>stick shift
who started this meme ?
>stick shift
who started this meme ?
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I went from not knowing how to drive stick to driving a 9 speed 44ton rig in the span of ~3 months
Probably the same people who think driving stick in traffic or on hills suck
All the bus riders of course
learned how to drive by driving a stick, I was really young too, hardest part was reaching the pedals desu
I now drive an automatic in the event that one of my family members needs to borrow my car, but I'd like to get an older car with a manual transmission for driving myself around
What is that pussy shit?
it is literally more difficult for me to drive an auto in traffic than manual.
I fucking hate the constant creep of slushboxes. have to press the brake pedal half way down to make it stop. its fucking retarded.
Lazy Americans that only learned auto and now try to play off manual transmission as a novelty on Chinese cave drawing forums.
>who started this meme ?
my clutch slave cylinder when it decided to end its life.
what is THAT pussy shit
Never said it was hard. Just gotta get the timing down. Floating em is easy enough.
>posts the same exact pic I posted
Ok gotcha
still though
twin stick>newer truck>passenger car
The people here that complain about hill starts or sitting in traffic with their car always give me a good chuckle
Yeah do that shit with a heavy ass clutch in a 10spd+ truck. Not that's it's difficult but your left leg will be tired.
At least the gears are super low so even uphill, you have to be retarded to stall it. Only problem is sometimes if you are loaded heavily and try to upshift or downshift on a steep hill with a lot of weight, the speed of the truck will actually change faster than the revs so it can be really hard to catch the gear. You are better off just leaving it in the gear it's in until you get past the hill.
I don't know how people have trouble with hillstarts desu
You're not one of the fags who uses the parking brake, are you?
Such an unnecessary step. I never even heard of that meme until I came to Veeky Forums.
>use the parking brake
people still do that ?
>calling it a parking brake
It's a handbrake m8
>stop on a hill
>use handbrake
>set clutch and gas so you feel it pull
>check and indicate
>let go of the handbrake
>move off perfectly
On a hill so you don't roll down it? That's why cars have handbrakes in the first place m8.
I know what a handbrake is
Its just that using it in an sloped start is really unnesesary
Yup, you need to learn how to drive
Only time I ever had trouble with a hill start was in an overloaded single axel dump truck. Some lady pulled out in front of me on a very steep hill. 3rd gear didn't have the power to get me going, 1st and 2nd made the truck pull the front wheels off the ground. Scary shit
>that's why cars have handbrakes in the first place
Topkek m9
What's the "proper" way to do it then?
>sloped start
>press and hold the brake pedal
>Fully press the clutch
>shift into 1st gear
>Depress the clutch while holding the brake
>The car starts to rumble
>release the brake and press on the gass
and look at that, you're moving
It depends on the situation asshole
What kind, you mongoloid ?
>1 stick
What is this pussy shit?
>implying a stick shift isn't redundant
Literally why?
Why would you do it yourself?
Why not outsource such a menial task to a machine?
Because I enjoy the feeling of having full control over my car.
not like you would understand
How is that less complicated?
That's exactly the same but you're putting more strain on your clutch to move you off (as well as keeping you parked on the hill).
I keep it on neutral when not moving
Then how are you not rolling down the hill?
Foot is on the brake pedal
>a thread created for fags to circle jerk about how they got mad skillz because they drive stick
All y'all need to fuck off. I've been driving stick for over a year and it was challenging enough yet nothing worth patting yourself on the back for.
So glad I never bought into the pretntious manual driver meme.
US car manufacturers, back in the days of fierce competition when they were trying to outdo each other with more and more gimmicks to get people to buy their cars.
>This is NEW and DIFFERENT
>That means it's BETTER!
And when you get out of the car?
That is retarded. I really hope you fuck it up and roll back into someone else.
I've never cared for stick shift cars. They just aren't my thing.
I've driven a few manuals in the past and I don't like how long it takes to engage the gear and get moving. I like to zip around and move when I want to move.
With manual you have to re-engage 1st gear every time you stop. And that probably takes me a good 3-5 seconds. With auto you just step on it and you're gone.
You can also tell when you're behind somebody with a manual car because in the time it takes them to engage the gear and start accelerating, everybody in front of them is already gone. And every time you want to upshift you have to let off the gas, clutch in, shift, and re-engage the next gear, causing you to slow down and possibly disrupt traffic behind you. Not to mention trying to start on hills and whatnot.
Manuals just seem so antiquated in my opinion. They feel slower and less responsive compared to modern-day automatics. I don't really understand the fascination behind them, automatics take only a fraction of a second to upshift whereas a manual takes like 2-4 seconds to upshift (depending on experience or skill level, of course).
Even though you have more "control" over which gear you want to be in, it takes longer to shift and engage the gear than it would in an automatic. Most modern automatics are also pretty intuitive and are able to sense what you're trying to do depending on throttle input and the speed at which the throttle is applied.
