/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

>Crews for GTA:O
Join a crew by clicking link below, then posting your SC name and crew you want to join in the thread.
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/pc_gtag (PC only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4 (PS4 only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gta_general_vg (all)
Other crews: pastebin.com/GtsCr3VL (embed)
>Steam Group - No heterosexuals allowed
>PS4 Community - GTAG VG Community (No heterosexuals allowed here either)
To join the community, search the community name in "Discover Communities" and leave a request.

>Thread archive

>GTA:O Unlocks by Rank
pastebin.com/bAr3Q5sT (embed)

>Helpful information for new players
pastebin.com/XEzpG0vB (embed)

>Lap time comparison for every fully upgraded GTA:O vehicle

>Graphics settings guides for GTA V

>Patch notes for 1.35
>Latest content added

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks for reminding me to make a new thread btw pcucksposter

Great opening of a thread.

Please stop posting about your platform. No one gives a fuck.
Please stop posting Puchis. No one gives a fuck.
Please stop posting about Higgus, Crime, QT, Null, Discord, or any circle jerk faggotry.

This shitposting is just annoying, and only a mentally deranged cunt could think it is good in any way.

Remember, we hate each other equally, and no one really matters.

posting in better thread

It's deader than usual

>Add some new leather jackets
>ruined by huge logos on the back

>Hating Jock Cranley
What are you a faggot?

I made a motion
What kind of magic is this

neccesary when lfm/lfg

please dox this guy and tell me he lives in the uk so i can sample his boipussy

i dont even notice these posts and the last i saw was him uninstalling 2 threads ago

I dont think ive seen crime ingame about 3 months

he only posts about himself

i havent seen null ingame for 2 months

no-one in the old discord posts even about it here.