/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3096

When the Lemons are Just Right Edition

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Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version: pastebin.com/weL41ehu
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Actual previous thread

Sleepy sleepy
is right

Mine had 2 arrows cuz I fugged up. This has 3 arrows

Continue the tradition

Gotta triple check, nigger.


Always sleepy.

Nth for a happy Hana!

Zoom Zoom to love!

I wish Rin and Emi showed up more in the other girls arcs.

user is cute

They are obviously the best girls.



Best duo!

Speaking of happy Hanas, I tried my own again. I was gonna post it in the last thread, but the image limit hit before I could. What do you guys think?

That is a Hana.
Which is happy.

That Lilly has a ridiculous chest holy shit her rack was NOT that big in the game


It is a Lilly.
Which has boobies.

That's quite an improvement chibianon! The only thing I would recommend is to make her hair longer.

>It is a Lilly.
>Which has boobies
She had the sightless eyes
Telling me no lies



Avocados are good, but I don't know how to describe their taste.

I can think of a few words to describe them.

Evening, Friends. How goes it?

>Hanako has a bigger bust than Misha

Oh lawdy....

>lillyfag having shit taste
color me surprised

Hey Castron! Did you see any more copses of trees?

You haven't been here in a while. You meet a cute girl?

G'evening, dood.


You're right, I didn't mean it.

Nth for a happy Hana!

>Did you see anymore copses of Trees?

Yes? Lots of trees


PFFFFT! Mother Above, no. I've been cutting wood, fixing fences and trying to get my sleep schedule back in order.

How are you, Friend?

Thats a knightly hana

Good but... the shoulders aren't spiky enough...

Would Hana level dex or str? Or would she be a magic-flinging pansy? Badass pyromancer?

I'm pretty new here, so forgive my question, but why do so many people use names and trips?
I mean man, I've only ever seen a few outside of here.

It's not nice to meaninglessly say things like that.

I'm good, you?

Full constitution
Tank is the only way

Why does the thought of meeting someone terrify you?

Attention whoring and circle jerking

I see hana as doing a shy magic build.
Emi being dex
Lilly only Vigor and strength, cant see shit so might as well wildly hit people with her cane great sword.
Rin as pyromancer, casts with feet.
Misha as a hexer/straightsword.
Shizune as an archer

Hisao as katana because muh japanese heritage

It normally doesn't happen this often but we may be entering a new golden age of /ksg/


I more so asked the question for the people doing it, I know what people who don't use them think already. So please stay calm man.
Makes sense on the number of them, but I still want to know from the name and trip users themselves.

Many of the older ones were content creators. Drawfriends, writefriends, etc.

The new ones, I don't know. They just wanted to.


Kenji doesn't really count. 2013 pops by occasionally. Only 2 newfriends feel the need to trip.

Figured she would be into the magics, what with her love of books. Perhaps Bard.

Some people like to be known and recognized. I can't blame em, I ran with a trip for a couple of days before just getting rid of it, people seem to know when its me somehow...

Though I am noticing a marked increase in Trips and what not as of late.

>I'm good, you?

That's great to hear, friend. I'm not currently on fire, being attacked by bees or any combination thereof, so I can't complain.

I'm scared of not living up to their expectations and being hurt.

panzer vor

Don't be afraid Castron! Be selfish, fight for your own desires instead of caving into someone else's!

Also, what's the dirtiest job you've done?

Alright, makes more sense, although I'm still wondering why there are more here than anywhere else I've seen man.

poor munich

>Alright, makes more sense
Does it?

>although I'm still wondering why there are more here than anywhere else
We're nice.

I trip because I shitpost too much not too, and I found myself repeating alot of the same phrases to people.

Also because I had to post "Evangelion - Race War edition". Mainly because evangelion race war edition actually

I wondered the same thing, to be fair. Then I decided to say "fugg it" and got a trip.

I don't want to be selfish... I want to make someone happy and in turn I'll be happy by their happiness.

>What's the dirtiest job you've done?

A couple of months ago I was laying on the ground with my arm down in my family's septic tank after it got clogged up trying to put our line pump into a pipe. Trouble was, the pipe was down inside the tank, which was full to the brim with raw sewage. So, I had to reach on down into it to try to find the pipe blindly. Always fun being shoulder deep in the collective waste of 5+ people, but got it done.

Honestly, its probably because we try to be nice to people, sometimes to our own detriment.

our kindness has backfired. time to use the whip instead of the carrot.

>I shitpost too much not too
Do you?
>I found myself repeating alot of the same phrases to people.
>Also because I had to post "Evangelion - Race War edition".
But you never did post it, did you?

>Does it?
To me it does, since I found that it's mostly just for attention.
I take it you just wanted to keep your name and trip then?
I know people here normally try to be nice, in fact I found this to be one the most peaceful places on this site. Although I am coming here from /g/ and /pol/.

I just find it weird since this site is very much meant to keep people unknown.

Its a shame that the World seems to be going to Hell. I would have liked to have seen use at least make it further into space before everything comes crashing down around us.

What if I'm into these kind of thing? would you still whip me?

I would punish you because you deserve it you you pitiful whore. The fact that you'd enjoy it only shows how depraved you are.

