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embarrassed fuuka edition

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first for zeriyah nudes

I'm not sure about this
I have hallazel, I'm gonna test it and post results

first for I play shaman and I have no regrets
all of you are just bad at this



Sure, just as soon as she hands over her ridiculous burst or ridiculous tempo and card draw :^)

Hell, just remove Sap and Conceal, and you can have all the board clears your heart desires.

As soon as you hit 0 health you will be flagged to die.

eighth for GvG cards rotating back into standard, if you dusted your GvG set you're officially a cuck.

It's a really good thing this game shows enemy mouse movement. That way when the enemy squelches me I can rope them for thirty minutes.

Implying gvg cards wont get new art and we wont be able to use our old gvg cards.

>open hearthstone
>que up
>alt tab
>set volume so I know what's going on
Enjoy wasting your time, shitter.

>b-b-b-but it's okay because I'm going to spend all my time on the computer anyway, g-g-good luck

Ignoring your story of faggotry, it's pretty funny when you play a card and the person hovers over it INSTANTLY.


no? You can revive when you have 2 hp and you hit explosive trap with truesilver

>Implying it's gonna be any of the epics or legendaries
Priest and Paladin are 100% getting back one of their power cards (Lightbomb or Velen''s, Muster, Cog, or Minibot). Zombie Chow might also see a return, it's easier than forcing every class to have a 1/3 drop.

Boom, Shredders (all 3), Warlock, Shaman, and Mage cards are all 100% out, unless they're out of their fucking minds and want another pure aggro ladder til the next expansion.

Should I buy the last wing of LoE or should I save 700 gold for kazaghstan

last wing is pretty lame right? save.

You heal with Truesilver before attacking.

Thanks for the rank 20 advice though.


save for karavan imo

Last wing has some playable cards (camel, raven idol, eloise, tomb pillarger)
Do you play decks which can use them?

>unless they're out of their fucking minds
You've played hearthstone right? For real though I'd like to see paladins just get Quartermaster back so their hero power is relevant again.

Explosive Trap triggers first you fucking retard. Your hp goes down to 0, and then you get healed for 2.

not really, but maybe in the future
I usually play shaman I did before update so fuck you druid priest and maybe paladin

should I?

Armor will not save you if you hit zero however.

>I'd like to see Paladins get more useless turn 4+ shit so that they can continue pass the first 3 turns if they don't draw a Doomsayer
Fuck off, only warriors can afford that bullshit, Paladin doesn't have overheal, overheal for 20 while dropping 8/10 worth of minions, and overheal for 4 every fucking turn. Paladin and Priests need turn 2 and 3 tempo or board presence, not more fucking reactive or situational combo trash.

nope, hallazeal can heal you back to life.

t. shieldbearer

Tomb Pillager and Raven Idol are pretty much auto-includes if you play those classes.

Kazakhstan will have the hot new powercreeped cards that trash LOE. Even if there are only 1-2 they'll be so broken it'll be worth it.

See: the comparative excellence of Thaurissan to Blackrock's mediocrity.

Every time I play Wild, I'm immediately reminded why I quit. How do Wildfags do it?

Quartermaster wasn't so much combo trash it was more about just making your 1/1 SHR's actually threatening and forcing people to remove them. I'd agree that quartermaster wasn't their strongest card by far but I don't wanna see them get Minibot/Coghammer/Muster back and be a tier 1 meme class again.

Try playing the game for fun occasionally instead of attempting to netdeck to a rank nobody will ever care about.

>Playing arena
>Journey below brings up sludge belcher
>all those awful memories come flooding back

and how would you hit 0 while still having armor left?
for exemple, If I have 7 armor and 1 health and hit myself with a 8 damage spell I should go to 0 then get healed back to 8.

Raven idol is a good card for druid but nothing major unless you have the old god legendary
Priest can use the 1/2 discover in the wing but again it's not that vital. Eloise is a good priest win condition imo
How much gold do you have?

