That was fast, I didnt even realize we hit image limit.
Levi Hughes
3 Katawa comfy and safe.
Oliver Howard
Xth for Lilly and French Vanilla tea.
Camden Phillips
901 to go
Christian Martinez
4 Katawa comfy and safe.
I can be on to it when I want to.
Zachary Miller
4 Katawa comfy and safe.
Chase Kelly
Newtrip please, I'm merely jesting. I'm sure you're not retarded. Not legally so, anyway.
Banal means common; predictable; unsurprising and that's how I wanted to characterise Rin's route. Another user had no problem understanding what I meant and aptly called Lilly's route out for sharing many of its issues. I'm really sorry I used the word in the first place seeing how much it upset you.
You're right about one thing though: Never use language that's above the level of your audience as it will only sidetrack conversation.
Carter Campbell
Please stop
Eli Ward
6 katawa Comfy and safe
Just get in the bunker, everything will be okay.
Justin Bailey
7 Katawa comfy and safe
Jack Cruz
8 katawa comfy and safe.
Jose Diaz
Akira is not a katawa you cockwhistler.
Juan Lopez
9 katawa comfy and safe.
Gabriel Lee
Does Misha count as a Katawa? If so, 8 Katawa comfy and safe.
Kevin Jones
I knew I was forgetting someone! Alright. Everyone I know I can account for is accounted for. I might have to make some edits today.
Everyone good? There's soup on the burner, help yourself. We can ride this out.
Aiden Phillips
Nth for a Happy Hana.
Robert Perry
The word itself doesn't upset me. Anyways. The point being, is that Rin's route is not common predictable or unsurprising (Side note: Why use both predictable and unsurprising? Just one or the other would have been fine, but now im really nitpicking)
Rins route is, compared to the other routes, the strangest one. I didnt really predict what was going to happen, and I was definitely surprised by a few of the directions it went in.
user, this started with you calling Rin's route "philosophy" which it wasn't, at all. But now it's just more of you being pretentious, but hey, I can't really change that, and it doesn't look like anything I can tell you about the route will change your opinion on it, seeing as you won't replay it either way, and even if you did, it doesn't really matter that much to me.
also >i'm merely jesting please stop.
Connor Garcia
10 katawa comfy and safe.
Isaac James
Nolan Hernandez
No emi? The hell >:(
Nicholas Collins
now this is just getting ridiculous, shopkeeper is an able bodied man
Luis Cooper
As I'm sure even you remember I originally used the word banal which is a word that encapsulates both those concepts - and more. It's just because you were having problems understanding I had to split it up and explain it.
I'd respond to your other points if only you brought something new for me to respond to. We're going in circles.
Brandon Wright
Original Point >Rins route is just philosophy I explain what I think rins route is >I dont have a way to properly refute you right now but im sure im right >im sure im right >Sure im right thats basically what led to me getting annoyed and started this pointless discussion over a fucking word. Anyways, unless you feel like replaying the route and, yknow, showing me the >muh philosophy, theres not much more to add.
Owen Howard
You haven't added anything in over half an hour so why start now.
Owen Nelson
Fucking hell, lads. I finished my first route a couple days ago and have gone through a roller coaster of emotion since. Emi was way too reminiscent of my high school oneitis. I didn't ask for this flood of memories or feels.
Gavin Turner
Isaac Adams
I started with Emi too, a few weeks ago. I know the feeling, user.The feels are perfectly normal. Feel free to discuss them here if you'd like!
Jayden Martinez
For me it was Rin that most resembled my high school oneitis.
Wyatt Hernandez
I had the same thing with Emi, user. And rin
Elijah Morales
Previous thread
Cooper Howard
Chase Fisher
You have to face the things that haunt you man, only when you remember the past without it disabling you, have you truly gotten through it.
Levi Sanchez
I really need to find somebody on my campus who knows sign.
I can look through books and watch YouTube videos all day, but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere.
Charles Cruz
But why?
Jason Sanchez
Cause I wanna learn
Henry Sullivan
But why? To score with the deaf babes? A good a goal as any I suppose but you shouldn't know they are most weary of exploitative hearies.
Logan Lopez
11 Katawa comfy and safe.
Daniel Baker
I actually took interest in signing before playing ks.
But ks is what made me want to score with deaf babes
Christian Perry
I'm rooting for you.
Isaac Peterson
12 Katawa comfy and safe. Roll +1D6 for comfy inspiration.
Daniel Reed
Rin's the best because she is the cutest and the most representative of my flaws
Easton Hernandez
Fucking. Shinji. I hate how I know what Shinji is going to do I hate how I know Shinji Matou is a fucking shitbag. I hate that I know that. And that the GAME DOESNT GIVE ME THE OPTION >dont trust shinji the asshole FFS FATE STAY NIGHT. Jesus christ, I hope the rest of UBW isnt this annoying since I know the outcome from the fate route.
Parker Campbell
Jacob Roberts
Who the fuck is Shinji?
Jaxson Ward
I don't think it's disabling me, I feel like I've gotten over her. But she was the only girl I felt that strongly about. It's been 4 years and no one's come close to making me feel the same way.
Brody Morales
this incestuous, rapist, sadistic mother fucking evil cruel faggot asshole
Lincoln Murphy
Then you should use the feelings you remember to better move forward man.
Dylan Powell
Robert Nguyen
He's from Fate/stay night
Connor Flores
But that's not KS?
Gavin Torres
We should only discuss things from KS as that is our purpose, I agree
Samuel Wood
You're right, strangely dressed Rin.
