How do you show girls you have money
How do you show girls you have money
Carry around a bank statement.
Take it out of your wallet and show it to them?
show them your money
Three words.
I don't because I don't like wondering if she's into my pretty face or my heavy wallet.
most women catch on pretty quick though based on where you take them on dates, how you act about paying for those dates, and if it makes it that far- how your mansion is decorated.
I keep ten hundred dollar bills taped around my dick at all times.
I have a 7 digit account balance and sometimes I take dates to applebee's just to see their reaction. I take great pleasure in this, more so than sex. Am I a psychopath?
No, just low test.
Take them to McDonalds instead.
A good quality wallet (Fendi, LV, Tumi etc.) a good iphone without a case, expensive shoes, nice glasses/sunglasses, expensive fashionable backpack, and most importantly carry yourself like you deserve all of it more than anyone else.
Even if you have a 7 figure bank balance wearing NB sneakers and $20 Levis with a velcro wallet implies that you don't respect yourself enough to spend money, and everyone (not just women) can feel that.
rich people fucc boipussie
Most important thing is to have an entourage consisting of at least 2 people around you at all times. Then you can improvise.
Girls don't trust loners in the same way you wouldn't use a napkin unless it's in a stack. Women have an acute sociopath detector hardwired in their tiny brains
>Be well spoken
>Have nice shoes in particular
>Be cultured
Flashing money just shows that you're nuveau riche, and those are the niggers of the wealthy world.
Don't try to show off money. The richest people I know (700m+) drive fucking Toyota Yaris. Just don't be overly stingy.
I know someone in the same wealth bracket as you described. He drives a tesla.
>Women have an acute sociopath detector hardwired in their tiny brains
You clearly don't know much about women and sociopaths.
Drive a Porsche or another expensive coupe sports car.
Wear expensive clothes.
Eat at expensive and trendy places.
And the most important of all:
Buy them expensive anything they want.
DISCLAIMER: If you're not attractive all you're going to get is gold diggers.
Which, if you just want pussy is fine, but at that point you should just hire expensive whores.
Yeah you should workout to be a bit more attractive
end thread lol
the irony is in Mexico applebees and dennys is where rich people go to impress their friends.
I found it hilarious when they took me to a Dennys and you see people in suits, CEOs and politicians all over the place.
And a very nice car
I don't believe you.
lol'ed anyways.
Be ugly.
Have hot girlfriend.
>Hmm he must have money.
don;t know about this but same is with Romania and McDonalds
Women have their own shit-tests, and so do men.
The thing is, if you drive around a nice car, wear brand clothing, and act like a snob, I will assume that you have put most of your money just to appear rich.
If you wear a hugo boss polo, are friendly, work out and drive an above decent car, I will assume you're pretty well off economically.
Retarded non-American here.
Never heard of Applebee's. What does your post mean?
That they know you're rich and Applebee's is a shitty restaurant, so they're surprised about a rich guy taking them to a shitty place?
Or that they don't know you're rich and Applebee's is a nice restaurant, so they're surprised that you're spending a lot on them and about being taken to a nice place?
> hot
unfortunately i can't workout my face
Why would I ever do that? Sounds silly.
Drive a nice car and have nice things because you want them, not because you want some chick.
Explain nigger
In Mexico any restaurant chain that comes from the US feels like a rich people place, mostly because of the fact that they usually charge the equivalent of the same item in the US in pesos.
Example, imagine a burger that costs 10 US dollars, in that same chain in Mexico they sell it for 200 pesos. And it you're from Mexico you'll know that you can buy way more food with that much money rather than a shitty burger in any other place.
You don't. You find someone to love before you get rich so that you don't end up with a gold digger.
Show them your stock portfolio
yes not the nose or bones, but getting fat off your cheeks and getting a more defined face that way helps a lot
if you are not, you can still be a rich male version of a butterface
better yet
show them your bitcoin wallet
Women dont usually like neckbeards. Js.
Girls don't like fake money.
She was... 40 years ago.
It was interesting because it was the first couple I could find who are "only in it for the money" where the woman wasn't some botoxed silicone fake.
If that's true then that says A LOT about who gets into that kind of relationship on both sides.
The fuck, are you 15?
after you sexually assault them you hire a crazy expensive defense team.
How much food could You get with $10 there? I live close to the border and could go buy food there if it's super cheap
Have shit that the average guy cannot attain even with saving etc or fake.
>Get a Rolex Everose presidential day-date, Patek Phillipe or Audemar Piguets
>Get the best clothes from high quality brands; Opening Ceremony, Hermes, FearOfGod, Ricardo Tisci, LAnvin, Balmain, Zegna, Tom Ford etc.
>Get an apartment in an unattainable suburb, area code where the girl knows for a fact how high the housing prices are.
>Get brand new teeth.