No. You are reduced to 0 hp before truesilver heals you. rank 20 shitter spotted

wow, what a pair of faggots. i guess it's better to have no useable taunt minions and for fiery war axe to deny your first couple of turns every game.

Wild is for meme decks

Meme and you'll have fun, even if you don't win

I'm fairly sure I've seen that happen before, when you die with armor left. Shredder dropping a Wrathguard and you taking lethal damage from its effect while having an armorsmith on the board or something.

>Can't get past rank 15 with Zoolock
Should I just end it all?


The combination of all 3 of those + Avenge, coupled with the broken aggro favoring Divine Favor, and the stickiness of Boom, is what enabled a tier 1 Paladin deck.

Paladin had Muster and Minibot since GVG and midrange Paladin has been a mild mid tier deck for the longest time before Mysterious Challenger. No amount of gimmicky combos that don't straight up win the game (ie Anyfin Can Happen) make up for a strong early game tempo card.

i mean in circumstances where a warrior is at 2 and has 7 armor smiths on board
you consecrate and he goes to 0 and gains a bunch of armor, he is still at 0 after though and dies. That lets you see in what order thing are coded in. If you gain health though at the end it your above 0 so you don't die.

Some early game divine shield minions would be good with that new 3 mana weapon

Yes, I recommend a bleach cocktail or hanging. Zoofags don't deserve the mercy of feelium bags.

If huckster nabs me a tome do I get mage spells from it or rogue spells?

mage spells

I made it to 12 with a paladin Murloc meme deck, so yes.

maybe try reading the card

That's weird, I didn't know about that.
But I was talking about Hallazeal interactions.
It's impossible to die from direct spell damage while Hallazeal is on board, because he'll just heal you back the same amount.

>aggro decks

if it's aggro it will shit on anything else if the opponent doesn't draw board clear

I totally agree, I'm not saying I want pally to be great again I just enjoyed silver hand recruits being threatening enough that people worried about them. It feels like Paladin's have the short end of the stick when it comes to hero powers without a card like quartermaster.

How the fuck do I not want to kill myself playing Renolock. At least 70% of the games I fucking lose are because I didn't draw Reno, the whole reason for playing the fucking deck. It's in the bottom of my deck so often I almost think these chucklefucks made it have a higher chance to appear in the bottom of your deck if you're facing a shaman.


What good is fucking Quartermaster if you can't live long enough to use it? Do keep in mind, the only ways to generate any significant number of tokens is another 5 mana spell or Justicar. What fucking deck wouldn't have long killed you, or had means of dealing with such a board by turn 10? Quartermaster was only playable, because of Muster. It's literally worse than shit like the 5/5 dragon without Muster.

>Playing a deck based on drawing one card in thirty often results in a loss
Gee, who would've thought?

that going through 20 cards in my deck I'd draw it most games

Paladin's hero power is the best in fatigue wars, Justicar Paladin is a control Warrior's/Priest's worst nightmare.

I would say renolock is shit without healbot

warr can still fuck you up if he gets good golden monkey

give me 3 reasons why you are not playing the best deck in the game

everyone else is already doing it

But I do play aggro shaman. What's your excuse though?

Not when you slam N'Zoth afterward. The biggest concern is Triple C'Thun.

I mean quartermaster is fine to play on turn 5, assuming you have at least one silver hand recruit out, since it'd be 5/8 worth of stats. Other than that it functions as a solid midrange card that lets you close out games against control or punish aggro decks that leave 1/1's up. Just the fact that you could play it makes the 1/1's threatening enough to consider removing them, you don't even have to run it. Like druids that didn't run force of nature/savage roar. You still had to worry about the combo even if they didn't have it.
Not saying it'll solve all of paladins problems, all I'm saying is that it'd be nice to have the paladin hero power become as threatening as it was.


