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>reminder that Godzilla and Dr. Who aren't canon


-"Woah, who'da thunk waifus could get so big??"
-"Forsooth, I am as overtaken by awe as you!"


Best weapon in the series coming through

Daily reminder that if you say

>mechanics = lore
>fallout's easter eggs aren't easter eggs
>bethesda can do whatever it wants with fallout

you are clinically retarded.

Well, let's go ahead and get these shitposting topics out of the way for this thread.
Daily reminder Power Armor is Lore Friendly in FO4
Daily reminder Synths are not Human per se, but are defined as Androids/Cyborgs depending on generation
Daily reminder that Bethesda owns the rights to FO, and Interplay doesn't exist anymore.
Daily reminder that the Great War was possibly started by ayylmaos.

Did I miss anything?


Nice job fucking up the texture on it though.


prove it

not my texture


Wat. You know he was BUILT, not BORN, right? Child synths are that size because they were built using smaller bones, and printed in that shape. The bones can't grow anymore. They will stay that size forever.

How long was he a child without any signs of aging? No matter what, Human Shawn is only ~60 years old, and became director within the last 20 years. I doubt that synth Shawn is any older then 10. Visually he would stay the same for quite some time.

Why would the US start a NUCLEAR FUCKING WAR THAT DISTROYS THE EARTH after it WINS a resource war?
>Kid walks into playground
>2 little kids are playing in the sandbox
>Shit dude fine we out of here god damn calm the fuck down
>They walk away
>Kid shoots the 2 little kids, sets off suicide vest and blows himself and his newly acquired sandbox to shit

Why. There's no reason for them to blow up the world after they WIN. China LOST, but they still have nukes, and spite the US with them.

>reminder that easter eggs are fan fiction

Why would there be a massive nuclear exchange in the first place?
Mate, you're pushing your fanfic awful hard, established lore in every FO states that nobody knows.
That means nobody knows.


synths don't age

it is mentioned in a conversation at the Institute. play the game.

I said why aren't you using an ENB, you stupid piece of shit? Are you some kind of fucking bozo or something?

>no charging handle
>only forward assist
ain't got shit on pic related

Dinner Bell is a GREAT choice. But its just not as enjoyable as the Survivalist's Rifle



>there's a guy spending his actual life doing this

What would be the general estimate of the times Piper had to fuck or got fucked pursuing a story?

all it does i remind me of why my best memories of NV were when it was still new and not coming back 6 years later to.

judging by how easy she was in my nate playthrough, every time

might be why she doesn't like Mcdonnough

She's easy for Nora, too.
I believe she also gets flustered around Magnolia, so she's just a submissive slut for everyone, regardless of gender.

well, judging by how willing she was to follow nate straight into a Deathclaw den, just for giving her an interview, i'd actually bet that she actively pursues getting fucked as part of the story.
kek, you fucking failure.

Why does Piper gesture at the intercom at Diamond City's gate like it's a person?
Was she originally waving her hands around like a maniac at Danny Sullivan in person, but they changed it for some reason and were too lazy to change her animation?

-"My word, that specimen carries a peerless apperance."
-"I cannot but agree, as I find myself overtaken with outstanding libido at the current moment."

So what was the deal with the guy in Listening Post Bravo who picked up that weird radio signal and heard banging in the elevator?

Sure, but if you're using it you're fucking up the gun.

Why Millenia can't even respect the fact that it's two different types of wood with two entirely different wood textures because the gun was haphazardly repaired, likely by the Survivalist himself...

... I...

... I just don't know about that guy, man. It's like he fucking hates keeping the guns lore-friendly or something. Erased the depiction of Maria from Maria. Removed the snakeskin print from Light Shining in Darkness so it no longer matches Graham's snakeskin fucking boots and belt.

What the fuck, man?

Why is everyone in Far Harbor DLC unlikable?

>Everyone lives in peace ending
>still blow up the Nucleus
>let the fog destroy Far Harbor
>tell the Institute about Arcadia

Truly the best ending.

For my New Vegas bros.
Try Smart Helmets!

>Not liking Longfellow
Get a load of this faggot

-"Behold that waifu! Never have I lain sight on such a captivating aspect!"
-"Hear hear, we form a consensus."

>he doesn't move his hands when he talks
what kind of autist are you? Hand movements are like subconscious when you talk. Try to hold a conversation without gesturing atleast once, even on the phone.

Why does the box art show Nate/Nora with holstered weapons?
Why does Todd lie?

It was established early on that Ghouls need food and water to survive.

Radiation, however, heals their bodies, and that alone might be enough to sustain them if they don't expend any unnecessary energy (which could be why we see so many ferals "playing possum")

-"Ah, a waifu of such brutish facets! Fell, yet fair, say you not?"
-"Indeed. I fear not only for my life, but that I shall struggle to contain my growing arousal at such a vista. "

hibernating until prey gets close enough to wake you up isn't exactly cutting-edge as far as animal behavior goes in a fantasy setting.

