sad patch for Lia.

Still better than 'Lul, minute 0 forward line pass :^)

Goodbye ssg
It was nice sucking dicks with you

Yeah, that's true the stats on that stone seems too good to pass up though especially if you have milky in the line

>people in-game are chimping out
Oh shit it's actually happening.

>p-p-please quit ss with me
pathetic. fuck off you cuck.

Let me guess
It's about the 6 6* for 70

No, if I read it correctly, you get 5 transcendence points if your unit has max superbs prior to the update.

Did they not expect something so obvious?
Why is this game filled with such retards?

They were expecting a change to the Special Training mechanics, maybe make it easier to get 6* > 7*.

The talk went along the lines of "oh fuck I seriously hope they don't actually do it"

That plus stones.

With the shit that we get for getting to 70 I can understand BB's reasoning.

>7* Jin with Star's Tears
Can I properly bully thunderfags now?

Hopefully that and the rest of elements. That'll make the fact i didn't get only good cm metatron bearable

It sure is a heck of a lot more than just 2 more skill points and more stats.

People are just babies

>Transcendent Powering-up a +0 Superb Power-up/+0 Transcendent Power-up Serestia with another Serestia with the same Superb/Transcendent Power-up status will result as a Serestia with +1 to both Superb and Transcendent Power-up.

This reads to me like if you use a dupe to superb train, you get both the superb and transcendent power up even if the unit was at 0 for both.

>For those who completed Superb Power-ups before the implementation of this new system, Transcendent Power-up, proportional to the previous Power-ups, will be granted.

This sounds like it will be retroactive, so the Beth dupe I fed a while ago should mean I'll have a +1 transcended Beth right after the update hits.

So if that's correct, you can disassemble any unit for dupes now, re-superb, and they'll count towards transcendent power up post-patch.

Are you guys ready for another 24h maintenance?