>tfw even pic wont hire me
There really is no hope, is there guys?
>tfw even pic wont hire me
There really is no hope, is there guys?
They only hire Pajeets and you are fired if you DON'T fuck up 3/5 orders..
The fuck? Really?
It's only whites at the ones I applied to
How? Did you not get an interview even?
Only one interview and when I called back to check on it they said I didn't get chosen or something
Feels bad
Keep applying. Unless you smelled really bad or were a massive dick, you just had bad luck.
There's not that many of them near me
I just want a full-time job already. Have you worked there?
At least you got one, I haven't had an interview in over half a year, I graduate this semester so everything can go fuck off. I am making a portfolio first thing.
No, but I've known people who worked there, and they weren't geniuses. I recently got a job better than Tim Hortons, and I barely had any experience. Don't want to say what business this is, but try looking for stores near where you live, and search for them on Indeed.
Should I apply in person or online or something
Always online. Try Canadian Tire, supermarkets, Shoppers, etc. One thing that I would've done if I hadn't gotten this job would've been to apply to McDonald's.
They only hire Flips in Canada.
Huh? Most people say in person is a bit better I Thought
Do you know if you get free food? Would be nice desu, kind of what I'm looking for
Are these people old by any chance? I had old people tell me the same thing, but both times I tried applying in person, I was told to apply online. There's no benefit to applying in person, unless the company you want to apply to is really small.
I interview a lot of people.
Let me tell you, don't take it personally if you don't get hired. It could be for a number of reasons. Could be that the hiring manager is insecure and thought you seem smarter than them. Could be that they already had a friend or family they wanted to hire but needed to give a certain number of interviews to not look shady to their boss.
The important thing is look clean, act somewhat submissive, and just be friendly.
What a failing company.
Tim Hortons is complete shit from what it was not even five years ago. Back then the lady who owned the store I worked at at a meeting screeched "McDonald's is so close to our brand right now it's not even funny!" Funnily enough I thought she was kind of going out on a limb, because they only served coffee and shitty muffins, but now McDonald's is making cookies, brownies... they've been expanding their baked goods.
That women ended up closing two of her stores, largely in part to increasing rent prices though. Tim Horton's baked goods are getting worse and worse. Everything they have now arrives in the store looking the same as it does out in the storefront but frozen. You can really tell the difference in the muffins.
The muffins used to arrive as little dough pucks and you had to add shit on top of them and cook them like a real muffin, was like 45 minutes of total baking time. Those muffins were delicious; they were soft and moist in your mouth and chewy. The ones now are done in 2m40 I think, they can be thrown in their easy bake oven. They are kind of spongy and tough.
McDonald's coffee is much better than Tim Horton's, I think. Tim's has gone down in quality, I think they buy different beans now. Tim Horton's I find each cup of coffee I get can wildly vary in taste, like I could get a bad one or a good one, but at McDonald's it tastes the same most often.
Want to know why I think Tim Horton's is hurting? Every 2 months there's a new gimmicky food that they promote. There's these bullshit new donuts now that cost 50c more except they're made of the same bullshit regular donuts. Why would I want to pay more for some shitty donut that's just the same as your shitty cheap ones? And what about their bagels? All bagels used to be 1.20 or something, then one day we get these new "specialty" bagels.
Will I get free food if I work there?
What the fuck does that matter? You're getting off-topic OP. Remember, you need a job first, then you can worry about silly benefits like that (that don't even matter compared to HC, vacation, etc.).
I want food
Are you the same guy who made the other Ontario thread? Because if so, I think there might be other issues at play here.
The food you get doesn't fucking matter because it's not even gonna be worth one hour of your work. Just try and get a job, and pay for food with that money.
>getting obsessed with a triviality
Now I see why you didn't get an interview. Get your priorities in order, and go to /b/ or some shit if you want to act like a child until then.
Well if the jobs pay the same the food is the deal breaker
Ill eat all my calories from there and save like $400/mth
I worked in restaurants for over a decade because I eat at least $400 a month in food and I couldn't afford to change careers unless the new job paid at least that much more.
>I worked in restaurants for over a decade
Unless you managed them at some point, you don't sound like anybody worth listening to.
I managed them at every point.
I'd hire on, get promoted to management in less than a month, and quit at the one year mark.
the only exception was a hospital cafeteria where I stayed on as asst manager for three years because I liked the benefits. Paid vacation and health insurance are unheard of in restaurants.
make ur last name mexican to get hired at chipotle then say wrong name in the interview, yw
Lolll no chipotles here tho I think
Lucky bastard, at least they called you back.
I applied for a job, went to the store to finish the application, they said they'll call, and to then went out of business the next day.
Wow that's terribly unlucky
But yeah you guys are right
Yeah sorry for being an idiot guys
Was partly bad humour partly serious. Ill try harder. I did make that other thread
You should probably kill yourself.
I probably will as a last resort
Thanks for the constructive feedback