EVE ONLINE General /eog/

special edition edition

>Can I make enough ISK to PLEX during the trial?
If you have to ask, you can't do it.

>I just started, what should I do?
Do the Opportunities then find the Career Agents & run all of their missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp. The game is only as boring as you are.

>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

>Read the UPDATED /eog/ pastebin: pastebin.com/ser9Acpg

>Focus Group Logs: focusgrouplogs.tech.ccp.is/

>Goons moving to your backyard confirmed
>New shekels madness with cerebral free SP and stuff snek themed. (shite event)
>Cap changes, fighter changes and legal drugs: forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=6523897#post6523897
>June 28th Sneks Supers and Titans: community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/shadow-of-the-serpent-signal-the-dawn/
>Winter: new "drilling platforms"
>Fall: new "industrial arrays", barge reworks, AOE BOOST/LINK REWORK, Rorqual rework
>Summer: citadel iterations + contracts
> Alliance Tournament 14 Announced community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/signup-and-rules-atxiv/

>May 31: RIP old camera, new multi-use analyzers introduced
>May 30: RIP Dust 514 (long live Project Nova)
>May 12: Name ships automatically with a saved fit name
>May 06: Eve Online 13th Anniversary
>Apr 27: Citadels & cap rebalance released. Tears, bugs, etc. RIP rolling yachts.
>Apr 21: community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/csm-11-election-results/
>Mar 09: Massive mod tiercides that broke a lot of fits.
>Feb 18: Last CSM X Summit: community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/the-second-csm-x-summit-meeting-minutes-included
>Feb 09: SP trading
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true)

Other urls found in this thread:




Can you just go in Incursions like that, participate and make money or do you really need to join one of the autistic corps that considers a 3 bil fit a "newbro starter fit"?

1b fits are allright.

WTM is the easiest to get into, probably the worst in terms of isk/h, depends on the group.

you can literally fly a dominix there

Feel free to send a bil to my two weeks old char, I'll be sure to make good use of it.

the effort to do those sites vs. the isk you make is ridiculously good. just fucking deal with it that you yet can't, fgt.

go mine or some shit in the meantime.

Two weeks old char and you want to do incursion ? Wait for one month at least and join a open group, there are plenty of them

Your week old char doesn't even have skills to fly the ships. Shut the fuck up and stop complaining.

>undock my orca at jita
>an ibis bumps me to prevent me from warping to my instawarp undock bookmark
>lights up a cyno
>1 cloaked titan jumps in, uncloaks then doomsdays my orca
>another cloaked titan jumps in, uncloaks, doomsdays my capsule
>socket closes

What a shit game.


Sometimes they even use bubbles in front of the station



Has the csm ever done something or do their members just lobby for the vested interests of their respective corps/alliances?

gr8, so I'll what, mine for a month before I can have fun?
Sounds like a great game.

Then yes, it's not a game for you, you should leave it asap, it exists a lot of games that will be better than this one don't worry

politicians represent the people who vote for them
why would you expect anything but this

anyone else deleting Eve to make space for the next big thing: No Man's Sky?

It's called No Man's Sky because a week after release nobody is going to be playing what is basically minecraft in space WITHOUT the crafting.

Just do missions until then m89

But the others are right in that this game won't ever spoonfeed [FUN] into your brain, you have to work for it.

>you have to work for fun

games are supposed to be about escapism, not a fucking job. it's like you want Eve to die or something.

>work for fun
>by skilling up offline for a month before you can do things

ait thanks guys
What about Citadels, are they supposed to be like inbetween POS and outposts? Are they a good addition to the game?

There have never been good additions to Eve.

Having the brain capacity of an insect doesn't really help to facilitate a "fun" enviroment in this game.

