>implying it has a website
>implying it's on sale
>implying it's not dead
fuk u m8
>implying it has a website
>implying it's on sale
>implying it's not dead
fuk u m8
Attikus having a Silence on his jump is weird.
On one hand, it does make them pretty helpless for my punches.
On the other hand, I miss stunning them and having them completely vulnerable to my punches.
>Giving it away on humble bundle for $15 already
Holy shit they got crushed by Overwatch.
The game also had really shitty marketing in comparison :/
The game also had really shitty gameplay in comparison :/
How so?
That is literally a single moment. Half of that shit gets cleared away in the next seconds.
And where the fuck is feminism coming from?
How does this compare to Overwatch?
One game is mostly dead already, the other is not.
Very different, it plays more like a MOBA.
Players are harder to kill unless you get the jump on them and there is a bigger focus on destroying/building objectives.
Even with the humble sale it's hardly over 1500 people online at a time.
That's pretty dead bro.
It's a shame because I almost enjoy playing it but the fact there's nobody to play with kills it.
Idk I enjoy playing it still and I haven't had to deal with queue times longer than 5 minutes.
I had an 12 minute queue earlier, put me in a game with one team all maxed out the other all level 1-10 new humble bundle buys.
It was a slaughter and dumb.
ooof, though I am a big fan of "git gud by gettin your ass beat" Too many people just want to win and not learn.
Not gonna lie, I was hoping they would keep the whole "3 different gametypes people vote"
I could see that as an awesome way to reduce queue times but I guess people complained >.>
>ooof, though I am a big fan of "git gud by gettin your ass beat" Too many people just want to win and not learn.
People don't learn when they're just getting dominated the whole time, facing people in a higher skill bracket than yourself is good when the gap is reasonable, playing when there is that big a gap is just not fun for either team.
I was trying to play nice and not be toooo aggressive on them but it felt like people still working out the basics of how to play, it wasn't a fun game although it was at least, short.
Well they do. I've played plenty of games where I was dominated and was just like "goddamn that's what they are doing"
>Attikus nerfed
>Kleese nerfed
>Kelvin nerfed
>huge amount of legendary gear made completely useless
>Ghalt loses his long range option entirely, replaced with a shield buff
>people are still running in 4-5 man maxed out premades, who tryhard even against teams of lower levels
>people keep voting for same map in every mode that has been played nearly nonstop since release
Thanks Gearbox. At least I should be able to finish getting all the trophies
Attikus is a sidegrade, he got some sweet stuff and lost some sweet stuff
Sad about Kelvin nerfs but his stuff was pretty cheezy so I can see them.
I've also seen them vote for the new map a lot (also you'd be surprised the mileage you get by saying/typing a different map)
People who are just learning the game getting gangbanged over and over don't help much of anything,
That's what happened to me when I played
Also "over and over" might be excessive. Most of the games I play are full of high levels with a few low levels.
No it didn't
Am I the only one that hates the premium shop and most of the new skins? That shop was probably the worst decision they could've made
Gameplay is fine, graphics style was overly busy and bad
Yeah a lot of the new skins are pretty lame.
Some of the new taunts tho...
Not even graphics style. The characters are maybe a bit more busy than Overwatch characters.
It suffers from MOBA clusterfuckness. Everything individually is fine, but when you get into a big fight shit gets hard to follow, but that just kind of comes with the territory.
>It suffers from MOBA clusterfuckness. Everything individually is fine, but when you get into a big fight shit gets hard to follow, but that just kind of comes with the territory.
Except a lot of games manage it better, they made everything in Battleborn really big, busy and flashy and that makes the problem a lot worse.
I feel like Attikus was turned from a carry to a more evenly distributed character.
Losing the stun means he doesn't capitalize as grossly on his gigantic throbbing damage output late game as he used to, but the 400 extra hp and sprinting hook as a lead in lets him actually play on the front lines now.
It's definitely a change, I enjoy it but I sorely miss having a hard CC option instead of nothing but slows.
Those fucking legendary nerfs were brutal though. Some stuff made out alright, others are just gutted.
Vyn's Quiver is now a useless piece of shit. Mag Daemon sucks. They tacked -CC duration as a secondary stat on so many things and it's still a completely useless thing to have when they're simultaneously nerfing virtually every CC down to 1 second durations.
I know people like to point out how busy it is, but stuff like is pretty cherry picked. Just about everything that can happen is happening in that pic. It can get pretty bad in PvP, I'll admit. But for the majority of the time, I'd say it isn't too bad
lol who even plays this game
Shut up and post waifus
I can see why some of these things were nerfed, Legendaries did kind of feel like "have or don't play" with how op they are.
-CC duration is never gonna catch on. I don't know why they keep on trying to have it catch on
Yeah, Attikus's ult got gutted hardcore and I don't really understand why. Maybe reduce the duration but changing it to a slow doesn't sound worth missing out on just punching them in the face.
All I can think about now is using it to clear out minions.
Don't you know user?
You play this game.
Objectively superior waifu
desu I feel that health regen is secret op so I'm interested in Vyn's Quiver
>Galilea's antihero mutation nerfed from 35% to 16%
You damn right I'm mad.
Is it still the best option at that level? I'm curious if her health regen is any good in a fight.
Health regen is always a nice little thing in a duel/fight though faster corruption seems to be pretty sweet.
Why does it cost fucking 47500 to unlock a character? Ive been playing for 30 hours and still dont have enough. This is League of Legends-tier grind in a fucking full price game
Attikus got nerfed because he wasn't fun to play against. I think that is something an actual Gearbox employee said.
It's only 4 per second though (unless it increases as you level). I think her corruption is fast enough as it is. I guess now any of those upgrades are equally nice now instead of antihero being the obvious choice
It doesn't seem that useful unless you stack a lot of it in my opinion. I guess that's about the same with any stat.
Reminder that Shield Penetration is the most useless stat
What went wrong?
poor optimzation, awful character designs, terrible matchmaking system that does not scramble teams
hello BB general. I wish your community the best!
Well at least you made it clear you are a troll
It's a hard as fuck game and they had pretty terrible advertising
I heard they said Attikus was useless
I feel Shield Pen is another secret OP thing since it's hard to get back health, even with Miko.
Get enough dmg in with Shield Pen then you can force a recall or at least a retreat to a beacon, giving your team plenty of time to push forward and go apeshit on the sentry or enemy buildables.
Yeah...I can see that. His stun was pretty bullshit, land that on someone and they just get to die.
But since they got rid of that they could've kept the Ult. I thought it was pretty fair since Attikus has to not output INSANE DMG to do it and needs 5 charges (which can be pretty hard to do). Also enemies can still shoot while in the ult and a lot of people have tools to knock him out of it.
I mean, they didn't nerf his FISTS so at the end of the day you can still jump in and knock their brains out like a close-range sniper I just miss some of his more sadistic gameplay tools T_T
Well there is only one character to unlock.
And you have a bunch of other characters already unlocked
So it's more like grinding to get a DLC character for free
That's my problem with stuff like Shield Pen and Health Regen though, you'd need to stack it quite a lot to make it good. Both probably are great if you can stack enough
There's going to be a second character to unlock soon, and I'm wasting all my money of fucking cheap loot crates
I can't be the only one that hates how they nerfed Mellka's venom. Does this make her level eight mutation that extends its duration more viable, or does applying venom to every bullet still the best option?