Sooooooo........What did you guys do today?
Sooooooo........What did you guys do today?
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W or HW?
>George Bush Parkway
>not speeding at 91.1 mph
how did you even get a 4runner up to that speed?
2UZ-FE Master race.
Oh, well in that case you better pay it. He has been looking a bit ragged lately and probably needs the money.
Hey you were close to my house.
I'll have to pay it anyways. I drive everywhere as part of my job, so I kinda can't afford to lose my license.
Farmers Branch?
Nah, I'm still a good bit away, Coit.
good gosh
fb com
Picked up my first AR-15
Went to the Volvo dealership and test drove a few cars, including a Polestar S60.
>98 in a 4runner
wew lad
Presumably you already had an sks
I live right off Trinity Mills.
Dayum. Boosted 22re?
NA V8, all day. Also gotta take into account that my 4th gen 4wd V8 tips the scales at about 4,800 pounds with me in it.
It is hilariously stable at that speed. Like, can't even hear the wind noise over the stereo.
No, but I did have an Arsenal SLR-104.
the fact that he alleges 98 miles per hour means that you weren't friendly enough
I was polite as I could be. Southern polite, to boot. Hell, at the end of it he thanked me for my courtesy and politeness.
No mercy on this day for 4Runners, apparently.
Yeah, 28 over it a tad bit exuberant. How fast was prevailing traffic ?
Last ticket I got was for 72 in a 60. Morning rush hour in the far left lane in a Subaru Forester (don't laugh - it's a beater). Traffic was doing 68, but I guess I was the gazelle culled from the heard.
12 over is no points, though. Just a $140 donation to Kasich's campaign.
Prevailing traffic was about 75-80. I was going noticeably faster than anyone near me, by far.
And what can I say, I was running late. I fucked up. Oh well.
And since it was so high over, I can't even do a defensive driving class/deferred disposition. Anything faster than 24 over means ticket or bust.
Underage b&.
Mature people don't speed like that.
You must have been driving OK, since in Ohio he has the right to cuff you and impound your car + reckless + whatever he felt like throwing at you.
Here you'd get 4 points for that and about a $400 fine IIRC.
My record was 93 in a 55 on I65 south of Chicago. I was hard on the brakes. ;^) I knew I was busted when the radar detecter started screaming, then saw the Indiana state cop throwing up a cloud of dust as he was drifting sideway through the center median. I was already pulled over with the hazards on, window down, and hands on the wheel when he caught up to me. Big BLACK state trooper - think Hightower. And he was pissed. He had me get out of the car and come around to the rear. After he yelled at me a bunch and bruised my chest with his finger he wrote me for 93/55 and let me go. He said if I hadn't pulled over and waited he would have hauled me in.
You win some, you lose some. It sucks. Move on.
I was driving smooth as butter. Just fast.
Fine down here where I'm at is gonna be right at $300, give or take a couple bucks.
I'm sure he could have pulled me and cuffed me for it if he wanted, but as soon as I saw the lights I just threw on the hazards and pulled to the side of the road. No way it wasn't me.
honestly idk why more black people dont become cops its a free excuse to legally fuck /pol/tards up
It's not 1908 gramps, those speeds are perfectly safe if you're paying attention. Faux News has you braincucked into thinking speeding is dangerous.
>in a 4runner
deserved the ticket imho
bout to go to oreillys to pick up my part i ordered nearly a week ago
>yes sir we'll call you as soon as it comes in
>part that was literally at another store within same city
Because /pol/ is right
I've gotten it to about 125 before. It doesn't like that too much.
100 to about 105 is fine. It'll cruise at that speed at about 3,200rpm.
But I was late for a meeting, so at the end of the day, I deserve the ticket.
Not for what I drive, but because I was breaking the law.
fuck me...
>Commie vehicle: no
At least you're not a commie
I get that a see those 4th gen 4Runners like pic related all the time, and they are always being driven by soccer moms or old Asian people.
No one ever realizes that they will get moving in a hurry.
Bone dry stock on shit oil and shit plugs they were pulling 7 seconds flat to 60.
NGK Iridium IX, some Pennzoil Platinum synthetic, a K&N 63 series air intake and a new MAF sensor has this thing in the high 5's to low 6's, consistently.
In a near 5,000 pound SUV.
I'm retarded.
Yeah. Once you're into the "toss me in jail" speeds it's more just adrenaline rush than anything else. When I had my Honda CB1100xx I took it up to 145mph on the local interstate one day. It was totally calm and serene--- even boring. The bike had at least another 25 mph top end, but I was like "so? this is it?" and realized I was passing minivans at 90mph over their speed.
