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this is your healer

r8 my mog

Any addon to alert when a npc spawns?

Is legion going to be shit? Should I bother to come back? Is playing on WoW tokens viable?



>night elf mages
>orc mages
>tauren priest and paladin

Why can't we be tauren or draenei rogue?
They even have a stealth animation.

No but you will anyway


Should I boost a gnome hunter or a draenei warrior?

>played troll druid for years
>been tank and dps
>guild wants me to play healer for Legion
>resto druid isn't my forte and have no fun
>don't enjoy balance spec
>contemplating quitting or rerolling
>all that reputation and shit

please, orc rogues are dumb enough already

This is fucking bullshit right here


Yes, no and yes.

I love you, Nico!

I was thinking the Rangari were foreshadowing of Draenei rogues.

Outlaw rogue or Arms warrior?

I mostly play battlegrounds.

you should post a source and then roll a gnome because there isn't enough gnomes.

Any verdict on what's the new hotness in low level PVP now? With these honor tokens being accountbound, it's much faster to farm them in low level stomps.

I dabbled around a bit and disc priest seems to be the best caster, dishing out really good damage with being a huge nuisance to kill and keeping your mates alive.

For melee ferals seem to remain strong but I haven't tried out much yet.

now that its successor is almost out of office, can we get a less biased talk about mists?
how would you say it stacks up to the rest of the expansions? overall, did you think it was a good expansion?

Horde side RP is good on MG?

It was the best expansion. The only reason it gets shit is because of percevied issues with the tone ("kung fu panda lol"), but that's not even true.

Different Sword/Boots in my opinion.

bet u wont post the whole thing pussy

Patch content was fantastic but the drought at the end almost killed it for me. Aside from that, it had one of the darker stories in Warcraft which was fresh since it didn't rely on a big bad with no morals to speak of and 5.1 had to be one of the best patches for anyone who gave two shits about story.

it was fine but still shit compared to tbc and wotlk

Content was fantastic, but pacing was terrible.

Cant choose tabard for this picture, i'm used tabard of flame, Silvermoon and Sunreaver on my transmogs. what you think about it?

Best panda


Didn't play it at launch. I hated the whole concept of pandas in a grimdark fantasy setting.

Having said that, the dungeons were surprisingly fun and well designed.

It had some good zones for sure, it was also fun hunting for like the hidden treasures and such before the mods came out that just pointed the way.

I also liked the Pandaren Race, it was an interesting idea to try and have them on both factions, just wish they had played down the goofy belly swing on male Pandaren.
Female Pandaren also have fucking crazy looking eyes.

Wish we were aloud to return to the Pandaren Starting Zone, it was a comfy place and i literally have a character slot wasted just so i can walk around the place when i miss it.

no clue about new stuff but i'll assume that prot/arms warrior still rape everything in 1 shot.

Reminder that wod launched without dailies or useful factions because people complained about having too much content in mop

leavin this mog here

nice look

Your filename pretty much sums it up m80

>tfw I just got Siphon Life

I'm unkillable now

9 decides what class and what role i main for legion

>4 buttons

I doubt it, they are vastly outnumbered by alliance.

>big green boobs

Hell yes.

thanks bro

undead male frost mage

why is fire mage so fun

ret pally

this is by far the expansion where i liked the lore the most, and im not even a lorefag

there's just something about lao-tzu tao tao stuff far eastern philsophy that just gets me

Fuck it, rolling Outlaw rogue on an RP server. A pirate's life for me.

survival hunter

Is RIP in Peace still active?

Healer life.

good decision matey, i rolled a Blood Elf Rogue on an RP server as well, and have enjoyed hanging around Ratchet/Booty Bay RPing as a sailor on the ships.

Mistweaver Monk.

This is rogue?

Demon hunters when.
I want to tank and RP as a complete edgelord.

Holy paladin



How are BM and survival hunter? I want to make a gnome but bows look retarded on them


Are Demon Hunters edgier than Dks?

you can tmog the bow into a gun

most ambitious and worst specs out of everything

Yes because Arthas > Illidan


BM is boring as fuck and also impossible to fuck up
Survival is cool thematically but i don't feel it when playing

>elves only
>turn into demons

oh fuck yes they are. by a mile



Why everyone can be a Warrior = Warrior is one of the most universal classes that exists due to one single thing: Rage.

Any living and unliving creature can become enraged, and when enraged they have nothing but raw power and strength as their ultimate weapon just to beat the fucking shit out of something really fucking annoying that makes you so fucking angry you want to scream at the top of your lungs with the noise of an atom bomb and blow up with the burning rage of a trillion boiling super suns as you rage through everything at the speed of mother fucking goddamn Turbo Light.

Wouldn't say ambitious for BM, but worst is a good word.

What race is better goblins or gnomes?

>*Teleports behind you*


Edge Tiers from Highest to Lowest

they killed dh fluff in legion.

>good worldbuilding
>beautiful zones
>training arcs and literally adventuring with cho and others felt comfy as fuck
>cool new lore that actually expanded and filled in the holes of previously established background info on the titans and old gods
>god tier patches with loads of content
>cool looking gear

Looking back it was a solid expansion. Only complaint is too many dailies and SoO going on forever, but the last part is a common complaint with every expansion since Wrath.

can i get some suggestions for human or nelf slutmogs for a priest please


WC3 demon hunters were still edgy.
They have always been edgelords.

anyone else have Dragon Soul 25H bugged out so you cant talk to Swayze to start Spine?

did you see the demon vision ability

someone bost it

Hardly. They were more short-tempered ascetic warrior-monks who acted as a secret police to keep their people in line and snuff out demonic corruption by using their own techniques against them. They didn't get stupid until Illidan went insane with the skull of Gul'Dan and became perma-half-meta'd.
>I'm blind, not deaf

Pandaren Shaman

Is the graphics being updated again for legion or is this it.

ret pally

Why are so many people mad about DH?
Is it because of how shit the DK went when it was released?

can engineers make the book that lets other hunter races tame robots yet?

I don't see anyone mad about DH though?

I see a lot of people mad about it. Some because of their story, others because their DPS spec looks too basic.

is it possible to solo bc/wrath dungeons to level like earlier in the xpac? i used it to level a dk from 70-80 in a few hours and want to know if its still possible or if mobs are too strong to solo


Pandaren Rogue

Who is the nicest person on wowg?
I want to butter them up

Hi Freli.

How ya goin'.

Tabard of flame most def.

>join illidans army

Uhhhhh....I don't know how I feel about this.

Naw, they crushed solo xp. Better to quest while in dungeon queues. Sorry dude.

Orc Unholy DK

Every class is bitching about how basic their rotations are now