/evn/ - English Visual Novels

"SEEKING ARTIST. I don't have a script." Edition

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Does anyone have a lemma account that could help report this thread for tracing? lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=39470

I don't know the names of the original artists, but this is the original art:

taleweaver, but you can also make an alt account and publicly shame them if you like.

evn really loves public shaming

>60 CGs
>15 original backgrounds
>300k words
>5 routes
>looks better than 99.99% of evn
>free to play

low self esteem is a hell of a thing

Go. to. Lemmasoft. Veeky Forums is terrible for codespeak. Lemmasoft has a special format just for pasting your code. Your problem is unlikely to be solved here because it's hard to communicate about code here.

Will do then, thanks

There are plenty of reasons to go free even for a quality game. Some people just enjoy having their creations free and easily accessible, and can easily do so if the game's production involved little to no expenses. There's a decent amount of people who will bypass even a cheap game just because it costs money. A free game won't have that problem. Not everyone is a patreon jew.

hi Lucid 9 dev

Nah, Lucid9 is only free so they can charge people for the eventual second installment if they ever get around to making it.

the top review on ebi-hime's new game is a negative one. apparently it's a downer game.

hi love in space marketing team

Are we supposed to be surprised?

> make game free
> but make a KS to get funds back

sounds more like they have no idea how business is supposed to work.

If I make a free game, am I allowed to make a patreon/KS whatever even though paying for stuff won't change the game, it will just keep me alive to make the game? Would anyone fund that?

>What is: debt funding

Hi ebi-hime.

if you don't tell the people who were under the impression it's free they might attack you.


I would be transparent about it. I'm just asking if anyone would fund me under those conditions.

>Harem Protagonist Kickstarter still not up

I know I sound like I'm shilling but I'm really looking forward to this. Guy said it would be up today though.

Whenever I read about this I keep reading "Haram Protagonist" instead and it makes me thing it's about a muslim kid who gets a harem.

There's a golden parody opportunity there.
Game is some loser Mehmet that has to woo 9 different women that all have the exact same sprite and artwork in a burqha

The shitties way possible to word something. Just say you're paying yourself to work on the game and be done.


> we make free games
> we have to outsource our debt

geeze, I wonder why?

You're allowed to as long as you didn't solicit art or other work under the guise of you not making any money.

It can be tricky to fundraise for a free project, but it can be done.

That's a guy?

>The shitties way possible to word something.
It's the standard term for funding something using money you will need to pay back. As opposed to equity funding, where you fund something through giving away part of your business (based on future value). Debt funding can be personal loans (BAD IDEA), funds from friends/family, business loans, deferred sales, etc.

I admit it - I have fetishes that I'm afraid to make a game about because I have a reputation and people will judge me.
It's like being a sellout, only more social.

That's why I went full autism about a decade ago and made 2 entirely different online personas that have absolutely no connection to anyone I know in real life. I've taken painstaking detail to keep them completely removed from my own online presence and no one is the wiser. That way I can use them for shit I'm otherwise embarrassed by or don't want to be shared publicly.

I tried that for a while but then it felt too lonely

i remember there was a guy on something awful who made a confession thread to doing the same thing

but then people went back and checked his history, and his two personas had the exact same personality

I did this and didn't cover my tracks. I've been waiting for 5 years for someone to figure it out. My persona has more friends than I do. I'm sad.

>going that far to protect your pathetic online image

They do, though, they complain that if your next game isn't just like your last one, and then they organise campaigns against you


w-what vn?

Think about it

Reverse googling the OP picture turns up nothing. I tried searching the MC's name with "visual novel" and also found nothing.

Here ya go


My quality bump is not good enough for you?

Neither is your game

Did you have to say it out loud?

post progress

I took today off. Not a lot was done.

I thought really hard about RPGs.

I read/watched writing tutorials. I'm stuck on the middle of my story. I have the beginning and end, but the middle is boring. idk how to make it better.

I don't know about most people but I tend to set-aside a free game more than a game I knowingly pay for. Seeking an ROI for the measly $9.99 I guess, which I wouldn't have from a free game.

I've read it somewhere that people are also more likely to review things more positively if they've paid for it.

Those chibi are disgusting.

I came up with a new idea for a short game and brainstormed most of the plot events and drew initial concept art.

