>started investing last week
>lost 20% on AMD all week
>fell for the SKLN meme yesterday, lost 33%
>lost 9% on blue chips today
Started investing last week
>taking advice from Veeky Forums
you learned a valuable lesson
too fucking late now. Not going to make my money come back
a penny saved is a penny earned
did you sell skln?
yea I freaked out when it started crashing during the confrence call :(
started investing
>buys AMD
>buys SKLN
thats whats wrong buddy, you need to build up a strong portfolio of things like WM, PG, WFC, GE, KO. things that you INVEST in then you do your speculation plays on the side.
Jesus Christ. This gambling isn't for you m8. Go for something safe like bonds or a mutual.
This is why it is recommended that you study investing and trading for at least 2 years before you take retarded shill advice from Veeky Forums. If you would have held AMD until Zen you would have been fine.
>investing in AMD
I see this a lot. Young people investing in amd. So sad.
OP, you haven't lost it until you've sold.
Amd was doing well a few weeks ago. OPs mistake was buying at the peak. I.ll be sure to buy amd when it bottoms out
Probably the best lesson you could ever have tbqh. Now you won't ever royally fuck up again (hopefully).
OP's mistake was gambling.
I also started playing like a week ago and I'm up about 40%
Anyone who doesn't know the buy low sell high maxim should really not play the stocks. Also the first think I did was download a bunch of different finance news apps so I could learn about trading as a whole. Study OP, always study first.
I held AMD since 1978 and i am only up 96%. Shit stock. Ride it out they said. AMD will rise they said.
AMD did rise you fuck. Why didn't you sell it when it was almost $60? Not our fault you didn't sell immediately after the market came back after 9/11
AMD never came back after 9/11. Hit like $40 in 2006 but thats it. Been downhill since then.
This senpai.
Next week we go moon.
>you haven't lost it until you've sold.
Or when the stock price goes to $0
It might be worth investing in AMD before Zen is released (if it hasnt already been released yet). Tons of kids on /g/ are hyping it up so it may sell well in the first few weeks.
It's really interesting how people keep investing in companies that simply don't make money.
have you heard of Biocept Inc???
NASDAQ: BIOC??? it wasn't even hurt by the drop this Friday. I am all in on $BLOC$
Your mistake was not getting before user. Skln was at bottom at . 8 and even at .16 was a good risk if you saw it. But I bet you purchased at the .20s a lot of people dump before conference calls and results and wait for concrete evidence then jump back with facts and more buying power. MSTX is a great example. All these pussies getting mad but come Monday and Tuesday that thing will spike and you can ride massive hype. Just know when to step back and step back in
It's releasing early next year at best. It's not clear what raw performance or price is. AMD promises wonders but who knows.
>He picks individual stocks that are not ETFs
RIP your hundred bucks or so.
stop buying based on memes and shitpost holy fuck dude.