When did you realize women have life on [EASY] mode?
When did you realize women have life on [EASY] mode?
Never really
Try /r9k/
but it's trooo user
if women weren't such whores they could find a rich guy to love
but they all want le adventure & mysterious
most of them don't.
Ah, i see. What's her name, user?
this is not what you think
women are all the same brah
im just a trooth whisperaer
Be the guy women like, it's literally that easy
watching any female on twitch; if you're a reasonably attractive girl on there you can play vidya and make 6 figures easily
>Be the guy women like
You just proved my point
What is your point?
Women have life handed to them like the little babies they are.
>Be the guy women like
why won't she be the woman guys like?
why does she get in free before 10pm?
why does she get half my equity when I leave her?
why does she get paid to go on dates?
Adapt or keep crying like a baby
shut up cunt
Is this thread helping you get closer to what you want?
Don't hate the players, hate the game.
flip the fucking table, set fire to their house and just walk off into the sunset.
cool guys don't stop for explosions mother fucker.
Only the good looking ones.
And all of them bar none have crippling self doubt and potentially devastating emotional instability.
Being a woman would be horrendous, no matter how easy their material life, because their minds are a permanent warzone in comparison to ours and further, they never have true friendships outside of family.
women get hard-mode as they age. They dont get the attention that they used to after they hit 40. They also get uglier as time passes.
Men age like fine wine, men can loog good till the 60s. if youre not a fat fuck
In companies that reward merit, men will mostly outperform women due to different bell curves, so they will often get the best gigs and the highest salaries regardless.
Men can reach the highest shelf, men can open the lid of the marmalade, men have more stable emotions, male friendships are much much less backstabbity compared to women frindships, many men have school friends from school to death, women very rarely so.
And when the happening occours, women are worth zero unless they have weapons and firearms training
>be a cuck or keep crying like a baby
Wew lad
my mother did more for me and others then you manlett
I am far from a defender of sexes or faggotism, but don't say women have it easy. because when you say women I think about mothers and mothers have to take care of everything, unless your mother was useless, maybe your mother was a whore and that is the reason you are such a faggot
women have it most of the times harder than men, faggotoestoikptjodspirtopijsytde
>Be the guy women like, it's literally that easy
So destroy your personality and become melted plastic to their shaped metal? Become a sock that blows with the wind rather than a signpost astutely showing the way, no matter the wind?
I'd much rather be myself, and lonely than a false version of myself pretending not to be lonely whilst inside im even more lonely, thinking that i'm only loved for my flexibility, rather than my signpost like nature and personality.
>be a post
Stormcucks astound me...
Stormcuck or /pol/lack will most likely agree with
frogposters should be autobanned. this should have been in place for a year or so now.
This, my mom is the reason we had the chance to leave that native shit country
Dating they have it easier. But when the neighbours play their music too loud and I have to go over and ask them to turn it down, in situations like that I'm glad I'm male.