>Annoyatron in standard

it's not guna go into any decks though.

and I do have the druid legen

1. faceless is 400 dust and i'm f2p
2. combo decks are pretty boring after a few games
3. needs good draws, and I'm pretty bad at those

Control Warrior beats control Paladin by killing them, it's literally impossible to win by value. They win by Grom finish, triple C'Thun, or Brann + C'Thun. The same applies to Handlock once they play Jaraxxus,

any theories on why they edited the picture?

>2. combo decks are pretty boring after a few games

Rogue is fun

New art=new card
New card=you cant use old annoy-o-thron in standart
gotta get all those cards agains somehow

>thinks you need faceless

>Mfw just lost with renolock against aggro divine shield paladin

And all I'm saying is you barely understand how this game functions. The 2 turns you spent bluffing or playing your 2 scary tokens, a Zoo or Shaman player already has you down to 15 or under, and a have a board of ridiculously overstatted minions, without completely running out of steam.

You're better off playing a Doomsayer and saving yourself from a minimum of 7 damage, drawing cards, or actually playing real fucking answers like Muster that will keep you alive and on the board, instead of thinking a turn 5 situational 2/5 + 3/3 is good. Paladin has enough fucking buffs, he needs shit to stick on the board to play the buffs on. We don't need Quartermaster, we have Seal of Champions, Blessing of Kings, and Uldaman.

How good is the no rampage, no faceless, and no emporer deck?
Also the power of otk worgen diminishes really really hard once it gets popular because the surprise factor is gone.

welp, I guess I have no excuse then
thanks user

Divine Favor is one of the hardest counters to handlock, what did you expect? Let them have their fucking win, you're practically the only thing on ladder they can beat.

Fuck, I meant zoolock, not renolock

>Cucklock starts spamming well played
>Gives P/O to his big guys and slams them into my face
>Miscalculated and was one off of lethal
>Loses cause he can't recover


i think this deck list is a little to meme with the f2p thing. i feel if you can afford a few rares like wild pyro, and commanding shout you can have a fairly successful deck


>this happens on 6-2

Obviously there are better options to a turn 5 2/5+3/3 but as a game continues and you just generate a lot of 1/1's naturally it's nice to be able to have a way to buff them all up to threatening numbers. I agree with you though, Paladins need cards to stick on the board, but I don't want them to get muster or mini-bot back. Mini-bot felt like it was actually the best two drop in the game and muster was ridiculous also.

Been playing for about 3ish weeks, been focusing on hunter obv, and trying to upgrade just the basic deck I started with, what should I improve on here?

I won't lie, I do have the xpacs, I broke and paid for them

>I won't lie, I do have the xpacs, I broke and paid for them
throw 2 quickshots in there ASAP
put in firey bats and carrion grubs, take out multi shots, shattered sun, stonetusk, stormwind, and oasis

Alcohol reference

What the fuck
The ladder is literally entirely warrior right now.

The last six games I played have all been warrior mirrors

>Paladins need cards to stick on the board, but I don't want them to get muster or mini-bot back
Paladin needs good 1 or 2 mana card or 3 drop on the level of Imp Gang Boss and Dark Cultist. 4 mana cards and higher are absolutely irrelevant like that 5 mana 1/1 for greedy Nzoth decks.

>lose to literally fucking rng
>add guy
>Hella "fun" game broski
>get his tag
>post his tag with msg that I need to do friend challenge quest on reddit, Veeky Forums, blizzrd forums.
Faggot is probably drowning in invites now.

annoyotron replaces moroes in the karazhan adventure

Between Dragon, C'thun, Pirate, Dragon/Pirate, and OTK Worgen, the answer is obviously still not "Yes", but i understand why one would think that.

Sure, give them sticky/good early game cards but let's not give paladins back things like minibot and muster. If you drew a perfect curve of Chow > Minibot > Muster > any decent four drop it was pretty much impossible to lose.

If I ever see this fucker, shredder, Dr. Boom or the various other cancers from Naxx & GvG again I'm uninstalling.

Standard isn't great but fuck all that bullshit.

so? How is getting friend requests bad? Do you have Aspergers?