
>Do you think this is a good business plan?
It sounds retarded to expect people to house other people based on the whims of a company.

I imagine people who have a problem with this will just move to another platform.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's illegal to refuse a rental based on race and a few other criteria in the US.

if your tenant trashes the place that's what insurance is for.

oh, you don't have a landlord insurance policy on your rental unit? Then you're breaking the fucking law, pleb.

I agree it may be the death knell. The problem is you write up a website that helps the public make money by breaking the law, and then you lose business and money as the law cracks down on you ass.

it is what it is. Most of the public shouldn't be involved in any business of any sort. They don't know or respect the law. Fuck them. Scabs undercutting real businesses that follow the law.

I don't use AirBNB hotels. Its more expensive than a motel.

I do not rent my apartment on airbnb either, I have a roommate so my expenses are low. I don't need the extra money.

90% of airbnb users are white people so I don't think this will have an effect on most. I think this is just publicity.

Regardless, If you don't like AirBNB or its policies you don't have to use it.

Ok. Why don't you set an example then and rent your home out to a nigger?

I've rented my house to minorities before.

you're the only kind of nigger I wouldn't rent to.

Fuck off. People should be able decide who they do business with. Good reasons or bad.

I didn't say they shouldn't.

I said it's illegal.
follow the fucking law or pay the consequences.

in this case the consequences are black people suing you and taking your house.

A number will either move to a new platform outright or get burned and then stop altogether. Discrimination in this type of setting is unavoidable - qualifiers for apartments are basic economic discrimination so we'll see if they can either grow from this or stall (hint: they are going to stall).

I'm assuming you're mocking airbnb but yeah. They are using loopholes to make money off of people making money (akin to Uber & Lyft). Would sooner go through another platform than adhere to a written "no discrimination" policy.

Who wants some dirty hippie going to coachella to trash your place and get high in it? I should be allowed to pick and choose.

>Would sooner go through another platform than adhere to a written "no discrimination" policy.
yes, and that's against the law.

you can ban hippies, just not racial minorities. Well unless hippies successfully claim they're a religion, then you can't ban them.

There are many reasons why niggers can be denied housing that have nothing to do with their race. Things such as their income, criminal history, or credit history. But they are always first to blame racism for why no one wants to risk their property to such a potential troublemaker. The only thing that "anti-discrimination" lawsuits do is make you discriminate against good, lawful tenants because some uppity nigger thinks he deserves to wreck your unit, and you'll get sued if you don't let him.

>trash your place and get high in it?
also as a landlord you should be well aware that you can't have people doing drugs on your property. If someone gets high in your house you need to report them. Otherwise you risk the government taking your house away under our strict drug laws.

>Things such as their income, criminal history, or credit history.
yes, that's fine.
but unless you're checking those criteria for every renter and then only refusing those that fail, you're going to get sued.

somebody that says "nigger" a lot on Veeky Forums isn't going to succeed in business anyways though.

You get sued no matter what if you don't give up enough units to niggers. You denied a jobless nigger with a 500 credit score? He's going to check all your units and see if you don't have any nigger tenants, and if you don't, he's taking you to the cleaners.

>You get sued no matter what if you don't give up enough units to niggers
yes, that's my point.
you can try to use legal methods to create illegal discrimination but they won't work.

follow the fucking law or lose your house/business.
if you don't like the law run for office and try to change it.

good luck.

Well, Jews suing you. You think it was black people who did that Harvard study about Air BNB being "racist"? Lol

>Regardless, If you don't like AirBNB or its policies you don't have to use it.
I agree, as in the states we at least pretend that freedom of association exists (even though discrimination is illegal so it really doesn't, at all). I just wanted to predict that this will hurt AirBNB in the long run.

>somebody that says "nigger" a lot on Veeky Forums isn't going to succeed in business anyways though.

Oh come the fuck off your high horse. Stop pretending like you don't like to exercise different voices. Anonymous or not. We all come here because of it. It brings out the best and worst of us. Sets us apart form that garbage echo chamber reddit.

>somebody that says "nigger" a lot on Veeky Forums isn't going to succeed in business anyways though.
You must be really smart. I bet you went to college and read a lot of books. That makes you smart.

>You denied a jobless nigger with a 500 credit score? He's going to check all your units and see if you don't have any nigger tenants, and if you don't, he's taking you to the cleaners.
Lol, yeah it's the (((black people))) that are gonna do that.