>Get atleast 1 or 2 decent German vehicles but nothing over the top think the following (Mercedes Benz AMG GT, S-Class, C63) , no need for Ferrari's and other corny Arab shit.
>Get tables at restaurants & lounges frequented executives, entrepreneurs, politicians & cover the entire bill)
>Make sure you have some kind of platinum card or black card from a Private Bank. Make sure she sees you hand over the card to pay for something.
Most men cannot fake the above or pretend to have these things. Any man who has these usually has alot of money.
Applebee's is not that bad. He's implying its bad though.
You should also badger her to get items off of the 2 for $20 menu as well. But do it subtly. Like keep suggesting those menu items just because you "think they look good" and then when she says she wants something else, order for her and get something from the 2 for $20.
For maximum keks, ask the waiter for separate checks when the time comes to pay.
Talk openly about your salary with your caring and loving gf who got together with you when you were too poor to buy new shoes and a huge disappointment
I don't have that kind of money, but I also do shit like this just to test the woman's intentions.
Well played.
Fuckin love my Tumi wallet. Best wallet I have ever owned.
>Get a Rolex Everose presidential day-date, Patek Phillipe or Audemar Piguets
Every guy can get those.
>Get the best clothes from high quality brands; Opening Ceremony, Hermes, FearOfGod, Ricardo Tisci, LAnvin, Balmain, Zegna, Tom Ford etc.
LV is what matters, women are dumb and don't know other brands. Also, tailored clothes are more important than branded clothes, since if it fits perfectly, they think it is more expensive and better.
>Get brand new teeth.
Fake teeth look fake unless your natural ones are shit. Better to straighten and whiten natural teeth.
Women know only Rolex not Audemars or Pathek (grandpa watch).
You tell that bitch if she wants equal rights, she should show you that shes rich
How do i git gud at making money senpai? Assuming that you're not just shitposting of course.
>For maximum keks, ask the waiter for separate checks when the time comes to pay.
Those fendi wallets look fucking retarded.
I don't.
There's this meme over here that Applebee's is where the poor hicks eat. I don't care though, because even when I'm rich, I still won't be too good for the occasional meal there. I'm the only one I know who likes going there.
I'm 145 pounds and 6'0", yet my face still looks fat and my stomach is out a bit. Should I keep losing weight or is something wrong with me? I'm considering surgery to get it removed or asking a doctor what the hell is going on.
shit, i was hoping on taking a few bucks of monopoly money with me on a date and telling them i actually already own boardwalk.
only in our society would you feel so auto-shamed.
women have treated you 10x worse with no repercussions
underrated yo
yes, buy red wings boots. they scream money , yet sublely
women select for dark triad traits.
no NOT buy them anything, especially before sex. not even dinner. she'll sense a sucker and have you buying dinner 3 times before giving you a kiss while ensuring you that it's because she's a "good girl" when really she just wants to lock down a guy with money.... all the while fucking her personal trainer behind your back who has never taken her anywhere except pound town.
you can make it less fat. and you actually can gain muscle in your face that makes it look fuller
applebees is the most bland, generic frozen food you can get from a sit down restaurant
Hey can I have some advice here Appreciate it m8
use your mouth more and the fat will burn away brah ;D
Your face fat is the last to go. Just keep losing weight and it'll go away eventually.
classic skinnyfat. this effect is occurs from a direct lack of muscle. you are quite underweight at 145 for 6' already, so i would suggest finding a gym and start doing squats immediately to build a solid base of muscle all throughout your body, rather than trying to lose more weight. you need to gain muscle, losing the fat that's there already isn't the solution, gaining muscle is. def get into the gym or start doing calisthenics asap. make sure you are eating enough calories to put the muscle on. look up the Starting Strength program.
some people are just genetically wired to have less muscle naturally, that's why you still have fat despite being so skinny. because fat is all that's there, there's no layer of muscle underneath it (yet!)
Thanks, I'll do the starting strength thing.
Dont. Go for a Push/pull/legs routine. SS will make you uglier
You don't want girls knowing you have money if you can help it.
You don't need to. Women has a sixth sense when it comes to money. They can smell it from miles away. Nothing wrong with that; it's just how they function as part of natural selection. And you can't fake it; they know! it's just some bitches want to suck all your nigga rich .. cash before leaving your broke ass for another, and eventually end up with a real successful wealthy nigga after they done playing.
Ok might as well help you out decently.
Push = chest, shoulders, triceps
5*5 flat barbell bench press
4*10 decline dumbbell bench press
4*10 Cable flies
4*10 Overhead press
3*12 lateral raises
3*12 close grip barbell bench press
4*12 lying triceps extensions
3*F rope Push down
Pull = back, biceps
4*F pull ups
4*10 lat pull down
3*8-12 dumbbell rows
4*12 seated Cable rows
3*10 barbell curl
3*10 EZ-bar curl
Dumbbell curl drobsets*F
5*5 Barbell Front/back squat
4*10 Deadlifts
(I like to swap those around. Leg day 2 would be 5*5 deadlifts and 4*10 squats)
4*10 Leg Press
3*12 Leg extensions
3*12 leg curls
3*15 calves if you want to.
