What are the best paying jobs you can get with a computer science degree? Also was wondering if cyber security degree was a better choice I don't care for difficulty I'm just looking to make the most money I can out of a degree.
What are the best paying jobs you can get with a computer science degree...
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Hey OP I am also doing CS and was thinking about doing some security cert on the side for the chance of more opportunities. I hope you are not a pajeet that I am talking to.
Seeking answer to this question
Drop out of CS now. Computers are going nowhere.
Start over in anthropology.
There are going to be lots more digs because of the water level rising because global warming is melting the ice.
We aren't just going to leave the underwater cities, we are going to have to dig them out of the water.
Think about the future, not the now.
>the best job with a computer science degree
>the best
can you mix concrete well?
>the best
>the best
>the best
>the best
do this shit if you get away with it you can be a millionare
Calm down fattie
Wow, cool hobby man.
>cyber security degree
the fuck? cyber security is just a mild specialization.
>Computers are going nowhere.
they are going into the space bitch
and the new archeologists are going to need and use new technologies but they know jackshit about cs, so they will hire any cs major they can
Have you been to Burning Man?
If not, I suggest you go. It can teach you a lot about how we can survive and learn from love and not this soulless corporate world we have some how managed to dive in to.
Expand your mind.
Computer science is good enough, I finished Computer Networking and am working as in cyber security. If you constantly read about cyber security you can have enough knowledge to get a QA position with CS and work your way from there.
Also, the best paying job is software engineer, learning C++, C# or other similar languages, they're not payed the most, they're also valued as employees the most.
I'm learned Java right so I guess I'll do C++ after, I'm starting school in January so I was wondering if I was taking the right path. Thanks for your input.
Im learning java right now* is what I meant..
Are you serious bruh?
Stop! I am CS graduate. I know C, C++, C#, java, PHP, Matlab and ... but those are just tools, what's important is what you can do with them.
Only way to show what you can do with them is projects. My suggestion is to do as many projects in school as you can and write a few apps or mobile games.
I personally wish I had done dentistry. way way easier and don't have to think about new groundbreaking projects everyday!
fyi work as Software engineer is pretty boring, I've done it, it's fun the first few weeks of a new project but it'll get really boring
All I need is a few weeks, I planned on CS because programming and computers is what I've enjoyed majority of my life but I'll definitely be looking into more than just the norms. I was hoping to dive into stock market analysis and perhaps even start my own business.
I've done that too, it's pretty damn hard and requires computational power. A lot of it. If you're really keen about that take as many math modules as you can on stats and calculus. CS doesn't have much of that.
Also learn MATLAB for that. And buckle up for a pretty hard ride as market analysis projects are the most dangerous. pretty much you either make it or fall flat out, there is no middle ground.
Check out Quantopian if you want to learn a little more about this world. I believe their platform is based on Python.
High quality bait
>I personally wish I had done dentistry.
EE student here. Had the chance to do dent. Turned it down.
I bet you robots can dig faster and more effectively than you
May I redirect you too...
This fucking faggot is proposing financial suicide. Fucking hippies should have been exterminated back in the 90's
the feel is way too strong. I have a relative who got his PHD in CS, now he's goin to uni again to do dent
you'll never turn on a girl like that due face + hair + frame + height + bones law.
"cyber security" is a blanket term for A LOT of jobs. you can jump in from ee, ce, cs or it. i would choose ce (comp eng). then, focus on security courses to compliment from your concentration.
entry level, they all pay about the same. how far you can go and how much $$ you make will be on you from that point on, not your degree.