Where will you move when you make it Veeky Forums
Where will you move when you make it Veeky Forums
Most of those people also have houses here in Colorado where I live.
don't try to pin them down.
I didn't move when I made it. I'll probably retire on Hawaii eventually though. Keep my house in CO. Fly back and forth a couple times a year.
Not sure actually. Probably downtown Chicago or something. I like the city better than NYC and it's where I grew up.
I love it here in D.C., so I could very well stay here.
Pretty much any secondary market would make me happy. Boston, Seattle, Austin, Chicago, etc etc.
Fuck NYC and SF, though.
i would rather kill myself than live in new york.
i live in Shit-Cago and I'd recommended reconsidering...
Hopefully I will move to another planet.
Ski in/out condo in Park City
My goal right now is to have a part-time remote tech job so I can spend 4-5 days out of the week skiing or biking
Denver, Miami, or LA
I probably won't. I like where I live and came here for retirement anyway
I would never live in a sewer rat infested city. I would buy a huge estate in Texas and a large cabin in Montana.
I will be immigrating to New York, getting an apartment in Tribeca and attempting to become a full US citizen.
Fuck this gay African shithole. No way I make it and stay here.
I would live in Tokyo with my kawai waifu, her name is ikirishu kin desu mushi-mushi
Probably back home in Newfoundland. The goal is having a modest lifestyle with a ton of children.
A nice cabin in the Alaskan countryside. I shudder at the thought of living in a noisy, smog infested, concrete jungle.
Can someone give me advice where I should move if I want:
> english speaking
> warm ( min. 15 C)
> low crime rates
> close to a big city
> not in the big city
> pref white > asian > latinos > black
> but asians > white rednecks/hillbillys
Town in south US seems to be my first choice, or somewhere near Singapore.
Australia for some reason doesn't allure me, I don't know why.
For your racial preferences the whole US south sounds like a no-go for you
Pacific Northwest fits most of those requirements. Seattle and Portland suburbs are great places
>wants to move to the south but he hates white rednecks, black people and wants low crime rates
Blew up like you thought i would. Call the crib, same number same hood. It's all good.
Nice, that ought to help with the issue of global overpopulation
Large contemporary home in the bay area (silicon valley to be more specific) which is where I'm going to be working out of (technology entrepreneur & investor here), something like pic related. I'd like it to have tons of acreage, large gardens and full privacy. Other than that I'd want a penthouse apartment in NYC and vacation villa somewhere along the mediterranean.
nigga, somewhere NEAR Singapore? anywhere near Singapore that isn't Singapore will result in you being chopped into a million pieces by jungle muslims
canadian cities fit that quite well. I live in Belfast which fits your criteria well but it is not warm, though it is extremely white so it is all good.
Orange county, ca
BC, particularly Victoria.
Hawaii, Norcal, West coast Mexico, Switzerland.
Just a few options.
Move to a more remote part of Colorado so I don't have to put up with all the Californians, Texans, and New Yorker trash that keep moving here and shitting up the place.
Upstate New York, maybe around the finger lakes or more east near Cobleskill. I want a whole bunch of land to do whatever the fuck I want with.
>Where will you move when you make it Veeky Forums
Remote Europoor Castle far away from all cancer but with military grade gigabit satellite internet connection.
Montana to sit on my fat fucking stacks away from everyone and just drink coffee and read all day with my Christian wife and our two children.
If "make it" means "retired millionaire" I will probably move to Japan, assuming the bottom hasn't fallen out of their economy. Maybe Eastern Europe if the standard of living has improved.