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Roadhog Edition

>I play competitive in hearthstone mode

>there are people who wouldn't marry her

hana song

How do I get over 25% accuracy with McCree?

I'm at 6 sensitivity and 1k dpi


>there are people who wouldnt torture her

git gud, dude

I wanna do lewd things with Hana.

Aim for center of mass

Pls don't go overboard with the pic posting lads.
We don't want that to happen again.

Anyone down for some cuckold ERP chat in the owg clan? I usually healslut

like what?

enemy team

at this point it doesnt feel like a proper fps anymore. Immunity, defense matrix, auto-aim turrets.

I have 100 hours on McCree and don't feel like I'm getting any gudder than when I started

Seems reaper is the only guy I can reliably aim with on attack

And genji because I can outmanuever them and spam right click/dash to win


hana is not for lewd

What is a good tank and support to play while defending? I main D'va and Lucio for these roles, but they kinda suck outside of attacking

>not aiming for head

Even her name sounds like your typical pornstar name.

Alexis Texas and Hana Song POV Anal

>He """mains""" 1 character

Training ground exists for a reason

>how do I get a higher accuracy rate
pay attention

Lucio is good on koth

Mercy is good on everything

>Go into comp to seek refuge from all these fag ana players
>works so far, 4 games in a row with no ana
>but it was inevitable, game 5 some fag picks ana and immediately calls for a second healer
>nobody obliges, tell them to fuck off and pick a real healer
>"Ana has the highest healing though, muted"
>lose first round horribly
>second round the ana still wont switch, get a lucio who plays for half the round and then goes back
>lose that one too
>cheesus fucking christ
>go Zenyatta for the remainder and reverse sweep, 3-2
>this fag actually tries to claim credit, drops gg ez on enemy
>mfw got gold heals on 3 games of zen vs 5 of ana

When does the Ana end

sex slave at most

I can only play one character

That's funny because there's a nude model that goes by Anna Song.

I've been doing that but am seeing no improvement, plus I feel like most people don't even use the training geounds. It seems like I'm missing something mechanically obvious to be able to aim like not moving while shooting or some shit

>have ult ready with D.Va
>mfw Roadhog hooks me into his team

>tfw you accidentally start climbing again and get ladder anxiety

i wish could just stay at rank 50-53, i don't want to climb and then get thrown back to 49 again.


>you'll never fall asleep with each of them snuggled up to you

>get stomped
>mercy on our team says gg

>Hook Hitbox is as big as Roadhog himself AND he gets an artificial tick rate on it so there's no counterplay if you arent a tank

Why cant you just get slowed for .5 seconds or something? Isn't getting pulled into his team good enough?

Mercy is kinda boring though

Is Symmetra good for defending?

>lmao or any woman in general

Ask a Mei main anything

Is he talking about Morrison and Overwatch or someone else?

>tfw you miss all your your shots while your opponent hits them all in a trade

Happens at least 3 times a game

On like half of the maps

>Those tits

So when does the fabled forced 50 or me ooga team booga hit me?

Symmetra is dank as hell, but there are only two things you should do as her

>shoot bubbles into rein shields
>rape the fuck out of tracers and genjis that try to go behind team


RYOJIN NO KEN-- zzzzzzzz


Gonna be up for a lil bit longer. Come play some matches with me.

The counterplay is having positioning

He has the loudest footsteps of any character, a distinctive chain jingle, and no mobility

It's gonna hit, I thought the same, I fell from 65 to 54 in 2 days time.

you forgot one-

>melt the fuck out of literally anything dumb enough to come near you

45-1 ks attack symmetra

>Win one game
>Grouped with multi-star pros
>Lose one game
>Grouped with level 10 shitters

Does anyone else experience this.

Hows my play on carry76.
I feel like overbuff is full of shit with the percentile stuff so, looking for opinions.

Why not.

Hard to have positioning when you're fighting on a point and on almost all maps there is nowhere to go unless you get off the point

>got my first legendary today, along with my first Highlight intro in the same box
>Punk Widowmaker Legendary and Hanzo POTG intro
kill me

>It's an enemy team focus on you the entire match episode, to the point of ignoring your teammates just to jump on you
Fuck off fags, It's not my fault my team is worthless

>Quick Play is unplayable as now that we have a new hero to play, everyone is picking her

I seriously wanted to relax and play this game but god hates me


>76% battery

this game favors attacker to such a degree that I'm beginning to believe blizzard is outright lying when they say it's closer to 50/50. Maybe on rank 20 it's even, but on 70+ it's almost impossible to lose as attacking, especially on payload maps. Healing from payload gotta go, the payload need to move faster backwards if none of them are at it, that's two changes that needs to get in for season 2.

hint: if you disagree with this, you are sub50 rank.

