Variks Edition
Variks Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
make sweet memes to me /dg/
1st for furries get killed
Third for Pussy
cute, moist and warm kazuto mouthpucci!
4th for this thread is terrible. Thanks Straybama.
Are the Titan gear rolls Saladin is selling right now any good? They look like they have good perks, but are they tier 11 or 12 capable?
Picture unrelated.
People still play this game?
Am I the only one who couldn't care less about the Gjallarhorn returning?
Go to /cripple fucker general/ if you want to pull that card.
>Sidhe says "Im taking a break to eat something"
>now he's playing with some Destiny streamer
I only care about my Ice Breaker.
>tfw no old chicago
>brb gonna eat.....
invictas boipussy
>boners doing shit while im tired
>no one on when im on unless i stay up late
I need the titan trials armor and the last two cm frags to get my triumphs done and you double niggers never align yourself to my fucked up schedule.
Reported to bungie.
I just want more Cabal places.
would you marry a cat?
normally i would tell you to fuck off and google it but the only site that works is broken
sorry friend
post your gt and available time instead of that green text passive agressive autistic shit you absolute mong
Is that supposed to be phobos?
you guys still playin?
has that bug where people are able to get the collectors edition content free been fixed yet?
with them dropping last gen we might be able to see big maps like that
I post when i have available time.
Its fucked up as i mentioned though.
I dont have a set time every day i can play.
You nerds just need to accommodate me with my odd schedule.
When the streams a callin', I stop a jerkin'
nth for deleted rat dogs
Yeah, that's what I used to use, but it's been broken for a while. Thankfully I managed to find something on reddit so I'm all good now.
Titan greaves are 98-100%, PS exclusive gauntlets are 93-94%. Titans got the best slices of the pie this time around. Warlocks got a 93-95% gloves, and hunters got good 94% boots and 92-95% grips.
Do you have time now? Or are you just going to shitpost?
Hello /dg/ potentially returning player here
Started playing this game a long time ago and stopped before the first expansion.
Should I play it again? Is it fun?
I used to be pretty fucking boss at pvp.
How viable are shotgun rangers nowadays?
Nigga im tired.And i take breaks from active raids to shitpost.
There's always room for shitposting.
so a literal who complaining, got ya.
>pretty fucking boss
your 1.0 means nothing here, shitter
Try it out. There's classic for fags like you trying to come back
Kek, didn't think they would actually worry about TittyFall2 and Battlefield 1 that much, have they announced if the season pas is going to include the rest of the CoD 4 maps? I'd give up $80 shekels for that if Titanfall is meh, otherwise I'm going with that for my Fall FPS purchase.
post name so i an look up your kd
post boipucci
Just post your name or something. I'm almost always online and I'd be willing to play with you
Did your trip finally get permabanned or something Orwell?
Yes its "fun" (depends on your definition of fun)
But I can guarantee that you're not as good as you think you are. Not because that you're bad but because you don't know how weapons and classes work anymore. Practice will help
It's pretty fun.
If you want to shotgun everyone, you can make a Titan with Universal Remote and skate around bullying people.
Im not a literal who, just haven't played all that much as of late.
Been sick and busy and just haven't had much time for video games.
Ill send you a message when i get on enough to play.
Its guardian.
>no longer sticks to people
good fucking riddance what kind of tripmine is utilized as a sticky? jesus fucking christ
>tfw ez pz trials
is it guardian posting like this?
no way guardian would post like that
guardian totally did
the madman.
git carried fig
We had an ez pz trials too.
Wanna raid now?
feels good to happen once in a while
youre not even good at pvp lmao
sure bud
>Clan name "Destiny Trials Report"
>Make them eat their own shit
Names like that should be forbidden to shitters.
>barely beat a sweaty hunter team 4-5 by the luckiest shot in the world
>h-heh they were shitters
But you're not who are you kidding
i never said anything m8
Someone play Trials with dragonheart so he stops joining my fucking party.
5/6 boners for old raids. VoG and Crota
Man, you invited me literally as my PS4 was shutting down. Can't go, gotta sleep.
Hey what can I use Radiant and Ascendent shards for?
... and motes I guess.
Hunters are an absolute fucking scourge in Crucible.
I swear to god if I don't enter a game and 11/12 people aren't hunters it's a fucking miracle.
i forgot how stupid good taloc is when you've got super
Why do you play overwatch so much?
>if I don't enter a game and 11/12 people aren't hunters
What a horrible phrase.
I bet he's found someone to carry him.
Thanks man.
______ !!
Ah for fuck sake the moment I posted I knew this is what somebody would reply with.
Fuck man, one mistake and your whole comment gets disregarded.
oh wow vanish for blade dancer activates as soon as you pop your super. when did they do that?
I actually solo queue more often than not.
I'm asleep during the hours stuart and the rest play, and by the time steroid gets on its like 7-9am my time which only leaves me with 2 hours.
Solo queuing is the reason I plunged from 58 > 43 in 2 days, back up to 54 now so we're getting somewhere, although still having to deal with more than 2 randoms is cancer.
Because I have something to work towards.
Mercy/Pharah gold weapon
>Fuck man, one mistake and your whole comment gets disregarded
It's a tough world. You make a thousand chairs, they don't give you the nickname chairman, but you fuck just one dog...
What? I haven't been on /dg/ in a while, what had happened?
>Playing a game with forced 50-50
I'm surprised you lasted this long as you get mad at destiny matchmaking
>back up to 54 now
You know I can check your stats and see that isn't true, right? Anyway, glad to see you've stopped maining torbjorn like a mong.
Also, Destiny: was there some kind of change to respawn times recently? Everything feels a bit weird.
That's some serious autism there friendo
Dropped your trip inter
I'm trying to post in other boards right now. It's too much of a hassle to put it on and take it off several times
Where the hell are the drops in IB Control.
I've played 20+ games and only had 2 shitty drops.
This reminds me, ign had so many locations for destiny before the great marty/story disaster of 2013
Nice meme chum
when is the fucking rep calculationingers site coming back?
i want to know if i can burn these IB weeklies and stop playing ib!!
Inter stream ????
Except it is, you should know that not all websites update regularly.
And Torbjorns been nerfed, no point using him now. He's useful because he's just like having an extra player.
It's ok though user, you tried yet failed.
Forced 50/50 is such a shit meme, you're literally at the mercy of the matchmaking system and whether it decides to fuck you with your teammates and opponents or not.
Samefag is samefag
>premade peak hour
it feels like they've stealth nerfed it after Aprils IB
its meant to be a 20-25% rate but it sure as hell doesn't feel like it
it's up
someone play trials with dragonshart
This has what to do with Destiny? Fuck off to /owg/
>playing with a oassive shitter and a loud shitter
no thanks aggro or no go
hey there naughtynon you want to go have some fun~
do you happen to have a screenshot of your character by chance?
not me just posting things i found in the tower