>do you?
I do.
Why would I dig through old archives to prove a meaningless point in a meaningless argument?
>Never posted it?
Did, deleted post after 2 minutes.

The world has always had conflict. The only difference is that in the turn of the 20th century we've had the means to document it and present it to a world audience through media. The sickening part is realizing how powerful an influence ideology and abstract, non-tangible concepts influence us.

Just as one might weep for their KS waifu, so too is a muslim moved by whatever the fuck they read in the qu'ran. It's essentially the same deal.

Yes! Be mean to me!

Shut the fuck up. If you make a sound, the punishment continues.

I'm outsider.
But wouldn't the real punishment be no punishment man?

Is this you?

Shush no, don't listen to that! That's not fair!
Bring it on

>I do.
I don't think you do.
>Why would I dig through old archives to prove a meaningless point in a meaningless argument?
I'm not expecting you to dig through the archives but surely if you said it enough it would be fresh in your memory.
Maybe it is meaningless, but who cares?
Well then.

I'm not going to debate religion and what not, but I just wish we could all just reach a point where we realize that we're all human. Believe what you want to believe, practice what you want to practice, but realize that each and everyone one of us is entitled to that same freedom of choice, treat each other fairly and stand strong as Humanity.

>I dont think you do
Does it really change much whether or nit you specifically think so?
>Im not expecting you to
Surely you do. If I provided something from memory you would likely say "Show me the post", wouldnt you?

>not fair
But what if they like the idea of it being a real punishment man?

>getting into a pedantic argument with kiwianon

>Believe what you want to believe, practice what you want to practice

Not going to work bud. Relativism leaves room for fanaticism. Consider the ideology of ISIS/ISIL, why not say: "Hey, they can believe what they want to believe, practice what they want to practice."

It's not good enough. What we need to admit is that there is objective morality and ethics and that we are in conflict culturally and philosophically with certain organizations and cultures and that the only way we can achieve world harmony is when the united world adopts the same values.

remove shrink

It's not like we didnt try before, but some crybabies throw a fit if we do.

So was he a trap or just effeminate?
I would do lewd.

why not finish shrink?

Is Akira a reverse trap? How come one is okay and not the other.

It was fun at least

Thanks user. I had a feeling the hair should have been way longer, but as I said in the previous thread I fucking hate drawing long hair

i don't get all the akira love, either

>How come one is okay and not the other.
It's fine, but not to my preference.

>[My little brother can't be this cute!]
Does this mean that Shizune and Hideaki have hot, sweaty sex every single night?

Oh, I know full and well that humanity uniting together is a pipe dream, but a man can still dream.

>Does it really change much whether or nit you specifically think so?
Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. That's up to.
My point isn't that you shouldn't trip, my point is that somewhere along the line you got it in your head that you 'need' to trip. You don't need to, you want to and I believe that distinction is important.

I love you too.

The root of the problem is democracy. We need supreme leadership, for every man to know his place. We need the Illuminati

I like how you think man, makes me think of the phrase "To each his own".

>not liking akira

So you're okay with a relatively masculine looking woman but not an effeminate man?

absolutely disgusting

I dont need to, I can agree, I guess I was trying to justify my argument with reasons of why I should trip. But even with all the reasoning in the world of why I SHOULD, trip, it doesn't mean that I have to, meaning there is no need.

You're right that I dont have to trip, I just do it because I want to.

wish i was shizune's little brother in that case

To each his own perversion.
To each his own felony
To each his own sin
To each his own crime

It's not as rose-tinted as one might think. It's very well and good to repeat the mantra 'live and let live', but the way others live can do damage upon other people's living.

Sorry user, but the world is far too cruel for such a liberal tact.

To be honest, none of the girls routes were relationships I could relate to. Except this one.

>So you're okay with a relatively masculine looking woman but not an effeminate man?
Fine with either really.

iwanako got fucked, and not in a good way. she kept visiting hisao longer than anyone else, and he doesn't appreciate what she's doing and sullenly withdraws from her and shuts her out


I know man, but that also means one's own judgement and authority, countering the crime and sin, things go in all directions man, keep that in mind. I also understand that all roses have thorns, but we can do more work to avoid being hurt by them, instead of ignoring the rose.

That's better. I still don't like it but that's irrelevant.

On a semi-unrelated note, the question kind of loses a lot of it's validity thanks to our interjector but if he had not said anything, would you have known who you were talking to?

Eh, I wouldn't say that democracy is the problem. The problem lies with the people. Giving democracy to the people of todays age is like giving a loaded shotgun to a toddler. Might sound like a despot, but sometimes people just don't know what's good for them on the whole.

Thank you, Friend, but while "To Each His Own" looks good on paper, so long as we continue our way of thinking it'll never pan out, sadly.

If only I were in charge. Then everything would probably be horribly worse, but at least then the peoples of the world could join together in their hate of me.

>but that also means one's own judgement and authority, countering the crime and sin

Not on your judgement or authority, you'll be tried as a vigilante should you try to take action.

>but we can do more work to avoid being hurt by them
We need to remove the thorns dude

What we need is a totalitarian/authoritarian global leadership desu.