>minorities already ruined Uber
>now they're gonna ruin Airbnb too
Diversity ftl

This shit needs to end.

It's 2016 and people are still afraid to say that blacks are more violent and steal shit. They admit it with their actions, but god forbid they ever articulate it.

Can I short Airbnb? It's not going to recover from this.

>Sets us apart form that garbage echo chamber reddit.
That's exactly why I like Veeky Forums and I hate all the unfunny, self-loathing faggots on reddit. A bunch of pseudo intellectuals who use words that are too big and just sound awkward because it's obvious they're trying to sound smart.

Anyway, back to the thread at hand:

>Things such as their income, criminal history, or credit history.
>yes, that's fine.
>but unless you're checking those criteria for every renter and then only refusing those that fail, you're going to get sued.
I'm not sure if I see this as a problem. If you have some stupid nigger trying to section 8 his way into your unit with the complete intention of trashing it, he's not going to have the income, credit score, or (lack of) criminal history required to rent from you.

Income, credit history, and criminal history checks will implicitly deny all niggers (not black people), white trash, cholos, etc. Surely you can't be sued for that.

What happened to Uber?

Uber was successful because it was white SWPLs driving around other white SWPLs.

Everyone felt safe and comfortable because everyone was the same. Then they lowered the pay and white SWPLs stopped driving, so Pajeets and Tyrells (and Cleetus to be fair) started becoming Uber drivers and violating female passengers.

Recently "people" have been pretending to be Uber drivers to lure women into their cars. Pretty scary stuff.


Pfft, top kek. At least they didn't make changes explicitly to become "more diverse". Still, very happy to see a company which treats its employees like shit (lowering wages) get poo'd on.

Uber drivers are not employees.

>Surely you can't be sued for that.
lol you're naive if you think that. they'll see the disproportionate amount of blacks being denied and start pushing for quotas. you'll be FORCED to rent your home to a dindu with a criminal record or face fines

I mean, I don't doubt that but I want to see some proof somewhere that if you deny people for not meeting your economic requirements, the government will come in and force you to change/remove your economic requirements.

True, "contractors", but all the same. "How hard can we squeeze the people who are making us money?" Shit like that infuriates me, and I'm a fucking business owner.

The issue is that the dindus and chinks are causing this problem because even though they are a minority of the users, they are responsible for virtually all of the problems.

Airbnb already fucked up when it started deleting negative reviews about people trashing rooms and stealing because it was somehow racist.

Uber did this same shit and now no one I know uses it anymore.

I'm so sick of all these meme direct-to-consumer start ups that immediately significantly lower their quality and then wonder why the business is suddenly going to shit

>somebody that says "nigger" a lot on Veeky Forums isn't going to succeed in business anyways though.

I'm doing pretty well. Thank you very much. Nigger.....

>Income, credit history, and criminal history checks will implicitly deny all niggers (not black people), white trash, cholos, etc.
well checking criminal record is illegal in most states I think.

checking credit history is standard in all states I think.

Using income is a problem because price of the unit is a better discriminator. If you only want people that make six figures for example you just rent units for $8000 a month.

setting the bar at say, six figures to rent a unit that goes for $1000 a month is going to be seen as illegal discrimination if it happens to exclude mostly minorities.

This is a problem since most of the people that would want to exclude minorities are themselves pretty poor. Donald Trump being a notable exception. So it would be difficult for your average racist white trash to produce a rental unit that actually rents for thousands a month, and if they had one they presumably wouldn't have to worry about poor scum of any race getting in.

>Before a nigger enters your aibnb room

>After a nigger leaves your airbnb room


Go away /pol/. No one wants you anywhere.

Yep, I wrote the nigger that trashed my room a terrible review. I had him kicked after he smashed through the bed. They put him up in a nice hotel after I told them to kick him out. He then complained and they took it down my review. I wasn't even racist in my review.

Fuck off, I approved his stay because I didn't want to feel guilty about being racist and this is what I get

fuck you faggot.

he's right though.

nobody likes /pol/. you guys are stupid.

I think that milton friedman guy would have something to say here;

Just charge the black people more, or let the black people offer more to stay in places.

What does that do?

