>What is Dead by Daylight? Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them
>Sounds like evolve It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.
Is Trapper supposed to be more Jason or Leatherface? Also, what if we got a head skin for him where he wears a survivor's face/their face stretched and pinned over his mask?
David Sanchez
Trapper is clearly Jason Billy is Leatherface
Wyatt Wright
can't play because I can't block out the sun
Justin Miller
Yeah but he wears a mask a la Leatherface. The mask has his formerly human name of course, but it's still a mask.
Christopher Rivera
Eh, I thought Trapper was more Michael Myers than Jason. Billy is 100% Leatherface, though.
Angel Fisher
Give source on the image, artist looks familiar.
Kevin Hall
This guy walks up to you in the Entity's world and traps your waifu's ass. What do you do?
Lincoln Davis
Crouch in the corner for 10 minutes and wait for an opening
William Garcia
Should I buy it anyway or is it 'fun with friends'?
My friends are too busy playing with spreadsheets.
Chase Long
It's fun to play solo too and definitely worth the price.
Jack Butler
This guy walks up to you in your corner and No One Escapes Death 3's your ass. What do you do?
Angel Jenkins
I honestly find it more fun to play with strangers than with friends.
You know your friends always have your back so there's a more chill attitude.
But fucking randoms though? You don't know what you're going to get. You can get an idiot who can't perform a skillcheck to save his life, a total bad ass that can juke the killer for days, or the risky Claudette who will take a hit just to make sure you're safe.
Chase Anderson
>juking >badass
Eli Thompson
>friends always have your back kek
Logan Williams
>implying running around like you have parkinson's in your entire body while you twerk your stupid twiggy ass and stare at the killer isn't badass
Isaac Price
Juking doesn't refer to hopping the same window over and over. It's stunning the killer with pallets just right, dodging attacks and then running around the killer so he loses sight of you, stuff like that.
I've never understood why people twitch around while running. It's not going to stop me from hitting you.
Brandon Robinson
An attempt to make you miss I guess, most high rank survivorbabbies do it. It can sometimes throw me off if I don't adjust the direction of my lunge and they'll strafe out of my camera. Also, I think it spreads scratches a little more erratically.
Chase Peterson
>TFW you kill some twitch streamers and you can't normally play Billie to save your life.
Connor Moore
Elijah Rogers
>Matched up against a Hillbilly >Almost never get hit by the chainsaw, only way I'll die is if he realises the chainsaw isn't going to work after five minutes of chasing and decides to use his hammer instead >Everyone else gets chainsawed within 10 seconds of encountering him, regardless of rank
I just don't get it.
Jeremiah Taylor
Tell me the story
Logan Martinez
no tell me instead
Parker Smith
Juking != Infijuking
You guys really need to get it through your skull
Fucking Infijukes doesn't even make sense. It's and endless vault in one building. There's no juking involved.
Parker Jenkins
>activate 3 gens >sabo 4 hooks >meanwhile dwights runnin around gettin slapchopped >about to rip the fucking gate open with my gorilla jake cock >run into dwight with the trapper on his tale >get slapped in the face a few times by the trapper >get thrown into the basement like an autistic child >dwight doesn't even open a gate and escape remove dwight when >mfw
Adrian Walker
You belong down there, Jake my boy.
Kayden Carter
atleast I can claim Meg and Claudette while Dwight gets shitter shattered by all three killers at the same time
Colton Roberts
Spin right round like a record, baby.
Dominic Gonzalez
Jaxon Ross
>implying they won't be running a train on them making you watch >implying wraith isn't into dudes >and that you ain't his type
It's time Jake, prep the Killer.
Owen Morales
How to use save posted in OP ? Will i get banned for it ? Where to Put the save file ;_; help
Aaron Perry
From now on it's a bannable behavior, so don't do it.