>Headshot him to death while you're on the way to the point because all the points are wide and open
>Move with teammates who can deny hook
>Switch to hero that can deny hook
>Initiate with an ult on him because he has no escapes and is a guaranteed kill
Plenty of options

Zenyatta especially melts him, give robot man of many orbs a try

>it's a juke the enemy so hard as winston they switch their tank to winston episode

Quick Play has felt unplayable to me since Comp came out
Idk how you can even use qp to train anything except aim since you never have balanced teams or reliable team comps so you can't even practice most heroes that well, as you lack the most important part to practice with = a team

You didn't understand his statement at all, he said
>Below average skill players win much more often on defense
>Above average skill players win much more often on offense
>Average skill players win about 50/50

Kek, didnt even realize. Must be fate for me to have to lock him if i want wins.

>Hit 63 a while ago
>Spiral of loss from there
>Manage to climb my ass back there again
>As soon as I hit 63 shit go south again
>Teams with infighting about who's at fault
>Teams with infighting about who's going to play who
>Teams with Lucio on speed constantly
>Matchmaking even put a level 33 in our team today

Is 63 a cursed number or something?

Console bros reaction to Ana?
It can work well imo but 1) its kind of boring 2)the "sniper healing" doesn't seem to be picked up by people. People seem to just to pistol shoot health darts into teammates for the whole round. I hope she gets some sort of rework for mid-range combat and/or healing.

Wow Blizzard has no idea how to do competitive if it counts a fucking 3v6 as a totally fair game and a lose.


I said it in the other thread but I am legitimately pro level on a couple of the defense heroes in Junkrat and Torb but I can't carry at all on defense.

I am shitty on all attack heroes but still find it easy to attack. I agree that they need to take away healing from payload

rule 63

If you didn't lose rank when someone left your team, people would offer a paid service where they volunteer to group up with you and leave your games if it's going to be a loss, guaranteeing you never rank down

What's your strategy for tilting the enemy team? I like to say something like "Sorry about your teammates [player]" to some random on the enemy team.

Would D.va give good spankings?




took so long but I finally got it.

I'd give D.Va good spankings.

I do not understand

I'd say there are few limbos in the ranked system
For me those were 54-56, this felt like hell and I was stuck there good week going back and forth from 54 to 56 never breaking to 57, then once I did it was one victory wave riding to 60+ until I hit the 62-64 and got stuck there, and now broke that and easily hit 69 yesterday, hopefully 70 today and then I can call quits in comp

The "thanks" spray always does it for me

this isnt league

there are no poolparty skins

Step it up man, I've got 20% accuracy as Junkrat, and that's with crapping out like 100 bombs a game randomly across the field. No reason for a hitscan character to have under 40%. Are you using nothing but fan or what

sorry, i forgot to add a question mark

That damage isn't even that impressive...

>tfw 99th percentile
>of mei

No I use it but only close. I do miss a lot with it though. Most of the time I am mid range spamming left click. It's just frustrating when losing every trade because it seems like aiming is easy to everyone that kills me

Yeah, against AI. Post the rest of the score cards.

he is low key actually talking about hazno

how do i winston without dying?
can he duel mccree?

i suck at aiming and i need someone to deal with all this mccree spam

I don't get how some people can drop to sub 40 rank unless you continued playing on tilt after losing a few.

I went 6 - 4 in placement and ended up rank 51. My experience with mobas tells me that I have to take a break from rank after 2 losses max. So far I've slowly climbed to 56 without much hitches.

>Quick Play has felt unplayable to me since Comp came out
it's only gotten worse since the patch

>start overwatch
>i will play a round of QP before competitive to warm up
>join game
>4 faggots flinging shit at eachother in chat loads in before the map does
>leave before round starts
>wait a minute
>join game
>2 d.vas
>2 widows
>ana is pleading with them to change
>leave before round starts
>join game
>3 anas already locked in

Reaper or roadhog

Tbagging, "Sorry about your [Character]", dropping Well Played spray after ez kill or ez POTG], saying "owned" after killing a Genji or Tracer, saying "gg" 40 seconds before the game ends

Did Torb just get nerfed again on console? Or did that change only just go through now?

Turret damage reduced by 30%

Turret damage reduced by 30%

Forgot to mention my hit rate with Junkrat is like 20% as well but McCree is like 25% max

Saw after we stomped through Numbani attack. Apparently this is a thing.

>Nerfing Symmetra

my sides

I like the role Ana plays but its kinda weird when you think about it. A sniper that's your medic.

Typing :) after getting an awesome play or when they wipe

>He thinks the bubble means immunity

I like to single one guy out and then just be relentlessly cancerous toward them. Shit like solo ulting them and then typing LOL in chat will piss people off every single time. It works even better once they start to lose their cool because it becomes easier and easier to kill them the more pissed off they get. If they manage to get a revenge kill and start shit talking just ignore it and maintain your course. Don't forget to "ez" after every game, win or lose.

easily remedied by having anyone who was grouped going into the match suffer the same penalty as the one who left.

>play mei
>single somebody out away from team
>dont even bother killing them, just continuously freeze and teabag