League of Legends general - /lolg/

Bes guy, best grill, best ship edition.


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Xth for Leona

It's time you all accepted Lulu needs buffing


Who do I buy next?

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

I want Trundle to keep me cold during hot summer nights!

Cassiopeia is fun and strong


liss is dumpster tier right now, vlad is getting nerfed, cass is probably getting nerfed, jinx will be the new hotness when jhin and ashe get nerfed



What an extraordinarily immense waste of artistic talent on that shitty ship.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Why is liss bad now?

Yeah, they all seem fun.

>Mid/AD keep getting caught by Khazix and dying
>Can't get anything done
>Decide to just split while my team dances around elder dragon
>Enemy team sends in people one at a time to die to me pointlessly
>End the game

This really shouldn't work in plat

Rebost since last thread is dead: How does one get a hold of a juicy bronze 5 account without having to grind it out myself?

>morello ----> lich bane
Thats 30% right there and runes can boost that to the cap.
With morello alone you get a huge power spike and its not even that expensive.

i have no idea why people are arguing that she cant do well in mid lane when she is currently perma banned and has a ridiculous win rate where ever shes played.

I made a concept kit rework for Teemo. Tell me what you all think.


I doubt it will ever be possible for this champion to be reworked because he has been memed into oblivion. No one takes anything seriously when talking about what could be changed.




I want to go chatting in VoHiYo .

>Activate Q
>Permaslow the Darius and rape his HP bar


How does that slow even work?

When are they nerfing her?

>targeted stun
>ever bad

We are under state protection by Noxus and hence cannot be arrested by any inquisition.
It's a gud ship


I want to quetzalcuddle with Lulu.


>people STILL arguing about Q versus E max on Illaoi
WQE start EQW max is the highest win rate skill order by far.

liss can't possibly be BAD because of her idiotproof kit, she's just not a meta pick. think gragas.
she's still playable, even at high elo

Yeah but this was bronze tier strats, I just walked down top and took tower inhib nexus turrets nexus

she gets crushed by most meta midlaners. you can still take her top to make melee champs sad tho

E max has a massively higher winrate than the retardation that is Q>W maxxing yeah.
And I have a higher winrate than E max going Q>E max.
So with a large amount of people going either Q>W or E>Q and no data on Q>E I feel the statistic is fairly pointless

I do not recognize the authority of that what you call a state. It is but a lot of black magicians, witches, sorcerers and heretics.

she has mana problems without blue buff, though
she needs to WQ/E away every time a melee champion engages into her. this will burn her mana real fast.

Good luck facing our armies and warriors in battle. Assuming you are from Runeterra, a measly inquisitor stands no chance.

How do you feel about the master's division #1 Illaoi EU advocating E max?

Oh okay.

I thought her kit seemed pretty useful

>Free Zhonyas
>Free engage/escape

Ah, I see. I do notice she doesn't have the best wave clear compared to other mids right now.

That's part of the reason I stopped playing Ahri, she has shit/expensive early waveclear compared to everyone else.

Uh, were are you getting these statistics?
This says, Q Max is a higher win rate and a higher play rate.

meditation is a very underrated mastery on her

Such is the heretics way, to lie and deceive! Cease talking and begone, foul creature.

Aren't you that scripting guy from the Veeky Forums vs /vg games?


That's Imthem that scripts.

No, I don't play Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forumss often and I don't script

Deja vu! I've just swam in this place before

>queue for aram
>get lucian, only ranged champion on team
>reroll for poppy, i hate adcs
>"why did you reroll the lucian"
>"dodge if you want"
>someone dodges
>get my reroll back

Kids are probably stupid fotm shitters who haven't been around more than a season, and as such, they don't remember the terror that was Akali back when she was in her prime.

Any seasoned veteran would know that you'd need at least two people to fuck Akali up--a tank with massive CC and a high-damage champion. You'd also need a pink ward just to ensure you get your damage off even if she shrouds herself.

What they should have done in that situation was force the 4v5 against your team, causing any of the following situations:
a. You teleport in to help your team and you win or lose both the fight and dragon with X teammates alive.
b. Your teammates just try to poke them out and one of them gets caught out, and you don't teleport because you know you'll lose the fight since it would just be a 4v5 all over again. You get a turret or two, but the enemy team has the advantage of Elder and thus has massive objective control.
Of course, the enemy team somehow had players who made it to plat without knowing how to deal with a split pusher, and as such, they lost the game.

I don't know when the requirements to get out of silver were so low. Gold players definitely don't need many mechanics, but they should at least have some sort of game knowledge.

It's rather unfortunate how even at Diamond people still have silver-level decision making.

I think it has to do with how you want to play the champ and what makes you most comfortable. So if he wants to E max i don't really care, I've had far easier laning phases with q max into e max

From champion.gg that only pulls data from plat and above.

that sounds cool. i always wanted to learn liss top.
what are some good/bad matchups, user?


Secret op


I shall be gone indeed.

Watching Febiven whip out the Vlad, mmmmm.

reese got ceesed by the feds,
Imthem is a confirmed scripter,
welding is some sort of sex pest
brewposter is about 14
tomoka is also about 14
giraffes fucks ""pros""
nagi is kill (her baby)

is the inner circle finally dead?

Doesn't cat get shut down by every cc in the game?
So basically every character.