On Push day you can swap Bench press and Overhead press. So on Push day 2 you go for 5*5 ohp and 4*10 bench.
This routine got me out of being skinnyfat and it worked great. Just eat a lot when you do it. And please do not do SS. You will stay skinny fat but with bigger legs. What you want is to balance everything out by getting a bigger chest and back.
Good luck, man! You can do it
Ah, I understand now, thank you.
you are retarded, have you never seen a rap video? they all have backpacks on
you never seen rappers wearing these?
if you like it or not ya girl want a d-boy
Girls dont care if you have 7 million in savings they care that you waste money. Go to luxurious malls or boat shows and it will be filled with girls. They naturally flock to the wasting of money like flies to garbage.
Wealth and driving a fancy car do not correlate. Sure, wealthy people sometimes get fancy cars, but they might not give a fuck and drive a shitbox.
On the othe rend of the spectrum, way too many people buy cars well above their means just to look wealthy.
I think that your social-circle is likely full of peons, that's why you make those assumptions about women.
Because you walk funny with a pistol shoved down your jeans between your ass cheeks and give cops a reason to stop/frisk you.
Backpack- difficult to for cops to justify suspicion especially if you're a kid with school books.
No, I haven't seen people wearing that.
Backpacks are autistic and only manchildren wear them.
Get a LV briefcase or laptop case or something. Backpacks are full autism.
Well, yours is also, you are on Veeky Forums after all.
My social circle is actually full of phd's, not even kidding.
Never do this
When you flaunt money you automatically fall into the betabucks category in their mind
She'll pretend to be all chaste and make you wait to fuck after dropping some bread on her
Be vague about what you do for a living
Any boring but lucrative job you can't summarize in a sentence is automatic "beta" to her
And niggers/wannabe niggers
Cartoon backpacks were huge a few years ago with grown ass thugs
slap them in the face with your cock and then when they start to scream and cry at you shove a wad of $50s in their mouth
that pic isn't bad advice actually
Girls only get turned on by face, hair, bones, not fucking wealth.
Flashing wealth = cuck provider.
It's a bigger source of attraction than money, but having dark triad traits is better
>poor mans lamborghini
>thinks that makes him rich
Buying a showy car like a Lamborghini doesn't make you look rich, it makes you look like a showy faggot that spent his life savings on a car.
The ONLY way to look rich is pickup a girl in a nice tier Mercedes, nothing too crazy, then drive her back to your house with a gate, gardeners in front doing your lawn, and arrive to your giant ass fucking house.
you don't, you will only get gold diggers, all the shy qts will think that is what you are into and they never stand a chance
>this is what low testosterone, high estrogen males think
depends on the girl... bit of a difference between the 'gold digger' youtube videos and some rich young professional girls
being flashy/ostentatious works more on low class girls
on the other hand dressing well, going on nice holidays etc.. works better on the young professional types
if you're updating your facebook with pics of you sailing on a yacht with some friends(ideally a mixed group), going to a polo match (or better still playing in one) then that sort of thing makes a much better statement. You don't need to flash material possessions like some african american who's suddenly earned a load of money from the music industry or sports and is now overcompensating for it, you're comfortable in your wealth and have nothing to prove there - the lifestyle alone ought to be attractive and the wealth simply implied.
a selfie by yourself, in a driveway with your new garish lambo - that's the sort of thing to attract trash...
>dressing well
doesn't work, that's a meme, girls notice that but really dont give a shit. they still want Chad dick
>going on nice holidays
....... No.......
erm yes...
I guarantee if you go on something like:
you'll get a bunch of girls on your facebook asking about it, wanting to go with you next time etc..etc..
or maybe you're ugly/don't look after yourself and you wont
You can't afford any, so please shut your face
This is true, but maybe many guys here want to be beta providers. Hasn't it occurred to you?
I'm not sure what niggers wear, since i don't live with them (none in my country) and they definitely are not my fashion inspiration.
>doesn't work, that's a meme, girls notice that but really dont give a shit. they still want Chad dick
It is true that girls want Chad dick. So become Chad or stick to escorts. Really that easy.
>shut your face
Spotted the under age.
What the fuck is "the yacht week"? Some travel site? Literally I will bet $100 with you if you post anything related to traveling or "the yacht week", literally no girl will give a fuck. Girls don't care about a guy traveling, because every single fucking human on the planet travels.
> implying even 1 person who goes on this tibetan basketweaving forum is in any way wealthy