Luis Taylor
Joshua Hughes
I really dont have any actual way to defend myself, since im wrong, but I like to comment on random bullshit happening in the VN im playing, if discussion is slow.
We talk about all sorts of random shit here, even if it isnt our strict purpose.
>whats the point? I dont know. We just do, and really, theres not much harm.
Asher Rivera
I think I'm doing alright. The way I look at it, I'll know to act when the next one comes along
Dylan Green
You know, even if our relationship started with us falling out I still liked and respected you. Now that you insist on infecting my beloved KSG with non-KS shit I'm disappointed and frankly a bit offended.
You can add people here on Steam, join chat groups and much more. There's no reason to do what you do.
Angel Long
Alright that's good to hear man, but please remember to enjoy your old memories.
Jack King
KSG topics regularly include helping people get over their self issues talking about vidya arguing about vidya talking about other anime and manga talking about depression measuring katawas in the size of penises and more.
If these threads were only katawa related content, they'd feel a lot less lively.
Sebastian Adams
Which Katawa would be most likely to accept you taking a shit on them if you asked?
Which Katawa would most want to shit on someone?
Asher Edwards
There is only one acceptable topic in the KSG and it's - you guessed it - KS.
The thread this far did fine talking about KS I don't think anyone needs your off topic garbage.
Christian Turner
hanako, because she's a submissive slut
as for second part, I can't decide between Emi or Misha
Luis Lewis
I don't see a problem with a little off topic talk, the only problem I have is the off topic pictures killing the image limit.
Austin Jones
Yep, we're here to help in general. Even ks/b/ helped people before they sank. Hopefully it's not all strict rules nowadays.
James Davis
I do...
She's a track superstar, literally just missed Rio fast. I'm not meeting another like her ;_;
Justin Jones
Dominic Lewis
Alright man, that's super cool, hopefully you meet someone just as good, if not, better than her one day.
Connor Richardson
Owen Perry
Goodnight man
Henry Morris
Good night man, may you enjoy some good dreams.
Ryan Martin
see We have a lot of off topic discussion as is, not sure why you decided to shill this that hard. Hell, we even have "Good morning" and "Good night" posts. That isn't talking about Katawa, and infact, isn't discussion at all! It's thread culture, like there's board culture. Chill out a bit. On that note Goodnight
Brayden Butler
I'm not going to read old shitty posts. If you got something to say then say it.
Hudson Lewis
12 Katawa comfy and safe.
G'night, dood.
Evan Turner
Jeremiah Barnes
Evening, Friends. How goes it?
I don't see a problem with some off-topic talk, it promotes a community that has things in common. Hell, I had a multi-post conversation a couple threads back about how a world wide totalitarian regime would probably benefit mankind as a whole, and nobody said anything against the conversation being had.
I don't know WHEN threads in Veeky Forums start to auto-sage, but I know I've never seen it happen before the image cap is hit. But as said, there is a hard cap on the image limit, so off-topic image does irk me as it leads to quicker thread death.
Angel Davis
Anthony Roberts
Im not against off topic talk, but vehemently seems to be. Im just proving my point that the thread doesnt care.
Kevin Gomez
It sucks but if it's against the rules it can be deleted. Doesn't mean it's going to be but it's happened before.
Hudson Phillips
Sadly (for you) the purpose of the KSG isn't decided by popular opinion.
Grayson Lewis
G'evening, Castron. It goes good. You?
Bentley Peterson
Was just stating what I thought, and after seeing , They're probably just trying to get a rise out of you like the people that like giving Kenji a hard time do. Best to just ignore them, or block them if you have one of those fancy chan apps or whatever.
That's good to hear, Friend. Its going alright. It was too damn hot to really do anything today, so just milled around the house. But nothing to complain about.
Zachary Anderson
>so just milled around the house. Excellent. You deserve a break.
Joseph Watson
just ignore him, buddy
Ryder Jenkins
So what's this like the poor trip defense force?
Jaxon Walker
Beeeh, it remains to be seen if I'll have to go back out on Bear Watch tonight or not. Hopefully I'll be able to eat my dinner in peace.
Ayden Allen
I assume you live out in the forest? haha
Jaxson Thompson
Hopefully. What's for dinner?
Wyatt Powell
>Bear watch Oh my, is that what I think it is?
Aaron Walker
>bear watch Oh man. Only in the south.
Leo Baker
Re-heated chicken as a sandwich with a glass of ice water. Maybe some potato chips.
>is that what I think it is?
If you're thinking "I have to walk my property with a shotgun in the middle of the night because either I or my Grandfather thinks they heard a bear and we don't want them getting at our animals", then yes, you're right on the money and its sort of weird that you'd know so much about me.
Wyatt Collins
>Re-heated chicken as a sandwich with a glass of ice water. Maybe some potato chips.
Could be better but what ever floats your boat.
Daniel Edwards
>Re-heated chicken as a sandwich with a glass of ice water. Maybe some potato chips.
Making me damn hungry
Isaiah Gutierrez
>only in the south
Hey now, just because I have to fend for my own against wild animals, doesn't mean I'm one of those low-down southern Hillbillies!
I prefer Western Mountain-Billy.
Friend, everything in like COULD be better, but its what I have on hand and that makes it a feast.
I also can't cook.
I'd share it if I could.
Juan Barnes
eastern mountain boys are better, desu Dad's side is from West Virginia, got them red necks
Liam Gutierrez
I typed 'desu' and it autocorrected to desu, apparently