I love Magisa!
/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #424
So like a month ago I asked if I should save that guaranteed SR/SSR ticket from the pinboard missions for an event so that I had a chance of getting a limited character with it. Some douche acted like it was stupid to even think about saving a single ticket, and said there was no way I would get anything from it.
Well I finally just used it and got swimsuit Eugen, who will now be drenching me in his manly seed every night as I beg for more.
So basically fuck you random guy who laughed at my question.
Everyone loves You
Man I want to pull so bad
Whoever has (You) as their favorite Aquors is okay in my book
>making things up
Fuck off back to the GAF, Dedication Through Light.
Help this EOP out.
fuck you too nerd