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reminder that they made havel's armor obsolete
it took them 2 fucking years to finally stop the 4kings shitposter's madness and he was a hundred times worse
that guy has been avatarfagging for what? 2 days?
Is the Card Captor reliant on its super high damage to maintain its status as a good weapon? Its range moveset and ability to proc bleed seem to be enough to make it a worthwhile weapon even at base stat investment, at least to me.
fc bf...
>that guy has been avatarfagging for what? 2 days?
not sure since i kinda got burned out on ds3 and took a hiatus
all i know is that avatarfagging of any sort must be vigorously combated or it will fester
I want to sniff Yuria's soles
>Now that the airborne sediment has come to rest, how does DS3 rank in the series?
DaS1 > DeS >= BB > DaS3 > > > > > DaS2
I would say BB has more build variety.
What armor would look best for a kenshiro build?
xth for lamo
report him, don't talk about him, don't reply to him
end of story
Alright /dsg/, who is your fc bf?
>spear user
wow.......... very good............
Wow! This is a really tough boss that most people tend to have trouble with (that includes me!). Thanks for posting the strat to beat her Luci!!!
>spears are now cancer thanks to bao bao
Well done. I am surprise more people don't punish that with backstabs.
You're welcome. I am always happy to help my fans.
Posted this last thread but then it died so I'm want ed to post it one more time just to make sure.
What are some good weapons for invasions?
Looking for something that's useful in the SL60-70 range. Kind of thinking about using the Dark Sword because winning is fun.
can't go wrong with moeshit and weeabooswords
k-kissu *chu*
LKSw is my go to weapon. Better than the Dark Sword with all the same benefits plus more.
why can't I leave co-op sign and search for invasion at the same time
I just want to play online
because it's not an MMO
The move set violently punishes fuck ups. The damage is just highest in class.
Silly user. The truth is the truth.
Halberds. Halberds are amazing when you are outnumbered.
>everyone else can spam r1 to win and clip me no matter how much I roll
>every time I swing it never hits anything no matter what weapon I use
fuck this game
what's a good dex weapon? been using uchigatana from the start
What stopping point level wise should I aim for on a pyro build? 100 seems doable but it leaves fuckall for weapon choice
Chaos or Black blade
Just beat Anor Londo.
Bored of Dark Sword and Pontiff Curved Sword and keep going back and forth about a weapon to use.
Can anyone suggest some fun quality weapons to use to do Dancer through the end of the game?
we still do fight clubs? stopped playing to grind out path of exile haven't caught a thread in ages
There's one at the demon bridge
>actually complaining about backsteps being OP
when they invalidate entire weapon classes, they are OP
that's why you're complaining bout not being able to mindlessly spam them with no repercurssions
>Even with 40 END and the Third Dragon ring you can only roll 4 times consecutively without going into negative stamina
why would I stop at 40 END in SM Souls 2? anyway being able to hit once and roll once in one full stamina bar was one of the thing most people hated, but I'm sure you'll blubber something about muh stamina management, JUST LIKE CHESS bullshit, that only favored small weapons even more because you could do more than hit once every 5 minutes
exactly what I said, showboating against shitters
same thing as moveswapping after a roll in DaS1
>Some would let you parry while powerstancing and in general they were useful when sped up after an attack because most people didn't expect them
post nerfs powerstancing were useless too, cool theorydueling though
the rest I either agreed (full left handed moveset) or let you play the game more like DaS1/DeS (quickroll to not have years long roll recovery, quick attacks to negate the years long recovery for anything bigger than a straight sword)
mechanically, DaS2 was the 0 degree of souls games, no substance
just wanted to say thank you to the user that helped me in profaned capital, i wouldve gotten lost if not for you.
That picture is VERY lewd.
>not adventuring yourself
for what purpose
>dsg FCs
This boy invites you into Gwyn's tomb for a "special" reward. What do?
purge him because im not a degenerate
dicks out for gwyndolin
Impregnate boipucci
Yeah, no problem, I didn't know you didn't help Siegward though.
So how does 125 go for co-op/invading?
stomp him and get my sunraito buraido
A hole is a hole. What matters is how tight his ketsumanko is
It's harder to come by. If you want co-op and invasions then I would suggest having a second build at around level 50.
Hmm alright. Its something I'll have to think about. Thanks
I've never had a problem finding invaders. Co-op might take a bit longer, but you will always find yourself getting summoned.
Call Sulyvahn and his pet Aldrich to rape him and the goddesses while I jerk off to the ongoing vore/orgy like a degenerate unkindled.
Thanks for the tongue
I'm guessing most of that is post Pontiff then, right?
