League of lolg legends general

OUR GUYS edition


>No qtpie
>No tyler1

i-its normals i can troll!

xth for Ray, the gorilla luchador

Only lolg oldfags will remember this meme

>no qtpie


Vayne's death/in pain sounds just show how sexy shipping her with bloodbabe is.

is Vel'Koz a good support?

Yeah he's alright


He struggles vs sustain matchups and gets destroyed vs hard engage

>He struggles vs sustain matchups...
True but it depends on which matchup.

>gets destroyed vs hard engage
Straight false. Otherwise you'd never see him mid.

Name my band, /lolg/.


If you're low elo, don't tell others how to play the game and then say stupid shit, you make us look dumber than we are.

Reel Big Fish

Yo I'm from /d2g/ what's the appeal of League of Legends? Objectively speaking

Why was karma going tank, and can she still do it?

>fart in his general direction
>He dies

its more fun

>gets destroyed vs hard engage
>Straight false

my man.

my man.

Have you played velkoz vs ali, leona or nautilus?
Have you seen what they do to a 500hp support squishy??

The Tasty Bilgewater Cunt Slammers


I was going to write a long complicated post but then realized it all comes down to this:

Nothing matters if the support + adc can dish out enough damage to delete the enemy adc.
The janna shield or braum resistances mean nothing if the adc is playing gray screen simulator.

As long as you ward your job as support is done.

Its like you people have never played with Brand or Annie as support

Because Healing from her W and good base damage.
Also her shield speeds her up, and her Q slows.

They nerfed the items that made it good, so it definitely isn't that good anymore.

A fair amount of supports are like that

Sona and Nami die to a stiff breeze yet they're supports, and Sona's one of the best characters in the game right now



Easier to understand
Lots of waifus.

I don't even know where to start

except they have heals to sustain damage, unlike vel'kos.

0 decides the name of my new kindred only account

Why am i getting close to Leona or Alistar as Vel koz?

Why wouldn't i stay back and poke them out of lane with my superior range?

Because Leona just hit level 6 and ulted you

Husbandos are really nice

>That dance
>Those hips

take my fucking money already rito

Start with the bull about supports also needing to buy locket so i can tell you that can go on one of your tanks while you build AP.

>lvl 2
>stay back from leo E
>your adc cant farm because you have no lane presence
>you cant hit leona with your Q because she is in the wave
>you cant W the wave because it pushes to enemy and your adc gets fucked twice over

sure thing my man

also good luck staying out of range of nautilus hook


Yeah, instead he has long ass range and true damage. Good luck running straight at his team.

Ask a D2 player who runs the same rune page on every champ anything

Vel has no problems against any of those.

The Turncoats

What's the page and who do you play?

A game like dota but not so serious and a little more arcadey

In tincan elo maybe

>1550 range on Q.
>No lane presence.

Bitch, I can shoot into the fog of war.

AD reds HP/lv yellows MR/lv+CD-R blues and XP quints

I play a lot of champions with early powerspikes, like LB, Annie and even some Darius if I'm top.

I'm sorry, I main Leona and it doesn't work like that.

If you ult from a distance where your zenith blade cant reach its going to take too long for you and your adc to close in.

Assuming the Velkoz knows the range on leonas spells he can do quite all right by starting to poke out her HP from level 1 and keeping up that pressure.
its worse when the adc is something like cait that'll poke you too.

My favorite one so far


>reading comprehension

my man.

MY MAN. All leona has to do is stand in her wave, zone the shit out of your ADC and laugh at you as your Qs hit the minions and push it to her tower.

Bear in mind this also applied to nautilus and ali.

>Giving me your sub Challenger opinions


>lv 2
Well what happened lv1?

I'll tell you, the vel koz + adc were aggressive with their superior and zoned you out.
Now they have a huge minion wave and when you reach lv 2 and go all in like a tard the creeps are going to rek you.

Even Leona mains ITT are arguing with you, my man.


>Ali can zone Vel'koz.
With what? His good looks?

remember when you could explore new strategies in this game?

So they let you hit level 2 for free even though leona has no level 1 pressure?

Sorry, doesn't work like this at higher elos.

>Vel'koz doesn't have 550 range on his autos.


>you will never play AP Yi again

Tell me /lolg/, what went wrong?

no I'll tell you what happened level 1

best case scenario
>velkoz lands 3 qs in a row on leona, 2 on the adc
>leo at 60% hp, her adc at 70%
>wave pushes very hard towards leona's tower because velkoz and his adc take aggro
>leo hits 2, reaches 75% hp or more from targons procs, adc up to at least 80%
>leo proceeds to stay inside minion wave, using minions as meatshields to block vel q
>vel spams q and w to try and poke, pushing the wave even further towards enemy tower
>have to push the wave to get poke down, giving jungler an easy gank

that was best case.