>mfw when people think in order to make a game "hardcore" it needs to be chokeful of tediousness a la Eve.

bad game designing. if there was ever an award category for this shit Eve would fucking take the cake 10/10

While i totally agree with this, there is also a certain charm to it. I just play other games when i want quality game design, have long since stopped expecting it from CCP. Just read some of the Glassdoor reviews of CCP, there's some horrifying shit there.

no, they're an eventual replacement for POSs and Outposts, along with other new structures yet to be released (gib industry array already ccp)
I like Citadels in wormhole space, they're a godsend for safe ship storage but I think they fail to capture the magic of outposts. It would be nice if there were different designs, it has long been my dream to build my own minmatar service outpost just because it looks damn cool.
None of the citadels are as cool as the minmatar outpost.

I also worry about what will happen to finding unfueled dead towers with shit around them - a gameplay option that long excited me (and I did once, got a free domi) is now gone, with citadels not requiring fuel for basic operation and having safe loot evac (no drops) in k-space

I get that CCP want people to use them over outposts, but they're replacing POSes too, and having the already quite bad outpost mechanics (really wish they blew up with loot drop instead of just flipping to the new owner) replaced with your shit no longer even being locked into an outpost you can't get to.

I do like that CCP seem to be making up for the shitfest that is entosis sov, with now kind of bringing back the Dominion-style hp bash but with a dps cap for what is going to be one of the most important aspects of sovereignity.

Hey, maybe it'll make me actually want to play in null again, that can't be bad.

Join All-Out


good post

>good post

>posts dog
>criticizes the quality of the posts of others

>I do like that CCP seem to be making up for the shitfest that is entosis sov, with now kind of bringing back the Dominion-style hp bash but with a dps cap for what is going to be one of the most important aspects of sovereignity.

kys capbabby

Is it possible to only do [burners] or they appear randomly ?
yes, they appear randomly
yes, you can do mostly burners
you decline any non-burner missions that you pull as long as the standings hit that you will take won't stop you from pulling missions from that agent. usually you run a normal l4 or two to get your standings up every few burner missions. because the missions are random and you get standings boosts from burners, you could coast a long time without doing any normal ones.

Most game designers opinion of "good" game design can be tracked in the developement of League of Legends. The game used to be a fun team based game that lasted 45-50 minutes with champions that felt unique and specific items that changed how the characters engaged eachother.

Then "mobility" was "fun" so every champion has blinks.

Then zoning was "unfun" so its pretty much impossible to pressure/control a lane.

Then jungling should be more "unpredictable" because ganking was "stagnant" because junglers and laners understood ruotes/timers.

Then games had to be shorter because long games aren't "fun"

Then teamfights were "fun" so they shortened the laning phase, made monsters give buffs EVERYWHERE, made towers weaker, made builds faster to get, made mobility more common/mandetory in order to be at constant fights.

Then every champion ability/item needed constant counterplay because whenever anyone had an advantage ever it was "unfair" so they changed abilities constantly so everythings a skillshot and has 20 circumstantial/conditional effects that have to be played around.

All of this results in what was once a clean game, where you could literally watch/play a match and look at exactly what went wrong and how to do better next time, because there was

>jungler defense
>the laning phase 20~35 mins
>3-4 dragons
>1-2 barrons
>game end 45-50 mins

every game you could see the game play out before it was over, because the game was well crafted, logical, it progressed in steps that made sense.

But in an effort to appease a sense of "fun", and allowing the player to constantly feel in control they increased the activity/variability of scenarios so much you can have games where your team plays horribly and wins and no one knows why. It feels arbitrary and random as fuck. They also removed most of the planning/build up by shortening the game so much.

>league of legends

Sister of Eve ships are supposed to be explo/WH ships, right ? Their bonuses, the video trailer, etc but :
Astero is a good ship, nothing to say
Nestor, from what I've heard/seen, is a good ship too, mainly in fleet
So why the Stratios is a shit ship ? It has only a good looking, useless in data/relic because there is no rats, slow warp, slow, can't tank C3, can't use 5 heavy drones/sentries
( I'm not talking about pvp )

>the video trailer

>Most game designers opinion of "good" game design can be tracked in the developement of League of Legends

>this entire post

what said honestly
a correctly tanked stratios is THE ship to use for covert data sites. it can also do high deds.

but actually don't use a stratios for pve ffs

also you can't just discard a whole section of use cases and then say something is shit

>mfw i ate bait

>be new player
>mfw fell for the mining and resource gathering meme
is this mechanic like broken or do they legit think this is good and fun?

