probably not going to happen again even though i want that. blizz-activision was probably pissed about lost preorder sales
Eli Phillips
Is it that bad? I think it'd be a great buff to N'Zoth decks.
Camden Edwards
why does that have rogue colors
Adrian Moore
Any chance of getting early game control to defuse the hyper aggro on the tier 1 aggro/zoo decks within this year?
I'd rather fucking lose against Warrior all day than go up against another unfair zoolock or see another fucking Mana Wyrm or Northshire....
Liam Barnes
>Al'akir is another annoying burst finisher
He is a weaker Grommash unless you give him a Cockbiter
Nathaniel Reyes
>northshire >mana wyrm >hyper aggro My sides
Robert Gutierrez
Is someone injured?
Leo Lewis
Or flametongue totem. And you will never play him without this burst potential in the deck, I know you shaman shitters.
Tyler Hill
>started season with 300 warrior wins >told myself I'd get gold warrior this month >put in 50 wins the first 3 days haven't played the rest of the month
Alexander Fisher
i believe in you
Justin Sullivan
I wish Ben buffs mage next set
Jayden Reed
fuck mages
and fuck you
Cooper Long
I'd fuck Jaina non-stop
Leo Robinson
>Liking Jaina Cuckmoore
Justin Perry
Woo, I got my first rage add! He was otk warrior and I played twilight guardian into twilight guardian into sunwalker into chillmaw into sunwalker.
Jonathan Morales
Hey, it's not her fault Warcraft plot is retarded and favors dindu orcs.
Adrian Cruz
why the fuck did that moron call you a dragon warrior when your clearly running a meme taunt deck? Fucking idiot.
Matthew Hall
It's the J4ckie dragonlock.
Grayson Mitchell
>He was otk warrior and I played twilight guardian into twilight guardian into sunwalker into chillmaw into sunwalker. Why didn't he concede after the third taunt? This guy is too dense.
Angel Hall
But Garrosh did nothing wrong by nuking Theramore
Nicholas Garcia
Should i play arena? I am bad as fuck in that shit.
Easton Richardson
t. Horde apologist
John Gomez
Literally this gif every fucking time.
Camden Ramirez
No, just forget about it. It's more luck and draft based than ever.
Grayson Evans
last three are bloodlust, SW champion and psychotron
bets ? ? ?
Parker Nelson
I read "How Jaina became a Shitlord" and expected a wholly different comic.
Jayden Johnson
10 wins thanks to 477
Adam Perez
But i want to get that free booster. But i never get classes i play and never know what cards to pick.
Carson Hill
>No gold. >No quests. >Sitting at Rank 5.
What do I do now?
Elijah Brown
Play other games. Or look at your collection of cards.
Owen Fisher
Tyler Diaz
Do something good in real life.
Blake Evans
If you play a card while you're drawing cards is it possible to prevent overdrawing?
Jeremiah Jenkins
LoE had Finley, Trogg, Brann, Keeper, Pillager, Entomb, everything else is safe to dust. What makes you think Karazhan won't flop?
Colton Thomas
Pls /hsg/, gimme a cheapish memey mage deck that I can win with real quick. >tfw mage dominance but no mage decks
Dominic Clark
>Karazhan New expansion soon?
Elijah Bell
>LoE had Finley, Trogg, Brann, Keeper, Pillager, Entomb, everything else is safe to dust. >Everything else is safe to dust The only card that you can dust without any issues from LoE is Naga Sea Witch. The other cards, no
Nathaniel Brown
Start playing duelyst brah
David Roberts
There are many decent cards like Ethereal Conjurer or Huge Toad
Jack Thompson
>Didn't list Reno - Savior of Control. Spotted the hyper face shitter.
Where have you been the past week?
Eli Ward
Jeweled Scarab, Reno Jackson, Dark Peddler, Mounted Raptor, Ethereal Conjurer, Unearthed Ratpor, Huge Toad, Raven Idol, Museum Curator, Elise Starseeker
>Reno - Savior of Control Didn't you mean killer of greedy controlcuck decks without burst?