Other scenario would be you dont rush level 2, leona does the same thing and zones your adc. You are forced to spam abilities to poke her down and end up pushing the wave away from your ad.

read what i said. Ali can zone the adc because the adc has to walk up to auto attack.

do you know what Leo's E range is my man

Well Ali is the worst of those 3 mentioned earlier for Vel'Koz. But it's a silly discussion because what happens if Vel is good he'll knock Leona mid Zenith and she'll eat 2 Vel procs, his damage, and the adc's.

This is why you don't take discussion here seriously.
>Just stand in the wave they can't do anything
Top /lolg/

>read what i said. Ali can zone the adc because the adc has to walk up to auto attack.
>both the ADC and Vel'koz starts auto'ing level 1 because the thought he was tanky and stood on the melee minions
>he runs back
>Vel'koz starts using Q
>it's super effective

Any tank that thinks they can sit on the minion wave and ignore getting beat up will die. And if Vel'koz is level 3? They definitely die.

>do you know what Leo's E range is my man
So what?

Oh, I'm definitely not saying Vel'koz doesn't have weaknesses. Tanks just isn't one of them.

how do you make webms of shit that happens in your games?

You have got to be joking me.
The whole fucking scenario was level 2 like i said in my first post.

>as ali
>stand behind melee and in front of caster
>adc walks up to auto your caster or you
>combo adc
>if velkoz targets you, your adc gets to do some free damage
>if velkoz targets your adc, congrats you can go trade with your passive and autos because their adc is stunned for 1.5s

And the whole point is I'm not saying any tank, I'm saying HARD ENGAGE counters Velkoz.


Now i feel how Senator Armstrong feels, but at least he can do something about it, i can't

>playing immobile midlaners
>when im jungling
ha ha ha

I dont even play Ashe that much anymore and I want that skin

>if velkoz targets your adc
If Vel'koz hits the ADC the fight is already over. An E+W takes 75% of their life. ANY all in after that your ADC is dead. And if he tarted the tank? It's because your ADC wasn't stupid and didn't go in after you dived that far in front of the minion wave while they were on the arc.

What's up with that Soraka?

i have that, what else do you need to do?

I have replay.gg record all of my games, then I play the replay back and record the parts I want with OBS, and then edit the flv with Webmconverter and output it as a webm

Do you play the game?
Lets ignore the fact that Vel koz doesn't need to push shit to poke you since you're closing n for those stacks.
Lets also ignore that vel koz can also poke at funny angles without pushing the wave.

Only a handful of junglers have effective ganks at lv 3, but anyone worth their salt is going to ward that river at around the 3 minute mark and make that Elise, Lee Sin, Nidalee, waste their time.

Like so many have been saying Vel koz is a legit support that brings more damage to the table and as long as he stays safe he can work against champs like leona and alistar who have inferior range.
He's not going to work on every comp but its idiotic to think that he's going to be dead weight everywhere.

>lvl 2
>dived that far
>didnt even reach their caster line

>All in level 2 Ali against a level 2 ADC and level 2 Vel'koz...
Stop feeding.

i have 10k mastery on ashe and i want it

thank you

I don't even play adc and I want it

>He thinks I don't take E+W against aggressive tanks.
And this is why you die.


I figured he was joking but our team had pretty good coordination so maybe he was just butthurt


place bets

The new nidalee skins are so good

>tp ignite cho
>two smites on one team
>jungle riven
>ignite dfw viktor

what is this

>you can go trade with your passive and autos because their adc is stunned for 1.5s
So you're fighting in a minion wave next to a mage and an ADC while they and the minions are beating the crap out of you? And you think this is a trade?

Post rank.

read up on what ali's q does

Picked up a midlaner stuck in s3/4

>When Leona mains
>Vel'Koz mains
>And a Challenger player all come out of the woodworks to tell you you're wrong but you keep going anyway

How long until he tells everyone he le ebin trolled them?

To be fair Alistar will be canceling that q for a knock up more than half the time.
The only time Ali is truly stunning is when he gets on top of the enemy before hand to w (only with flash).
Any other stun will most likely be a disengage that knocked them away.

>Alistar stuns the ADC.
>Vel'koz knocks up the their ADC.
>Both ADCs recover.
>Alistar AUTOS in a MINION WAVE.
>And is getting the crap beat out of him by both Vel'koz (proc'ing thunderlords) and his ADC.
>Runs like a bitch because, lol Level 2.
>Or dies.
Nice, "hard engage."

All those posts are agreeing that the math monster has the advantage as long as he spaces well

Froggen is consistently the best part of their team

Alistar's Q is a 1s knockup followed by a .5s stun

Will Sivir get nerfed?

I really like her.

Anyone know if this site is any kind of ballpark accurate? My op.gg ranked mmr is 1244.

>gets support role as always
>Pick taric because why not
>adc picks vayne
>she Is actually good
>she carried the fucking whole team
>i am sure it wasnt me, i dont have confidence i my skill as support

what went right