Logan Phillips
Alright ;_; im just fucking sick of my bloodweb not showing me NOED III
Gavin Wood
Benjamin Rogers
>implying anybody could possibly be into Meg See the first post.
Brody Adams
>2 Megs around the house >manage to get both down after they fuck each other over >2 Jakes start dicking around the house >get one >last one who has been using the infinite the whole game gets to trap door >starts t-bagging >grab him when he tries to jump in >we become frozen in place and can't do anything >game is now about who disconnects first
Why couldn't this game have been made by people who could actually code.
Thomas Diaz
Don't leave us hanging, user. Who disconnected first?
Levi Gray
>its still ongoing >has been 15 min by now
I got all day.
Liam Sanchez
What did he mean by this?
Ethan Cruz
Did you try changing the resolution in settings ? It seems to help for some reason
Jack Brown
>came back from smoke >still there >read this and change to ultra >can move again
Thank you kind user.
Owen Wright
Post game
Hunter Baker
I think it might help due to the killer hosting the session. It doesn't work for survivors.
Jonathan Jones
>tfw denying campers a pip by just ignoring them, smashing gens and leaving without waiting at the gate >tfw stepping it up and baiting them into whacking me, so I can also save their victims despite their camping
Campers are the worst shitters.
Nolan Long
What, and yet they'd be into shitskin girl? Meg is qtest.
Dominic Miller
unhooks should be faster
Jose Taylor
coat hooks should be faster faster in aborting so I wouldn't have been born into this fucking world
David Campbell
Mason Rogers
Nah, it's not that I hate my life, actually, it's that I hate the fact that I am the same species as the vegetative windowlicking spackers in QA that approved of this.
Chase Morgan
Why are common perks more rare than useless rare/very rare ones?
Jaxon Allen
What is some required watching for DbD? As someone new to the slasher genre, I just watched Halloween I and II for the first time. Should I go to Texas Chain Saw Massacre from here or to Friday the 13th?
Also, thoughts on the acid vat?
Jonathan Phillips
For some reason one of my best perks is supposedly common, the one that makes it harder for people to escape when you pick them up. Comes in handy way more than some other weird rare perk.
John Martinez
Is Shadowborn that useful?
Blake Kelly
Same here, I've still got common Iron Grasp, but a few rare and even one very rare perk.
I've read that it helps with spotting survivors more easily.
Easton Smith
How do you d/c without losing pips? Got the laggiest fucking Killer.
Ethan Russell
I'm low level some I'm rocking No One Escapes III or whatever and Iron Grasp
Leo Peterson
You're put in charge of designing a new killer for the new update.
What do you do?
Ryan Murphy
play my own game first
Charles Howard
prototype the concept of shapeshifting and mimicry.
Jacob Wilson
Make killer that fixes every bug in the game.
Luis Jones
>What do you do?
Have 522 hours played like Dave and still no idea what the actual problems with the game are, so a killer that is immune to the flashlight because it's OP while it is actually shit.
Ethan Powell
who the fuck thinks the flashlight is OP
Brandon Brown
The devs.
Henry Diaz
B-but developer-san, flashlight doesn't make killer drop survivor if he just swings his weapon when you blind him. And sometimes flashlight doesn't stun Wraith when he undingdongs.
Jackson Gonzalez
but infinite jukes are cool? ffs
Dominic Davis
teach me how to use the chainsaw
Zachary Rivera
Lincoln Roberts
>Billy tries to use his chainsaw as his main weapon >juke him for days >just tucking around obstacles >often inches away from a missed chainsaw >Billy still never just whacks me >finally get free, thanks to map already have stack of Obj points >start going on them gens, easily get 5K with just a couple >doors light up, one guy goes down >feeling fucking game, so I head on over >Billy's camping like mad >slip in and save the guy as he charges up his chainsaw >as soon as Billy sees it's me he autistically chases me across the whole map >chainsawing the whole way >get to an open gate, Billy posts himself outside it revving >finally hits me as I make a daring dash >doesn't pick me up, starts revving >chases two other survivors out, fucking wimps >then picks me up and hooks me >last survivor, the one I fucking saved is watching from the gate >then turns around and just leaves
Oh, you fucking full on faggot. The things I did for that team. Still got enough points for a pip though and my map was expendable.
