League of Legends General - /lolg/

Brain Weasels edition


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1st for yordle of ALL TEAM ganks

I wasn't lying

It just looks similar compared to the rest of the helmets. Knowing Riot they like to tease/disappoint.
I really want to argue this, but from Riot gave us on his release Riven is the only likely culprit that wouldn't be him.
>its LCS material unfun trash that 80% of LoL players wont understand because it was already made for one of the most complicated roles in the game(see:Rek'sai)
God dammit that's funny.


>Kled is Texan

>instead of doing some unique dance or athletic feat like a somersault theyre just doing le epic anime idol poses and >_< \/

nah ill cringe instead

xth for other best yordle

hextech annie is worth fuck all mate
It'll get you what? $10 maybe $20 from a desperate annie otp



So does Kled only has a knockback when he's unmounted? Seems pretty sketchy in terms of reliability. Will probably still play him just for the ult though, sounds like he'll snowball around the earth if you give him a 20 cs lead.

>No mana


>that much damage, mobility, and tankiness
get your brain checked for signs of SERIOUS brain damage

he'll have shit winrates at first then will get buffed and become cancer around world

"We're all Shurimans now"

2 (two) healthbars
stupid engage

cancer, but balanceable

is gnar the biggest cuck champion

>le 3 shot magic damage passive then bounce away xd

>played dota for years
>get into lol
>start playing ranked
>mentally challenged people 24/7
>"maybe if i get to higher elo things will change"
>mid-diamond now
>things still the same
anons will this ever stop?

Best girl.
Best scent.
Best wife.

how much does a d5 account with a decent amount of skins and oldies like championship riven and ghost twisted fate go for
(all champs, runes, etc unlocked obviously)

>no mana
>% max health meme on 2 abilities
>2 healthbars
It's terminal

>rito makes a lolsorandum champ which appeals to a wide fanbase
>is unarguably cancerous, overtuned and strong on release despite bugs
Kled is the Jinx of yordles


It stops when you quit or get perma banned.


>Kled is the Jinx of yordles
Kled ain't sexy, though.

is sona still freelo after that hotfix?


He's just crazy.
Like generic country bumpkin crazy.
Don't know why you guys want characters to be mentally stable hero and villians all the times.
Sounds pretty boring to me

>people complaining aleady about Kled
>wont give a fuck and play his squidbilly yordle ass anyway

>Jungle is already one of the hardest roles to master and theres no staple champ that eases players into it
>hey lets make a completely snowball reliant champion for the jungle and give her WORDS WORDS WORDS passives and a hard to use ultimate
>hmm shes 100% pick ban at challenger elo and LCS but casual players arent enjoying her I just dont understand where we went wrong :/

nah Rek'Sai and Kindred were mistakes.
Azir/old Ryze levels of unpickable for newcomers and completely busted at high level play

Hopefully CerT Warwick remake hits home and creates a easy to grasp and fun jungler

How do I play Illaoi past lane phase?


>literally has a line about eating tacos
Jinx is "just crazy" too

At the end of the day you're the one with autism so whatever dude cringe at what you want.


eventually the fight will come to you

>Hopefully CerT Warwick remake hits home and creates a easy to grasp and fun jungler

You are too optomistic

u don't
ask someone to give you speedboosts or lock them so you can actually do something, press E on people every now and then

Neither is Jinx ;^)

>past lane phase
You don't
You split top and make them bring 30 people to kill you or lose towers

> I just hope my build was okay, though
Everything checks except for Rylai's, that's a pretty useless item on her. Get Luden's next time. Also if you're taking Akali top, ALWAYS go Tankali unless your jungler is tanking instead. Normal Akali is a pretty lousy split pusher and an even worse teamfighter.

/lolg/ on Kled:

1 day after release
>he shit omg underwhelming hot garbage 40% winrate
2 weeks after release
>hey guys I think I'm getting him to work
>lol silver scrub stfu
4 weeks after release
>there Kled buffs won't be enough
8 weeks after release
10 weeks after release
>turbocancer please delete I hate this shit
12 weeks
>finally, nerfs
14 weeks after release
>more nerfs lol
16 weeks
>he got olaf'd, rip Kled.
20 weeks after release
>he's still ok actually

Go to their top jungle and wait till they clump up as 5 and press R

Need a smurf yasuo main nickname

Wait is my man ww being reworked by CertainlyT of all people?

