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>tfw gay furry but dont wanna make a gay furry game because it's low hanging fruit pandering

>tfw now want to make furry fetish-laden VN
>tfw if ever associated with it IRL professional career is over

Should I go for it under a pseudonym and pray no one ever finds out my true identity?

just a reminder to fuel yourselfs up properly

idea guy here

it's like pokemon go but you go to schools and parks and kidnap virtual lolis

Idea guy here

It's like any other Veeky Forums general only unbearable because of constant flooding shitposting


Nicely done

Though, what's with the units not adhering to the grid?

Is cover art for my game progress? Even if I haven't started on the game other than the cover art?

I deleted the wrong layer and saved and made a new backup before realizing it. Lost at least 20 minutes of work.

ground tile. still don't like it but I think I'm getting closer to the look I want

I don't play by the rules

>Though, what's with the units not adhering to the grid?
Not him, but that's pretty common in RTS since 2000~, grid is for structures.

Nah. Think of it as concept art to base your game around. A mood board kind of thing.

Looks a little odd to have a flat plane, then bumpy grass, followed by pointy grass down below.

ribbert is maximum JUST now holy shit what are you doing

Why is there a bullet right to the pooper?

Awesome, I'll keep drawing it then. Making an entire game from cover art seems weird though.

Anime and dev are inseparated

Is a different approach, but has been done before. I even recall having seen a Jam themed around that on itch.io

I'd also say it's additional motivation to really do the thing.

Looks great!

not sure why set properties can't change spring variables on configurable joints with play maker so i'm stuck with this jerky crap. i wish i wasn't retarded and could learn how to code.

Struttin Sam

why are you doing this to yourself

My fucking eyes

How should I go about learning how to code for Unity? It looks like what I want to be done can only be done there, and the meager sales I'll get will allow me to keep them without paying anything out to Unity.
I'm an artfag, and wouldn't mind going through some course or something extremely long, as long as it covers C# or C# for unity well.

I thought making a lewd game would be easy...
>>it's not

because i hate my life, but more importantly because i'm making a physics fighting game with no animations.

its just frustrating to know exactly why something isn't working and how to get it working but not have the means to do that.

>i wish i wasn't retarded and could learn how to code.
Have you considered forcing yourself? The "hard" parts of coding are shit you don't have to deal with when using an engine. I think everyone should learn simply because I consider basic coding/scripting to be "moderate-to-advanced computer use". If you've tried before and had problems, consider two things: lots of resources are garbage, and a big part of learning is pushing yourself past the frustrating parts. The most important programming skill is google-fu, know how to figure out the information you need and make the right search.


Unlike art everyone can learn enough coding to do a game.

If programming languages were religions.

This ranges from stuff like "How to create a variable" to more advanced stuff.


Don't use the random video tutorials you find on youtube, they will waste you a lot of time and most likely teach you awful practices.

If you don't understand anything, try searching for it, and if you still can't find a solution, ask here. You'll get memed on but at least someone will be nice enough to help.

Finally bothered to add menus. No more looking up scancodes to remap keys. Looking pretty ugly now but I'll leave designing the looks for later.

i have, several times over several years. i have discalculia so trying to learn anything with an even vaguely mathematical presentation is like pulling teeth for me. its just not option.

>Java would be Fundamentalist Christianity
Is that why I hate Java?

Not for meme reasons, I've tried it, it feels like C++ with 2-3x the LoC to accomplish the same task. I was a C++ elitist once, so that part isn't a complaint, but FUCK. Butt fuck.

>then i kept reading and meme levels went off the charts so here's your (You).

Had my vive for about a week now, finally decided to load it into unity tonight. Here is a bit of progress after getting everything set up.

Probably going to be nothing but practice

>C++ would be Islam

Wallpaper brother.
Also, nice menus.

>a physics fighting game with no animations

thats a lofty goal for someone who cant code at all

While I like the responsiveness, I think instant window resize is generally a bad idea. I hope that doesn't happen in fullscreen mode as that seems potentially problematic.

