ask a guy who just watched every schkrelly finance video in one sitting anything.
You poor yet?
Your net worth will never recover.
no but im a pharma exec and im selling aids cures to niggers in africa for +500% of cost
> every schkrelly finance video
Don't link me to his youtube acc, I just want the finance videos.
dude if i see any more of that rats face ima throwup even my pic related pissed me off. just search fundamentals of finance martin schkrelly videos. theres 10, and each one is 1+ hours. It was worth it, but then again i am intensely suicidal right now
Ok nevermind, they really are all easily accessible in his youtube channel.
Dot point me his lessons. Like just 10 dot points from all his videos.
Gimme the Shkrelli Shpark Notes.
What like phrase or wisdom does he keep repeating.
And most importantly: do you think he actually knows his shit, or are there better 'experts' to learn from?
TLDR on the spark notes man, too tired for that shit.
But as far as his... Repeated wisdom:
He likes to use excel for pretty much every fucking company he considers for investment, and goes in depth on the SEC website and basically anally probes its accounting data and all quarterly reports. I see why he does it but it seems very painstaking and I don't think I could do it every day unless I was a aspie. I'm sure there's other traders that just rely on automatically calculated RSI's and algorithms which would be a lot easier to learn.
Yep cool.
Makes sense, wish I had the patience to do that too.
>I don't think I could do it every day unless I was a aspie
That is what Shkrelli does because he does not have creativity but has the time
>it seems very painstaking
I would not be surprised if you could actually automate a lot of it with a python script
Stop giving this insufferable narcissist attention.
>based schkrelly
The guy is a douchebag, but his interactions with the SJWs on livestream crack me up
Should I invest in $BLOC$?
I was a student under shkreli
- He prefers to manually input data from 10Ks because typing it helps him remember it better
- Discredits technical analysis for fundamental analysis, says to make only the most successful investors your mentors
- Analyzes companies from any industry, though usually large-cap
- His strategy is to find stocks or assets that are a bargain. It doesn't matter if an investment is hypothetically good unless it is under-priced.
- He believes investment is a zero-sum game and is not for everyone. However, if you are good at something else you can make money off that
Is he gonna release 'One Upon a Time In Shaolin...' anytime soon?
> Shkrelli Shpark Notes
What the fuck is this, i keep seeing it posted about everywhere but google gives me nothing.
look up BLOC not $BLOC$
its a stock
I have watched the first two a few times. But I never have enough motivation to move past those. fml
You do realise that is nowhere near similar to what he was doing?
> what is sarcasm and satire
You don't have to be his student to read line from line from his ppt on google docs.
That said, I had the opportunity to chat with him. He's very smart, but a bit quirky. I don't get his PR, and I'm nervous (for him) about his SEC case.
And I'm pretty sure he lurks here.
He's an autist.
Really interesting.
Anybody recommend me a video to start off with?
Where are those Google docs at? Can I find them link hopping from his videos?
>And I'm pretty sure he lurks here.
Undoubtedly. I would actually be surprised if he doesn't go on Veeky Forums at least from time to time.
Everything he talks about in the first video is on investopedia or your basic finance textbook. It's so much more drawn out and distracting than it needs to be since he keeps messing around with call ins.
seems legit
same im on lesson like 5 hes so fucking egotistical but the lessons p good i guess
I got to know him over a period of five months. Originally I thought he came here too, but besides his idiosyncrasies he actually doesn't go on slightly darker internet forums like the chans. A few months ago I linked him to threads on Veeky Forums and /b/ about him, so he knows Veeky Forums. However he is not a regular or even a lurker here. He posts mainly on reddit, twitter, or his private discord server (which last I saw had 500 active users)
must be hard being shkreli...
estimated fortune : 50$ million dollars...
everybody you come across must want something from you.
no wonder he spends time alone and finds it hard finding new friends...its hard enough when youre broke let alone when youre a millionaire.
same thing with women..
the link to the google docs is in the description of his live streams and every finance video he made. also once you access the financial projections in excel don't forget to go to the second tab so you can actually see the model he made. it will not make sense at first but read the "discounted cash flow analysis" page on investopedia so you see what it's for and how to do it
Cheers man.
Just saw the first two videos, very beginner stuff, but he certainly forms a cohesive framework for all the bits and pieces I've picked up over the years.
