What motivates you Veeky Forums?
'Think big' - Donald Trump
And yet he just owns some golf courses, apartment buildings and hotels. Hasn't invented anything, hasn't created anything fundamentally new, hasn't made a scientific discovery or solved a major national or international problem, hasn't cured ageing or reversed Alzheimer's.
Not being poor anymore
The ability tp spend money and not worry
My dream of starting a eco farm and outcompeting conventional farming on quality and cost (or at least become self-sufficient with products to sell at markets on top)
The numerous vacations, festivals and concerts I can choose to go to/on without worrying about financials
being a hippie cuck is not compatible with Veeky Forums
The world doesn't deserve things like that.
a million times more difficult and impressive than being a professional politician and community organizer like Obama and Clintons
Damn, you are buttuhurt.
Trump winning will be worth just for people like you.
To see the world and marry a qt azn
Yeah on the other hand Commie Sanders has... oh wait he didn't do shit.
Early retirement is my goal
It is when you work at an industrial plant securing them export monies to tax daddy and earn a sizeable wage at the same time
The eco stuff will be a side-business, plenty of money is shifting towards sustainable farming, so it's not a vague dream
$$$$$$ BIG MONEY $$$$$$
Now that I think about it, the main thing that motivates me is my ego.
Ego is a very very powerful force and a lot of good can come from it.
Especially for me!
What are your goals?
His fried chicken is pretty good.
>freedom from a job
>descent house for my wife
>field of junk shit and a shop to tinker in
>just... being able to buy a new pair of CAT boots when my sole gives out or take my wife to eat at oizza hit without having to check my bank account or wait till fucking payday...
Short Term: be an artist in Europe. Meet cool people. Have a series of enlightening formative experiences.
Long Term: Rich enough that I have complete artistic freedom. And not be a celebrity.
I like to travel.
I like how bitches that wouldn't even look at me suddenly want to flirt and touch when they find out I've got money.
I like shutting those bitches down in favor of my wife that loved me before I had money.
I like that my kids respect my accomplishments and don't feel like they're missing out on anything.
I like the looks on the faces of all the people that wrote me off as a worthless loser over the years when I see them. My ex-wife in particular who left me because I "don't have any goals or motivation and won't ever do anything." She was for many years my motivation, and a major cause of my success.
Mostly I like not having to worry about money or even think about it. Money may or may not buy happiness, but poverty will certainly buy a fair amount of unhappiness.
when I think about it, I'm pretty similar. probably the only thing that keeps me going, too
So glad i am a Trump supporter. Trump haters sounds so sad and pathetic desu. What have you done compared to Trump yeah so hes made billions and fucked models and is world famous and can buy and do anything he wants and says whatever he wants created 100s of multi millions/ Billion bossiness but what has he really done... stfu and go back to wacthin CNN or MTV News Tumbler Reddit???
t. No idea how business works.
At the risk of sounding like I'm coping.
I think there's nothing wrong with that.
Ammo is fucking expensive.
How do you get your $$$? I'm curious to see what someone identifying himself as an artist does for a living (besides art itself obviously).
Being better, richer, more healthy and happier than all of my classmates who bullied me, doubted me and despised me.
I am currently winning...
So I can have a decent apartment. And be able to afford technology. Honestly I don't even know what motivates me, I just like to make $$$
Freelancing, but I live at home.
I am not the kind of person you should be comparing yourself too because my pathetic situation is strictly of my own making, and what I've come to realize: directly a result of not embracing and being driven by my ego.