I don't know much about discalculia but I find the "mathematical" nature of programming very overstated. Logic would be a better comparison, but really it's just chains of events/functions. I suppose the primary comparison to math is in its "terse" presentation. I hope you tried books and not web tutorials, because web tutorials are almost all trash. Lots of books are trash too, but the good comprehensive books on languages are the best way to learn.

You could probably make a nice little builder game.
Just make those motions spawn huge like tower building and add additional tools for carving caves and shit.

>they will waste you a lot of time

yea im noticing.

>"oops let me back up"

>"so i messed up on my last video"

>"so heres this function, but we don't need to worry about that"

>"ill just fast foreward/skip here"

>"download link in the description bar"

>its fucking 404'd

>"so, um, like, weeeee, uhh, like do the, go to the, past the, wait hold on a second"

Glad you have posted! I was playing your demo again, and I've noticed that you can "bounce". What I mean is, that if you keep on pressing the jump key, the character will keep on jumping. In most games, if you jump and reach the ground, you have to press the jump key again for the next jump, and the constant pressing of the key won't do anything. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but I wanted to warn you.

Another thing: You have mentioned that you process the bitmaps via command line. May I ask why you just do the same with the game engine itself (so with C++ and SDL)? I've just crafted a small algorithm which reads a 24 BMP image and creates a tile map from it.

Your progress is nice, nevertheless. May I ask: do you save the changes? So if the player restarts the game, will the changes persist?


Most "content creators" have absolutely zero polish skills. Consider watching your own video before uploading? No, I recorded it, it's going up, this is all about quantity right? Way to stay amateur forever. The best thing I ever did was start buying books. I was afraid of programming until I took a course at 17, and all the course did for me was assign me half of a C textbook over 3 months. I read the whole thing in two weeks. It wasn't an amazing book, but holy shit, I felt capable after that.

thx for phising site.

Most fantastic, I guess I didn't look close enough at the scripting section of the website. I am about to consider books, and wasn't going to give the youtube thing a second chance.
Much appreciated, thanks man.

Not to mention incomplete series as well. Or on ones that are long, video 53 goes back and references something in video 12 and says to fix this.

I didn't knew this was a thing.
> UP VAR!!1
My sides have trascended to another dimension

>Okay I need a tutorial on how to do x
>All results are youtube links with like 12 minutes of some guy slowly talking his way through it, stumbling over words and generally fucking up
>Entire thing can be summarized in a paragraph at most.


Day 6 of Tryin' to Make Vidya Games

Oh fuck I should be in bed, but this death animation is taking way more time than I expected. It's in the webm above in unfinished form when he gets hit by the laser.

Waves are working how I want, and now there are actually penalties for getting hit, little life icons and a game over screen. I think I should either make a life bar and have the bullets do damage or make the bullet hit animation more dramatic, because at the moment the laser death is just so much more intense.

I've been melting that turtle pixel by pixel for the past two and a half hours, but I think it'll look cool when I'm done.

Also got a local music guy to agree to make a background song for it, though it's pretty short notice for the jam.

Starting to think I'll actually have this thing done in time.

In the category of esoteric languages, or esolangs. Same category as brainfuck, so they range from humorous to so complicated you generally need to use them as a compile target. esolangs.org/wiki/Language_list

I've read some Unity books but they were rather shitty as they don't try to teach you concepts, they flat out tell you to use X built in feature / download Y asset. Which translates into: if what you want isn't exactly the same as what we're offering, you're fucked. If the feature is Pro Only, you're fucked.

For video tutorials, Sebastian Lague is a patron deity for Unity. Quill18creates has quite a lot of basic material you can download if you want to see the code for something in particular.

>A game with a turtle protagonist
You are the hero I always needed.

Seeing my daughteru's blank, judging stare every time I have the empty desktop visible motivates me to make progress.

>I hope that doesn't happen in fullscreen mode as that seems potentially problematic.
The resolution setting currently only changes the window size, fullscreen is always at desktop resolution.

>What I mean is, that if you keep on pressing the jump key, the character will keep on jumping.
It is intentional but not necessarily final. I'm not a big fan of the strictness of having to be on the ground when you press jump, but I might change it so each press only results in one jump.