Wasnt a bait, I want a stratios (because look) but there are cruisers ship that can do a better jobs for few more isk

but I don't fly caps, user

>be new player
>get doomsdayed
no wonder this shit game is dying
should have died a long time ago desu

I'm surprised at how he thinks the astero is a great ship, when really it's a questionable piece of shit - it's mostly just an expensive covops for people who for some reason have isk but not sp. the only cool thing it can do that covops can't is ghost sites and sleeper caches, but I'm pretty sure 99% of people don't know about these

and the nestor, why would anyone think this is good, did they fall for the remote rep meme or what

If the "good"/"humane"/"competative" game designers had their way EVE would have.

>A freely respecable talent tree instead of skills.
>All the ships would be like t3d with 3 modes each
>Each ship would have its own talent tree under the guise of extreme customizability but in reality every ship would have the same talents and it would offer far less variety than fitting ships. Also each talent would be something like a 1% increase to missile damage, or 1% agility because they would be so scared of players specing wrong they would keep the variance as minimal as possible.
>there would be only 7 ships for each main faction and 1 ship for each pirate faction.
>ammo would be a refillable energy bar.
>There would be hard locked minimum and maximum prices for items on the market to prevent malicious manipulations.
>Scamming would be bannable.
>There would be instanced PvP arenas/anoms that you have to queue for.
>There would be instanced group missions.
>Instead of player owned nullsec space every region of space would be controlled by an NPC Alliance and your player corporations would join an NPC alliance.
>You would donate ore/exploration loot/drops(tags) for NPC rep.
>Ships would have modules that work kind of like subsystems ranging from green to orange in rarity.
>You would use NPC rep to buy these modules/subsystems. They would also be random rewards for finishing instances.
>Large scale PvP would be a zone that happened every 4 hours and it would be a "faction fight" where players from difference NPC alliances swarm to a spot to blob warfare without any sort of coordination.
>manual ship control with cooldown based abilities.
>free to play with ship skins/reputation boosts

>Xe thinks eve isn't going to be F2P soon

tfw i wrote up an autism wall and then looked at it and realized i didn't even want to start
stratios-chan isn't shit, let's leave it at that

reyni pls go

Its not supposed to be fun. Its supposed to be enjoyable for players that like gathering stuff and using it/selling it to other players. Those players don't care about whether an activity is fun or not, in fact most of them prefer it to be unfun because it makes what they like doing matter more. It makes them more valuable as players because they can enjoy doing stuff most players find unfun. They also would get absolutely no pleasure from it being a more fun activity. If it was fun it would make them have one less place to fit in the game.

t. Miner.

>be unfun because it makes what they like doing matter more. It makes them more valuable

dead game in a nutshell

>non sequitur

The same could be said of lots of popular games. WoW and most MMOs like it have generally unfun healers yet people play them "Because no one will" or "Because I like being useful." Likewise people complain about having to play support in games like Overwatch or MOBAs, but there are people that actually enjoy them.

Isn't All-Out full of memers? I'm thinking about joining but how active is the corp?

>ad hominem

There are no memes in organic comms
memes are only in /eog/ and the /v/bros channel


last kill a couple hours ago
~200 kills last month
can confirm there are memes

Not everyone is like you.

There is literally no reason to throw out a portion of the playerbase because you think one profession is unfun. Small gang roaming is my least favorite activity in the game but I'm not calling for it being changed or removed. Especially for a game as large as this with the concept of a true sandbox world it would be failing in its design if you thought everything was fun. That means they are missing legitimate playstyles in their design.

threadly reminder to vote for eve until jul 30
knowing you guys i fully expect the star citizen graph to skyrocket

>star citizen
>elite dangerous

why the fuck should I vote for Eve when it is a self-admitedly shit game for which the only reason people still endure it is because of randoms in a TS server they get to talk to?

like fuck outta here you bum-ass nigga with your shitty fanboyism

fuck outta this eve-related thread with your 2cool4school attitude

But EVE is great, it might not be the funnest game, but its undeniably great in its scale and the purity of its execution. EVE has never tried to be anything but EVE and that makes it an absolutely phenomenal MMO achievement.

