/ggt/ Gambling General Thread

why do I win last months? lucky months? get out faggot

>lucky months

before I didn't had an income at all. You are maybe some dude who had a normal life, I didn't had one. you can't be a winning player if you have no BANKROLL

for example with roulette I can loose about 250 euro before I get profit, then when I have my money back or more , I quit.

I don't play the same numbers, so I never loose a lot of money on numbers that wont show up anyway.


You are a degenerate junkie and you don't understand that you're losing right now. There's no strategy to win at roulette, and you can't cheat anymore. You're addicted to cannabis and gambling and this is already destroying you. Soon you'll lose a lot of money and you'll become homeless.

I bet you're stoned right now because someone clean can't be this stupid

gimme your fake-email or any other form of contact and I'll proof you I can win on the long run, end of the month I will start.

>I don't play the same numbers, so I never loose a lot of money on numbers that wont show up anyway.

You don't understand how basic maths work

I don't need your proof because i don't suck at calculating probabilities.
>you can't be a winning player if you have no BANKROLL
You are using martingale, aren't you? It WILL fuck you in the ass long-term.

you never play roulette so shut the fuck up. Don't discuss something you don't have knowledge off.

The same goes for poker, you need to play it a lot to understand how to be a winning player, you are clearly no professional gambler so shut the fuck up.

I don't calculate anything, there is not math involved in stopping with profit.

The main reason why people loose in a casino is because they don't stop with profit

>Shut up ! Shut up ! Shut up !

I'm telling you the truth, and you know it. Everyone at 12 learnt probabilities, didn't you ? Weren't you at school ? You're a loser, and a junkie. The Martingale, as said, only works if you have an infinite amount of money. But you don't, because you're a broke junkie loser. While you win, you'll bet more money, until you lose everything. And you will, because you're a loser and that's what you deserve.