I looked around, saw that everything was under control, and that there was no point in doing this in America because I'd either die by hitting a truck or be thrown in jail soon. It's like having a Japanese katana for self defense.
3 weeks later I sold the bike.
>Brake dust on front wheels
Get out of here and never return
I agree. I got it up to 125 once, and decided that was enough for me. Car starts floating a little at that speed. And when I did it, I did it at 3AM on a 3 lane highway with no car in visible sight of me.
This was the day I bought the thing, fack off.
First thing I did was clean the fuck out of the whole car.
Right now the wheels are dirty because mud and dust from construction zones.
most underrated post
If it was a highway trooper I passed you on my way to work in richardson. That sucks though most people are doing 85-90 anyway in the morning
>98 mph
How the fuck did you get it to go that fast? How many days to get to that speed?
I've ran that in my Wrangler m8
About 22 seconds or so.
Nah, Carrollton SUV unit.
And this happened at about 1pm.
Took the long route to double check my obd codes of p0430 and p0420. Cruised and picked up genuine honda M/T fluid to replace passenger side drive shaft when all I really need is a new boot, just because I wanted to stretch her legs a bit. I've been two under reckless some years back on my k71000. After that never stopped while I rode.. clean record.
You're lucky.
I'm just glad he didn't get me about two miles back. I was doing 105 at that point.
Mowed the lawn before I get my shit shoved in by mother nature in about 30 mins, gonna detail the car when the storms pass in a day or so.
Yeah, same here. I was rushing down a local road when I was 18 to get to my gas station job to avoid being late. The cop laughed right in front of me and shook his head as he wrote the ticket. Probably because I was 18 and on such a machine. I said some choice words and we parted ways. I was doing 90 in a 40, and braked into a slight corner.. as I was straightening up and before I could complete the corner, he lit me up. I'm honestly sorry about your luck.. You didn't get towed, did you?
Hire a company, like Ticket Clinic, to show up and fight it for you. It's roughly $200
I COULD just go myself and see if I could get out of the ticked under Prima Facie.
I was in the far left lane, wasn't weaving in and out of traffic, and visibility was in excess of 1000 yard (Bright ass sunny day in Texas.), and I did not come close to hitting any other vehicles, either.
No, I didn't. Fortunately. If I had, I would have been fucked.
Glad things didnt end worse for you, getting impounded is shit. I finished my rear strut tower bar today and reinstalled my interior. Very happy with the fitment as I didn't expect the rear seat to fit back in without some work.
Looks really good man.
As soon as I recoup from my ticket, I'm gonna be replacing both CV Axles on my SUV.
After that is gonna be the timing belt...
>the dial keeps passing 110
broke my nose removing my shift knob and leaked all over my pants
its not too crooked and i got myself on the tip of the nose, going to doctor tomorrow morning because i heard a light crack when i took a shift knob to the face
pic related
Man. You had a shittier day than me.
Electronically limited at 125. It pulls all the way up to that wall.
>went to class
>daydreamed about driving my buddy's manual car
>ate dinner and smashed a beer before nightclass
>doodled a bit, can upload pics if you want
>now I'm here
Fuck it man, I'm stuck in a hailstorm right now, lets see em.
>Broke nose
>remove a shift nob
>which screws on
At least I have health insurance. I'd rather take a cracked nose than pay $500-600 in lawyer fees (points + reported to insurance co, better to fight it in NY) to make it go away
>slide open ended wrench under knob
>smack the bottom of it with a hammer/mallet a few times
But yea, that is a shitty design.
speeding laws are so dumb.
it's completely possible to go above 65-70 miles an hour safely on the freeway.
>speeding laws are dumb
>says speeds that are slower than legal speed he got a ticket in
It's 75 in that area and he was going near 100.
Also the speed limit isn't in place because it's not safe to drive at that speed, It's because it's not safe to stop at that speed.
Sure thing my man. Hope your car is under a roof.
7 doodles incoming
Isn't quite as bad down here in Texas. Even as fast as I was booking it, it's only 2 points, and the 2 points only stay on my record for 3 years.
No additional charges unless I accumulate 6 points ($100), and every point of 6 is another $25.
This is my first speeding ticket.
Though if I had stopped that one time for that country mounty, I'd probably still be in jail...On that note, life pro tip: Don't do 212.4 Mph in a highly modified C6 Z06 (900whp, NA.) down a 4 lane highway at 2AM in the bumfuck middle of nowhere west Texas.
You get it. Though it was 70mph where I was.
Good old Mac10. And it's under a concrete bank overhang that's right next to my neighborhood.
>Rocket propelled budgie w/ gasmask
Good call, because hail damage is a bitch. It happened to me once. Never again.
>unfinished squirrel cannon and grizzled soldier
I'm beginning to get the feeling you're also a /k/ommando...
>a scenic winter road
Kek, how ever did you guess
I used to browse more but recently not so much
Call it a hunch.
What are you going to school for, anyways?
Economics. I'm looking at an internship in transfer pricing with a company involved in the automotive business right now, I really enjoy the work involved. I'd be happy with a career in it.
The transfer pricing class I'm taking is the source of these doodles, now that you mention it.
>beginnings of a non-blue board doodle and a polygon
>a javelin with wings
Hope you enjoyed
Beats the hell out of what I can draw.
I can't tell my own S' from my 5's...And in some cases my 7's...
Thanks man. I'm not even that great but I've come a long way from where I was.
Try doodling more, getting better at anything comes with time spent doing that anything. Just like driving.
Reading through /ic/'s sticky was helpful to me. It might take your mind off that hailstorm.
I'll give it a shot.
Medication I'm on makes my hands shake like crazy, though. Makes shooting accurately with a handgun a bitch, so I mostly stick to rifles.
Pic related is my usual go to.
She's a beaut. I almost bought one a few months ago, but finding $800 among the moths in my wallet was tough.
Try drawing it.
I'm not talking about his ticket just in general.
> Also the speed limit isn't in place because it's not safe to drive at that speed, It's because it's not safe to stop at that speed.
Do you mean colliding? Because it's not safe to collide at any speed.
Or do you mean there's not enough distance to stop at speed? In which case only travel at a speed suitable to amount of distance you have.
I paid $230 for that rifle >->''
Dude didn't know what he had.
And okay, lemme find some paper...
You lucky sonuvabitch. I bet it's a dream to shoot too. Was that $230 with the original stock or with the Monte Carlo?
The only thing in that picture that didn't come with it was the bi-pod.
I should also mention that scope is a V8 Weaver 2.5-8 steel tube, made in the mid 60's.
But that thing is still not the most bullshit price I've ever paid for a gun. no, that goes to pic related. $350.
Here, a little closer.
I am mad jelly right now. You've got some sweet bangs for extremely few bucks.
Here's the nicest gun I own, sorry for blurrycam. Model 29 S&W
Did 127 in a 60 in a 1999 Chrysler Sebring (lol) with a suspended license, no problems.
Do 80 in Amish country (45-55) with my 87 Firebird open headers, loud as fuck, no problem.
Did 73 in a 55 in my G6 Coupe, get points and fine. That's Ohio for you.
That's one helluva fucking gun though.
Only .44Mag I own is my grandpa's old Ruger Super Black Hawk. 1972, pre-transfer bar.
I might own too many guns...
Damn straight. There's nothing like the kick of .44 Mag to wake you up on a range day.
There's no such thing as owning too many guns. The problem is having the time to shoot all of them.
Anyway I need to go to sleep, if you draw that 1903 and post a pic I'll look for it tomorrow. Stay safe, hailbro.
>Sooooooo........What did you guys do today?
Dopesick (w/d'ing from opi and amps at the same time), drove my jeep a bit. Shitty. I've got a fix coming tomorrow though.
Goodnight drawbro.
I'll see if I can get a decent pic of it down. I'll post it in this thread and on /k/ at around 5pm CST.
SKSs were great when they were 125, but when a decent starter AR is only $180 than a good condition SKS, they're pointless.
> but when a decent starter AR is only $180
damn, how do i get in on this
I, too, would like this information.
Don't you hold out on us you selfish fuck!
Isn't suffering a fix in its own? You don't even have to pay for it. See how long that high lasts.
>not triple digits
I was doing 105 about 2 miles before the speed trap.
SUV taps out at 125, electronic limiter.
I picked up my new car. Got it blue slipped and getting the plates for it tomorrow. Then I can finally legally drive.
Wow, you're really close to me. I live in Lewisville.
I love old Alfa's user
Not that surprising when you get down to it.
DFW has almost 7,000,000 people living here.
There was another guy from this thread who lives in Richardson.
It's got the 1.8l 4cyl, so nothing too crazy like the busso but still sounds fantastic and goes relatively well.
It's the alfetta gt 1976.