>Camelot's heads up + Limited Gatcha [25-7~29-7] >fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php#20160722 Master Missions. Complete these for quartz fragments that you can combine to exchange for quartz. Level cap up to 130. New mats. Collect 10 of the new item 'Blank Saint Graph' to get a 5* of your choice. You get one of this every time you roll a 5* beyond your 5th copy. Gacha Servants: Ozymandias, 5* Rider: Single target super strong attack, NP seal (1 turn) and defense down (3 turn) . Nitocris, 4* Caster: Strong AoE attack inflicting instant death . Lancelot, 4* Saber: Arts card up (1 turn) and super strong attack to one target and increased damage (5 turns) . Hassan of Serenity, 3* Assassin: Apply poison to single target (5 turns) and chance to seal skills (1 turn) and chance to seal NP (1 turn) and chance to inflict instant death on a super strong attack. Fujiwara no Hidesato, 3* Archer: Apply super effective bonus against [Demon] (1 turn) and strong AoE attack. Gacha CEs: Origin Bullet: Invincibility pierce and +35% damage up against Casters. Fire Support: Damage plus 400 and critical strength 15% up. Battle of Camlann: 10% NP charge to entire team when the wielder is killed.
>News and Reminders - Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
I used KoH on the servers to make sure there is no extension
Henry Jenkins
I'm tired man give me some slack.
Nicholas Ortiz
One has big tits, the other loves the aforementioned partners big tits and gropes them in the card art and comments in myroom how she likes how they grew again.
Truly the best of both worlds
For a threesome I can get along with a girl with the same ambitions as myself, which are these tits.
Angel Williams
so if there is an extension we can all blame you for being worthless?
Nathan Moore
Liz-sama! Make this a Liz aroundight thread ONEGAI!
Easton Collins
So does the way the current gacha works mean you CANNOT roll any of the new servants besides the ones on the banner, or does it mean they won't be getting a rateup?
Nathan Carter
Would you grope her flat chest, though?
Dominic Ross
>tfw have kintoki so pretty much every zerker is useless to me I need to find a way to make her useful
Grayson Sanchez
Depends on whether they're story locks. We won't know until the update is done and we can go peek into the list of Servants available in the gacha.
Landon Jones
Kintoki can't clear hands
Cameron Ramirez
Aaron Barnes
The new Servants that don't have a rate-up right now will have theirs later as usual. They're all in the gacha.
Joseph Ross
Embrace the I Have Three Berserkers meme
Matthew Smith
I'm still not ready for my King.
Brayden Anderson
Sprite update where both sluts are playable
Jordan Ward
B-B-NP-Ex with a buff does the job
Aaron Parker
I think we would both just suck on the other one's chest for a few hours.
NP looks 10.0 tier. His stats are also better than Rama's. Let's wait for skills.
Grayson Bennett
Sup takeuchi. Who /ClearingCamelot/ today?
Adrian Turner
Drink with me, to CE gone by
Parker Nguyen
Michael Martinez
Ruler Martha will be just as slutty and useless
Jordan Brown
I will 10 roll for Ozzy and Nitocris. I will even accept Lancelot. Just give me a good result, gacha.
Thomas Myers
I got enough apples. I'm fucking doing it.
Eli Thomas
Oliver Martinez
Man the sails men, we'll be at Camelot in a few hours.
Good night
Bentley Bailey
>Not Berserker Martha/Martha Alter/5 Star Martha/A fucking update patch so she can use her fists in combat
Camden Moore
Ruler Martha would be the ultimate Tank of this game
Blake King
I'll try.
Lincoln Morris
About to buy a 'Used' Fate doujin, what should I expect
Christian Roberts
Now to wait for the chink datamine to see all of the new servants' skills
Luke Collins
this looks comfy as fuck
Camden Rivera
>I like myself more than than I like the one who BTFOs me every day Of course you do Gilcuck, after all nobody fucking likes you and you have been considered the worst cancer of all TM for years, and there is a goos reason for that.
>Gilcuck samefagging >projecting his past insecurities onto others Saber Lancelot won't need an interlude to become deceng like Gilcuck did. Even after buff he still can't clear hands lel.
Joshua Cox
>no Guardian Knight
Haha no
Logan Wood
Are you all prepared?
Henry Williams
It'll be okay. Unless it's private seller and not a shop it will be fine. Most used doujins I've bought have been in perfect condition. The ones that were not, usually have light damage or dings, or slightly turned down corners.
Shops who sell used books won't let stains pass through.