[tf2g] Team Fortress 2 General

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>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/RRENUArS
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Betting: saloon.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/



>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

Other urls found in this thread:


i will post soldier

what did he mean by this

first for

gay shit

tf2 is gay shit


who /i wish i was dead/ here

>breakneck baggies


post silly screenies

>All-class items

stop this

man i love browsing %tf2g%

>tired of TF2
>tired of OW

Do I get a badge now




That's a quality shitpost


I have thought long and hard, and came to the conclusion that Mann vs Machine is a gamemode designed to drive me into insanity.

>Tank wave
>Turn to see our pyro
>He's axtingishing the tank

>Have spy AND a scout
>Losing hundreds of credits every round

>Medic is healing me
>Decides "fuck that" and jumps off our highground to melee an army of pyrobots

>Get asked why I'm using the fan of war
>Meanwhile the guy has no problem with our army of heavies using literally everything EXCEPT stock or BB

>Demos that refuse to put down stickys pre-round
>Medics that refuse to uber me with their kritz pre-round when I play demo

>The army of gibus snipers who swear they can play sniper in MvM and mid or bottom score in damage
>People who play spy instead of scout and run undisguised at robots thinking it will work


Valve create too many projects and barely mantain most of them
MvM is one of the most abandoned ones
i dont care much about it but its kind of sad

I haven't played MVM in eons but wouldn't the Natascha be a good primary for Heavy there?

No, one of heavy's key jobs is damage, he and the demo (or sniper if you have a sniper that's actually competent) should be topscoring damage. Tippy top.

Less damage isn't good. If you want to slow down big bots, that's what mad milk and rocket specialist exist for. If you want the damage resistance use the brass beast.

Huh, duly noted. I never played it seriously and just thought the widespread slowdown effect nearly constantly would be more useful.

Reminder to queue with BasedViva for Two City carries

should I buy a max's het

only if you make cute loadouts where the ears are poking through another hat

if you like it
i think it's cute


I don't really like it I just want people to know I spend money on videogame hats



then don't
that's dumb


Quick, make a meme out of this rocket man

you don't deserve this

haha u got died noob

Hooray my image is popular

Am I the only one that thinks a novelty WWI skinned map would be fun?


>he voted heavy

>he voted pyro

>he voted heavy

BF1 is making WW1 look like call of duty
the general public doesn't know jack shit about how boring and depressing trench warfare was
a early 20th century propaganda-based theme would be cool but WW1 theme isn't that cool desu


>he plays videogames


Is there any balancing mechanism in casual matchmaking?

It seems like the teams are just thrown together randomly at the start and scrambling doesn't seem to exist anymore.
You have to sit through the entire match and rematch with unbalanced joke teams 50% of the time. It isn't even fun to win that way.


post these


nope, hard to find a casual game with a team that stays and has a brain





>Shit team
>Make it through first wave
>"fuck these shitters I'll find a new match"
>10 minute ban



Reminder to queue in Two Cities with BasedViva

You aren't online you double-nigger.

Reminder that I have a life and at work till after 5 PM on Saturdays

Reminder not to play the forgotten L4D TF2 mode

>Posting on Tf2g from work
u wot

I have a couple name tags. What are some clever names for weapons?

Roll names here u nerd

You do know cellphones are a thing, right?

What do you do for a job that you can do nothing and post on internet forums?

Produce guy. Stocking with one hand. Texting with the other

provide the succ

I'm sorry for your loss.

The loss of both hands on my phone? It's all good, I get it back in an hour and a half



>le bouton

fuck off reddit

Nobody in Reddit says Le unironically, though

>leave casual match
>see this

only a redditor would know that

i seriously cant believe there are people stupid enough to keep using valves casual servers instead of just going to ANY community server of choice (even skial and the likes of it)

This is bullshit.

Never before have I seen a company so out of touch with their player-base (Besides Nintendo).

> Nerfed the Bison and Steak Sandvich, two weapons that literally nobody ever used
> Buffed W+M1 Pyro, what is considered the cheapest strategy in all of TF2
> Buffed spy, literally one of the most played classes
> Nerfed heavy, literally the least played class in the whole game
> Didn't change the danger shield, the most controversial weapon at the moment
> Refuses to explain why any of the changes were made
> Added more useless hats that take up extra storage space

And worst of all...

> Removed Valve servers entirely simply because it was meme to call them cancer

^ This one pissed me off the most ^

Valve is so retarded they LITERALLY can't even tell the difference between a Meme and a n actual complaint.

Where did this all go to shit /v/?

Yeah, that's why I've never hidden that I'm from Reddit. It's on my Steam profile and everything

Literally nobody here takes him serious, he has some kind of perversion going on to stick around people who laugh about him

2 years ago when they introduced weapon skins
i could smell this shit since the mannconomy update, but loved the game too much to care about the extreme monetization

Is there anything in TF2 more cancerous than the CSIDF (community server internet defense force)?

>Hurr durr you should be HAPPY to sniff my wiener-hole for the 0.5% chance to find a sever that isn't absolute shit tier

>mfw some guy in the trash thread wants to turn me into his sissy healslut


If you need help with this it's too late, you're already a sissy healslut looking for a master to stomp out your foolish delusions of masculinity and freedom.


What's that got to do with me being from Reddit, though?

And it's more like I stick with people who tolerate the shit I say and vice versa


This Is Team Fortress 2

Play Stillborn

Aren't you the squidposter


Holy shit I'd love seeing you turned into a sissy fuckslave medic cuck

somebody do it

rate me in the trash thread please thank you

>Every time I look at a pyro ping spikes to 300+ when it's normally 20-30

when is this class getting removed
he literally breaks the game

Hey, kids. Hope you've all had a blessed and Based Saturday :)

sounds like it's just you

It's only been happening after this update and I'm not the only one getting ping/lag spikes

nice screenshot
>ping spikes from looking at pyro
do you have custom net settings
that doesn't make any sense