Well, if you're racist and don't want black people to stay at your place. Now you're paying a 'premium' by having a white person stay there instead of a black person because you're not getting paid as much.

If you're right and black people are more likely to trash the place and pee in your sofa then you lost potential revenue by going white instead of black, but that was just a cost to not getting your sofa cum'd on.


If it turns out that whites and blacks pee on sofas at 'equal probability' then you're paying a premium for allowing white people to stay but not black people.

Essentially if you're right about being racist, then thats well and good.

If it does turn out you're prejudice for no reason, then you're paying for it with lost potential income. Like a racist tax.

Ironically, this experience probably made you hate niggers more.

Liberalism is a mental disorder

Just look at these retarded cucks

>Calling someone /pol/ because a black guy came in and fucked up his room through airbnb
>Black people can't be called out on taking responsibility for their actions or they're /pol/

Wholesale racism is bad, but this responsibility-shifting bullshit is just the other side of the same racist coin.

>actually being a cuckold
>on Veeky Forums
>one of two boards that actually encourages self-respect
You can't be serious.

Who goes around expecting others to house them? When I get turned down on AirBnb, I just think "well, it's their house, I'm not in any position to bitch and moan, I'll just get a hotel that's only slightly more expensive," all because people try to give the hotel experience with their shitty second houses, and charge accordingly. Holy fuck, what kind of a person do you have to be to demand business from someone else?

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
>muh racism
>muh safespace
>muh Tuesday Blacked update
>muh upvotes

There, I just gave you his next reply

I think it's fair. If you're going to be racist scum, you should be stopped from forcing it onto people.

Stay at a hotel, or try to get some sort of section8 vacation voucher, next time faggot. People don't want to rent their primo destination ski lodge house to niggers. Deal with it.

when you know 20 niggers are going to show up to ur 2 bedroom apartment to crank up the drake and migos and smash the place up....u can see it from a mile away but denying them is racist.

yeah, air bnb is done

>the law™

i watched that clip the other day. he makes that claim and destroys the woman complaining about women earning less. milton deserves no ((())).

>implying white people aren't nasty as fuck

enjoy having some drunk white kid piss all over your shit because he thinks its funny (its just a prank bro)

Most useless comment ever, after mine.

Yours was significantly more useful, desu.

I'm black and this hurts. What do I do if literally no one will rent to me, or alternatively the only accommodations are shit tier even though I want to pay more for something better?

I agree that in a perfect world you could tell me to GTFO but there's probably long term ramifications thereof. I worry that your line of thought would have prevented my father from ever leaving the projects, which in turn would have prevented me from ever attaining a decent education, which in turn means I'd never have become a software developer and would still be in the ghetto eating taxes instead of paying them.

Tldr that policy sounds like a great way to make sure poor people stay poor for generations despite whatever aspirations they might have, because those who already control the means to prosperity can lock you out of earning a piece.

Build wealth in your own community (no blacks have ever done this for some reason), or become the Cosby's and no person who actually has a home you'd want to buy/rent would even think twice about saying yes.

I have three black neighbors; not one of them is a nigger.

Tl;dr don't be a nigger and the world is yours for the taking.

>Tl;dr don't be a nigger and the world is yours for the taking.
With the current liberal policies that get people's shit fucked up, yes. If I'm being redlined then probably no. I can't sell coding skills in the hood, not yet, and they frankly probably couldn't afford me. My best bet is to make money serving white businesses and spend it in my local economy, but then again I'm just one person.

What if I'm a Mexican, not cholo Right on [bro] I'm a start up web designer and am going to sharpen my coding skills in college in the spring

>if you don't give me nice things then I will just sit in the ghetto and defraud the welfare state
I can't sell "coding skills" in the suburbs either retard, that argument is ridiculous.
Congratulations. Due to affirmative action, you were given the opportunity to get admitted based on race rather than merit. My father is a super left liberal and even he told me that when he was studying for his doctorate that several african americans got passed on dental work that white kids got failed for. Congratulations, you are likely a token black employee. If you make money truly based on merit, then you are an incredibly rare exception.

Level with me here, because you're established/ successful, and only a retard would talk down to you with "credit to your race" condescension.

Do you honestly believe that people (average people; not millionaires in Malibu) who discriminate against Tyrones with grill-pieces and neck tattoos are going to fuck you, personally, over with a short term sublet?