Who else lost more than 10% of all their holdings on the recent downtrodden?
Stocks Falling
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well i for one didn't
on the other hand, i'm not gambling with memestocks, so there`s that
everyone lost a bit. its the end of the week and oil is low.
no one wants to let their money sit in a bad weekend.
you should have recognized this and pushed into stable securities.
remember for next time.
dont beat urself up.
ur a newb, and dont have much 2 lose in the first place. 2 late 2 sell off now , just hold ur shit.
jesus fuck am I glad to be ndexing
only slghtly over 1 % down
Dude you realize as of this writing the S&P is down 2.16%? This is the worst single day drop since brexit and one of the worst of the year. Your blase bullshit is lame as a joke and straight idiotic if you're serious.
I've had worse.
Are you ready for Black Monday Veeky Forums?
Now that the hike is coming, all the helicopter money is taken out off the market.
Where's your God now?
I'm still only learning and paper trading but my little woven web of option trades that was waiting for volatility to expand came in today.
Some stuff is hurting too but its expiration is all out in October so there's still plenty of time to be right.
Up, down, left, right, in, out, I'm right, and wrong, in all directions.
soon as i saw this shit happening i took what was left of my gains yesterday and pushed into google.
if ur gonna actively manage ur portfolio, then u need to actively manage ur portfolio...
u wanna get ur money back?
nows the time 2 be flirting with triple leverage oil, dollar cost average on the way down to 20 bucks a barrel, in 10 years you'll be a millionaire.
dont know why im telling u this...
Down ~20% since I started meme trading going to just chill for now until the market corrects itself
My lone stock is down 3.2% today.
the market is cyclical.
if ur gonna cry about daily gains and losses,
then sell when the market it up for u
and buy when its super fucking low.
u think its just supposed 2 shoot up in a straight line???
Shit... I was complementing selling one of my positions yesterday too.
Now I've lost 1/3 of my gains on that position. Oh well. Nothings really changed, I'll probably hold out on it and look for some new stocks.
Yet, they just kept talking about how 0.25 is nothing.
yea, they keep saying that whenever the market goes up. if u cant handle it , just hold cash
I know you don't care but yesterday after eur/usd rose I opened a Sell position for 200€ with a x50 leverage because I thought it will fall after it rose to a 2 week high.
Well, it rose even further and I rose the stop loss. It was at -122$ when I went to sleep and stop loss was -125$.
When I woke up it was at 0$ and I was able to close the trade without a loss. I am just a beginner but will for sure stay away from high leverages for now. Thanks based stock market
didn't go anywhere. I was long, didn't get out of that until 3pm, but was adding to short positions
>Where's your God now?
shorting Russell 2000
You've got to be kidding. I'm so tired of these wannabe college Veeky Forumsness men.
how much did you lose?
>oooh look at me i know how the stock market works
I bet you jsust discovered Google Finance you fucking idiot
was working the big bouy bloomberg sim when i was 10 years old i would go to the office during the summer vacation stead of going to fat camp before you even knew the stock market existed , kiddo.
buy low
sell high.
its that simple.
i'd show you my portfolio but im gonna be pushing heavy triple leverage all into the red into oil for as long as i can .
this is a mans game,
nut up or shut up.
Why do day traders lose their shit as soon as they see a little red number? Maybe its time to consider that holding stocks months at a time is better than selling every time you panic and buying again when the panic is over. I can't see you making good returns with that logic.
I bought SKLN at .15, sold at .22 then bought MGT at 3.48, sold at 3.88, I got very lucky this week and made 1500$.
I'm a stock n00b so I wouldn't know but is this a sign that the economy is about to crash?
Why the fuck is the fed saying they will raise rates when they wont until after election?
They are raising them this month.
Yeah I'm came out neutral this week. But yeah today sucked.
Thanks for the money bro!
We're goin down folks!
Just look at all this room for activities!
I literally do not believe that they will. They're not actually going to raise them nor have they said for certain that they are going to do so this month.
When you cut interest rates and do stimulus you're essentially borrowing money from your future self.
When you raise rates you're giving yourself 'safety space' to cut rates in the future.
We may have another economic crisis on our hands with Europe going the way it is, and the effects of Brexit. We need the rates to be high so we can cut back to 0 and keep the cycle going.
IF we don't raise now we're leaving ourselves in a horrific position, one where we're in total economic turmoil, and the rates won't go lower anymore.
I understand and agree. It's just weird to see the rates rise so early before election, or even the debates.
How will a small rise help cushion the blow anyway?
>How will a small rise help cushion the blow anyway?
The world will be more dependent on US markets and oil will stay cheap with a strong dollar.
Do you have any prediction of how the market will continue to go down for the next week or months? Are current losses temporary and they'll bounce back soon, then be followed by a big loss?
The rise isn't happening. The fed has switched to bullshit forward guidance that is based on nothing. They won't raise interest rates until they have real tangible evidence that it's appropriate. We cannot raise interest rates until the proper conditions appear or else the markets will be fucked up. The markets have already begun to slump and the US cannot act independently.
Monday the market will go higher and by the end of next week everything will be higher than before the drop. Keep in mind no one bats an eye with a 200 point drop. 400 point drop is just two bad days.
Monday we're going to see the markets open DOWN. If this movement was based on interest rates, it would have happened earlier. This is just price action.
Why the hell are they even talking about raising rates then? Aren't they fucking up the markets by causing a panic?
If the FED knows prices will go down because they say they will increase rates, why the fuck are they saying it? What is the point?
Seriously this makes no sense, are they trying to slowly make people get used to the fact rates are coming or is this just some elaborate ruse to make people sell?
The automated systems and people over the weekend will see the dow stocks being value plays. Same thing happened with Brexit. Right now their in so definite answer to interest rates and the meeting isn't until like the end of the month.
Why would it go higher? Won't more and more people be selling on the news of upcoming rate rises?
Okay, so you mean like how BAC and others asked for permission to buy back stocks during Brexit to recover losses? Won't a rate rise in general lower profits for companies and make them less desirable?
Index master race
It must suck being a day trade cuck because you have to have the suicide hotline on speed dial every Friday.
Exactly, since The Great Recession, they have moved away from traditional forward guidance. They just sit here paddling feet now teasing an interest rate thinking it'll cause the markets to gain more confidence.
I didn't realize people still panic sold this hard the weekend of 9/11. Oh well, it will come back within a few days. Monday will be a great day to buy.
>Won't a rate rise in general lower profits for companies and make them less desirable?
The US already raised interest rates and between then in now we have record highs, so no. The world is fucked, not the US.
Do me a favor and actually look at previous 9/11s before making a statement like that.
gene wilder is dead though
Heroes get forgotten, but Legends never die.
Okay so the idea is that increasing rates will create market confidence?
So the market is asking for a rate rise and they are lying saying they will put one in place but they actually won't? How would a rate rise tease make the market more certain?
Your position is that a rate increase is positive for the market?
>Your position is that a rate increase is positive for the market?
Yes, for a number of reasons. But to simplify mainly us closer to a 2% inflation target and the rest of the world doing so badly with negative interest rates.
Keep in mind the last time we had record interest rates was during the dot com boom! Higher interest rates are part of growth.
I was down 2.5 percent today, which sucks but I bought some shares of ICICI bank which I'm pretty confident will go up.
I'm just glad Napsers wasn't too terribly devastated like Yandex.
I feel the same way, I don't like seeing rates this low. I'd rather see them stay stable and let the market decide how the market performs, not how rate changes influence it.
They were using it to give the markets milestones to know when things will occur in order to keep things moving. In the past, they were ensuring that the rates would stay where they were or would be reduced, and now they have decided that it is time to turn things around. They feel that they are able to help lead the market this way.
Like the other poster said, the fed looks for a 2% inflation target, and will raise rates to keep things in check. The current model of forward guidance is to try to give the market confidence. We've currently switched to raising rates instead of lowering them. I think calls on rate increases should be based on inflation and jobs reports, not some arbitrary dates. The Fed can try to proclaim, but they'll only act when it's right in this case.
>jobs reports
I think the baby boomers retiring is really screwing with these numbers. Also purchasing habits are changing messing with inflation and other numbers. All this has turned steady numbers into a jumble.
If oil didn't shit the bucket I think interest rates would have been raised much more over the past year.