Whenever people talk about how much they enjoy manual, I don't understand why. In my opinion, it's kind of a pain in the ass how you have to do all that work to get moving and the guy next to you in the automatic is already gone. Like, why would you row a boat when you could get one with a motor on the back for the same price.
What makes a manual car enjoyable? Maybe some people also think it makes them look "tough", or like they are a professional driver, but speaking from my experience manuals seem like a big pain in the ass.
both of these are valid ways to start uphill
You're right. The only reason we drive stick is because it's fun. I've no shame admiring this.
1. Why the fuck would I leave me car on a slope?
2.stick in 1st gear, handbrake on, wheels put in a position so that my car rolls into the curb incase of handbrake failure
It's fun bro. That's it. When I started to drive it felt like a pain too, but it didn't take 2 weeks for me to get the hang of it and always trying to improve shifting times and speed is fun, too. It's a hobby of sorts.
>that perfect toe-heel downshift into a turn on an empty road and then flooring it
>i, like every other soccer mom, am a fat american who mashes down the accelerator after every stop and am easily irritated by other drivers who are not racing to get to the next red light.
>Maybe some people also think it makes them look "tough", or like they are a professional driver
With a little practice you'll have no problem taking off just a quick as any autos.
He kinda summed it up here Keep right foot on the brake, start letting off the clutch and as soon as it starts to bite, you move your right foot from the brake pedal to the gas pedal and take off. The clutch being engaged a lil bit will hold you from rolling back for that split second between the brake and gas.
>inb4 hurr muh clutch
Nah, it should be so fast and smooth that you are barely slipping the clutch. Not much more than a regular start on flat ground.
It's a pain in the ass to do something automatics can do no problem.
"I'm to lazy to learn how to do something properly so it's obviously the cars fault"
The parking brake way is how you teach a 12 year old to do uphill starts when they can't into manuél. The other way is how normal people who into manuél do it.
>taking the memearrow text out of my explanation to make it fit your own agenda
If I'm sitting in traffic on a hill I'm not going to sit there with my foot on the brake with the car in neutral. Put on the handbrake and set off like a normal person when the light turns green.
What Chinese children's cartoon is that?
>3-5 seconds
Stopped reading there
Over-Rev. The main character quits her job on the first day and buys an MR2.
>like a normal person
That is a dumb excuse. Are you implying that every person who drives automatic puts their car in park at a stoplight instead of keeping their foot on the brake?
And what about those stop signs at the top of a hill where you may stop for 5 seconds max? Even if you were competent driving a stick shift, would you still put the parking brake on?
Sounds like you're argument for it is falling apart. Just admit that you need to git gud.
Hill starts are always best when using the handbrake to stop the car from rolling backwards as you engage the clutch.
>you're argument for it
"You are argument for it"
>Probably the same people who think driving stick in traffic or on hills suck
Hills do suck, but most new cars have brake hold which is my favorite feature.
Copy pasta or nah?
i dont know why but i never do this. i always keep my foot on the brake and clutch while the car is in 1st. its just preference though i dont care how other people do it.
if its a steep hill i heel toe brake it so i dont have to use the handbrake
I generally use the clutch to stop from rolling back like others have said, but on very extreme slopes with something behind me, I have used the PARKING brake.
>friend's garage is under his house, below the grade
>slope is around 30 degrees or more, straight towards tin garage door
Leaving that lane way I use my parking brake, because my shitbox stalls from idle before it ever grips enough to hold it at that angle. I need gas and clutch to move, and I only have so many feet.
This won't work on a steep hill with a low torque engine though. The handbrake one will, because you can give it some gas before you let go of the brakes.
What's a good, cheap, manual transmission car that I should be on the look out for? I've always wanted to try driving stick because it seems far more fun than automatic, but living in America I hardly see them here.
>>With manual you have to re-engage 1st gear every time you stop. And that probably takes me a good 3-5 seconds. With auto you just step on it and you're gone.
>slow down, know that you're about to stop, put in 1st gear and keep clutch down
>have a little experience with this and get off the line faster than any slushbox will
>>I don't really understand the fascination behind them, automatics take only a fraction of a second to upshift whereas a manual takes like 2-4 seconds to upshift (depending on experience or skill level, of course).
>press clutch
>pop in next gear
>release clutch
>half a second
>about as fast as a modern slushbox
The main benefit of a manual gearbox IMO is being able to prepare for upcoming situations.
About to overtake someone, but waiting for that perfect moment? Drop down a gear or two and have all the horsepower available the second you need it.
While on an automatic:
>punch the throttle
>wait a second or two for it to downshift
>power starts coming
I drive a lightweight with a small engine, that's still very quick due to the fact that it has so little mass and I like to use that to my advantage in traffic. Having full control over your engine and its RPM really helps there.
I don't think I could live with a turbo car either. I really like the instant throttle response of my NA engine.
>not knowing you're memes
Using the handbrake is def a bitch move. If you are going up a 45deg hill in a shitbox with 45lb ft of torks, then maybe there is a use like user said here But that's a rare situation. Using the clutch and getting to the gas pedal quickly should be fine 98% of the time.