I was surprised so many people don't understand the Time Value of Money.
Funny when someone asks him about pharmaceuticals and like he just lights up and spews forth insight after insight.
In any of the videos does he go into any CEO or even CFO kind of stuff, what kind of acquisitions to make. He's really pro-debt, I guess he sees cash as being a sign of market myopia on the part of management, no growth strategy.
How would you rate his advice? I'm hoping to become a good trader/investor.
For beginners it's solid.
You also get his particular worldview on finance which is very agnostic.
The first two videos I can break down those views into:
>Don't trust anyone who's made less than $50 million dollars (in finance)
>7% year on year growth is acceptable, 20% is unheard of. (Sometimes you'll have one year 60%, but that's counterbalanced by the years you lose I guess)
>The most difficult part of Finance is that if you have a winning strategy that made you a fortune, you're attached to it and believe it'll keep working for you. It's a combination of luck and your strategy being perfect for that finite period of time.
>You need to spend ALL your time doing it. If you don't do it full time, you can't be a good investor.
It's also seeing his approach to the cost of risk. At the end of the second video he makes a difference between perceived risk and actual risk, saying that if you loan money to a crackhead and he does pay you back, was there ever any actual risk?
It's a bad example, but gets you thinking about the psychology of risk.
because i don have millions to spend on his 20% ROI portfolio.
i only have a few thousand dollars, this is where high risk high returns memestocks and cryptos is my ticket to fast bux
>At the end of the second video he makes a difference between perceived risk and actual risk, saying that if you loan money to a crackhead and he does pay you back, was there ever any actual risk?
>It's a bad example, but gets you thinking about the psychology of risk.
Truly spoken like a man who crashed his hedge fund within 10 months.
But thats wall street for you. Just be lucky enough to fake it for a few years so people give you their money.
Bump for interest, I have read several articles and interview about him, but as other user was asking I never understool how he got his first financial round to acquire a pharmaceutical company.
Here are his analysis and spreadsheets:
Here are his lessons in order:
# dicksinfrshkreli
/nofap/ until his whereabouts are revieled
join the movement
#dicksinformartin I hope they find who did this to you
shouldnt you get back to your stream, marty?
>20% is unheard of (Sometimes you'll have one year 60%, but that's counterbalanced by the years you lose I guess)
I think this needs some context. 50% growth for several years consecutively is not uncommon at all for a company exploiting a new industry. Then again, so is 100% failure.
For big established companies with a known niche that won't go anywhere, yes, growth like that is rarely believable, and a sure indicator of something fishy. Startups are clusterfucks in every sense of the word though. If you have specialized knowledge that lets you restructure, or repackage and sell, there's a lot of room for profit.
He was speaking about as an investor year on year you can't hope to exceed 20%: not businesses.
I suppose that's why venture capital is so attractive: growth.
Pretty much. Passive investment will never have the crazy high returns outside of random dumb luck.
The problem is knowing how to know when you don't know what to do. You can throw money at a company, even if it's a good idea, and one or two tiny mistakes on the way will cost you. I've dipped my fingers in a few things here and there because someone reference me and I saw some major profit for relatively little work, but I'm intimately familiar with my industry. Usually it's not that simple. I wouldn't dream of doing that for something I wasn't completely in tune with, let alone in a situation where I didn't have serious decision making power.
>but I'm intimately familiar with my industry
Now I'm a n00b at investing, but I've always been under the impression that if you're investing in a company don't just read the financial papers, read the INDUSTRY rags of the industry that company is in.
Get a sense for what their customers, their competitors are saying and thinking.
Counterpoint: You want to know what they aren't thinking, and why. Then you ask if there is something to exploit there?
That's not exactly how I approach stuff, but I'm in real estate, and that's a clunky, and shockingly antiquated industry at times.
I'm in
Good point.
Always try to be the most informed person in the room
Ignore this shitter please. All research shows that mutual funds do indeed beat active investors, generally. You are more likely to get BETTER returns from passive investing in the long run, than active.
I've watched 4 out of 17 so far and feel like i'm learning a lot
Long run yes. You can generate a lot of money if you are restructuring companies. That's very, very short term. Often less than a year, and it's not passive investment. You have to be involved.
Go here if you want to speak to him: