Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
why are armpits so sexual?
what do i do in the kof demo?
daily reminder sfv is good and you mad
learn the basics of your characters and their tools and combos
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
Pick a good picture of best girl next time faggot
Learn to play something else
Injustice2 is for manchild and shit
someone see me in uniel pc eu plz
I need you Ayane.
Anyone wanna play doa 5 or sc v?
Is Cody actually really strong or is it just a meme
I bet Vice is reading SaGa right now.
Why r u smurfing?
Today I encounterd a smurfer named ilovepoop in this game. All of them where PC players. My question is why r u smurfing? Whats the use of it? Seriously, the matchmaking system has flaws. I am near Super Gold and I get sometimes Super Silver and below as opponents.
It doesnt help the community when u start smurfing and destroy the beginner. On PC the player base is very small compare to the PS4 version. So most of the beginner will drop the game because of frustation and of u "smurfer".
I dont say that on the PS4 rnt smurfer. Sure there r smurfer too but the player base is much bigger and the chance to meet one of them is smaller.
I know from a couple of friends that they already set only PS4 to there search settings on there console so that means that the PC version will be much smaller in the future.
In short:
I think he's canonically supposed to have one of, if not the highest potential in the game. But his shtick is that he lacks discipline or effort.
I wish I could do 100 Shiki: Oniyaki's
Do you share a name with a character /fgg/?
Nelson here
Where did you encounter him? I play in lobbies almost exclusively so I'm at the point where im contending with Golds but im still only Super Bronze. Any other bronze fighting me would assume I'm smurfing.
kof excite
Didnt Mai get announced for Dead or Alive?
are there any brads
People don't seem very excited about kof14
Is it just a rehash or what?
Yes. DOA is now DOA x VF x KOF.
i am!
Is "people" max?
KoF is kinda a cult classic
Unlike SF
no PC release means it can fuck roight off!
What do you hate about SF5 the most?
Occult classic more like. SNKucks are even bigger shills and drones than Capcucks.
who even owns a ps4
retarded children is who
stubby normals and shit fireballs
does anyone have that twitch clip of juicebox
kofxiv does not drop below 60fps for even a millisecond
she has better taste.
It better not with graphics and animations that bad.
neither does sfv on PC
stop trying to push this narrative. there are tons of people excited for it.
it better not considering it runs on a p4 with a radeon 9800 pro
>there are tons of people excited for [kof]
>there are tonso f people excited for a ps2 game
>I dont like it, therefore its shit
These people are the worst
You fucking with me or do you legitimately dislike Saga? I'm interested to hear your opinion, I enjoy it but im actually getting tired of the homogeneous discussion on it.
Oh, i mean...Fuck you fite me irl!
>ps2 game on a ps4 doersnt drop below 60fps
>less input lag
>better jumps
>NO frame drops
kof xiv > sfv in terms of production.
out of curiosity, what do the xiv haters in this thread dislike from a gameplay perspective?
i've heard all the grafix memes but no real criticism of the gameplay
hop neutral
We've reached the point where aesthics officially matter more than gameplay. Feels bad man.
the combos are too hard for me
Mediocre gameplay and bad graphics with animations worse than a fucking 09 fighter should make you feel bad.
King of Dinosaurs sucks :c
wow guys shut up the GAMEPLAY is what matters most, so it's ok if the game looks like a complete fucking turd you couldnt possibly have good gameplay AND non-eye-cancer causing graphics
How do you expect me to fight when the animations look complete fucking shit
And hopping is bad because ____________.
Just stop man.
go figure it out user
Nice game SnKucks
>Game dont drop below 60fps wow
>Ofc i does, it has shity graphics
>omg you all think aesthics officaly matter more than gameplay
A you retard?
I actually like the game, I just shitpost about it to watch squidbox rep sperg out.
Im just getting tired of the same complaint. From the the ugly reveal trailer to the slightly above average visuals we have now all i've heard when anyone mentions the game is how it looks. There are legitmate complaints to be made about the game, you;re both wrong in assuming i prefer it to SF. I just wish we'd talk about the fucking gameplay once in a while since the point that it looks bad has been hammered to death.
I get it, the game looks rough. I fucking get it man,
>It's bad because I don't like it.
