Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

Obey edition

Old >I've been away from the game a while and what's new?
>F2P information
>GW2 Wiki (type /wiki [article name] in-game to open browser):
>I Need a Build But I Won't Say for What Mode
>The Mistwar
>World Boss Train
>Fashion Endgame
>Simple Traveling Merchant Data
>Roleplay Resources
>Misc Fun Shit

Guild Wars 2 Veeky Forums Guilds:

NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Vitto Mortemsen, Bonkk, Mexay Renatus, Peachy Panic, Rijakk, or Riathen
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Mo Zing Miko, Kandra Wildfire, Strider Of Spring, or Dex Mindwrack

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.

Other urls found in this thread: Edition/

What's the first thing you will do when the patch hits?

Progeny a best.

Also, bumping with that salad booty.

>I'm a new/returning player, how do I join the Veeky Forums guild?

NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken
NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix
NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic

-Guilds are cross-server, and the only real reason to choose the server above is if you want to be on the same WvWvW team.
-You can also send a mail asking to be in the guild, if nobody is online

Or, leave your name and server here so someone can check this post and invite you

Read the notes and see if I should go through with gearing a Viper necro for raids or if they'll gut it due to how good Reaper is in PvP.

Fucking RIP Search and Rescue. You died for PvP's sins.

The best use of these leggings.

>this exact image OP and edition again
Who the fuck is making these? Do you have the only the same 5 images in your folder?

wat Edition/

you might have attention span problems if 1 month ago was yesterday to you

how do I find a cute fhd gf if I'm a femcharr with no barb

Some mcharr mains have fhd swaps because they're actually women irl who like bara sex, like Vae.

only way to find out

>Kandra Wildfire
one job faeeq

It gets tiring when it's become a reoccuring thing now.

You reroll to a snobby rich shota. They reel in all the pussy. Whycan'tIgetsomegoddamncock

Nice. I would destroy that boi pussy in a heartbeat t b h

>mfw my trap doesnt get much attention

Post your trap. Thanks in advance.

What is the best looking weapon set and why is it Auric weapons?

I actually don't like bara that much senpai.

I don't always make the threads, sorry man.

That player's got invite privileges.

I might give your trap some attention. Post 'im.

You need to stick to your bros..

But all the bros in the coin are either no homo or taken.

No faeeq, you don't understand.


Stop calling me that!!

Just curious, do you rp as a mtf or ftm trap?


mtf i think? male just dressed in female clothes
because you cant find good clothing on guys, also dem hips

Alright, Amarin Luxtail.

>he is leader of HOPE and FUN
nothing can save us now

>Out of continental US for work
>Don't have gaming laptop with me or gw2 installed on work laptop
>All these traps and fuccbois coming out of the woodwork

God damnit...

Yes, the touch of another man is just one feel we can't always take to bed.

post slutty fhds

why must you fuccboi sluts torment me so

faeeq in FUN? I hope this is a fucking joke.

>gays who want to be barbed by mcharr but play don't play mcharr
You did this to yourselves. Just roll a fucking pocket charr and get your ass on the thousands of barbs waiting for you.

If it's any consolation, I do most of my RP in google docs/discord.

Got a name?

but I play fcharr

>Tfw you will never spoon with and hold against you the soft supple skin of a cute HOPE boy in a skirt after a night of rough love making


I'm not gay stop it

Buy me a character slot, and you can barb my character's slot.

Sorry bud. I can't be your barber today.

RIP Barb

tfw no nornfus to feed subway sandwiches to

is hot worth $25?

has anet said anything about the next expansion?

hot was a gigantic failure
there won't be another expansion

Cheetahs are cute! Will there ever be a tiger face for charr?

>tfw still no tigerface mcharr


i want a bug faced charr, so i can go bzzt bzzt around people because they are full of shit

woah lewd

there is for fcharr sorta, and a tufty one for mcharr but not quite a tigerface. whatever you do, dont use lionface for a "tiger charr", only fools do that


Ligers are cats too. Don't be rude


I'll have fresher meat for you next time.



wait a sec i kno these thighs from somewhere..


are you faggots fucking kidding me

lmao faggot

Who cares about femnorn when you can have a cat ass.

Somebody post femnorn waifus for me to jerk off to!

be more specific next time nerd


fhd limping away as charr seed drips from her pussy

pics or i report u

he doesnt have pics because it doesnt exist, he has to shitpost here about his fantasies since all the charr probably think his fhd is gross


Are champion trains in lower level areas (kessex hills etc) still a thing?

Charr are cute!

Nah most (if not all) got nerfed into oblivion.


the dream of every FHD, even when they refuse to admit it

especially when the charr steals you away from your boyfriend

S-stop! My waifu is pure!

but... feels good getting cucked away from my husbando by a big strong charr that needs to dump a pent up load

Stop! I don't like that.

whats wrong with that... I mean its not a big deal if you get cucked away.. as long as your husbando can win you back... from addicting hung charr cock

STOP i dont wanna be cucked by a charr whos tougher than me and has a bigger dick it makes me sad

>tfw watching BLACKED videos and pretending the negros are charr

>watching BLACKED

I would love some FHD x Chak.

I just said why, so i can pretend the black guys are charr and the white girl is an fhd

hell yea, all that warm leyline goo

did you call him daddy after he covered you...

yea its required

Those do belong to me.

Oh..well if you don't want them, does someone else?

I love charrbutt, but this looks like diapers.


As much as I love a good pair of tighty whities is unfortunately right.
May I suggest a pleasant shade of pink?

Oh trust me, that wasn't the intended effect. Here's another selection, with some different poses of course.

I need this sylvari...

The black suits the stripes.
I like blue myself.