>be jungle shyvana
>Splitpushing all day because i suck at team fights
>Enemy team always has 2 or more people on the tower i am going to destroy
>get abused by 2 or 3 man ganks

nice game

image isn't nearly large enough

What an extraordinarily immense waste of artistic talent to not draw and complain about ships.

no, most of them switched to /owg/ and shitpost there

not that they were relevant to begin with

>that feel

I don't know. Never played her.

How different is she from Akali.

I didn't like Akali much and she seems kinda similar.

i think thats the master guy or something

>roam like a fucktard early on
>wait until your retarded opponents burn all their CC on your front line
>jump in
riot makes it so heavy CC is very easy to spot in bright colours and pretty animations, not hard to know when their CC was wated

this is bugged.

>From champion.gg that only pulls data from plat and above.
op.gg pulls from only plat and above, and you can sort by region.
Also, the E Max is at an abysmal play rate.
3k on the Q compared to the 264 on the E.
So I really think it's matchup dependent.

long time lurker here
i need a cool cool clan to be in
where the cool cats be at?

His kit is fine

You should do what your name says.

>inner circle
There is no inner circle and there never was. Just attention whores with trips and shit who had a delusion of grandeur and also belonged on reddit.

the Veeky Forums is the coolest

I'm not sure how they got to this rating. When I was 1v1ing trist to win the game I zhonyasd her e at low hp and she just sat on me and let me 1shot her after it, she could have gotten me if she just backed up and ulted me out of my ult


Taking name suggestions.

Post ending in 15 is a forced name-change.

very good: gnar, malph, ekko, fizz
good: poppy, darus, trundle, riven
bad: irelia, jax, maokai, gp
very bad: jayce, nasus, vlad, quinn

>implying plat and above know the most about the game and aren't just really good at execution

Welcome, fellow trip friend.
Join one of our Veeky Forums vs /vg games to be hooked up into the dankest clubs.

Add Olaf to very bad matchups

Katarina is more of "I do my one combo and if I do it right then everyone dies" and if you miss a few stragglers you jump to them while Akali baseline hops from one target to the next until everyone is dead.

Katarina also has a different escape/engage mechanic that is arguably better

wheres the invite?

>play veigar
>faggot amu literally goes top to bot to top to bot
>I am literally the only one not dying in lane
>explain to him that one Q on Viktor would completely snowball me out of control since their Eve is cockblocking me from going hard
>says fiora scales harder
>keeps camping fiora
>enemy double kill every 40 seconds
>enemy top rengar deletes me and jhin before the ! even pops up over our heads
>2.5k damage in .65 seconds
>Fiora calls him out at the end of the game for not just going mid like I asked
>"yea yea everybody blame the jungler"

Why are junglers so fucking hardheaded?

>good: darius
I mean if your jungler helps you but other than that this is a skill match-up if anything.

>low health
>being chased
>walk directly through gp ult to take a slow and damage

>tfw you're playing Katarina and need to escape but your dumbass teammate in front of you won't get into your E range

He had nothing, he was going to die.
He just wanted to deny the assist gold for Ashe and Trundle.

If you look at GP's ult, it covered the entire escape, and if he went directly left, he would've gotten easily pillared in.

I feel you bro

yeah, I thought you'd like that one

Darius being a good laner is a common misconception, if you respect his zone and don't sit there autoing meleeing eachother you can beat him on pretty much anybody, or at least stay even on farm and eventually outscale to kill him

kk ill lurk some more and join when i see
trip is my summoner name btw

so i stopped playing and watching this game 4 months ago but decided to watch this one after someone told me it's happening

how the fuck do OG get a 70% vote against FNC? their fanbase wasn't that big compared to FNC's huge fanbase

especially considering that they are apparently shit now

If you respect his zone then he should use his zone to deny you farm.

He has a strong lane phase. The fact that your enemy shouldn't be dumb enough to die to a champion known to have a strong lane phase applies to every champion with a strong lane phase.

Give me one good reason why Azir's sand soldiers don't have a health bar you can deplete like Zyra's plants or Heimer's rockets.

old darius was though. RIP free top lane :(

>eventually outscale to kill him
Except Lissandra doesn't do that much damage, and Darius is a tanky juggernaut.
He can sustain past your damage with his Q.
You won't be able to kill him after he finishes SV, and you just have to harass him as much as possible.

bait harder faggot.

Alright this one was good, nice job


I'm just glad they've dehorned him from release Azir. That kit was just ludicrously overloaded

He has the same problem as yasuo, he can be a lane bully but if he tries to actually bully in the lane his q autopushes so that the other laner can safely farm under tower

Sorry I wasn't talking about Lissandra specifically, just that Darius isn't actually too bad of a lane

Azir's soldiers are how he accomplishes literally everything, while Heimer has his grenades and rockets, and Zyra has multiple spells that function on their own but are enhanced by her seeds.

I'd say plat players and above are good at a mixture of different things, differing from person to person. Some are really good at last hitting and playing it safe, others are "playmakers" and/or are good at securing objectives, oothers are great in teamfights and at peeling.

I myself am fairly shit at the game but in Plat II so far, partly due to being good at Vel'Koz and having decent game sense and knowledge, or so I think at least. It at least feels like I'm the only one that cares about team comps, so when I get my secondary role which I'm not that good at in comparison (jungle), I always pick champ based on team since I think jungle, top and support are the most important roles for creating a good team comp since that's where the tankiness, CC, engage and disengage lies.

good thing you can windwall them :^)

What are the most boring champions in this game?

Darius will always have kill pressure on you, no matter how bad the matchup is.
The problem is that if you are a melee champ with little ranged farming tools, you will get fucked hard early and especially at lvl 3.