The Amerilards who drive manual. Shitcunts talk themselves up and everyone else down like no tomorrow for knowing how to do what every Europoor and their pet Syrian refugee has to know.
>lmao autocucks
>muh manual jay dee emm civic is a real drivers car
That's like asking the average 'Murrican to gut and butcher a pig properly. Most of them don't know how to do it because we don't live in a third world country. For a small cost, we don't have to rip out pig intestines or change our own gears.
Lazy people
In America, automatic
>started as a luxury
>became the comfortable way of driving
>is now the standard
Ask any young person what they think about manual and they'll say
>Isn't that hard? With an automatic all you have to do is press the gas pedal!
No, it's like asking them if they can operate a manual gearbox in an automobile, to which they answer "no we can't, because our country has collectively chosen to take the effortless option over proper machine handling and have thus chosen primarily to drive vehicles with drivetrains comparable to that of a scooter in their nature of operation" (operation not to be confused to mechanics)
You're driving variator driven mopeds in a world of geared speedbikes.
is "dont use the handbrake at all" a meme I missed out on or a retarded american belief.
>live alone
>have no friends who can row that live near me
>have this irrational fear that i'll get injured that will leave me unable to drive it
Are you some kind of idiot?
same, this faggot has clearly never driven stick
some people prefer to suck dick
just so happens that those people can't understand why some people just prefer manual.
>geared speedbikes
You're really comparing your sea of 1.3L diesel shitboxes to sportbikes? Topkek.
Prop-driven airplanes are better for everyday use than turbofan planes, right?
I'm all for manuél in sports cars, but it isn't really practical for our 3.7L V6 sedans and SUVs that we drive 30mi to work every morning.
Not "don't use it at all" but rather "using the handbrake for a hill start is something you do when teaching your 14 year old daughter to drive for the first time because you really don't want her to hit the car behind her"
You can put automatics in neutral too retard
I learned manual on one of these lol.
Stalling a truck makes you learn the clutch pretty quick kek, don't even need it to shift though, just to start moving.
Float em all after that.
nice meme post
if you can't keep up with the flow of traffic and move quickly regardless of whether you're driving stick you need to relinquish your license and then kill yourself
You've never parked in a neighborhood or city where there's a slope?
Yep. Even in my wrangler it's less than a second.
Have fun getting to red lights before everyone else.
>it isn't practical
Said nobody who could drive ever.
>next red light
>not breaking the speed limit and hitting the green
>not squeezing the pink
>not being a crazy wanker
this works, but not always, try doing it on a steep hill, wont work
>5 seconds to get into first gear
Mazda MX-5.
Yeah....no, way too much work... I'd rather just play with my clutch sweet spot in first gear.
Get all them awkward 2-4mph creep-status annoyingfuckingtraffic speeds on maybe 1-5lbs of pressure with my left foot.
Manual op in all traffic.
manuals are only necessary if you are willing to practice to the point where you are a better transmission control unit than an automatic car can offer.
in particular, controlled traction loss as in oversteer for drifting it is fun but not something a n auto will ever be programmed to do on purpose, they will actually try to defeat this. or offroading when precise control on steep hills with slippery ground is important.
I drive auto but I guess it's for the sense of control. If driving is fun for you, then more control probably means more fun. I wouldn't want to play a video game where my characters did the shooting and I just moved them around the area, and, ideally, I would have 100% control in a video game and be able to make fine-tuned movements.
But since I look at driving as a task that I have to perform to get from point A to point B, and would really rather have a self-driving car take me there so I can get that time back and squander it on imageboards or staring out of the window, I too feel that it's pointless to have to worry about shifting.
It's just as likely that he never got gud at it. I've been taught how to drive a stick. I've driven a stick a few miles. I've never gotten comfortable with it, however. 3-5 seconds would probably be 30-50 seconds for me.
Are you stupid? A Miata is like $3000
>not knowing this is a really common spelling error and likely not a "meme"
Also, I prefer driving smoothly for my passengers. COMFORT.
I can perfectly well jump on the gas pedal as soon as I release the brake and some of the clutch, but I'd prefer not to because of muh cumfarts
1. Car is in neutral
2. Press clutch
3. Put into first
4. Release clutch and apply gas
Combine with proper foresight and you won't even notice a difference in time since there are going to be cars in front of you or you can look to the side and see the lights changing.
Why would you? Just balance your right foot between gas and brake pedals.
>be in 2nd
>loose myself in thought and just autopilot my route
>come to a junction
>want to turn uphill
>put in R instead of 1 in my beamer
I don't know how I managed without noticing the huge resistance, but the noise as the wheels touched almost caused an heartattack, I almost released the clutch, too.
Manuals are scarry for unaware drivers because shit requires some finesse, especially if your car is 20+ years old, which is probably what everyone gets as their first car, unless you're american.
That's how I do it. Don't have a "hand brake" I have a parking brake. Pull and twist type in old toyota trucks.