If you don't like playing it you can just play a different game. EVE is like Dorf Fortress, its not for everyone.

Elite is so shit.

If the players do something the devs don't like, they always undo it or Nerf it or patch it out or ban people. See: infiltrating carebear groups to hunt them down, the recent interference of pirate groups in the story being overridden

star citizen isnt even out, kek

Tell me more about these two things.

tfw >feel when no more multiboxing on twitch
>tfw you cant even tfw correctly now

>that one guy that streams mining 24/7

>people still endure it is because of randoms in a TS server they get to talk to

Good odds you're talking to an autist who is so shy and antisocial he hates people asking him to come on comms and rationalizes it as others only playing because they're social.

>game relies no third party voip to be usable
>I-it's n-not the game's f-fault

remind me again what the pop of eve was at its peak and what it is now?

See this is exactly what I'm talking about, he's so autistic that he demonizes anyone who uses teamspeak and goes on sperg rants in every thread about it.

Because elite isn't a true mmo people can only see each other if they have the right settings for it. If you join a group (similar to Corp/alliance) then you see everyone in the group regardless of multi-player settings. CODE figured out these carebear groups have no recruitment standards and let anyone in. Cue them infiltrating the group and performing good old fashioned awoxes which riled up the entire community and got le dank upvotes on reddit. Players in code then got banned.

Since elite is just a game about moving cargo, they set "community goals" to advance the story. Recently, this goal was to move power units or some shit to a really remote station doing alien artifact research. A piracy group set up nearby and started annihilating any haulers bringing cargo in. This set the system to lockdown, preventing the progress of the goal as cargobabs couldn't sell the required item to the station that needed them. Debs intervened and disabled system lockdown, warned the players, etc

TS is for fleets. You don't have to be on comms 24/7 and "chat"


stopped reading there

that's fucking hilarious

Not the same code.

didnt they disable market speculation shit too because it was "griefing"


>blew up haulers
Why didn't the haulers just play solo? Doesn't it still matter if you play solo instead of multi?

How was it even possible to speculate anything? I thought everything was fixed? As in, the agriculture station always bought waste at this price and all the others always sold at this price?


being able to THINK is griefing, essentially. as long as you can think better than the next guy, you are griefing them.

im sarcastic and serious at the same time, since this is really only true under capitalism.

you guys are in the wrong side of gaming history and it's time you cheeto-encrusted autist come to terms with it. Eve is toxic, and Elite is the space game of the future. I have numbers and statistics proving my point, Elite keeps growing and eve is going down down down

gevlon actually has a good deal of stuff to say about this sort of thing, esp now that he's able to compare the fixed markets in BDO to the more capitalistic markets of Eve. He's hungarian iirc and so draws parallels to socialism in europe and the consequences of trying to make everyone able to compete regardless of how moronic they are

>socialism is bad meme

>its the Elite faggot again

>the only reason people still endure it is because of randoms in a TS server they get to talk to?

Really makes you think, uh?

But 100% wrong, the majority of people playing EvE have a balanced life. Even those in autistic corps.

You seem to be one of the autist that wants to keep everything super formal and want to mute anyone who acts a bit goofy on coms.

>that feel when all you want to do is turn on some relaxing music and rat asteroids to pass the time
>i dont want to do anything else

>But 100% wrong, the majority of people playing EvE have a balanced life. Even those in autistic corps.

Star Citizen > No Man's Sky > Elite:Dangerous > EVE Online


do nullsec exploration sites show up in C4+ wormholes, or just C1-3?

1-3, C4+ are nofun tier

Just C1-C3

Fuck off, shill. Not EVE related.

That face when you fell for the unsecured site meme

Fuck off to /tv/