I hope you get beaten to near-death by your own ironic shitposting

>Erased the depiction of Maria from Maria. Removed the snakeskin print from Light Shining in Darkness so it no longer matches Graham's snakeskin fucking boots and belt.

What the fuck.

So that's why Maria looked different. I just downloaded a different retexture for Graham's pistol, thanks for pointing those things out.

I agree, he even fucked up Deckard's gun, luckily someone made a much nicer replacer for the gun.

Did you move your hands at your computer screen when you typed that out, you sperg?

There's a difference between "moving your hands" and "waving them wildly back and forth in front of your face like you're playing charades," let alone doing that to a speaker.

She could've stomped her foot, she could've shaken her fist a little, but flailing her arms around is weird and unnatural in any situation, including when she does almost the exact same motion at the Mayor moments later.

The bitch literally pantomimes a headline in the air as if on a billboard at a waist-level intercom.

>It was established early on that Ghouls need food and water to survive.
Established by Black Isle. Bethesda owns the IP now. If they say ghouls don't need food and water, then they don't need food and water.

the more attention you give him, the longer he stays.

>did you move your hands
I wasn't speaking the words, and yes, typing causes movement of the hands.
>movements have to be 1:1 depictions of real life and can't be exaggerated for effect

So I guess her standing still and yelling into the speaker while only moving her mouth is acceptable?
And why the fuck shouldn't she be grandoise, isn't she a news reporter, trying to shoehorn in every bit of information about synths possible? Did she come across as quiet, reserved and not twitchy?
What the fuck am I even arguing with you for.

>Did you move your hands at your computer screen when you typed that out, you sperg?

>There's a difference between "moving your hands" and "waving them wildly back and forth in front of your face like you're playing charades," let alone doing that to a speaker.
There's also a difference between speaking and typing.

-"What beastly interests doth captivate such womanhood!"
-"Such as the earthly call to war so vividly dominates her libidinous form, does mine titillation approach its terminus."

>movements have to be 1:1 depictions of real life and can't be exaggerated for effect

If only any other character ever had exaggerated animations, or if Piper ever did that, ever again, in the entire game, ever.

>And why the fuck shouldn't she be grandoise, isn't she a news reporter, trying to shoehorn in every bit of information about synths possible? Did she come across as quiet, reserved and not twitchy?

According to every other interaction she ever has with you, or anyone else, she isn't twitchy. She's normal.

So, again, that makes it stand out even more.

If she was a wacky bitch who flails around like she has palsy in every conversation, it would be a character quirk. It happened in one scene and then she's got generic NPC movements for the rest of the game.

>What the fuck am I even arguing with you for.

Apparently you're a sperg.


>If they say ghouls don't need food and water, then they don't need food and water.
One NPC. Said NPC is a slaver and hardly any expert in Ghoul anatomy. Also, Ghoul settlers still have basic food/water requirements.

That being said, there are a lot of writing inconsistencies in FO4. You can hardly rely on the testimony of a single, solitary character.

>ignore first points
So you don't deny that you move your hands when you talk and you're just nitpicking little details for no discernible reason?
>she's normal
maybe if you've never spent 5 minutes around a female that's not related to you.

Anybody happen to know where boarded up doors and windows are in the CK? I've had no luck tracking them down thus far.

Piper washing some of the ghoul guts off after a long adventure.

>One NPC
Honest Dan also says they don't need food and water. Settlers still needing food/water can be passed of as them not NEEDING it, but still suffering some ill effects without it, just not fatally so.

-"Woah, I've never seen a waifu that big before!"
-"Did you see her arms? She's huge! She's the hugest waifu I've ever seen!"

-"Wow! My waifu falters in comparison to that beastly woman!"
-"Mine as well! My waifu is utterly inconsequential in contrast!"

>ignore first points

You mean like when I said normal gestures are fine, and elaborate pantomimes aren't, and you said "hurr durr so she should just stand there like a robot?"

>maybe if you've never spent 5 minutes around a female that's not related to you.

How is that even a response to what I said?

Are you disputing the fact that she literally never has any animations even close to being that elaborate in the rest of the game? Because she doesn't.

-"Gosh, I shall never fell such a LCW (Large Carnal Waifu)!"
-"Nor shall I! I heard she only congregates with womanfolk, imagine!"

How come they never gave any enemies in power armor jetpacks?

>she's normal
How is she normal.

>normal gestures are fine but elaborate pantomimes aren't
>Why isn't a news reporter a boring schmuck in a suit instead of a chick who attempts to have an explosive personality but just comes off as another reporter looking for an ass to stick her nose in to smell what kind of shit she can make caps off of next.

Face it, elaborate gestures are in character for Piper.
You're literally nitpicking nothing.

Huh. I didn't know that...
Then again, hardly an expert in Ghoul biology, either. I imagine not many people are.

His name is HONEST Dan if we can't trust him who can we trust

what if ghouls are sustained by radiation but see flesh and water sort of like alcohol and candy/cake? A delicacy but not required to live.
sweet headcanon, I know.