Leo Russell
In germany. wow its nothing
Zachary Taylor
>flop If it's 4 wings with the same amount of cards LoE brought Karazhan will probably be a pretty good adventure.
Jackson Morris
Landon Watson
>Greedy controlcucks without burst >Let me just attack you with this 16/16 C'thun and Ragnaros balling you for 8 dmg
Matthew Cox
Rather savior of greedy warlocks and clutch for fun and interactive freeze mages
Charles Powell
Might as well play aggro, then. When I die and go to my own personal heaven, I'll play Hearthstone with zero spells allowed on face and general immunity while there is a minion on my board.
Animated Armor should be a constant vanilla effect on every minion. If you can't win the board, you shouldn't be allowed to hit the player.
James Ward
I've never made it above rank 19. Is that normal?
Brayden Hill
Why don't you play zoo?
Oliver Wright
Well if you are kinda new its not that bad. My best was 10 and i am now playing 2-3 months.
Parker Jenkins
What's a good current zoo-lock decklist?
Samuel Murphy
You are bad
Lincoln Lewis
i need to watch and learn xaoras#2598
Adam Turner
You can build it whatever you want. I prefer zoo with Brann.
Joseph Scott
I've been playing since almost beta.
Jack Price
daily reminder duelyst is better and this game is p2w
Dylan Watson
Added on Russia server
Jordan Moore
Seems like a case of scrub mentality and priest player
Thomas Edwards
The class I play most is mage, haven't touched priest
Connor Carter
>make cheapo face shaman deck >fun deck, Morgl is a cool guy I mean it brings me back to when I played face hunter, but fuck it, fun is fun
Should I buy more expert pax or get some wotg?
Alexander King
>memelyst >better than any game
Levi Reed
You should kys
Eli Johnson
Dueslyst is not really better but it's a nice distraction from HS when I've hit my gold cap
Dueslyst doesn't have all the things I like about HS, mostly just the WoW lore breh why
David Moore
Bypass cards wouldn't exist, either. No Polymorph, Entomb or Mind Control.
Luis Robinson
>Bitching about 10 mana hard removal.
Son, you're bad
Jason Hernandez
>Dueslyst doesn't have all the things I like about HS, mostly just the WoW lore That makes no sense.
John Thomas
On top of playing face shaman and huntard you enjoy WoW lore. You are retarded.
Carson Fisher
>tolerating bypass cards
Meme me all you want, but you're still cancer.
James Morales
Discover a deathrattle for what? A minion? Your hero?
Caleb Brown
>competitive hearthstone
but why? isn't that a joke?
Brody Hernandez
>A deathrattle for your hero.
Tyler Richardson
it's that time again ErikTheLarge on NA
Aiden Kelly
not any THIS game this game is the problem. you get 0 gold and lose to those that paid more or spent more time before you because of better cards. memelyst is better at strategy. if only blizzard matched you with people of the same level and rank not just rank itd be better.
Aaron Wright
whats your battlenet tag tho
Robert James
whenever i call of the wild with summoner stone out i get an anomalus why? isnt there ragnaroses and shit for 8 mana
Lincoln Gonzalez
>I'm bad and need consolation when losing
Nathaniel Fisher
Kek why are you mad?
Why not just play magic if you don't like WoW and get mad when people play classes you don't like?
Ryan Adams
I like memelyst because it lets me "tip" the loser 5 gold >when you pay your enemies, you win
Levi Jackson
#1325 whoops
Elijah Jones
I'm not mad, I amused by your stupidity bruh
Connor Sanchez
Post yfw the new adventure isn't Karazhan, instead it's some super cool OC like Medivh's Birthday Bash.
Kayden Kelly
>I pay jews to continue playing a game I dont even enjoy anymore aight
Asher Jones
Nope, leaks and all that.
Hunter Miller
>tfw it's Ben Brode retirement party
Angel Sanchez
im gonna post nothing i ll just quitly quit the game
Owen Long
>to continue playing a game I dont even enjoy anymore