>May I ask why you just do the same with the game engine itself (so with C++ and SDL)?
I made the mask converter right after the level converter without really thinking about it, there's no real reason why it couldn't be done in-game. The tool still uses SDL for reading the images anyway.

>May I ask: do you save the changes? So if the player restarts the game, will the changes persist?
Yes, everything is saved on exit and loaded on next startup. You can actually see that happen in the demo as well, it will remember whether it was windowed or fullscreen.

One day I want my MC to be on someone's desktop.

In my opinion, don't look for a book for Unity, look for a book for C#. You want a comprehensive book on the actual language, and polish your google skills to find the relevant library documentation and some short examples to see how to carry that knowledge into a library or an engine (Unity).

Not recommending C# but that's what Unity uses.

>Seeing my daughteru's blank, judging stare
Sounds like good motivation.

Jesus, some people has a lot of free time

A QWOP-like where you try to operate a human playing a video game.

Were you on acid while making art for this game, or am I supposed to be on acid while playing it?


Why did you think it'd be easy?

Shut the fuck up, Hoplophobe.

Glad you like it, user!

And since you can sell pretty much everything on steam if it is VR, even if you made it in a few hours, you can probably guarantee yourself like 50$

This is my favorite AGDG type of post.
I love me some molydeux

>Workers come to renovate house
>They have to cut the power to a quarter of the house
>My Rooms a part of that quater
>Lose hours of what I have literally just started my first game

Don't worry, your code will be cleaner the second time

>i hate my life
Shitfam, can you just please kill yourself already? No one will miss you.

>Not spamming ctrl-S out of habit

>learned hello world
>and how to use if else statement
What now?

you can pretty much do anything. Try making a simple branching interactive story. And then incorporate more you learn into, eventually morphing it into the game you want to make.

Kill yourself, shitfam. You'll never make a game. You spent too much time on pic related. Lol.

>bla bla bla bla work work work
i give up

Is it alright to use an old story as the basis for my game and then completely deviate from the source material so much that it doesn't even resemble it anymore? How do people feel about this?

>tfw you're addicted to rewriting completely fine and functional code to make it prettier/cleaner/more efficient

>Entire thing can be summarized in a paragraph at most.
That's what makes it so hard for me to learn anything from video tutorials. If people could just summarize shit with relevant pictures when necessary, life would be so much easier.

Just like make game

that's the spirit! :D

What if we put together a list of tutorials we want the tl;dr versions of with simple images and have someone do that?

Is there such a thing as too niche a fetish? I don't want to make something so obscure that no one will ever play it.

i did 9 tours of iraq and this is STILL worse than anything ive EVER seen

>not making a cult following of your own

If someone could just do that for Zbrush tutorials, it'd be amazing. And anything involving the Unity UI.

Unity is the ONLY way to make a game.

Why don't we just record ourselves and upload on a community channel,doesn't have to be on youtube.

Oh yeah? What about THIS!?

I guess I just thought tits and ass would distract from bare bones gameplay which it does too a degree but, yeah nah. Also Found myself caring more about making a lewd game than any serious game I've attempted this past year. What's up with that? Haha

what the fuck is wrong with blender?

>new file
>add plane, default material, png texture
>broken as shit

and textures are only showing in rendered mode

This is quite literally the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.

This is horrible. Why would you post this?

Unlikely. You've looked in a mirror at least once.

>you can pretty much do anything.
Fuck off with that, he still needs to learn data structures. THEN he can do pretty much anything.

Well, one of them is easy
Make one of those picture dejumbling games, use lewd images, make it in Flash and put it on Newgrounds
Can get it done in a few hours

>someone made this
>and then posted it
>thinking it was good

There are two triangles in that "plane". One is mapped incorrectly relative to the other. Learn to UV map. But it is pretty funny that that's what default plane gave you.

They made it while on drugs.

Small progress:
Something people have been asking for a while. New hunter's animation when he catchs you. Now he has a cross and will face the correct direction with it. Also added a small jump to MC when captured.

True. A certain somebody really does like their alcohol drugs and meth pills... :)