This SNK shill vs CapBot war is getting out of hand
Its Like Bloods vs Crips in LA
>above average
it looks like utter garbage
also sf5 is kuso too
No one said you like it more than SF dumbass.
The esports hype and community support around it that was grown for sf4.
sfv has shit graphics along with framedrops, and u eat it up.
Fucking /v/tard
what's the yellow thing? the hurt box?
No ggpo netcode and on a system where no one plays kof on.
we'll, thats the complaint for all bad things, isnt it
what exactly is objectively bad?
People play Dwarf Fortress because of its gameplay even though its graphics are Literally ASCII symbols
Goobers, everyone.
I can't get past those animations and graphics. That's the reason why I can't even get myself to try KI, the animations are awful (not NSR-tier, but almost).
The game plays like every KOF in existence with some minor tweaks.
Why would I pay $60 for a game that looks way worse the old KOF games, will have worse netcode and doesn't play all that different?
If I want my 98/2002 fix I'll just fire up Fightcade
If I want my 13 fix I'll just trainingboar the game a bit and beat up on the CPU.
Even if games like SFV turn out to be shallow at least Capcom makes great effort to change up their fighting game sequels. So even if SFV is shallow I can still get enjoyment out of it due to it being new and very different from past games.
KOF14 is nowhere near different enough for me to be interested
yatagarasu lmao
>Brand new game X is announced
>/fgg/ gets hyped about it as per usual
>A few sensible people point out several critical flaws
>Shut the fuck up, Capcuck!
>Game comes out and everyone abandons it for SF
>F-fucking Capcucks
I don't get it. If you guys took our word as gospel, we might actually see a non SF fighting game live longer than a month.
It's not Street Fighter
I feel like KOF's graphics are ass in a different way than KI/NRS games though. Like Rare and NRS clearly spend a lot on their graphics, it's just that their animators and artists are total shit. KOF is just poverty-bad because SNK cut costs.
im pretty sure guilty gear is more alive then sf at this point. In the discord theres full guilty gear lobbies every night while for sf5 theres literally zero lobbies people just ask for games every now and then. Fucking fightcade is more active.
Shut the fuck up, Capcuck!
This delusion..............................
Thanks for the nitpicks guys. Really answered the main point of my post.
This is the kind of shit we should talking about a year after the reveal trailer. Not rehashing the same point as if it hasnt been made before.
Proximity block distance. The barely visible green outline that extends almost to the end of the claw? That's his hurtbox.
there are plenty of games that have less graphical power than kof14 and are a lot more pleasant to look at.
the game is in the uncanny valley and the animations are really fucking poor. they're choppy and lack any kind of impact.
that's because guilty gear players need the discord to organize matches whereas sf players can just hop on and turn matchmaking on.
no matter what sfv will never, ever improve walkspeeds, make fireballs better, or fix the stubby normals.
so it will always be shit.
>diaper who has no idea what he's talking about
I am not paying 60$ for a shittier version of 2k2UM, when I can play 2k2UM or even better, 98.
Even the mugen XIII is better in terms of gameplay.
You want the biggest problems?
Unbalanced characters, insane damage off 1bar, new maxmode makes certain options meaningless for some chars too.
If I want KOF, I'll play good KOFs. That offer same and more. Also the people that play old KOFs won't ragequit or play worse than AI.
Now if you excuse me, I go practice Dizzy, in a game that actually tries to offer more than it's past installments.
See that pretty valid. The only reason to buy this game is to support snk so they can more funds for next kof or overall improvement down the line. Can't really talk shit about snk when their brick level broke
Oh my fucking god I fucking hate Chun in this game.
Something like 1000+ entrants at evo were no shows. Daily active users for sfv on steam was below 1500 and falling for the month lead up to ibuki balrog. Then EVO hype. The game will die back down soon.
> using a discord full of contrarian autists that get bodied live on stream as proof of anything
is the big grappler guy top tier in this?
KOF XIV is not the best looking game ever but it doesn't look nearly as bad as some people make it out to be anymore
Who do you play?
>the graphics aren't great
>critical flaw
I don't shitpost it but I can't handle the many hop and movement options.
So basically I'm just bad at it.
I already know that it's just going to turn into a scramble every time if I play similarly skilled opponents because the game is relatively fast.
Also I've never liked KoF character designs.