Good stuff, I enjoy his champs and could use some freelo :^)

i love furry champions


Bets? Impressively bad teamcomp


hope their team is retarded and ult, it will work most of the time

>Champion is yet again a mishmash of other champs

>>Jungle is already one of the hardest roles to master a

>lolg is one person


>5 champions whos total hp bar is less than a lategame sion
you literally already lost


No user, you mean hillbilly

>implying all bigtime players aren't autists
Where do you think you are, user?

>rek'sai was a mistake
Kill yourself my man.

>tfw no special taunt for Vlad

Kled cmon man insult his masculinity or something

>mfw Yorick's rework gets canned


what the fuck
someone get her away from animals
jesus christ is that fucked

>summer heat gets to me
>drop 3 divisions
>cool off
>climb 4 divisions, best ive ever played
>currently 16-4 of the past 20
>it just keeps going
what'd I do


maybe she has a snek and needs to feed him somehow


Requesting the full funsucker copypasta

Jinx is the best adc though so it doesn't matter.


Keep your cool.

Teemo is the best husbando!

Im tired of losing because my retarded teammate in this shitty matchmaking system.

What are the best picks for each fucking lane?


I wanna fuck Gnar.

no Kled is just D A M A G E D


Literal job is to baby sit all 3 lanes including your own jungle and keep vision up 24/7 .
>people expect nothing less than near omnipresence
>can singlehandedly win or lose a game early game depending on how you play in reaction to opposite jungler

rioters themselves agree
some Rioter said he wanted Rek'sai to be more on the kill stuff side of things and is sad she became a knock-up machine that few people enjoy.

_ ____ ____ ____ _____!

top: akali
mid: akali
jungle: akali
adc and support: NA

akali is the easiest champ in the game, if you cant get fed on her just uninstall

>What are the best picks for each fucking lane?

I told you it would be manaless


Why are you posting this in every thread?
Like, literally every thread on every board?

Git gud, the shitter ascendent
is top tier in mid and top

toplane: yorick
midlane: teemo
jungle: karthus
adc: yasuo
support: teemo

I gotta be honest once in a while. Kled is fucking stupid.

His bear trap is stupid. It's a hook that goes through minions and as far as i'm concerned, doesn't synergize with the rest of the kit in the slightest.

His shotgun blast is just a small, slightly shittier graves ult

His w is going to be annoying as shit, mostly because of the renekton effect of going in, dealing your damage, and going out while the enemy sucks your dick.

His e is just renekton e, almost no difference.

His r is a better sion+sivir ult, and as a sion main, i feel fucking cheated. Also it looks dumb as hell.

This character lacks intelligent design, creativity, and any kind of heart that was in some of the previous champion designs. It is not unique, and not exciting. It's a pile of shit.


>That girl's got some meat on her
Kled appreciates the thicc

I repeat

That rolls a Zero (0) in this thread must drop whatever champions they currently enjoy and become a Kled main for the rest of their natural life.

Top Velkoz
Mid Velkoz
Support Velkoz
Jungle Velkoz
ADC: Jhin

I love Lissandra ! she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!
Well he's not wrong

>Well he's not wrong
Fuck off, you troglodyte.

>some Rioter said he wanted Rek'sai to be more on the kill stuff side of things and is sad she became a knock-up machine that few people enjoy.
I enjoy control junglers not carry junglers so rek'sai is one of my favorite champions in the game because of how much I can contribute. If you don't enjoy rek'sai and instead enjoy lee sin that's cool but not every jungle needs to be some cancer piece of shit because some people like me like her the way she is.

fuck you I'm doing it anyway

>Kled making noxian Champion mains upset



I repeat, ANYONE who rolls dubs (doubles) in this thread must suck this guys dick. Triples let him and his dragon dildo spirtroast you.

Rek'Sai is more cancerous than Lee is though.

does anyone have that picture of miss fortune where she looks super cute and happy and is wearing cute translucent black stockings on her beautiful feet and toes and she is looking at you and is very cute and very happy?

Guess it's not bad to give it a try.

Thats another thing theyre aware off

They know that no matter how clunky, confusing or shitty a champion is there will ALWAYS be some person who attaches themselves to thier kit and loves them

this doesnt deter them from updating and reworking them though

count your days my friend for she will be a shell of her formerself come this time next year. If Azir isnt safe no one is.