Mods'll fix it edition
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1st for kong dong > all
Where the Veeky Forums server at?
Reminder that servers are broken with memory leaks and bugs everywhere.
first for apex
the guy from the plant fucking general that made this smut
Being a male human's been fun, but I might make something more exotic for my survival character
tfw no /bfg/
anyone have GOG link?
Sauce pls?
Is Frackin Universe 1.0?
it's on the steam workshop as well, so i'd have to assume so
Jesus Christ I've found a set of wings and goddamn bug wings too
post ape girls
there's plenty of them on instagram
oh ok thank you
>food doesn't stack anymore
>even on casual
God damn it, who thought rotting was a good idea?
The same people who think chaining fetch quests for the main story is a good idea.
Why did you have to remind me..
Now to make furnitures, a farm, and then to exploit the shit out of this shitty planet.
post yfw you realized youre just a glorified miner
Can one teleport from a friend's ship to your own yet or do I still need a mod for that?
God bless you
Went to talk about mods on steam community
>REQUEST Homestuck mod
>tfw things finally work right
What luck that there was healing water on the spawn planet. Now I get a hot tub early.
>exploring pyramid
>find some female avian that don't aggro, unlike anything else in the place
>they do have a lifebar though
>save and quit while I read up on them in case they are important
>when I load back they are fully armed and jump me
b-bye birb waifus
>Not already having a birb waifu
smdh tbqh fampai
I'm still surprised by how much lewd there is around
humans are the BEST race
Avali is working for 1.0?
What causes NPC villages to agro?
I put my flag down to bookmark, teleport back to the ship to dump items and then everyone started trying to kill me when I got back.
needs more cute gay
Yup. It's under Avali Triage on the forum. I think it's been uploaded to Steam as well.
I know npc react to stealing stuff not in boxes; maybe that?
Can you change the look/stance of your character after creation?
If a guard tells you to move or put away your weapon and you don't they get aggressive.
>dash testing lab is retardedly hard and basically impossible if game lags even slightly (which it did because wires slow down everything)
>pulse jump and sphere testing can be done for 30 seconds each and don't provide any challenge at all
Uh duh it is not a challenge it is a tutorial.
what do furnace/workbench upgrades do?
>retardedly hard
Hey sloot. check your f-list
Smelting better ores.
More furniture.
ah okay. I have the instant smelting mod so I wanted to make sure I wasn't upgrading my furnace for no reason. thanks
How do I get lava resistance?
Needs perfect timing which is impossible to do if there are any lags.
Oh my god this is retarded.
I swear, one of you diehard perverts better be making a porn-mod right now!
Checked and I have nothing :I
Take the hint, cakeboy
No notes? I sent you a note..
Then my only guess is that timers aren't working properly for me.
Different person, then. The only person that linked their f-list was Naughty Nemesis (which isn't me)
erp server up my ass without sex mods. what is going on
Finally got a transporter.
What's an easy way to get them?
But.. if you're not Marley.. then which cock slut are you?
>timers aren't working properly for me
Yeah, the game broke in a very specific way JUST for you
Alternately, you're just shit
I wonder which is more likely
Just a cock slut. Don't really have a name or anything to go by
She is Eve
i hope...
you shit
is k bby don't worry
No I'm Eva
what's the best food to buy?
I can't into farming
but I CAN into ornate wood :^)
fucking hell too many cock sluts
I am not the only who had this problem, shitlord.
Not OP, but I know what he's talking about. There was a total of one part in the dash course that had me very frustrated, it's the second or so door where you just hit a switch and have to enter a door, but the way the door is spaced out means that you think you will have to dash the whole way, failing every time because your dash doesn't cool down fast enough and you just do some awkward shuffle. What you're actually supposed to do is dash once and run the rest of the way.
There's cock sluts, and there's me, cock slut.
I'm confused now. which cock slut are you?
Where the hell is the unique SAIL for each race?
sweet sweet music.
These cock sluts are fake, I am the only real one. Please, support me on patreon.
Lies, I am the true Cock Slut, follow me on myspace
Chucklefuck has more artists than sense, and binned them along with pretty much everything else from the beta
Does this game have console commands like Skyrim?
So what are some of the strangest/coolest biomes you guys have ran into? I ran into this hive biome that was completely infested with alien larva and these alien pod enemies that would get up and slash at you at ridiculous speeds.
Quick question: Can crew mates die?
If they die, they respawn at the ship
To lose then, you need to dismiss at S.A.I.L.
Yes but they respawn when you go back to the ship
I dont have a screenshot but
If you use the Frackin Universe mod, that biome is nothing
Try going into a fucking "Born Dead Planet"
It's terraria style Crimson planet, with acid rain and when you land you get the "Insanity" status effect, that makes you hear voices and see hallucinations, plus its dark and there is tons of enemies
Phat loot though
I really want to find a server running that shit
What decides how many upgrade modules you find in a chest?
When I started it was like 1 but now it is like 3?
Sounds cool. I'll probably hold off on mods for a while so people have time to work out or around some of the bugs and errors I've heard people have been having with 1.0. Also is there any way to negate poison/acid rain in the vanilla game? Do I need to find a hazmat suit set or something because I found a poison ocean planet that constantly had damaging rain and looked interesting enough to explore.
How the hell do you use air dash? Double tapping A and D mid-air doesn't do anything. Yes I bought the Air Dash upgrade.
Did you equip it?
I don't know
Since i have the mechs mods installed i haven't had a problem with acid rain, since i let the Mech tank it all
Yes. I bought the sonic ball upgrade and that works just fine.
God that sounds cool. How many new mechanics does Frackin' universe add? Also does it add new villages?
So, do pets level?
They used to at some point but I don't know if they cut it.
Is there ANY way to become immune to fall damage in this game?
So uh...I haven't touched Starbound in years. Are there any "mandatory" mods I should be getting for this? Not hurrdurr balancing shit, I mean like ones that seriously fix shit Chucklefuck should've done a hundred versions ago?
Also, Veeky Forums server? Preferably one not full of faggotry and idiots? Okay, might be asking a bit much, but Terraria had...a couple.
I'll miss you low quality RP......also does anyone know when starcheat is going to be alive again?
Confused. Why are these creatures tossing their ejaculate at me.
>Find an instrument
>Tool song are not only hard to find but also translate very bad into ABC
So...stupid question
I'm at the bottom of the world there's lava fucking everywhere
Am I going to have to dig all the way back up again?
do you faggots have a server or not
In casual you can just warp up.