No prob. Here is just something as an example.
is the regular mace (the one you purchase from greirat) any good
>dsg FCs
I was out of ashen anyway, no big deal
why would you guys summon vincent anymore? havent you learned your lesson yet?
>people still summon meme brazilian of epic lag
Anyone else having their inputs flat out not happening? I'm really sick of dying because I couldn't roll out of being knocked down due to it not fucking happening despite having more than enough stamina to do so while spamming the button
I stabbed Anri in the face, can I get rid of the Dark Sigils now? Hollowing sucks.
They're summoning him because he's bad at the game without try hard weapons to add onto their façade
The Card Captor has great damage at Refined/Hollow infusion stats, but it's comparable to other Curved Swords really. No the main 'problem' with it is the 2HR1 of it and every Curved Sword of its type is probably the fast attack in the game save for maybe the 2HR1 of daggers like the Corvian Greatknife. And the range of the Carthus allows it to be one of the few weapons that can play aggressively due to said 2HR1s and just as fast 2H running attacks, while also being a master at reactive play that can easily punish anyone for 600 damage with good spacing. It's why when they inevitably nerf it they'll probably do the dumb thing and just nerf its damage, or if they're really dumb nerf the speed of CCS's R1s without nerfing the speed of other curved swords, because if so people will just move to the Falchion or Storm Drake Sword which are just as fast and even slightly longer range for the latter.
No. Wait until after you beat not-Gwyn.
Hey, /dsg/. I want to make a magic based build (sorcery and/or pyromancy).
What's the best class to start with in order to build up to that?
Yes. Sometimes you can get crazy input lag or the game eats your inputs completely...
>as u collapse I pull out my dual blood Katanas
>u notice and roll but hit my Thorne armour bleeding you and staggering you like casul
>I hit you into the air and slice and dice u into a million pieces
>*Legion Etiquette*
Pyromancer, did you really have to ask? Why did you save that picture twice?
>nofun tard gets mad at me and spams r1 to try and kill me
i seem to always miss his questline ;_;
ive never found patches in the cathedral
No not really. I think the thing is a lot of people rush the areas in NG+ and ++ so you're not in an area long enough to get invaded or look for a summon sign. I got invaded left and right at the church and the areas leading up to it and was summoned fairly regularly. Dragon barracks is top tier for invasions and co-op IMO. You can get a shitload of souls just helping scrubs get past the dragons, but I find a lot of people tend to summon 3 other phantoms for some reason and it makes the boss take forever.
hmpgh................ too many noobs in this fight club...............
He's a little laggy sometimes but I wouldn't say he's bad
you were fighting me with an unupgraded shield for 5 minutes and I tried to play along but come on
Need an item from Firelink to remove them. Of course Yuria won't approve.
>with max investment on Int or Faith, buffing your weapon still falls short to quality build damage
Balanced and fair, r-right?
>spears were pretty acceptable before
>dsg thinks it's pretty subpar
>e-celeb uses it
Making shit up now?
Why do curved swords swing faster than any other fucking weapon available? I get staggered before I can even bring up my weapon it's ridiculous
fc over
go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
isn't that the kind of fc you want memeture?
the kind where there's no actual fighting?
he's bad
Then why have I never seen him win without a thrusting sword or Curved sword? Why did Natalya say him not being there wasn't a loss because he's just a free win?
He's literally pity summoned at this point to act as a conduit to enable terrible FC behaviors
>relying on buffed weaponry by that point
ur mr gay
estoc is way faster
Considering you have a bunch of useful spells on top of fairly decent damage I'd say yea. Are you actually making use of spells and not just playing a weapon buffing warrior?
does anyone want to help me with dancer?
Alright, that's good to know. Cheers
FC still going for 30 minutes or so, so get your last couple fights in
I want you shitters to stop acting like your FCs are good when they're a worse Pontiff duel at best
how could axes be fixed? In 1, they had good damage and great poise break ability, in 2 they had great damage and tracking. In 3 they have none of that.
>Why did you save that picture twice?
Forgot I had saved it earlier in the day, I was tired.
i killed the firesage demon but didn't enter lost izalith
is it too late to save solaire
so you're saying you want a FIGHT club, but you don't want anyone to FIGHT
and if there is fighting, you especially don't want anyone to beat you with any weapon. or else they're a cheating metafag because you're not able to learn how to play against them
Assuming the ability to break HA/poise is unchanged as is in 3, axes need a decent damage boost and either:
>Slight hyperarmor frames on more then just charged R2s
>Increased speed to be on par with straight swords/curved swords
As is they are objectively worse unless you use a meme Dragonslayer Axe raw+buffed, and even then a competent person using a faster weapon or one with HA will beat you.
Though hammers have it worse as is because they have the same problems as axes but with an even worse moveset and worse damage all around.