Don't let feature creep come along.

Nah I won't. I keep my longer and shorter games pretty separate. Some things will only work at a certain length.


Fuck all of you.

Please do.

when the sexual tension hits just right

What do I have to do to steal your artist?

That's a funny joke user.
It took me a year to find a single artist that wasn't total scum, if I'm seriously at risk of poachers by posting progress I'll have to stop.

is this tracing too, /evn/?

I'm considering altering one char design because of reasons. Are fox ears always better?

Doesn't matter with photos

meh no one cares about traced backgrounds for some reason. american comics and manga all trace shit like crazy



People don't really care about backgrounds in general unless they're glaringly awful.

>different perspective
>different lighting
>some details obviously removed/added
>basically not a 1-to-1 copy

That's called referencing, user.

>The owner of download.udk.com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.

Just change "https:blah" for "http:blah" in the url

O how I loathe you /evn/. Die, die for real this time!


How'd they change the perspective though? Did they model it in a 3D program? Whose art is it?

daodao I bet

oh me gerd

what's wrong with your gerd senpai

/evn/... /evn/ had a hard life

>page 10
Not on my watch!

I'm curious, what is it about?

gee I feel like an expert for the first time in muh life. It's about a super cool turbolesbian who fucks a little sister heroine, another super cool space lesbium, some brown espeon princess chick and potentially a goddess. It's Alpha's Adventures m8. Probably the only EVN I've been seriously hyped about.

Is this that game with pixels and brown grill with long hair and a space setting?

I think pixels were just for promotion but yea, girls are all brown (a shame tbqhwy, more CREAMY WHITE TIGHS are always welcome, but I understand). There are apparently 3 settings as the routes aren't connected at all.

Weren't they going to have one girl color-changeable by player choice?

>>Harem Protagonist Kickstarter still not up
Looks like it'd delayed due to BUREAUCRACY: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/updates/645219968/1469334339

Speaking of bureaucracy what happened with the go go north korea kerfluffle? Did they officially relaunch with a new name?

Really? That's neat, must have missed it somehow.

Is there a fetish more boring than yuri?


Yes, wrap me in clingfilm and leave me alone for five hours, that's so hot!

been following the project for a while, there's one token white girl as far as I know

Yuri is great, especially with sisters.

>game is from Pink's POV
>both sprites are facing the camera
still cracks me up

Is that really so unusual?

>The main character should never be fully shown in CGs/third person perspective in CGs not allowed
But why?

>The ending to this game felt very abrupt and rushed, and this is just my opinion but nothing happened during most the of the story and bits and pieces of the writing were hard to trudge through. The artwork, however, is beautiful, and its really impressive to see such a cheap game that's so detailed.
>This isn't a game to play if you're looking for a happy ending or really if you're looking for a short play through, although it can be completed in one sitting, maybe I'm just a slow reader. Excpect the usual amount of sexism; the female lead starts out as somewhat of a strong character, but it feel like the author kind of just gave up on that after the first few scenes and made her cliche and fragile. In my opinion, this shouldn't have been marketed as a romance VN, as all romance elements are only implied. But I mean, it's only three bucks, its pretty to look at, and if you have three hours and aren't expecting Cameron Crow, it's worth your time. Empty Horzons just wasn't really for me.
This reviewer annoys me. He complained that you should avoid the vn if you're looking for a short read, because it's not short, but later says it only took 3 hours for him to read through it.


People tend to view yuri in more of a voyeur fashion, so the female MC tends to be shown more.

I'm more triggered by a black bra with red panties. I prefer when they match.

Some people have very different opinions of what 'short' means.

This fellow complains about having to read for three hours, others complain that 10+ hours is 'really short for a visual novel' (Which is true if you're used to JVNs)

these are not the same thing

True, but virtually all yuri vns show the MC's sprite. It's not like a waifu game aimed at guys where the MC is invisible for most of the vn.

the problem here is (unless they tweaked it and her sprite is now a side image) she and the other girl look at the reader instead of each other when they speak, which is weird.

It looks like they're looking at each other in some of the images. If you're referring to the one with them on the bench, it looks like they're actively avoiding looking at each other due to an awkward atmosphere.

>which is weird.
it's really not. what yuri vn have you played where the girls sprites look only at each other?