janny said stop posting gooks in the op
>Not playing heptacraft over sc2
mintsc is fat though
every other general is cartoonshit or other shit
i thought we had an agreement, janny...
fat and cute
had to put my 8 year-old cat down, im in a mess right now
sorry for posting it here but i don't know where else to go :(
his name was tommy
sheit sorry to hear that bro... hes lookin down on u say meow and shit u kno
damn im so sorry bro :( i remember when i had to put my cat down, one of the saddest moments in my life for sure. he was only 7-8 or so too
im not a bOy im a man.....
eloise is so cute
she keeps making me horny :c
RIP Tommy
What happened? 8 years is kinda young for a cat
based tumbler
i dont get it
he kept cucking me. i couldnt take it anymore.
kys is a common tumblr phrase i guess
wouldnt surprise me
man that sucks what happened to tommy
>normie memes
facebook frog :(
you sad sad idiots
im happy!
i am very sad
and alone and old and balding and ugly very very ugly
if I was still fat I'd be down to eat fastfood and cakes and stuff with mintsc all the time but since I lost weight NAH
first of all we're not idiots
you got a fat dick tho i seent it
miqueena baked a cake within the past 3 days
she said so herself
monkey madness...
Disclaimer: I am not streaming to find a romantic relationship.
doesn't it get tiring memeing one-liners all the time? seems like you guys never have any real discussions here, only small quips about the first thing that goes through your mind
its 5.5 inches.......average or maybe even below average i dont know the global dick size average
asia brings it down a lot... just get a kgf
what about a cgf?
theres a ton of c's at the local college town
theyre so hard to talk to cuz theyre always in massive packs and dont speak english
can you introduce me to one of them?
go go power rangers
yea whats your skype
whats the group name for chinese girls
like a pack of dogs
a school of fish
a ???? of chink girls
a pessary of chinks
a yiqun of zhongguo nuhai
no one gives a flying fuck about your pathetic loser cat
frankly im glad he died
were all dog bros here
can I give you my gamespy instead?
this is a malicious fishposter falseflagging as a friendly dogbro
he's not one of us!!!
*finds out about mintsc*
looks like i got a new idiot bitch to bully while miqueena is offline >:)
nah you got a weibo or a qz?
writing messages without sending them is bullying? lol
douban account okay?
+1 and word
okay what about a xxxx of gooks
a drunken wifebeaters of gooks
im going to tell mintsc a bunch of perverts are talking about her fat self
>browse the Veeky Forums catalog
>hey there's a starcraft general
>behold the insufferable faggotry is worse than the other 3 threads I visit
go figure, the more complex the games are, the more cancerous the fanbase becomes
UNbased nigger bro, go back to your fgg thread
>GSL Code S 2 days
i messed up i was nervous >____
please don't I love the 80 pound asian girl inside of her ;_;
janny is a faggot
didn't read lol
dude thats the guy whos all talk and no balls. he never says shit to anyone outside of these threads
he might be more confident talking to a mintsc since asian girls have two modes: submissive sex object and quirky non-threatening sidekick bestfriend I just hope your right
well hes never had the guts before with asian girls but i guess we will have to wait and see
im just going to bully mintsc even harder now
cant wait to screenshot her crying on stream
zergs, fat girls, and asians have it hard enough as it is and mintsc is all of them she doesn't need bullys ontop of it all
i dont think she reads these threads lol
that guy is a joke
>maek mewta
too bad for her
just gookin around pham
mintsc is even fatter than mc
lol what the heck? >:D
i want to rub coconut oil on mintsc's stretch marks...
heh you mean bully will make her cry >:D
want to go into her twitch channel with me and bully her? we'll team up and cuck everyone
no cause you're afraid of typing anything any other place then here >:(
>not complex
the main game is so complex that LOL and DoTa type games are part of the arcade
any RTS game is infinitely more difficult to learn than COWADOODY or World of Plebs
*shakes fist*
ill show you! ill show you all! >:'(
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삼성 KT
brave sound
hate this clown
pray and pray for terrans downfall
wheres tinny
in his moms basement