Wyatt Young
you got too cocky
Asher Walker
why doesn't the killer just break the generators
Michael Evans
Tell me how I was supposed to cross that 5m of clear ground, then make the straight run to escape. I had no chance, that Billy just went full autism and suffered for it. All of us got a pip (especially dude who I saved, who would've lost one without me) whilst he only made 6K points.
James Ortiz
>got cucked by his team >calling the killer an autist okay.
Logan Edwards
I'm sorry Billy, but you could have made more points by going and downing that easier target, then chasing me. Maybe even made a pip, buddy.
Brayden Mitchell
When you put a survivor on a hook, do you typically wait and guard them, or do you leave and look for other survivors?
Blake Anderson
>guard You mean camp, you degenerate. Always leave them, obviously start just investigating the nearby gens so you have a chance of swinging back around and catching someone if they get saved, but you'll get more points, and it makes for a more fun game if you don't hook camp like a retard.
Robert Barnes
If it's some infinjuking shithead you camp them until they die. If you hear someone creeping around you pretend like you're leaving and come back soon after.
Christopher Reed
There's nothing to say really. At the end of the game with one generator left I was running from the wraith and he wouldn't get off my dick. During the chase I ran behind a box and found a Jake. I hid back there too and he chickened out and broke cover first so the wraith chased after him instead.
Justin Allen
if its an infinijuker, stand on their face BING BONG BING BING BONG BING/revving
otherwise, go to the furthest away generators immediately unless i see someone
Caleb Flores
Fucking same
Ryan Moore
TFW >3 of 4 are rank 20s 4th is rank 15 > Ehh should be easy ill just kill all of them as billy really quick >Kill 2 and now im chasing the high rank around infinijuke barn spot down his ass and leave him to find last guy >deerstalker3.jpg > halfway to the far genny >It pops > Infijucker gets back up cause of adren >charge back to where i left him because both doors are close >smack that bitch back down while he was healing himself >Youdontgettopipfaggot.jpg >hook his ass >rev chainsaw in his face and let the other guy leave Fuck Infinifags
Aaron Watson
Will devs add more killers to the game?
William Ross
Wyatt Ortiz
House of Wax map when? >wax survivors >wax killers >wax generators >wax hooks
Tyler Edwards
I want to rape Meg with my chainsaw!
Mason Evans
thats what you call it?
Joseph Myers
Jack Cruz
Matthew Lopez
Sebastian Lopez
I don't know
Elijah Evans
TrU3 is playing Billy now? Did he get tired of everyone breaking his shit?
Gavin Martin
how is that camping tho
Especially as wraith is feels more like setting a trap for other survivors
Adam Bell
If you can bait dumb survivors into the basement as Billy you will have at least 2 people hooked instead of 1.
Jace Ross
I have no idea why, but once I found three survivors in the basement for no reason, just fucking around. Got two of em next to each other on the hooks.
Luke Price
playing against hackers sure is fun
imagine not being the trapper and playing against a survivor that runs at the speed of sprint burst permanently and doesnt even have the sprint burst perk. also imagine that they abuse infinites
Grayson Morgan
>running from trapper >about to reach a pallet >teleport five feet to the left and smack into the barrier >turn right and run into the pallet >teleport five feet to the right and smack into the barrier >trapper downs me >teleport past the pallet
I'm about to start infinjuking just to know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a bullshit victory for the change.
Carson Johnson
quit the game then
Tyler Hughes
Unhooking this thread
Austin Bennett
what is the worst perk in the game
Jacob Walker
We were unhooked 2 times already, you can't do that again.