>in a game where they couldn't path enemies to move over blocks
>why didnt they give enemies jetpacks

>Tim Cain is a homo
>Sawyer is a homo
>Avellone has no wife

Why are good developers either homos or loners?

probably because it would make people cry more than Feral Ghouls, considering they'd get to you faster, do damage by landing near you, and then chop chop chopping you up.

Because OP is always a faggot, even in Vidya.

>elaborate gestures are in character for Piper.

Then why does she only do it in two dialogue exchanges in one scene, and never again in any dialogue exchange for the rest of the game?

It's literally not in her character.
It's not in character for any character in the game, not only is it the only time Piper ever has elaborate gestures, it's the only time any character in the entire game ever does.

So, you are quite literally incorrect in that assertion, as well as being wrong about a person you're standing two feet away from (to trigger the cutscene) gesturing surreptitiously at you, including a sweeping come-hither gesture and cupping her hand by her mouth to speak in hushed tones as if the intercom is watching her being some kind of normal behavior for anyone.

Post rare Curies.

-"Imagine what it should mean to court such a savage mistress!"
-"You shall persist in your fantasies yet, for such waifus pursue only the company of other womankind."

Intercoms pick up noise on the other side lad.
You're nitpicking literally nothing but a scene added to introduce you to piper so you could see what her personality was like.
I'm sorry you saw something you didn't like.
You have yet to explain to me how it is not in character, how piper is normal, and why it matters all that much in the grand scheme of any fucking plot point other than your headcanon.

Creativity and deviancy increase together.

-"I want to be shot in the face by that unbridled barbarian!"
-"Yes, friend. One day we will all be shot in the face by her."

>You have yet to explain to me how it is not in character

>gestures in one scene
>does not gesture in dozens of other scenes

Which behavior is more in her character?
Which behavior is the norm for Fallout 4 NPCs?

If you eat breakfast every fucking morning for a most of your life, but then for whatever reason you skipped that meal today, which behavior is more in character for you?
Which is the more common behavior?

You're completely obtuse.

It would be like if there one was scene where Piper said "nigger" a bunch of times and never again and you said that was in her character.

>good developers


>behaviour is only through body language
wew lad, did you ever talk to her?

>if I've never talked to Piper before and see her do something I don't like it's not in character

>strawmanning this hard
Get an actual fucking argument.

Wow someone that fucked it even harder

I'm impressed

>only through body language

We're discussing hand gestures you fucking idiot.

-"That waifu is a testament to genetic superiority!"
-"Yes, we flounder to live up to her standard, as such it is only justified that she kill us."

If you don't mention Shaun as you're entering Diamond City, there should be ZERO reason Piper is interested in the player. Diamond City is incredibly close to Vault 81 which 100% sends out its own to set up trade with other areas, you can see this for yourself at Longneck Lukowski's Cannery where an armored Vault 81 resident is trading meat.

Explain to me why Piper should give a shit about a person wearing a Pipboy who is entering Diamond City when their response is "none of your business" to the Mayor.

Well the truth is most people don't care and all it takes to sell them on a mod is a "higher-res" looking texture. Doesn't matter if it's stripped of personality or whatever made it seem interesting in the first place, just as long as it's in 4k.

>hand gestures aren't an intrinsic component of body language

Holy fuck. Not him, but even I'd be inclined to think you're either baiting or retarded.

>the only way for Piper to have personality is through hand gestures
>i've never experienced any of this personality but the hand gestures and one scene, so her personality is WRONG

Seriously, how is it not in character, how is she normal, and what does any of this have to do with any fucking plot point other than your headcanon?

She's a reporter and knows how to smell a story. The hell do you think she doesn't have competition?

shes urrr like a journalist she can magically smell stories happening

She's a single mother looking for a meal ticket?

-"I'm in love with that waifu!"
-"Yes, friend. We are all in love with that waifu."


She's just a hoe hurtin for a squirtin.
I do like that if you aren't wearing your vault-suit she's omnipotent and can tell you're vault trash by the "look in your eyes" (even if you're wearing sunglasses).

You can also be a total dick and she'll say "You're just another 'see no evil' type like McDonough," but she'll still be very friendly (because she's a slut).


>give decent explanation
>neet who's never written anything other than shitposts on a mongolian throat singing board has nothing but an image for a reaction
Why is this so boring. Can't you atleast put some effort into it?


can you stop

Well, ended up making a shitty edit myself. The first person gun looks much better, shame the hand covers the handle.


I'm laughing at the fact you posted that lame excuse and somebody mocked you with the same response but posted like a retard was behind the keyboard.

Again, you can't belabor the point.

She gestures once.
Never again.

It's a exception to the norm, for Piper, and for all NPCs in the game.

You haven't acknowledged this point at all, and it seems like you're just upset that your waifu is being criticized, but I really hope that's not why you're being so dense.

>lame excuse
I'm sorry you've never worked a writing job in your life. Stories are kind of easy to spot.

Explain how it is out of character, explain how piper is normal, and explain why this matters in any plot point other than your headcanon.
If you don't have an answer, try playing the game, it might give you one.

Anyways, anyone got any suggestions on how I can improve godzilla? Trying to get a new version out tonight to fix bugs and shit.