If oil didn't shit the bed we'd be seeing even worse numbers this year what are you talking about. Retail and consumer confidence is up but only artificially. We'd probably be in a similar situation but lower if oil hadn't moved the way it did this year.
>what are you talking about
>The US has a large number of oil and gas jobs
>Lately food prices are being deflationary, cutting into margins, thanks to oil
>Corporate profits are tied into expensive oil
The US is driven by consumers. We are also tied to oil. If oil goes down but we continue consuming even in this negative interest rate environment, we'll be okay for a while, but it won't last forever.
I think I'm down like $1.89 from the $667 I made last week.
I'm a value investor so most of my positions are closed and I'm sitting on tons of cash (and some real estate I picked up cheap).
Please fall harder stocks. I want another 2008.
Lost 1.4%, sad thing is I closed a covered call Thursday so that was just a pure loss. Oh well, time to buy the dip.
I'd.... give it a few days, user. Jeeze, don't blow your account up with your greedy bullshit.
>realize people still panic sold this hard the weekend of 9/11. Oh well, it will come back within a few days. Monday will be a great day to buy.
what phone app do you use?
I lost about 0.92% Friday. I don't know how much will be lost on Monday
Why did you not invest in BLOC???
>The US is driven by consumers.
This statement is so vague, yet every book and every financial show says exactly that. You could also say people create the economy. Well yeah, of course. It just annoys me to no end.
They won't raise the rates this month. They will hint largely before they do like they did in Dec 2015. They already said they would hike rates 3 times already. Guess what? They didn't.
They backed themselves into a corner where they save the dollar or save the market. Hike rates the market will crash. Continue with QE and the inflation of the dollar will continue until it pops. They will hold out as long as possible before they admit they fucked up.
>My opinion for what it's worth
False alarm
The feds are in bed with Hillary, if they crash the market now Trump is pretty much secured a victory,
>I don't know how much will be lost on Monday
No one does. Exciting, isn't it?
I really hope you don't plan on holding leveraged funds for long periods of time. Just a tip, read about the decay and how you can lose even if you're right good luck
scary i know. me personally?my portfolio is gonna be
half cash , 25% common stocks 25 leveraged oil , swing trading bout half that oil and taking profits to push into other commodities, and bear tripple levs for safe haven. a portfolio should work like an algorythm, its like a spell set on WOW or something.
dont worry bout me, worry bout how ur gonna keep up.
>market does down a little bit
>lose 10%
Nigga fix your shit
I'm not a trader but I did take all $85k of my investments out of the market a few weeks ago so I'm pretty happy. Sometimes it's better to be out of the market. I'll wait for a good opportunity interested of churning my shit and fucking myself with so much leverage.
Should have invested in BLOC Moron.
>Continue with QE and the inflation of the dollar will continue until it pops.
QE ended in 2014. Jesus, man, make an effort.
>Sometimes it's better to be out of the market.
said no successful investor, ever. Time in market is the single biggest factor in predicting your long-term rate of wealth growth.
Dry powder is a meme.
What kind of penny stock berserk are people going through? I was puzzled when people are killing themselves here so I looked my own progress. Down -0.9%. What a crash.
who /coward portfolio/ here?
So I figure this is a decent thread to ask.
What's a good stock trading site for a complete beginner?
I was looking at OptionsHouse and they looked like the best of the low cost per trade options.
Am I right or is there one better?
it doesn't matter as long as they are regulated by a governmental authority so that they can guarantee atleast some of your money incase your broker goes bust.
Reviews can be shilled so all those 4 - 5 stars on comparison websites are meaningless. You have to try it for yourself to judge.
Fair enough, is 4.95 about the best deal for per trade I'm going to get?
When I say new I mean 100% new btw
This is going to be a really retarded question, so I'm sorry.
If I buy stock A on site 1, and then decide later to switch to site 2 what happens to stock A?
When I buy a stock online, I do actually own the stock right? It's not a "stock" that I own only on whatever site I bought it on, right?
Kek Carl Icahn literally just said exactly this not too long ago. Don't get butt hurt, sure you can make money in a down turn, but at this point people are literally guessing whether the fed will or will not raise rates.
>A man of skill.
Clearly should have invested in $BIOC$